ORONO WEEKLY TIIFE$STHLURSDAY, JAN1JRY 17, »4 lsrMrs. Nol anl AlUn aiid ~Ano- J tr1Wfg î ib fo 1-,:Is CLARÇ~U~LUI 1 ion wie tl ui nd iIICaiNew hae tocn \ aper the Oro'no Times, rE-4R JES W NT 1 Ur, Dusor. ~. Pere-y Loit sitd lieiwus d'eep1ly Severi,, are U sy n~ thisû ýce"'o Bob {}oooer aqpest a few 4)ys in l4ýleeC uiponi ridin of the tethofj 10J111BYCP R OWN E cuitting thel.r snuIy 1 s Dwe e i URHA1.ý LQODGE A.F. & 1 1o6 ~twe.Aa x ei ~p coi-ýng year. VISIT ORONO LODGE _Ms dl fTrith fe late M1 okovrth ia . Mr. KEýnneth Frsc ,,iss-, wd iotn th Joot - mxto vrh IPVf~1 J T IlD\Xr kis no erMrs..Dan ~A very piýat vnngwssel1t 1spcrît the cweeIç endi vi-- il vin iher dershrp of~ th 0l'ono Citizes Ban 1 ~Y Ei rweek~end. on Thursday evening of last wýek paetM.atiMs .E M rto n ' the late Albert Leigl 1 was a iO ~ L~iN~E r. ~~ r e rs~~ o n ~ ~ . a t th e i a n c T e r eî p le , w h e n th e O fa c-C « e , « h C A F t P x il a t h ~ A d t a t d b h ~ a ~ ~ igmachine. We exlaect~ î1ie wm r ni enbon fDrhmL, Rotýelifte, spent over the week-end Sna éolOeeta1Na ni. ie ready fori edatewr o r s-tors. Ate , iudy$ o rex~r Ail poles pIçoduced in accordzance with bu!.ýs h-ý .tihe business %vas ýasate h wîh is -wife ani-i famiiily. vvithI the rest of ,Andy's friciids lt -- 0,1r. andiMs Fred BlaekÀoalr Ml' Nowca'ste oficers tok the chairs anti Jack Buekiey. of the 'RC.A.F. ai, fe-el his loss keenffrd ni ny symupatfiy H.E.P.C. Specifications, 30 feet and long- Henry Swýaneott, iVIr. and _Mrs. Ken- gave the work in lie first degree on Trenton, rehevs hadiadharge a, î s extendati to his family. e 6 n "tpadQe'4a cet neth huali visited eat Mr. and Mrs. a~ loùal candidate. The reniainîder of Toroneto on Friday «fthies rweek ___6__and___tops,_ad_____________ .pt Bildev nerey Fog ývi«s 5;tej~jh~bnq able prIices p--rioi, to- Octoher 31 196, wiIl Mv.~~~~~ Bere ogvsed w'.th his hall1 whea the' re!freshieat comîntteeý Mr . on ri tn fTr e iel omsi ya-renlts, _Mr. ani Mrs. George Fogg. «f the local loig-e serveti a susnptuolis spent a ýfew days visiting wjthi his bepurce1ased by the CnIisi 21r. ant Ms-s. Alvin I}owsou anti banquet to about sixty breýthren. ms>otler, Mns. Bruton. . 1 i. -~ ________J. . 14 ellor gave the toatst to Graid The gis enjoyeti a hockey prac- JpeifLc..<wi( and pices will b.e .drni&sh- SLotige, whieb was albly respondeti t, tice et thse 1oea! arena on Tuesday Ofl onrqet AppIy to: THE INDIYSTRY OF . HE by W. F. Rickard; Wilfved Hlawket 'mnig Y A FUTrURE lpr(lposed the toast, to the vi-s'tors an evrigR U . E. Chase, P... Bov; aanvi11e 1was, reslponded toby Russell Osrborne, Mrs. Dorla Ilooey hais acceipted a -bile Rev. lSniîth, of Newton 111le, posýition w-ith thse Orono Telephone TH A Rc FURç r R I G a1,ve the toast to the cee.ndida e.- Mr. C2osîpaniY as ope-rator at Central. B W AN 1L Jaksn as a so caiUed tsponl for' M N I L ' i!1ýliýi ý!;i;1lgi!li:l: F x a few words. Mr. Ouelette, of M111 The sons of Englanld hld a very M ink and F xPhone 589 brook 'vus the pianist for the oce- ýuccessful card party lIn their hall onEK~ IE MUTATIONS Sion, Pla&itng foi c' i11nity siniging -miny evelirg îast. TA NM T hoose OF And8e ur Byari- Rn Tm andl aiso playing pialie solos whieL _r. Ronlal Pat e-sson, Toronto, ____________________ chos "M ri"An eSr Ba Fi eRnhTe ere greatl Qy -enjy by ai rsn penit over tie we ,vnt ith fricends o~Wl o OIL ono.E FURJAR Fis. - Jgour CodJudgenlient il ell o WILOW REK FJREAR Au~tt~~ ~tiMs-ev sseMv and ar "CONPLICT" Tsait choine, «f a faneraI dis-ecter asculd be deeffled by cosmpIeteness I. R.K O ted«h t0,)oPen4 ldflrlSitf service suï>plied, thse experience n d abilityl ùf the organizition. - C. R. KNOX ~Attendi ell orbîdhende tOon eror n asiy ouhsaa The Super Mystery Thriller 6rs record of ihqusands of 1fmilres served (1urs-ngthpet£ ORONO, PHNE 42 r 2 Aseatî Fia vnn.M% ant rd Edi Dean eeiateti with years can be, dir-eetly attributed to the~ eprienee stair and comple60 - - ~~~~~their 4,5thding aullivesary Qü UMjREUGÀW evice rovideêi by ths iIrn, WndesdyJanruaryý 9th. ALXSSMT nrinishigs are~ prieed te suit evnIry Ïincie, yet use of ti hel Iotis higtisLw'as o. 2 and bigliway SYDNEY GREENSTREET plus 67 persouaI ser-vices are reiîidered' to ait regard1ess of the amnt 3 5 were proli'ptly plowed elèns- of Added Cartoon and Travelo-egte()NE~F~RL SLWA 7~ snow a-iter Md'1lýUy't -tornr. _________________________AS$70.0 Ms Vyrbie Siti, of Tor-onto, JANIJARY l9th P F O R S C lix >e~sn J}NIN _Miss wasawech-e '1a1yisio ttU o A Mlusical Coiedy but RaloAtitL."br"Fgai fal mkCrsn.SYO RU CE DURUAM'S LARGST FUNERAL DIRECTORS - Lt "Bin?' agan «faTaasGorp, "S'S Y UR U CLI~ Bowmanville Orn A~ 1J~MERYMA1R returiied honse fron ovesaas, arrsy- An Action Western, 480 - 734 27-1 in- in Toiontio or. MVonday of las, TO NeHALk.'ON "Cowboy Yrom, TOWN HALL, URONO Urs. Bec tetu honre on Lonesome River"_____ _______ Wedn-ehdaly of la ýt weeks after Ispeni. h u s G a , 4iiig, a feýw weswithn ïelistives anti witI Thursday Jan. 24 friends in Teon-to. CHARLES STARRETTARSONS Two Uours of Iligh Clasa Vaudeville Performnance, featuriig M4r. R. E. Loganl anti 'Ms. Chas. Carto-an Litie Jo6e" McCartby, Chraliesrishi Uncle, Wood coatributed a splendid vocal "11ITTLE RWTi RIDINO Yodels am! S4'ags - A very Furna Act duet at the niorriig servif.e of Pas-k RABBI' AMT RN' OLD HIRAM, ii Fut1ny song- iS. and Barïsyard Dance w'ill St. ICinJXe on Suinday iast. -make everyeae roer with !aagldes- HIe plays a Redi Ilt Banjo. ir odpMjrUsotie JANUÀRY 21, 22, 28 BIG - CO0MI1C - MIAGLC - SHOW pasitioni at the "Goya"plant in GEORGE RAFT LADIES' COATS Ladies' Dresses Boýwmanriiville, antid i cjrg of ie JOAN -BENETTerngblnc f i L.acighs Galore 1firml'ti transport, oIfN BLAN 1-3 off the regii1ar price iu $(ear95 baac of $4 9 VIVIAN BLAINE ~~eleaysig the- balance.- 69 rsefr... .9 BOa DN iYIIY witli Jis~ Famous Gi4tar and Mj n M Js, fe Jaçrirý of 1I1,GY ÂNN CARNIER _________The-se are of Crepes iii maay Tke Banjo, Forirb-y Style, Sougs 01d and New Bôwsnianvýlle, srent th eek-end inCide~sKmua 'S E ND HIE-V IS castIe.- Mrs. Jakemnan la relnaîaiîng "NOB IIILL" «1 SOW1OT M ~ ~ fte~ Cowboy arnd acred Songs in Oroi efor a mos-e extentiet visit. In. Technicolor bilnket cetis, s-eg. $1.75 Sizes Il te, 2, recg. -$2.95 - -~ 'arsisilgai. ~ Mr, Richard Book ohas been - A Gripping Story of Gay orars -t.......--- -------r.......- $L95 'Wai,60 drhlrw 0c; iiving onle of, oe'S tansports SnFaeso_____________Sizes 4 to 7, s-eg. -$3.95, for a couple-of yeura, laiws sly de o en-pesr ais Iue ed w'ithf Mr. R. E.Z Logarn lle 1tin- ae o eu lasr ais lue - - -~ - ---- - --smilthinig ani pîmssl-bisig 1businiss. upht irtm e4 At sale prices oef $1.25, LDE'R T A neiw horizontal bar hais been i- to ---.............----$4.00 Balanre at, cach --------- 89e Es stall*ed il, one o-f tise roors «f tise We have lots «f Woell Sox fer meià. Tlscy lust ars-ivè4 ir, stocki. Oronio Constinuation Scisool anti tise__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R E- & W IIT ST ORE chdii'eca-n no-wdevelop theïr maus-- UK § - (IOG flinea of Mr. C. 1. Canay so f41bc I~ Y T ' Ttise ]ate W. S. Gantsisy of- Orono, ln UNTD-UC bCl ýE K ,,E l Torono oni W;ediesday it tie -Ti.li W t'âE N DFunes-al Hbomie, Yonge ýSt. Reveraid IMn!. Fred son_, returnet i Iome 1 5CaOO dan afe ndro a 2 5 c ica peCASa!n e or ,hsilraner- D-ImE1>TDIÂI , luv,, iealtis anti streîngts. SUNDAT, JANUARY 20'ti CARABY"RD NIe P-ure Lemon f l ce tUIC0 'bu 0 aWin. p JUICE OD 5c Tragedy overtook the village, of '~pn~Mî « tr2 tins 'UTt r, IlE.ýisf u UC tins, C han FlA r ë4e b.fi four-y(a-nitýd diauigiter of Mrs. andci p._ hus iaîèo 1 1 5t Chan Spee*coat (Self ?otishing 43c s- erc De-well no accidientaîflv 2Wo.5sîp -- plut tîn eweil home. t~Eaieh wlith hls ýiwn brusis f gi -_______ - -z~I 4IB II<' OweeaS-, nine anSd ten assonfes oQfi 'Iiit ns UT) t(> cea morals air T>AÏ rualT"7P. 0 %d