_____________________________________________________________________ -~ _________________________________________________________________________ - _________________________ NAZI ADMITS "FE -IED es, the 41- an Îinterna- whien she Chambrunl ýdshiýp witýh ..TY' VLCTM y a spine igltmares, d divorce mi grounds ýcree was 1ev., under iarn Ulenry ne Pratt. MLied,"ý admits Joachim Von 'Ribbentrop, former Germean Forei"gn Minister. ,r'ing cross exam-ination at Nuernberg war criminel trieln. Sir David MayweIll Fyfe, .-cif Brîýtisis Prosecu7tQýr, torced Ribben- trop ta adit lie lid told falsehoode urn his handllng of Nazi foýreign affairs before the war. CHILD LABOR !N SORELY-PRESSED FORMOSA Cihdren of TaibokuFomoa labor witis piks anti shovels in tise ruined, city's streets, rmviganti salveging wartime wreckeýge. bobby-soxer age,, these Fo'rmosa-n gikrls work ail day in. the isot sun, tread-m-illing on a priaitive irrigation dlitchi. y cars ýe mIeForosas oday are i vas neot prefeýreble ta tise "fr der.I Clisnese mie. Faî1)nine, wiý tant co icrbbr iimpir ictues howîg yilnlg cisildli ts of ihe News A cmnjpusory 25 pet parentl'y are rlot cuti';ng be do nde-r tise renvont grain. cnt in neces- cern- et. its ap- sti con~- îsed ta ry pro- ket o use farr poUr rnac[Iinery faniwaon, ruk~ai sjIelz; da iry mahne-nt qpvet spryîg qupmntand dustersS; barli anti ararIý Id eupetant DoiinDay In Onitario TieDoiinl's national holiday ",ul - will remnain Dmno Day teintarie mtter what tise fatte oýf the bill 1passed (lby the Ha0nse of Cosnos lich nowgees evtis Senae techane th ,naes tu Ca- nada Day. Tlis wýas lannolncelbyPrie Drew in anl eddress te the Y ounig ProresiveConservative Associa- tion oùf Onltario after ise convention had passet a resoluton condemning tise proonsaifer tisechange of pce. Dates For A-Bomb Tests P7residenIt Trme, ho post- ponied ae-rcbomis tests in ise IcPa- cific, said iltisse tests are of vital imi- Portance anld lie hec been .esstirecd thie new target dates wudbe rmeit. MUr. Trumenr said in a formel stetemeni-t tiset tise experimentis et Bikinii atoll sisolli provideinom ation "sete to intelligenit plan- ninig in isle future anld anl eveiluetion o! tise effect of atomlic ene-,rgy onl Our defence esebishmenrts" Tise joint Army-Navy task for codtnCg dti test xe ctstahoîti the Eiutone july 1 or as ner that date as tisewetereri. Servict-men's Pay Raiseti Tise long-heralded impodse- viepayrts ieiat attractinig enlrgei pai-tim acivefor-es Cof we.They iliýUea basc rte anti susitecealloance of $95a mentis forraigriaeanii- craftmenl. Ts ewrts crf- fective Oct. 1 Tisel'hy comypare wýitlis ise pi e-wer rate of $72 ant itisewrtm rtcf $76.5ù. Botfis eec iitrAbt an(! Air Minister Gibson aire con re- cord as sayinigIsle rates are an et- tempt te, provide men iýn tise ser- vices wvith eunrtinsiilar to wstteywonlld receive isatIîIsey dec-itIeti on a cîvilian career.r U. S. 'Strike Situatioy, Strikes and sisurdownisDin lais disputtes kept 650,000 vwarkerls idie acrestise cuntry,ý. Tisemajor d(is- putes : Faýrm e quipmnrt - Tise fir st Df 3000 Intrntina arvester£ wo(rkecrs reýturnedt(,t -,k ftçr set- ieent iof 8-ayodstrike, Coal -- Negotiationis betweenl- United Minle Workýer-s an ti in oprtr"tlmate md on royelyprom- vison demantis. Sugar -- 4,500 wvorkers in, twoj eest ceast suger refineries returlyta workeftr camnies agree to wage, set tlemlen te. C.1.0. Electrîcal W\orkýers Union anti Westiniglionse 1Electric in 91,- Farm, Machinery Ce-ilings Price ceilinge for Caniadian-meinde far-il machinlery lhave iseen increesed 12¼ ýpefrent. tise pricesý boarld an- nonnceet lestweek Tise board sait a survey isadI cloawn tia Sethih tise swing over from war prodction, unaucmise cost icessht rsnwscsn loniger colidbe melilt withont an up- erd rev iintise retail price. Follow\ýing are tsegenl c atego- ries of mainýiies effecteti isy tise or- der: planrting, se iailfertilizing miaciner-,iy; plowvs, tillaige impie- melnte ant i cltivators; isayinigm- D 'J'E V ER /bL/k'6 *7O~r j MYN,4,Ag~s ON Yod- Yt.eu R4N/'~71~ ef-5 cïuess I -IAr? I-r COMING' .10 ME- ~M c~Q~4~' TO WA1~H M'? ~~R1'iiNG ~ROW1 j ~aow ON/ -A ~fé, IT REALLY I SMRT to hs extra faganýýc1ý H,ýÊ,ce andýi fiavor - extra smooîh 'Gooýîd bthm1e Las Drop rOIANT o * sunges =.iO UP- Double, $3.00 up. *Good ot.Dnagatïac ~heborneaiCavlto Re. A. 4A311 Sis ln aRomedym TUS derjan tanles antiept knowna i ovewCanda a Moe'sp Emrl 11 ecb afie eain agn thtEceaBrbs tb Sait~lhem, Ichin TeSwIndtet andothae 'er n 1amaler ekîneruP- tina reotpr]evdl. e dascop .o HI sm tu ooe nd's Etrai GiF- plasan ptraie nd tle anti 7dsetic endl pene.tralg httnyodtubr t'aIS 0f ln tni t orsine nc E e, ld yieided al! one'gs E erldQi '0 a]d blp unsightly skie, troubles -satlsfac- tien or money back-