from. Buildal r BUIL~IL ý--Armstrong FloorrTue Place 'n' Press solarian - No Wax 12" x 12"1 ties - soit adhesive 12"1 x 12" tiles - self adhOe .42 ,99 tule Quality Carpeting Indoor Oxite An economicai carpet for be,,oams, tam iy roomn, rec room or den. Easy ta instali - jusf rail it out and cultot fit wif h scissors. Rubber backed - 12' widths. Gold and 6 Brown only2 sq. yd. Level Loop ~Made of 100% nylon fibre and a foamn >"backing for extra sotfness undertoot. Just rail if ouf and cut fa fit vwifh scissors. 12' widfhs. rom stock.4 sq. yd. Tired of cleaning up the dtrt and water spots tram your carpeting and tlooring?ý Here s the perfect floar saver. Just roll ouf thîs vinyl runner on yaur carpel. Stays in place with hundreds of iny vinyl prangs and helps keep yaur rugs and floors cdean. ,49ft. ou rreg. .69 !e in clear and gold. Cash & Carry ý~Intor Pne Shutters, Maveaýbeleouvred pine shtters ta contrai the level of ight and add a fin- ishing tauch ta any raam, Available in a variefy of sizes ta fit your needs. 100/ooff i Prices start as Iow as 2.39 for Choose f rom the following patterns to complete your suspended celîng. Polar 80Limestone panel 2 nel~ Artic 2?pge Serentone 3page White enamel f raming components Iock together quickly and secu rely for a fast, easy and professional Iooking job. 12' main tee 12' walI angle 219 our reg. 2.88 each our reg. 1.88 2' x4' Sonoflex Iay in Panels 69 Pebbled, each EtchedOur reg, 3.49 2' cross tee M 323ach 4' crosse 4 each our reg. .90 2' x 4' Transuscent Iay in Panels Clear, ~each White u2 9 39% i k F Availabl W:'IUPaPer SAVE 200/ on ailspecial order wallpaper