O!R&O WEI e Urono Weekly'I imes EstblihedJanuary., 1937. ery Thursday morning at the Timies Office Rates on reQuest Subseription, $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher 0Oron1, Ontario Congratullations -chuarch cempiWýt;in for youthful dramnatic aspiranits eo young zpeople weil to the fore. This is gratifying ,v, and also te the "ie" We recalil with pleasure soime years ago of the operetta "The Sunhbonnet aper bnci just established itself here, and featured t 'Girl" in its first publication. W(- have learnec .0 le, more or less fameci for the quantity and quality -a operettas andi pageants presented within i is boy- table feature of our present se-t-Lup is the apparent people, both young and oli, to go o-ut of to'wn for entter-tainmiient. Thiscodtn exists ail over the encouraged by the ivonderfui ense with v!hi(ch f ne plac t-o ianother. Fùrther explanation iies iii the Le "ioie' and the danices. WhIen we were youniîger tL triai to get ai group of cit-izens togethier,nit ,, to prcact!'ice a piny vor operelta nti taprace nets3 of perfection at any rt.You cannot sec(ure that niowadays. This reen-t showing oï our younig nore conrmenýidiable in t'he li-ght- of suchi preýse-nt coni- * 0 * * Sand a Haif Per Cent Incr-iease le consternation wMl be eviýdencýed by Cie proposeci ease in the prices ef new famin achinem-y. en when se m1-any farmiers mustimakce new ucae a gooci deal of hardship. een eine of the urgenit nee i e ore pro- Thre pess bas urged the matter iipon fammers lie- ùo lie genuine. li wordd a !ppear almost like a de- n Ltie already sýlowly turiiniig wheels of agricultural Ktma Ces.t of nieeciec equipluent. Some disquietinig eeleci rightu in oýur w districýt. T'hese may hae no dfirect bearinupn the higher cost ofarm imacinery as this is a cmpar-atively recent innovation, llo'wever, nurnerous farmk-ers are seeing a sharply reducedl acreage of Spring cr.ops this year. H-ere ï, ir, un-fortunate dvlpet and it is to lie hoped that1, the sit- un lioni" s lot gnrl.Froeo-ple are humian after 'al, andihn1 n wokdloi-nguand ard dinig thle war years, they1may mae-n 1un- dertadaleeffort to ea,,,se tUheir burden at this time unless enicour- aging pricýes anid eull-ncu ,gn oirig conditions cornle thý_ei r vw-ay, Therie is a shiortagpe of available help which coulilie offset by the use ofmoe mach'inery. With an utlook like Jhe present we can expeet either ising pictes for food'stuffs or a curitaiurent ini thie Yproduct'Lli of the saie. The latter situation woviuld ak for riigpricesan ay Our ultmae ell heing as a nation has allways depended uon the success of thefaer Remove the prospect of fair prices or the mneans of secring-il- those prices and you are apt to find M. Fariner rasing what hle ceau for his own nieedis and those of his fam- ily, and ipltting the -,es't of the world go by, rathier than buy. That sort of thing ce(ýu'd lie a prelnde to harder tunes, and it wouild not be the fare'sfult. If any kýin o ýf arrangement can lie nmade to ease the lotý of the tiller of the soi], it should (be done in the intemest of ail classes of sýociety. Foor shortages could weil upset the best laid plans for national and world recovery after an exhausting -war. With mrore ýstress laid upon the deniand for i-nýll, meat, grain and vegetables, ne xoi expeet tu see the way c(earedi for an accelerat- ed drive te secure the saine. The end of the season will tell its own story. Nobody wisbes te prediet anything but g-ood fortune. Just the sanie, 1'21/2 per cent extra load inay prevent fortune soaring quite as high as shne might oherishave doue. ATWENTION I wQ Id li ke to thank A those who have cali d, or who wrote regarding repair wor oor decorating. I woufld appreciate w uch if so-me one would teil me where 1 can find a good manl. THANKS JAMES E, O'BOYLE Orono - - Ontario PROVNCEOF PROMISE,. d mtiles ihis way ad a tosn and Americans alike. an intre ,the province has d he cornes in his millions toi receptiont, acmocto-anda ýS oJ opportu- nen on every A CORNERI ON TOUFRISTS :anmually, !)y train, LoaL, Las and primate :car, more tourists enter Ontarie) than ail! :the other provinc!es ef Canadaco ind 11n 1945 7, affhough gasolinle raoin ZwS flot liftec] untii Auguat, 2,0710,000 iA.mýeri- :eau moýtor cars qicameinfor less.thani-forty- eight-hiouir stys and 5541,000 fer longer periods. Competent anithor-: - j tieýs estimlate Ontlario's Classified CMING EVENTS P lan toatted te Silver Medal Contiest in the Park st. Sna S£-.o1o01room on M'ýiay 17th. A numi- ber of contestnts an other pro- grammine. Lunchb will lie served. Ad- miso,25e-. and 15e. A "Youth For Christ" Rall-, will lie held in teTown Halýil, Bowmian- ville, on. Saturday evening, April 27th, -,t 8.010 p.ii. F Lt. Bob Devers, D).s.o., ..G, MilI be in cha-rge of thei programnme. Ellis Bignal will be soloist and Mrs. Bigniol pianist. Corne and bing a friend whh youl. ELveryonc weicomne, Be sure and see "Uncle Josh Fer- kin-s" at 'the Towýn Hall, Orono, on Friday, April 26týh- at 8.15 p.m, te lbe presented by Tyrone Sr: Young Peo- pie, under the auspices of Clarke UnionIlime and School Asca ti1on. Admiission Aduits, 3e5(.; iÇhildren, 15ec. Local talent between acts. b-14-c. FOR SALE Duck Egg-s, 10 cents each. N. C. BradsarwLcskrd'.a-14-p. FOR SAL,ïE r42> 2 orno0. Phone a-14-c. FOIR SALE Pairof eheron H1-orses, risi,ýng 5 ani ears. E. Deani; Phione 74 r 17, Orono. -4c FOR SALUE Auto Traicter, C-cyclinder, Star engî-ne. Apply te L. Ranisberry, Phione 57 r 9, Oiren-o. C-14-p. Cabinet wo-,rk, uphoilstering and repairs; prices reasoniable. Will pa'y ca1qsh for used sogain nes.C. F. Duncan, Phonoj 79-16, 0Omono. tlf. FOR SALE One 'Culivator, 1 Wagon and 1 Wagon Box, in very gocI tcondition. Mr.L. MeCutche-on, 146 ýSimlcoe St. N., os hana. aU14-13. WATE D Live PoDultry andi Feathiers. Top pr ices paici. We wnul pay. ail phongle cajIs. -M. Flett, B 2tany .PR.No. 1; jPhone 7v 13 g17-p. FOR SA'LE Que Durham h1-eifer-, due now; 1 Draaco-w, 5 yearso(,M, due nw 1 Durhami andI Jersey cow, 9 year, obi, dlue nw.Appiy te Kennleth his, Phone à r 3, Orono. WANTED TO BUY A buse in Omon, under V. L. A. Must have 1/2 acre lanP i, inlung the landi the biouse issiutc on.- Phone Km-nest L. Bon-en, 5 r 4, Orono.,ý FOR SALE N ew andI used rublier - tired wa'gonîs, a-uteI-mtieconhonîs, nter nation-al tracerti wo-furro)w plowsV ba-rowvs, aro teeth cuivator points, used disedriu, Seem] he imith 600' X 16 rium fertiliserdev ceeciupon éguest. CARL TODD mpeetDenier Clarke OntaElrio PETE CHMARA PRESENTED WITHf WALLET ,AND DOLL A 1pleasant evni ,vas helci in iOreono tContinuation Sehool on Wed- u esday eveuing of ist wee, hen the pupîls gathereci te ldfarewell te Peter Cinr who has left to takce tip residence with bis parents at Kirkland Lake. Peter nspesentod with a large doil te emndhim efo' 1he girl be lef t behind, anduI also ,vith a wallet. The rest ofI the eveniing w17as gîven over to dancing, followed by 'lnch. MISIC LOYERS GIVEN TREAT AT NEWCASTLE Gl,.4,c-w -naifq 1nrts h veaie s A. F. M-cKENZIE, M.ýD. PHYSICIAN and SURGEO-N OfficeHor 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. ; 16.34> to 8.00 p.iat Suindays and Wednesdays by appoimentonly PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mlason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWIMANVILLE, ONT. Phole : 1Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BiARlRI STER SOLICITOR NOTARY Office 825 Residénce 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office Main st. - Orou. Poe641 r 7, O0ono. l. C.GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Autoýmohilc- and Liability ORCONO - ONTARIO DANE FOIJND Distict epreentave tLthe Consulit me for your ft Income Plans 'Mo-numents The RTE~RN Montuments,Gremkrs E ngca.v ing, G oldl e afg TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conduacts Auctiocn sales of a,' ifl z and at rea8onRable rates. iPerry, Gnalo r see h3 ieer, . E, Morton, at orono, foýr edate. J ACK '.'RE'ID- Licensed Auc-tîioýneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke T AXI DAY ND NIGHT SERVICE Reasonable Rates UPi-TO-D AT-,E CAR G£overuimentLies STAN PAYNE'S TAXI phone 97 r 16, Orono l'NE INDUS2ýrtY 0F THE, FUTUhRR FRFARMING Mink and Fox IMUTATIONS Bya TriO - Wei Ranch The WILLOW CREEK FUJR FARIq M T mHuI