Migt n JvnieWEEKL1Y- TffUES,2 VoL9~ No.~510 R NO OT. THULRSDAY, dM%417th, 1i146 persr~to $1a 110îloge ad JveleHoc,,key Cl,'ames, Orono Rink, Jan. 18,7phI Formier Orono Girl Gives 10~ rono) Ç hmber 0f Lessons On Nutrition Colm erce Eleet Officera Fit ofkh hadteb cond"s îpu jer(h apo W~.J et The antntual meeting o h r in am4hg~h sci nForea M anftniC'ae of Commerce was helào entaio, ai e&lun~ ourse if n, Moinday eveing ls vWW1tea mn- rnrition Mat prvi a n orrffe (oIr! UIoWSii 11.~ç ~ .'e first Woilmnii Christa Ton- bers bin~g presen The niue of- hoiV ilnoal for rurai sliudoe ts tra- peraep Cion mee4ig of de n- Ce 4ast annua miee1 wvre read Friday last at-t4e t slehOO on. C.Tedyw4e ett8 o~e Ms IL Fotr soa rr, wa at~ Prin etoq Ont. The experhnent, to nTuso wae il Mc n e pus pu viNth e et, Mr .NWIA pe t l caluinn tde gie7.ýe a4ilna-a !)Vhedte body of nr-nyear es ofthle 0utarro Iepartmnt of ag~d A-ri heïl ghpihe f3Uf .~ag~V- culture, peau iErt ottenio cd- du t-r. of ru. and jIrc Porc y~~~~f& ~ -t6~2 hr ma Princeton bme u t s I theleal- od-o gave the bibl readng an nccomtt of~ $cD whic 'nay tac, aÀid a fou d'ation for tde "owWcl bo.soi'Re-penit and be Con-'1 eol bral unY~id uown experimet~ Irig =cees:iut yhan- T'hn te gid I d ge-ne do-n veVdý. Thsw f1etd,~ ed)t nieais fo - e mnsle the cm ki with a 'five-y ar-nlireay- -. wma îbyM ,ré! fowe the dernt sVo-pped in Vo- nte shiortly a Ao- nnn crusdin ansere ha thed-Tersjmo M,, R. E, Lna n tealitho ~tadii n~6linxs » e rytc~d iy heJ. es y. oh jro-sient anuonrced that Dienno- .as appdie cdiahirmam Ïo the o-ko- preparing' a nwal, lbxng if de lie fe i n,,f oir eoek a-s ehe was -. 4y ied -f eî whitrg~ofoier ~' eut- ~f 1 evoing tue.~ quality an ben2fCing Ung on. Sle bank -and lwas carried - - V esa ofle nsnie eac S.ny Ss f- ï' quan.tity bnyiig. a*ý y ei lcren,-Te1'eboTleieaao f'eao-t-<RR.Wdy Th succes of the Pinýetîn e- -a Vohshneadgeear he Vreasuro-rT ine gig her reoÛrt e e-Sa. Ey. jmerit r,1may ne V1li p tcra lai and a 'earclï was stoe. - OIN AT BIG BEIN 1FtOI Sa. TILOMAS'S H -Is cédVbat 700U temperance? blotrers Sha-,~N&~n. - - -t d«w fr U nt ~ oeh1$Provhiin ionstaeJ. R.L ha - d' been purcliased and sont out tcV Yf a sinMdir ohme. At Prineortoi 22 and Cief GonsVal SydV6to; - Puti-nus -et Si. Thomas's Ilosptai are- aebin wtw ne difipet sclioos of the ditrc Tros _- , IL. Frue,~ WtdeWt a-re r-ee evwey day Bownmnville, ortkd1lie o-eaoi lie onth blo-ny overlooking W iThames oad Ned * Touse c f pai4. anc to Bo m-anville schodà. Tic (C Tanln -R. E, Logan, Lo-- "Teeso hot re ar'e pecessaly and counimn ied -sidonts of -e N1. Ment. C.T-ilradR .Fretr foýýr the students vo-i fa 'S' lag -ah ohÉed al(d A "w:PO s onE eaili at St -icna' -lsia ~ ofr ohnk andg nllseor atiro - h 'd coltr -C. T. MVilflo andi R&;foRr. R G. Noaprinmipul, 'aid. -We haeclr aes cw in Ded~ cora- or en'b tnihe Pvi~ across Étic~ R- àiesa e,élh and -e t-ins, and tlie Fruhbd ïo-iI - - suel~neius yakicpi so-ven Vilînig PoW le m thY~e c-reok liank ' -- Fluwe- tibion sewe tary - totod- Th e- ofiesMr-okv niies. 7'lieo is quiVn a Vthe eS"tl'cl--e clo-atéd tihe- 10e. and -sending fruit to h 'uo hw fle-n fe 6k<Y lbong' hk-ý thea cr-ee îlind: -t« il eo ý their no-w. Offices ; and the mueotinig ntr ~ni-t TIr gm ~ -a ae ho-ath oumes th Vieffrsl-s s and . Id ltUewood pot-n into wýays ton. - Mss.o Tearps liei'e to-a- bull wmo-s A u ,, ýso n&rLols f h itei'-ls'-ý,y výa -<ovMi ile when Wur ali)tqd tu intervewem th our- bnjnuniy t_ VleWj1 ;i' thie -piiéerrt !y Jack à1Vo_,Nb aouot 100 foot df 10I11ors fith~ l'or!- Hop ha t at a o-o-kée PTort chers of Oroniu: Cotrio chs - i ad- o-ai nt of agruu1tù-t6ý A- pnreetI10Vo-w fori Fntreamn frtisn aesfirera eprtd- boyis jiuo-r --d (I 111-,til nlg rgord ù,- huing an thner tein petn ii'ee If wntt dehd acar o iinedaysiiien~o-~he;idVo e aeri in, CG roner G,. rilt sain il aisclierefore tomPoit -rode pos' r c o ts Tich renrander cf hoce be-oif ~ poins. M stcft1en reritrily Aud c E:nýdIo1 L- ýucf 'fl r!jkIokyW s crneyed gli but -e n o-ring; theo spee of the castti a kenup -wit a long ic-.s b oit o nfro-tic nt ntw us. prefty fair cooksk.a7 No Roy Wu V! Aus<Vi wo~fuld i oi-qe., 1aon ô» lo on, Monlda eenffng o- -gaie wcre ver fow peuaIte. scû Azéon the-battus cf tli uo Ibm dur fe Mat -ta-d l yb fanr i til -- A I ýoug1-t tihe ice iri- -lVie Nà- perh i c ro-o sýo-ed -n tt-- oliy l it-rm. of011 théiienest o~ UC-WeJ --r~-6--------rcjiigi, iV %nu very fast. The loe boa goals te Poart ITcopeu fouto-jp~arriig A~ -ap, of nu aisfanais, lof ain t w ooe Insairb 4r.gl tIr arndet2. W. aw, 1 as osuI,~ di 1 e Vptory fo-st hoct ey final o-oný 1 ~a 6o in favoir o-f 1o nd ar-fiche was taken fro tis leo-e omwee tb lanitte M..Né.ram F K -na vuwiiuu The So~urce in lioth cotuests. IV- do-es o-ne ptrou fil Oromo Jivenies. evok's Uiteodi Charch Qhsev --ami "purue w ia ld l - shwr epi- a thle reaiaîon.ý tli d conital IftOd LAL c-toe a pundi o-f bioys froni a s-mail -1 rendnt th e ii byMHrs. jacceoL -p.-e 1le ea4 led, (,ue prs o - Ma-ts id p e-ek- - U Iffle lu J ctuerg en tre as o u-ru ex ten.d the p ulk oh nf c i e a i l s a d w e c n t k lM t K ý " T h gn ro s ail d i u e s a t lut m ao k 1 u g p u d o n r g s a n d p u t t ia g t e < h cke y t l n r m -g r c é p u à o u r hl a ï o t a é - a s e i n i g r dr ect- f T a e- a e - d e i v d f l i rn j uso - p i a n i n g . 1 V hie on. to NE didn'it iito-'cr~e&wi Uraniiimi -the hase- ci the atornic -Mh anin haldiryNe bas areoruo-in ao cosedretnlV clu -ma-s do-o-i ou soec.i a poo à~ TIue -t clas dules wero o-o '(, ýb, ia -a Aa-v o-Ioienz of cuniplex loa -o-U boys havo- e-very ro-hf of-t t'Oe ex-e ltrirtay o- Caad a n riecenS , çiirc- ted iercests mo-n th me PenalteQs foo-n ey:â r ypliheir o-éld- not ese-V ,Lk W- h bail 'Spera 'atnsro str e. hi an uranium ed r c ai-a2,CrnnCxrll a rugoh-t u o attentio t o- gr NO fouoo H i ie.tre*- - iope- lrtir, Ashby -and Lichenn î -d a-t-en u f i n li Mie- p o as n oudi iscuu n ----- ~ enahave sixceeoiied~-h 1om hr-i a MIflGET GAME -va reoetto *oI do to ïtor sne-a r - -agmal o----t- 0 eniir'Vi . on, Portflpe 4; Qtmo2 TOWlVN LEAGUE FRPOWED aInd m-10 pimeo- hii ths feld ei- vol ovjn o-osto-- fwork1- 75 ce -s !;l - n 'ia denvo an whase pxtui , la bpe Tt wa too- Vo-a-a &Y-t liothe-ot eh- for o- jioihyhocn ufc boy fond-d 54) Onono fo aee -fowr I-a-o-oo.l pe-ViérI0 tn o sportis to-P - j' - n eie fits ysaied 4Mtiuu Néo- son-d ahm neiY hiren. to-n-o- ine -r theugou th, -plo-ati*ound pwt wýupéu cf _ Zuýst bra op iothVi the local rik and the- boys.D a ro-kc -o by MupI-e- Voais, "Tis t dvereet o f praise -a-ndil WeyLs -cq . cets 1 - o- a î sno - el n Cdo - eor. a litte lesa for -ahîe ean R.rumns and Caaad-ians. -Ross Carleton Týrel ean Vo-uicl 0.aa a-e~ tr Tho, 'kitée - r i-par Vof1hnou cfogy Wost -openoi. tho- sooiiig Voe-mardis tho ami 'Murray Patt-ron- -iiUcaclr lie Our kumle- or pamuspeý o-sýte Tforr b:'. iiê -roýýrl whero- les. n o-li Wle- i~ Tbini ccut 'a cru e oito- in mcil oof the pericl for Vire fuit Haple Lo-afs; Bil 9RutlÉe-rfolrd amiýn Owuy air T oi- an,ý J.ourfanr' un asteakli as boo- ýni a inia ,o, -or o-aierais, tire arc Vs coiun n counitor of the o-aio-. Dean aio jîi Cnran Gcrnïsli tIe- -Bruine ua-i Carl O .nectod P s1 o-r ame we ruav a-doa il 'n hero -- Pnno- han a-$15 Wf- p-ma Y,ê hïo-r-rg ri-unite, anW O-xie cf uon i; thhoncior -of lie first penalty -f«th - b 4 'o- and Je WesttlMe {anad; ,wasovri t oe eadbjng tat-ýtfIo tw '-o-hc) ro- forini in erys-tas or hi a "me. o rt h -e- cae»o - c xvti a - uwo te--arn o re ade o-p te f)f,,r de- Dh-o-ý evcning-ý iia o-f ------------vitir 1phk-,psain ee on d-erk pVVrheso-Ia called i'Wmi2 at b, Pry gW& The eid ended al eriGlslW-01, otil pr n nERr an _ew one~' a edl e&P n - he potoý--SV-to tr- h d-oia- 1b Vdn e A fo-m ers l a vo- Is VIILï mi-t ic !ea --g - ta 0.9 « 5oJ t~ , roa-~ sra w-o os~po 'buta, ?raialNoa d t -o-t the fundi b- egei1ti te- o-to-r Willo-rfn-rce, Boo- seoodso-b-i -n Bi'um Yi - 1 --uýq j_ lrVti Curc Observe con ""ho cay lie b-red o-git 4a vo-st cftlir chea onre of~ is Ontariro, ano~id large qmmabtiie of piVo- ver cagey dale ei lylbtLnh etstinotly tint ire are., - niatiai ~1lndo- have ho-en nilned no-ar Groat vot o-n-e- iociko-yîýL hom- nyei utbirhr¶L-" t-ný_ts-r~L- am i toi r di n ' long b e0f o r or t- ',4Hop e - al ad iait T- Mro-a e t, R a ,-i 1 1 - ~ It s il -inr p - - - în'Fhe studenhi a, Princeon> ranrg: Bar Lake. The BooinCongo lias 'Leas t lon o-for-ii IP-o.tt to n.- es,-~a~rp -±-~i$4tt on - the i 1 a 1 yeao-adte a reo- n-o-u t u So-xonthe i e sa ; lIs, b ind g Mile tO Pono boys in a ll, TenarV - u g ý,,- I, ýn o é i r F r 1 mtter m ,i th ek ?hP ' tts i Vs p-otiýd.- Port Frieo- onais - m-.e- e- - -pc oo pi rle d~o l-b-1w> h tboys cout- iit, nnn Fin spaolura cfsci» by Stocka Vîand Jegrhiesc Bill r urtgane~i o-iisdoVlV -t-~ro ~-y- -n orwa cVieus intlaes oferddami- nlyoraiV<uia- Tuesday, Jauiina-t-y 22nud, ooi Fe ras, 0Ht P orn u . ) t i h p e it k T h p a- eie-nod B u i s ,O n t h' a e s i n e t e < i -n i - y luo gtet o Gi Im-~ua-y- e- seni lu the Royal Otri-mthîe s-ee -ho-bg -in favor- o-f -a~n U W-n Ytro -s'oo .,a à iul 4 fo-Unt - a-i ko-y, as i- trtf t her -- il h o aIS girls, exhU , ,> y - Y -n - ---ned M -ao- Dno-red by Kay idii i andl las-t per4-àd - Lna- Wo- ,t ORONO MIDG-ETS ANLi JUVEI UsEtmeigV 9nId ,Ën odciad TirVo- ~o1! eliai treGaisbioýw7 byl h lymn"i D7. i- caedi hie second oa-ln- 01 te gaine. IL-ES DEFEA-'T T INITY gQLxAE 1red- bis Sf Ie nhitreh- de-yi Chirirn C.s loy -M lso a pn -R-" bVr Pr bp ol-oetrlof- O .~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1,Wo-yc i h in.U,. ip olgutr e 1 vdnesday o- o-int last OIo attend Vire yon~ peoiii-s iUnl i 1 oeil Vhnen k,, i - . Tr ns -iebckwt u- o-. tWo ly-a- o- théi Fir lful- '\V J. Ri -Mo-li ;i o-ire - - «t rono if-' di uulli -ie cf - buun ro-adînAz e-e g-i_ -by Votu o-io- Utme-pra 4 -te Bi Imm s d1 wg& and~ kwnyo s enscVertm-lddote1-iWJ rdX- thseyno IpeJ a ae a >iï- Eutoy ntT Gotlini is- 'l oo- ilh- onn jona tm tdTf-nu oeýLînV -Tra-lenyfr hro XIthy~a uni0 1ir e loxn o-l pros- o-l nndt OoniJ Mi ustlFii -ih Pro er aIy c, Ce Qdo- e-cou-afr un-paa n ri -ta t -$ifOa f -o--o-