OROO LY TIMitS Vliss a Hula oucks, of Toronto, iedbrparents, AMr. and Mlrs. W. ýuks, over tlhe week-end. me on ourteen deys' leave pend- 'disharge. r. BiieBckey has pLurchased a iný the village and expects to art býuilding at Lonceý. ie. and Mris. Warren Cryeîl re- red borne last Tliursdlay froml ending the winter witb thieir ýughte-r in Hfighland Creek. Mlr. N. Bradsbaw bhas starteti on e cernent wvorlç of his bouse in tde nage.,fie is in hopes the goodl either wýill continue to help speed S progress. M.Wm. Macdlonaid sold bis farmý juprent on Friday last by public .cin ils heaithb is very poor and I.. MacdIonald expects to go b)ack to shawa General Hospital for ft-h rt, Floydi Nicholson anti are- working -at bbc aey are flot sure yetl are being hau)tl bup t C wnII or vice vers ..w ethe welil known song uing iia tbeir viinitly at very busy with a build-i present. Clare Grant n tbc framie work of is enorth of the village, ts begun thie fouintioni ;o the soutbcast. Latest tbc ~barnis.-n't -a11Bob's ime will tell. oekey fans thorougbly dance on Fritiay igh;t Tbe young- men of the c-eptioni is to inlude i lmen anld w- "Ii, who served ii latheforces resi- ient in Ciarke whien enlisting. 1There( areý thiir.ty-six names, on Lerýkardï's IourRoll, fou r ofthese b)oys whose niames are amongst the thîirty- ix entioneti will inot cornebck they gave thir lives that we -may go on in peace, living this simple village life- that wyas so falmiliar to thlem. 'Ibis p1lan of the Towniship ;inludes nmany inamies that would be mse if eacbl villag-e was to have thieir Wel-- cornie Home separatelyT, and tie comi- iitee felt that although wve are na- turally more inter-ested ini the ser- vice mea and womien of our immme- dliate ne-ighborhood ou r gratitude and pride extentis to them ail, and the appeal for our, objective ofIt-,rcee thoiusanti dollars shouid be made to every bhome in the Townvisbiip. KENDAL Miss 'Mary _Mercer was> home for tbe week-end. M.Wmi. EDarlingtoni is visîting oltI fricnds iia Ottawa for awek Vr. Georg-e Pope, Jr-., is holme for, a few days. Mr. ýR. L. Roy bas boýu1gt tbe Le wko Tari-r on the bill. Mir. and Mrs. Alvin Lowues anti Ross Patton arýe visiting witb MIr. an ;M. Normian Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Allen spent Suntiay witb t.Mr. anti MrsWm" Mr IM.Frank Stoker la in Toronto 'for a couple of days having bis eyes attented to. Mr. and Mrs. ýC. Walker anti Fran- cis are visiting withMr and Mrs.1 C. V. Cooper. to becopmeti Mr. Bilfioy, Bowmanvillc, ila rt along tbese;nes visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs, id more eveninigs un- of this club a :s the The highlighït of fai' as He fansI werel e peetn of the eaesto He Eas- ams.Welh1 donc-. , alset to root for tbe rink is ready wnbpSoldiers Re- ýiiare at las uder rfor funlds fo)r t 11g divisîins antitwo (i Soi. (ph I isbtriof J. fioy. -Mr. Joc Lewko, we understand, is g2oing to work for Mr. Wn. Roh- inson. Neîgo-hlbors and friends are very sorry to bld Mifr. and Ms Lewko 'goodibye. We wcoe our niew neighhbors, Mr. antiMr.Richard lVanin-g Land farnily to thie SixtýhLUne. Mrs. J. Mcagr svisiting vilhi Mr. andti-Ms. Blake Alexander for a fcw tns Mlr. Geor-ge iMercer and MisJLs Doris Thompson spent the we-edwith, bis pLirents;, -Mr. ant i-s. Wýým. Mer- cer. Mrs. A. fG. Darinigton spent tie week-enid witb Mr. andti Mrs. J. Glu- h E5ERIE Beware of vody Coccidi*osis Eaeh year bloody coceidiosis takes a terri-fie tol in the poultry floeks of Canada. A toit in ehick deaths that costs the poultry indlustry thousands of dollars. You ean stop he-avy bloody losses. Hfere's how : A v 0id é0,v Avoîd dda coccidiîosis 'owding f resh grouncd SHIUR- G 31ASH ver, Aja x, and Bill joined ber on Suniday, Mr. and Ms J. Foy and fam-ily have been spending aý few dcays withi Mr. and Mrs. Arcie io, ,,Ponty- pool, MUr. and Ms.Blake Alexander were in Toronto, over the week-end attending thewedn of thei'r Cou- sin, Irene EiaehIe eDr -. RobI-ert E. Dyer, wihto place at Aart flouse Chapel. Park 1Board Meetingý Apark nmeeting was beldith Orng tall onWdns1y March 27th. M-r. Poyv Sleep was appointedI pt-esident; Mr'. PRoy Mercer, vice president; Mrs. E. Luxont-, secretarcy- treasurer. The com'm-ittee are as follows M Ars. R. Elliott and _Mrs. B. Alexander, Messrs. Ive Little, John Thompson and Milton Robin- soni-. Tlie president called -a bee andj cIleaned up the park on Saturda'y af- ternocon. Wr. A. Mleting- Thle W.,A meetinlg was b-elt inl the Sunday Scblool roomn on Wednes- da-y aftcrnoon, Marcb 27th, xitrritbe president, Mrs. Roy Mercer, presiti- ing _,. After thie opening, hynn a ntd prayer offcred by the president, the suject of sendIingý food to Britaini was dilacusseti alnti containers are imi- mietiately bcingl placeti in b)o th stores in Kalto receive articles of food for thiis cause. 'Asý eveiyone kniows, thie food sïiuation la Britain is serious anti we aýre asked k, give of our plenty to beip bring altle variety in) the matter ofÎ fooi to those wbio bave býati such a tougb time these bast few y ea rs. Thie sun- shine lbags wicb were distrvibuted to the menibers a couple of months ago are to be hanietinl at the niext meeing iTe meeting cIoseti witb the siaýging- of the 3MizpahBnci- thon. NE WTON VILLE Tor-onto for isý discbharge. Mlrs. Davidson, Toronito, with Rev.1 and Mris. Sitb. Mi. George Stapîcton injureti a ribý recently wben ci'ushied by oa cw MisAnale Wigh,ýft bas r, i'cturd from vis:iting frientis in Toroatlo. Mrs. Chas. Reiti, Toronto, visited, fri entis anti attendeti serviýeSt- daiy evening. Rev. John MLcin Whitetvalc, pauseti to greet a fer- oliliendis on bis way tbrouh on Saturtiay. The Bueir lauss met for- sewiigý la th-e Cbuirch baýsemenit on, Saurinyý afterno on. Congratulations to Mr. and AMbc Clarence Gilmer on the bii'tb(ofa baby girl on Fritiay iast. 1Roy ui'ley baviag SOMltis farm, is mo î nto part of Spencer Bur- Mrs-,KenWi' spenýt a -few dy vitb bier parenits, Mr. anti Mrs. Geo.1 Ovens. Mi'. andi Mrs. George Km1a1 biave moveti inito part of Ed: Saisý' bouse. George has begun woark on. Alis. EF ct Walkey is mvn labo part of the bouse oecupieti by he--parntsAMi. and Mrs. John An- derson.1 As the young pepe' neetings hakve closet until theý Autumnn, the time on Mlontiay cvening was taken up) pract±shig foi- thei rornng piay. The WJM-ýIS. is planning foi, a quiltng foiiowing the businiess per- iod on Tuesiay next. Aul1ladie s wcicome. Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Redknap anti 'r.Win. Whi ttaker spenit the weck- ent i-wih Mm. atid Mrs. Etigar Wit- taker. fiamilwon. Mrs, McýCulough's group, MW. 1.,ý heit ilaecbeat Mr..Wm.Milga' oni FI-iday eeig vrtbirtya- tian homes; second jesusto-da is appeailing t.o ndone (o'flthe stro'ng yOunig prosp)erous n ations, hi Over one hundr(hed attendied the Filmn Board pcurson WednesdlaY evein. ecuse of thIis tbley wvi1 becotiuig until the closýe of, týhe sho terni. Ae the piCý-ures, the schýlool sang tbreepart lnumberis. After lunch a numlililber Of the young9- er sýet danced1 to the schîool orchestra (kazoos), Lalureen *culogAn- niie Worreli, Dorotby Brown; Mar- garet Oveýn, 'big dlrum; Edina De- niauit, su-are drum--; violins, Dunican Sy urandi Ron Burley, wirlb Jean Stacey- at the piano. E'dg-ar Milisonî (violin) and Siley Payne (Piano), took chiarge of the music for, the square dances. Floyd Miison cralied off. Thank you neigb'ibors. W. A. Meeting The Womien's, Assciation miet in! the parsonage on Thursýday evening. The treas.urer reported that rkew cbturch stove 'had 'been shippeti, also annual 24th of -Ma y annirivers,,ry discused. Tlh e president ',ook, charýge 1of th e followin program',lmeI l Piit fym; Ms.Arnoldi '%ade ave a re di ngl on im portance of knowing tlie backg-round of otherý rcsto insure better understanding; Mrs. Jimi Stark gave a poem on0! "Fr-iendifship", and -Mrs. A. Redknap gave a reading on tbe meaning of1 prayer. The paper was prepareti anti given Iby Mrs. <Rev.) Smith. Lt was on the truceanngof Ester. Easlter o)pencti the door te life, not closcd tne door by deatb. Luncb was serveti by 'the committee, Mrs. Smnit ni Mrs,. A. Wade. SIXTH UINE UMr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooper visited Mrs., Cooper's brothier, DMi'. Roy By son, oflfirilton, wb-o bas been jill. M, 1iss Marlon .celeR.N., of Bomavhivisited, vwi tl frientis here. MrýL. antid s James fo anti fam- iiy visited] Mr. and rs. Arhie oy at Ponstyppoo. Mrv. and Mr-s. George Leotoes and faly and Miss A1rgar'e t Crenof Oshawa, visiteti at MAr. John Stewarts. Sgt. anldMs C. V. Wahkcr anoi Frances, o-F Trenton, are spending their hohlday's 'ihMr. anld Mrs. C. V. Cooper. Mi' and MIrs Manning and fin- ily have moveti to then farn vacatei Y M.e wko. We welcomeehm f to'th, comtrnunity. A pleasant cvening wasý spent at Mr-c Wm. Lewkýo's wben the neih bor gathereti to bld farewell to MHr. arnt Mrs. Lckoad famiiyT as tbey are- ieaving the Sixtb Line. A ýshor-t progrmmevas given, foliow,\ed by ani atdtress reati by lMiss Catherine Stwrt rs. Lewko was presente'dý w ithi a ovely purse, Mi'. Lewko a illfold, MssAnne a cupI and saucl-er and Joe mith a tue pin.AWe extend oui' heatwishes tA the Lewko failuy ln theair new homre. FARM FORUMI FINDENGS (Corntinueti from ipage eue) on etiesay venn 2 27th-. the lh to bis wtiw nifamily. fot yoewerc la attýeiaunce at ivn y eol n i ncrease ia thie tHle b C iss. Two teachers 'vere ahb- Outr Wce arc sorryi to bac eMrýs. Mc- We, y, who with ' her haaniantibes k re rnoving to K e nta. Ci s tri -end Visitos Mi'. anti rs.bc on fi Retiknap, ba"by Douglas, at 8tb Walkey's. Mi'. anti Mrs. J. T, ýe alt fiarvey Osbornc', Wch- ;villi1) Raymond Gilmer, R.C A as0 ai, at lhomje. Mmc. Johnn Lan- wPib ber son, Sid Lnatr to nd~~~~ Mr1faoiiWleseo' at1 COM ING! NEXT WEEK, Canada's Greatest Drug Sale The Rexal ONE CENT SALE store will be open every evening during the four days of the sale Watch for your Sale Bill in the mail this week-eIi, Agent for Jackman Flowers C"n"h ae *1eSèB.eT",y r rel D R IJ G S 68 - Easter Car( Easter No'v Meni's Grey Ladies' Wh' O1nt. .... 2 for Se. Se. and 10e. s from...........10. up Il Work Sirits, size 1½ each. ..$1.49 Dollars, new designs ......59c. ýd Wool Jerkins, hutto,ýn front, 2 8 to 14, each........... $1.29 weaters, cerwnec.k, long sleeves, 3, each........... .Sleeves, sizes medium anci large, ea...... -Men's Cav,,alier, Cravats, new patterns 50c'.. Boys' Cotton and Rayon Pullover SwýeatLers, sizes 2 to 6, eachi. ,---ý........... 89e.? JnatsCotton and Wool Vests, sizes 1 and 2 yrýs for......................59e. Misses' White Blouses, sizes '4toi 12 vearTs, pricedl at ...............9c. and 98c. Fly Dedl, the am-azing new insecticide, contains D. D. T., large tin...........43e. Four-piece Cannister Sets, red trira, st..,$1.15 Coupons val id April 4t-Sgr 5; Butter R5; uffs (Puffed Wheat) giant 25 quart ... . . .45c. .th Bran,, 3 lb. pkg........12c. i Coffee, in glass jar, countains '3 lbs. BakTea, 1-2 lb. for ......3e nige Mamld,24-oz-, bottie, 1 ........... . 33e. Blossomn Honey, 4 ibs f or 1 opn .~25c. mrnSyup 5 lb, tin, 2 cuos. .57c, coupon.................24e. Mola-;sses, -4lottieýs ioupn,2 bot- ... .. .27c. Chierries i heavy syrTu-p, 16 oz bot- TO $1.00 Smith adFurniture-Deaiers lie Ia ORONO