à à WI £UI LýsTersPlas Ol so' grass ed îm sit 'fi 'wllali. d !e mlm n is youte ymicdv f ie ruesia wa1,tcaes g'ensl c ryg01be>s ic TE SomiO stir miikdnI YOu tel mue yeur score- caveIse first lact time! A -oodThîng "a rosat bouseit an isoaeps ilionai tasi ive mtes ronsaasc oui r bouse "Isc, ad h hus aet not uniy ey wben ~you wiit - is-ï orin iais.usat. THE 'SPàfact," h sis ING Tb Id "th t peopte otte tk me for Aid Needed Abîshiop atnd'm bîqutad a dom' sxater dopped za.plate aoi botIl)u inibis tap. heclergy- man laîcesiaronsiwithl a look ot agony and exciaimrsi: "WitI sonse ta anpessy Cruel, Euwas aise of ithoSe sr m carys ansi it hia" run out ofl gaso- Iune. Kowig te ne!resi arg wa;js thire miles aatemtr sIstood lbeside heroas i ansi sig * magruificent cai st~cpped a man tri "I've rsrn ighitou" "t's fPot gar ou"-)Il i Ey Fred L2i.,t y osoldtd CW "But 1 dû pny some terît t your letuires on econmýiy,., don'tý telme you haue-n't fnoÀ,icedc how skimpy your lunches 01 F use mes shoare over5 l vos whib i ba or ym, i isquite iicl tsa y uwitinike lcac- kiltm lou roi assfaî,t Self-Conltrol Fir o th aome onb, a u otho 1iefor- wbo isakes ilt, but tise atsîity bI issake war. short, we usicn SUBURBAN I-EIGHTS POP-Went to Pop's Head MUTT AIND J-FF- Oh -fJ, ou Might As Wýiel Si', Down and Wait a Whâle REJG'LAkR FELLERS--Backin-g Him lJUp il TOPse rthc-werc the good aid lays when houswives lad ;abag of sugarà the amie, M barrel of apples in-,the clta and a ei rocký of btter lin the ceox Om - Up ButNo011 IAspatrofiîg tuagone up but fl"opo new housing. HidI It lis The Storet lnuPa!Vvinnipcg grocetera n woman shopper isaled at the cash- îer's ctr wih a package of shortening atup ber basket. The cashiercteksaeifor a miomenit, then said: 'aan.where. did youn -et that? We b ad sh!orteinriyesý- terdayt il was sol i lu a fcw "I kow" aid Ille shloppeir tri- umphntiy "1 as 1here yestcrday toe, but t idnthave eu1OUgh' mlOncyý. Sc' ï hid 1the lotein i the stoe re ntlodae!," -cMaclan's Magazine. Sy GLUYAS WILLIAMS Ry J. MILLAR WATT By BUD FISHER 12TABLFTS 4 ONLy POS 1IL ARE OW LA5". T0 TIMES OER i 1 1ECWA MIexTuRE it's true - 80':,,-Io 90%ofÎ tnse time cnd moneyspent o ecn con be so-ved by uis rig "Os'mOýe Special Pence PoistMiur, Treafthtie ground bie onýy arid riake thse w boie post tast 3 to fimes longer for 3c ta 4: per post. Any kind of post -- Pue0-- Spr. ce - Poplar= Wittow or Cedoir con be effective!y trcatecf with thîs vwetl-kriown ïpresevative iix. tore, (Dve r 2,000,000p<so ond telephone p' oies cend thse milionsof farmers' fence posts treuted with "soe prove theseifacts "Osmnose"realtydoes j, l ob> ever, on, green wooct. Your d'eleaer..ciisupply >'ou By GENE BYRNES ia-'~ .±-