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Orono Weekly Times, 16 May 1946, p. 1

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VoL 10, No. 17 ORO0NO. ONT., iver M edal Contest, Park St. Churc Lay, May (earIy Report Of Orono d1111in Surplus ~ Ijeb ntur--p--d ------. ~Oper------surpl-s 8,240 Electric Systemj Orono Chamber Of Commerce TPire regular mneeting of the Orono Gianrber (if Comerce was hield lui thre Kuiirite Apartm-en.t on Manday eveni'ng witir a good unmber pres- ent. - Alter the corresponde.nce -wa s rend and dJeait with, quite a discus- stin arase re police protection for th e vilg of rono. M-ýany and varied were thie ideas bra-ugi-t forth for fiancilna- the slarv 0of a iflght re s en t, butwere of the opItI ôI thatire cranynespo- Lice protection. Anmlbser alsa thought tint if the viage was in- coparated it might ire passible tao then empioy the services of a night wachmnain. Timne alone w111 tel just what will tk lc concerting p- lieprotection il) the village. There aèno bouises vwaat at the presenlt Urne which waud make it possibe ta hiave a provinciacontaein aur rmidst. Thoughi f ane were here it igtnot urb -,the iroireries -but at 1 teSainie tlue migit ielp in a wany. An invitation ,was necpted ta at tend tbe Newcas-tle Trade of Boar"d s pe r aT, NeOast1e on Tuesdniy evnn, ith a un beýr fraol-rana, Ch aie of Commi-erce atni~ Gôoveram-iyen-t Tirade Cusin National Film or spre- rug 110okling, pottery and wood' opera-A eiilood Planning Disp)layý une 95.6 basbeenprepared by the Arcititec mainen-tura-l RsariGroup of Ottawaandll( 232tic N'atinal Filmi Board, fordsti 11.4bution ibyftire Natinl Gle norat i-An fx ies. and 393.7 ses >.05 Net srls.....$3125 Numnber of osir Dnsteservice..............-1---- Comminercial igh-t serlvice....9 power service.......... The urI-arnCoutyFdertionof aistntit 15 iis ws ado o Agricuture et at tirh re muOf M It mie rnoved and sccondedan nuc Mr, eston Ba-nisterCa p psd tnttiecrate for uiv SeWWaf, an May tire Mr. There bj, et at anc ha-if of anc mi-ill and ( unvs a large attendance and splndid tint tic following sHai present tic intercst so .matter Athtc iferent Councils. After tire inutes wvere rend and iHo)pe -- Wnýlter Rcynolds and1 ~approved tic Sceretary reported Wso Banister. that altiougi c oauside lporkiad ,(Carke - M. H. Staples andCar been done i n tire interests of tire0 drainag-e proposition 'ver-,y littie -pro- i-s-s could beinerade because no marlýchine could be securedf and tire diflleulty -of securing tire necessary1 file for so large ani undertakingI.- Il was also reparted tint the Puo-- on .-. Garet Ricknrd and! 11(le.1 ,Iht - H. Malcoinison andi e hado on Girls' Softball Team 16 Be Organized The OooGil'Sofbball Team, wi lold thieir fiist practisýe of the s:easonon aiTirursday, May 16th, at j6.15 p.m. (DAAS.T Ahi girls who are interested in softball are invited ta came out anid try for a place on thre teami as there are several vacancies to be filled. The team -àitis year will be entered~ ln a league consisting of Newton- ville, Newýcastle,'n, and possibly Courtice and IHamptoii, which will cause mnuch more initerest. Tiere is -noa age limit in tuis lea-2 gue, sa if yrau are between tie ages in playing bail, ha at the school grounds on Thursday, Miýay 16ti, at 6.215 p.m. or as near ta that tine as pas sible.Tiere is goad material ln Orono for one good girls' team wic siould be weil up ilutire league standing at the end of the seacon, Claike Township Counci'l in reýgilar metign Tuiesdlay, May '7tii, vitir ailte, mnibo!)rs npresent. Thie minutes of the pireviaus reIl me,(eitgand! a'special etn n Apr-il 9tIrwr rend and appoed In respect ta the carresodec tre Clerk was istuctdLa investi- gate a relief case wii hall been reportud ta hlm b1 tlic Departient The-Asessar repar-ted olcodi ionjs re sonm Ifs ia Leskard and he and theý Clerk were ta netgt as soon as possiblead place on the Assessment Rail Mr. E. _Mairaden addressed the Cuauncl rigng its atention ta)tMe diangerous condlfition ,,of sevea9l bid- ge s. The Couincil xviliiinstruect thie Road Supintiiendent as ta) tire man- ner of deaýiing with these bridges. Mlr. Riddel adrssdthe Concil reýportii-sg on thre iianc!iàI condiitein o f th-e Re1ception 4 Commlittee andai k- cd for a grant of tirree hundred dollais Ita meet thuei-emairinig bills. Claren.ce !. Alin, rpeenigthe iDuiraiCaumty Fetý,(eratic)o--fAgri- culltre, asked theL Coun1,cî1L"ta a b)y-law aitharizing tine Treasurei ta addi o h,tiretx rail one, haîf Lamii as aFedera1tion rate ùon farm ipraperty %Wh thc provision that ny fariner cudbe free'd fr'oin this tax 1by ini- formîiig tHic-Clerk aof 1tic wsi in writinig thLat such isi his wish1. Mr. Callton, Sehool nptrs- cd tic CounIcil ta cosdra b- puttinig(tire whole Tawnship, rn nat includedl, -in a Townlship Schooi Aca-.. This matter- was laid an tthe Tire Clerk was ',tuce a draw uip 1 letter of ocpainof the un- Total...................224-- sc los111 n and Johln il tic on dcKay-L t tire rr ntv Fed Mirs. Freeman Hoskin Passes Jo 9lst Yearl Flonga 7longillness, ]borne with Christian patielice and f orti-1 tude, Mrs. Freeman Hoskin passed awauy early on Monday, IMay 6th, at tihe residence of ber daughter, Mrs. Charles E. Heard, '34 Hincksý, street, St. Thomas. Mr.Hoskin, formei(-riy Esmeralda Doncaster, was boru in Orono, Diur- hain County, Octarber l6th, 1855. Che was a resident of Toronto and Chatham before going ta St. Thromas ceven years ago to reside with ber daugirter, Mrs IHeard. Mrs. Hosýýidu was a member of FIrUst Uited rChurch andi of thre Womanm's Association. In. Chýathianýi sýhe was a meniber of tihe Victoria Avenuie U nitedChrh Mrs. lRoskin is survived hy her humbant, 'reewcn lHskîn; three daugites, lire. Charles E. Hearci, It.lio'n as; iVrs, F. -E, lPage aind Mis. J. Y. Cumining, Tor-onto; fivé grandhiiden vJrs. rGharlee ýA, Par- j Ihînsan, Monitreal; Mrs, Clyde Ca- perton, Toronuito; Dr. R1,D1), î L teared, 1Mà-ontreal; AlXixwell 1-.,PaI-e5 Win- nipeg; and -DonUald 11, Cumm111ing, Tr onto; also i ratgadchlrn A br-other, E. P. octeOha, also srie.M.Hoiuwas .a1 aunmt of -Mr. G. M.i Linton and a sis- tel of hiis mother. The Funeralseic was held ut! trhoeof AMrs. Hleard on lWednes-i dayý, May 8th, aýt 4 pmwith 11iev. S. Edwarthy hiavýing charge of tire service. Initermunt was md in the fauly plot in St. Thomas. W.PT,. ightenis Used1 Car 'ale Regulations Licenises of' used car deaiers wil ue aneedfoanwon wirere' vlo- aiosof price contraI eUgLationSý ar e proun, WarIt imIe PneusU and Trade Badano ie ecently,c- plainling that tins decisian epira size.s tire dtermination of tireBat ta taImp aut blank Imarket opera- tionis iluused car sls Tire statement followed tic an- nouncernet 0f auflew re tgt inig uscd Car sale rgltos Pro- isosof the order are, as folowvs:, 1. Dealers a-e nwrcquired. ta ,eil uçsed cýars toa any persan \%ho Of- fersta pay cash and are proiibie fromi demanlding anf excirange or t od-i f 11y kiil. 2. Every uscd car tint is for sale by a denier miust have a tag on it showing tire lawful price and tire model, madel ycar anidohe parti- culars. Ruyers shiud ukesure, tbit 1tic total pj-ice paid foi tiec carý is biserted mn a saeetOf sale, wVich mrust be signed by bath yenl- doi. and riaerat tire[iturne of su!J If a deuIerba a used carnl or, on1 Wih a eusta Is enpin- cd'(, fiec must dsiyon order a tag Statinýg-tha't it iras been IsolId or piod4as wcuel. s ic datef 't1ire trnato, and tire nIneluandad- hid o deosi omopionforloger tn ve days, liver ta dealr fo rep irso storage, tire enimust ka n wit- W.. A. MEETING The regular meeting of the Wo-l men's Ascato ofPak Set Chiurch ,,as heid on Tuesday after- noon with a god lattndance, iMrs. C. Wood had charge oýf the devotional period. "God's gîfts of besrty. anir growth in the spring- tiirie>' was thre tleme of hier inspir- ing essage. 'Mrs. Tainblyn, the prýesidenit, wl comied the ladies preseflt and con- ducted the business BUils for cards and flowers were ordered paid, alsoý the bill for an electric frigidaire that was purchased hy the W. A. fer the parsonage. It iras decideil to have a berry f'estival in June, thed be dlecided at our June mieetin At the close of the birsinei sion ail joined in singing a gr oid favorite hynins which h,-t arranged -by ~ Mrs. W. Stuti eaig"The ilock of Life" b)y Mýrs. R. E. Locgan ru meeting, to a close. Pilowers for 1other gr-aced Park St. Chui ,he homes of iMrs. and Mrs. M. J. T Phasey of the "Good-,ý charge of tire work. Day -TN ORDER to strengfhenc-i the armi of the Chý,urch and enable it to meet the challenge of "postwar needs with intensified effort at hom--e anid abroad, members of the ChuircIh of EnglIand in Canada are asked to provide the sum of $4,300,000. This money is urgently needed to carry on the Church's educational and social work To meet Dioesan adgenerl-D sy.no7d needs allas the-1 expenses of oraiaindm To carr-ynmissioniary 7woTrk at home and abroad, to assist the Mte hrhin England and the Churrches of 2Eiurope inthi work of' rehbabilitation. To stegte he pension fund for mnissionarv clergv- The money wiII be allotted in tMe following way: Pension Furd--------$,000 Missionary Work------- 1,400,000 Educatironal Work - - - -------000 Socia!l Wo1rk- ------------55,0001 Church in Britain - - - -------100, Churches ;n Europe---------------90,00 General Synod Administration 205,000 Extension of Church H. ouse 5.0 fimit dl ire culaI ie es- 15, rta car fun- car -, ofyour 0anuîr'y ag the week of your offerîng to quarters. Lqec-al ( Tord ire UlarIRe ceýss 0.1111 ittee $0. El tire cuclssnîd waork done bhy it il iins ipad priv, etion with tlie ces-, [ilitli igtSavin-g in Pr wpre ordered 59.76 41.21 12.80 ,iy w -s To Pay Federatcion Fee By Drc Taxationi

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