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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Apr 1946, p. 3

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T he Fr Inoetex tomi- iesis e SUb- jeet which eads te en-dîes con- treversy, Thle chýarge is widct heerd theit agri clturelists g enecr- ally ev,, de their lialbiiýitin Ibis rmc epeet. 'T'le ,cused, nE couDLrse,dii tle in-,dictmenUt, and lhcy cen ilofi-,; at least a plausible reeson wby pay. mettc in lrurial districts shnld bec mal,-rkeýdly below tho,'se o-fumn area8. heir cotentionis e ei wmeh Utig. The ferîImers pin) tiot tei their buisiness, eeyoywrs Their wîvcs end childrecen pro- pcrly bc cleses3c emýclployeeýs fo: thiey ail coutfribute teO tbe opera- tien eof the form ,The ex lw o-w- ever, classes aIlUnom is ta 1 the heead of dhe famlIily, whemeec, eccýordinig te thecir argumUcei sbouild bc iiddamonýig ail. Admttig tiscompttion, a conisidereble cportion ef !1the inceme,, çoul proeby bc suid te bcenex emipt. AÀet, dbcin-dividuel !pOr- <ors vvouldje in the Ioe-bec ets, ltua br-inginig(the rt on Thetrerfi-1lS areasigtaof- Cia ognIizenlce hc teken etIbfis situtiloni, Ian they bve a ,Stmeng case. Railways In UJ.K. Face Holiday Rush1 .difficullf job fr ayuyces-to pro- vide stlin coaches iii the cx few mnist rasport c'si dhe great hliay rosi snc% 139 The ask as b ,n !-tsvtop SOS0 F S P0bR T S By FiRANK MAl:NN HARRIS <"A Sixý Bit Cr:tic") IT'S TRUE THAT, 'planits are tranui tlcd i o ipla tc 4 plnb netepcîa'lly mits.Th ifetive rî pLIc)1 l i precseuiýt1lthrognut tlie plant, au",l frec'Iiuspýjected pLlnts. A plant onice iufected ilîla ivirus nevcî1ý may1 prad thdiseas to cl b h ~ ~ tc "4y lnttie hould e Acd Âe tp nd deatoîcd * Onltai ï, grain i Jld inl191~ ws11,8'24,000 bael.i -, vcaî the objeuctive is 200,00000 bushls1 Il- eau be attained b\ prodi ue 1k bushels ec a-mret1 -ti er c uiditions arc faJvorble.U the see d is ude an, he variety a iýll it. l ] aud it is m atd for iiU * .oiu o the hIigh dem&' Of fiehldbeans for humni lconsu"mp tien (culyabouit 1 millin bulshels anjually) xtnsvere uearch isrnowv beinig ConlducILted xu effort te build np more resis- tneto disease. T'1b c vaîts l1o0, iin use b1ave o sdrbere- ible to "b)lighit"., HOLD EVERYTHING directýeS. utwhoee e emeil t 1ln a rmece'ilt copy -of 1Liber6ty Magýaziýne eru cosauit emn th'at m Itnbve, oucedthe beo thespt-wnitiugd ra V11-Cke ýýC vit 1e- pecially tic i nd familie et', tlose who writesportsfoaling F-or it wa;s abouit acrancnet atnt i the Bstn aatonwo aivin Beau1towa -se broke tat toý quote te tie , "he had te 'L'lep on a puooltable nil lie coniýjd wner.*,t, vsi thikette gnyv.bvn a)0 dos- on a rock-bard pool table for yasand yasand yas iu tact ne sed tel. have aitlna- eedfrienld u-h0o-- wecvrany- bo)()dy ,oL, d ask wyv 1 we, heCFIad adopted 1ixit" s e-riting alias -'udcarefull'yepanthti fiveccn.-wsthe geaet oume moe c ereevrknownte c posses at any onetime. oetigveryrreysceen in1 moudem-day big-time hockey wes aion h rsiaet Male Lesf GCous u Monday eveniug; and it camce likýe a welceme and s'itiuleling shot in tue em taealot etfoléks wlohéeltat a great deail f latter- day sport bas bcCome pretty muitch a mnatter of routine. There were those xWinnipeg pMouarcheceng out for tfin al period sith tM scor-ebjoard showing themi facing a three-goel defcitai-d e veryitorid. -iii feet rdbl-Iihîe u lu sucb e situation tuenaturel and enibl ting for the Wsen ers teadowouiildbe te tüll them- selves, "/clweC an't win tbem- alil"and then go ont end play througb tQat lest twenty minutes wOihone eye onithe ure-dock, and botb cars open for 11-e gong, conmserig suer strenth and cne-- gie fr some theiir evening wbcn sncb qualiies might ha et someý practicaluse. And did those inpggr c me, nu er? WellU, net se that youi ,(ýug l noice it. Tiey tome mb to ee St. Mikes as thdoigh it wes the lest reel of the serial, ixistead of only the scn-sthougb thIc rishl wememt ntergn front hile uex whsîl sop isedofonue Co! thie greates, me rïybe, junlior teemes -ele- gathiered totbrad s thougîlt they hadbat iheir lest d o;llr o nïl e s elvecs and kuî w thaýt aliugte rods was a lg onad tougb way ut getting hume. Of couirse they feilcd te) meke it ÎL -bu-t tbcyv camne soc lo)se to doing 50 Ihal they ceued mch mna augui.shM, and not e f ew bata tecksamong thesario were' carrýjing eaitle ticket on oumr East- cru pets. lu tis cynticel day and ontàhec become tbe teshion te, laugh scemnifully et wbat ms knowni aS"h nId college try-t lrn npi the nosceai.t the spirit of the çjoater-ack ho anfuilly bIrs, "C(Ierne1onganig, w'lgel them yet"ý COithbic teem four touchdowns be- hind aVd just tcnyseconds teC But te sec sncb ea spirit onýt itherc inacinen elmosGt mngigte waugle through-wuas tmulyrcfresh- ing in a day whane fe inîtqusion- TO THO SE WHO if 5ousuifer ,agotlzàng torture 'r m sors, lnuitcï,hing p jiles e aencance ta euit of slr askIed about any aheeis flot gHow good:jelhe?" but, rather, iHw uch doug i:s 'hegcig" eare iniclined «te view with real alarin the report from Neýýw Ynmk tuI theceps in ithat fa:im City are wheu t 01-or mere (of fthem are fuuud readCming a'l sIIglecepy of any o)f the racinig shouts. ba about those Four Frccdomls wevebeelg liet-ig s mclhabot the1CPast five or sxyas alhou'gb abelot quIite se muilcli thle lait ft ive or Six mente? hatabout the, mlalien- ableribtof ecygenit Ute make al sukrof hm iîfin i:S oývlwn way, fo bc lionsIb oftour braveet ait(d best have fouglit and bled and Cate2n Cced ations? Wbat about tlte pligbit of the o 1ble and self- sacr-if«iig ra ce 0of ,hen ldboo0k- ma),kers, faceda with a fatte mcb osethan eathhavig te go te It'S notlhiug les thanterrible; beas tis a weHl-nown fect that neb!ody(1cen possibly le a proper and ac'ientiieinterest in horse- racin"g vwîhouIt intensive stuidy o!f the;_ fomm i-charts e nd othier data, mot f w i ighî tjust as weli be printed i n Gekfor ail fthe, cse thymake tC)tile inajoîity of thecir reaems, iAnd cverybody Eshould ne- e veCn politicinls nd ipolice- jImen-theat il isbs;teyimpossi- bIc te study mciug charts, scratch shieetÉsand othier litereltume poperly witho)ut et leesýt six other horse- leves heginig ever yonir shlonîdèers, bjreatin:g ï i oum face and.1 fililn younc eers ,fil ef romeantie tales about tetntn hthe heI,ýiltjuetý got beýat aedirty senoolthe i day A\h, well, ihese are tr(douos t imles. Ail the world seemei in a turoil Ntbinlg s-eme ste be righIt. The nyIlns genemeily scem ïite go te) legs thial wouid look 'better in over- elle. A'nd if lmay he that, before brilîter coniditions eppeer, we mlust face deys even tsedder then this oene. \V'lbc, beck Ieeweek from ltoday ding zýouir best te mlakýe gond 0on tht a it pr-edictin. MACHINERY NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phorne EL. 1271l H. W. PETRIE CO. LTD S4.Frot V. W,-Trot 25 FF progeny or 25c> Ail layeces. PD tennisl Iei Sc te cellen' 00W. V! Urlnt JonLtMwant te miss nme of our three anci four- week ýold tre cliick barains. Theyare moving ont1fast',esend for special pries- littdy Ise ighitotesiýtEeen Top Notch l1Chýiekeries, Gep,)Ont. JuStinlvwhait thie mreans to the buiiyer Y %our tnvestment ile made w.orthIl wh ile w hen en p 0u rchas ni E e your ehicks from us. îOur repeat or dere yeca r aflervear ite tite preof cf' oum qu'ality chIck!S. BlooS tti;g 'feor pl ioûr uma d(oue each yeer, ive only btit front de'-an7 fcs.Millera Ciick Hateitery' Fergne, Ont. (SuccFesr Ato J. started chieks forimmeiae e- livey, on-sxeSpuilets 0or ceck- ereljs. AIcis eigt tue igliteen ee old free ranIge eider plet.Fres cataogu. Teddl Chck atch- cmICKe, SPEUAAC APRIS 17. BarreS ock Ceeerels .07e. April, 2y4u.BarrSARoc Ceks Ise. 9White Legh 'r n l.Gevernm e nt ep- prove bremeers hbote"Sed for standard, and variant types o! puiloruml. Bru1ced1ale Ponltry Farmn, St. Thomias. Ont. lbut we aeequipped te f il-,pî erdIers, if received soon., May- June ordere ehjould certaiuly ibe gis-n no. Wte hoicebre, crüsSb)reds -- coma starateî. Av-id disappol)intmýentl, con:itactsne now. 1Bray I{tcer, 1311John N. fRam- iltenOnt. LECHORN PULLETS $20,00 per 100 cause they have egg recode of s00 eggs ortne past10 genler- ationls. Large blodied lnglived ens, BareSRoc, New Ramp- chice RaS anS Redroe iybrid pul- lets $501Der 1bundred. Big Rock Ferm, Mille RceOt STRýAIGEUUT TINKINE ANDIN do nlot waut inflation. WVe are kesin or eet ou tie greunifd anS 01ur priceâs today are the se as our prices b'efore VE or VJl day. Y ýou will rece"ive the Saule finle qnaPLt at teite am iw r cePs. IRack orf evrschck eofe Our customers thir yMar Ile a long ane estryoff high production breed- inlg .TIt yeaour fîneke have ben Mmretgdly enlieS auddou- b1ýle tsteS for pullirnul, h o and nue CLa Barre AM DE- L'a iin, N enu- W, C'LNG A'NI for ifrain anewe yettýýr qui lmtad, 79ý1 Y OPPORTIJiVI' BE A H~ JOIN CANADA Great Or Ha ETEST( or K!t. W. Tmofiý nto 4 AigS.Hmlo Tm 2- i/1. This ils a benutiul! bglronStajllion, quiet eni îon.The service fee cfor le ies of t(his Salinis 850.00 forit, d a r red Mares. <)wner. Gec, ;W. Wilon Bolir.Ont TLJRKEY POULTS Prmtdiivry or book t-for May anS ln. llroad B etdBoz 196mdl ill ectie andano LsevewPolty armi, ,Vei.: Hîghway 84 mie est of Trno Real beaut spot. Cocrets am shaedbywite b irch and eve- gree. Eclui anS private-, twu acrn lcetent. Rai! acre for, gardonI. Idl f orirest sdr,,r- l 21, oiboneOutarie. Ssrigr pniel dog-s, 8 monthe n fid; aIseregsteed eagle pupe. Crýat- ed, l s h'Cipl: premtiy, W rit e, pi-oue PeerPorter,28 0, Brod 1)-Onarilo. aNs swmillor heating purposes,. Brue Serrffllusford, Ont. and3 eaeSound sudwelro kcen JhnA. \Wnllaice, St.Pals entsuneceledlor, tonguesu iitntin qlties. Mies 0 s mais $5.1?.G.Anglin, 163 or onoSt. KRîngston1, ont. QIJENSE BLLSR-EADY FORï sriefmom R..P.dams. priced R.R .,London, Ont". GASOLINE ENGINES for uaI, camiisve1ders, po- wer nit et. cmpjlets wvitb elec- trical ieq it, calrburetors ùr, clu1tchý etc. Gaate to be luj first cisacoditin. Mney bc wili 0 da ys if not setlisfisd. Wils4 cylinder-, samne as ,ised lu jeep - 175011eneit. Citrysier, D-'odge sud Plynmuih motore, 2" 111(iand 21/8" lbores .. ï$200 Sa. Ailioncs FO..Toronlo. Term - ash ithorde r o 5 LEVY AUTO PARTS COMýPANY LIMITED MIAPLEHAVEN DAIRY FARMl, wdwaýter, buildings, Hydro,te leuc ver clae. ixten i sles,v Kington. Vemy 1esirabier tu atio. Ma~tl~eseen, to be apisrs- citl .Siuide . Sdsýînb]am l ýAF ý HA Il EDRESStNG R On reqjusat regarinig classeýs. em,137 Avenuie RaTrno EXPERENCE RERSMÂN TO filad show Augueliscettie. Writef quailifications Castor Valle-y S'are. ussilOntario, APPLY METROPOLITAN GENERAL HOSPITAL, WINDSOR, ONT. Nl112ý .00-1,5.\ - pr, mo'tTl'sea, fuates ea1hspta; -honir cia,. REF, 1'PEI1NTS 81 1'FINEST F.NlABGýN( wVant Ibl, ist oly byaedngdufl Staition i. Tor GET BETTER Pt STAR SNAPSIý Bnox 129, 1'ostlof PIJPS AND LON-IIA1RM7ED K-IT- tens wýjý%a nt edci.h igh11es-t [ptricesý, g onad homes. Dicn'S,1521 St Autui, Moenea. FPARm, CA SH lFOI)I >5ii CIR lsghït loaml. 'ive Setails location., hydre,. water, bsbuisdig-ýj taxes, pries tret letier. Box100, Erindale FEATHERS WANTED D- A uitry et ion, near î~ Apply CLA SSJFIED A DVERTISING tWiLL. WIT iNP{>ETTC on yonr faou rite uj1 t tMer.A hi!hTod9A %j trsure.P)e e senS a shoî yonwanm write. uira P iuh m lu A.e. Ji I1. prodc p osit-w a

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