E Subscription $ 1.25 per Yi . 19 OROýNO. ONT-.. THLUSDtAY, MAY To Pay 2 Cents Extra Per Quart Commencing June I ________________________________________________________ F I - LOST OUT IN RACE Orono girlis' softlbaillteam pîaYedYO d B " Jr Weýdn.esday eveninig last vTith Ne,- ýen,ýAround M0 were present for dGadCapo ~tils opeing gamae ith the local On Frda , My 24th, Dr. W. W. dans having a great chance to eheerSernshwdaumeofesy -ipate the i eNi "e irs tea e-cattie from bhis own Jersey lherdad fs-e tofthe25 itonvieirs b athat of Mr. M. Wý Staples at Brook)- ~ecoreof 25 o 15lin Spri.ng- 1,aiz7. There ivere aromià OreGanisby opened the r-egular .zeraso)n schedule by givinig a talk to! ~teplayers, which was very suitablel to theocain Newtonville had the first battiag '-ald scored six ruas on eigh-t bitýs -CF thie offring of Donna West. Ia the lart baif of the first, 0O10onoC ý,sorcd 1,3 ruas off Vina Stacey wbo oen the mound for the visitors. iýUyreceive4 15 its and batted Oil two tunes. Newtoaville ê.reback la first part of the sec- 'dWth rujn.s, while tbey hIIeld IeOrono girls soeesi hi -Iaf of thle secondlc. Boft tanis sc-ored a run in the thiird 1Iinîngra1t akýe dire score 10 to 14 at thie end f the sever 100 Jer seys showp at the Fair wit our, two local breediers winninga larg-e nunier of' prizes. ia te year-oldl bull cuaîfïa bull was-eaereo rm each herd an d cap- tured lstrac 2nd prizes, whiie one of these bulîs went on and captured the Junior. and Grand ýChami-pionlshipý. These two buils are brothers. The other prizes -won ivere :lst prize nila The2-year-old class in aiilk; 2and ird 3rd prizes for senior yearlings; jrd, 4th and :-th prizes in th-ejnio .yea rli nIgs. LIOELA.DENT nked the IThere passed araaY On AMoaday, Enid MHid j iVfay 27th, 1946f, rt CcrnLionel work for A. Dent, la his 83r-dyer 0 increas The late IMr. Dent for rnaL'Y Vycars s, Off the scrved as a sergeat onitde Tooto took over Police Florce. Folloing his reire- ýonville t menit front the For-ce Mir. DeWitn ov- ndu perio. cdito Orono, where heolived until1 vced twOl 1943 when hic moved to the home of bits, -lth buns on rt Cochrane. 11e was bort their baîf i asilîe, Queec, andi was 'a the sixth veteranI of the North West Rebel- s hl lion.. Dent ivas a member of the rus !aUnlitedC'i bc ind ivas active ila rth _N ;iSnday School. work. oae rua, whuch le tc, a losp, with s vvere made dut'ig loy each teamc, Alice ý econeL, na( ns. iita isAlice g sthe !line-uip apfor' -- ---f-- --6 oip--- ---6 ie, 1h....--.... gan,3th........6----- s cf ............ .5 Orone ddletoa-, Ss.6 leton, lii, p.6 j wasunited ina marriage to 1Miss Matilda Hendersýon, wope deceased hlm som)",e YearIs ago. f thsunion he leaves to sur-vive his loss five sIons, Arthurc, R(obert, Gor- donI, Walter andý George Erniest; and thiree dlau-ghterýs, Ina ( Mrs. J. Smith) Eva (rMrs. H-. Prothero), an-d M rs. L. C. Mason).* Funieral seri'Vce w'as held at the Chapel of Mc.Doujgall and Brown, 1491l Dan-'for-th Ave., Toronto, on1 Welresayevening, May 29th, at 8I p.m Interm-ent will take place in Oronio Cemetery On arrivai of mo11tors about ilam. Thursday A.Sapl es, 2b....... H. Wood, r.f............6------ S.Myles' , c. -..........6 D.W estý , -p-.-. -----. ----. Newtoaille. 6 3 1 O 2 Orono..........--13 0 52 ---a-----.-.----.--- Newcastle ----- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52 il 32 31 2 1-15 4 x-25 b p.c. o-.1000 &-.iOOO 2-.OO00 irl Guides To Attend Guide Rally! 1-l, Wo0r'l d 1Underground by the Niazis andi bru- ! alta. Ethe foun- talypescueim mesp figues f~mmcal Girl Guideicreasci acila"ImIaaly Cases doubledjiluecimill ncouver on ýbefore ýtbe libýeration. * l ith am, ýour of, thei The World Chlief Guide arIveirac',rcatsseý b er frorniCuba eaMy in Februrary wvrere she W ei dený-PowveilIattendeci a week's traliaingcofee.hoi son whee ence spoasoreci by thie Western apute fo q000 GrlHeishee subo-commlittee' of the tumpe-a! that toured WorldAsoitn of Giýrl Guides crenchir teci States andi Boy Scouts. Promr there sIre chills. ,f Iri.ndredsvisite i Jamaica, Barbados, British waxe ravel Eas-IGaina, Mexico ani then the Uniteciltite. T] uring May States. After ber tour of Canada anc iCi tIre Iarger anci before retarnAig to ber home atu asteuri She ,wiL, HMon Court la London, EnglanciliitIr an last iveek the Lady Badlen-poWell wlll visit there mt diii MNeeting of Girl Guides of Nlfuaufl AnI f the Gir l Lady Ba(leîl-POiVell i Ie pres- iserase ent at a rally àt Oshaivra Arena on sae dy Bader-a- Xedesdaby, Janie Sth, at '2.30p.. lans hwiterlnd.The Orono Girl Guides expect to0rt-ev, ci andi atr end thiis .' rrlly. Aayone Vwho )ihe fter, li Denirkto off ,,ia car ro trkesom o t e os't la thUs- Orono Girl uiesto ge atralyl'yanci C;udes an-d ioulci be grertly apprecîraeci by tIi" lathef iCVeener O no Gide s. Those hraing carsinften a not forgot-toplae atiredissi f theCGuis I eCIe o ,i ng eoc- kindlýý gel ira touch riti tire Captai, g int Swioe Club Attractive To Boys And GirlS 10or the past six or seýven, yeaI two Boys' anïd Girls'swn Cub have beeiï organized eacýh year wiîth eac'h 3mem-ber rafsing- a pair of purie bred weanlîng row pigs.,- The Weýst Durhain i Cub organîzed in 191-9, by E. A. Surnmiers, wasý sponsored by the Bowm-iraniville Ro-] tary, and Lions Clubs, -which eachl donated ninety dollars which bough ten pair of pigs. The boys 'lho oh-il tained thep iga wreolie1 t e tu,)ru a, pair from one of the litters the followiý,ng spring, thus the Club was m-iade mnore or less perpetual. In 1940, the Rotary Club o-f Port Hope donated(' a hundrecd and eighty dol- lars to- purchase ten paiirs for East Durham. 'Last vear the Bowmiianville Rotar-y puirehased an extra pair for an En- niiskîl!len boy who was otherivîjse to be dis app ointe d after préparing his Ilen, buying feed, etc. Over the course of six, years another aine pair have been purchased through the Juntior Farmers' Fund, n'akig a total of thirty pairsfo distribul- tion. Al pairs -were applied for early in March with six boys having toi defrr their mmesi until nextj year. The Port Hopýie Rotary, three of whose mnembersý, M r. Geo Garnet, Mr. Jordanj, anid Mri, on. faxýýter, were pres-ýent atote distribution of the pigs at Wlo e n Tuesdaqy nîightl, UMay21l, has shiown its initer- est Ly purch-lasinig a hog, pig this yea-r to improve Vhie t-ype of the hogs in the Ea'st Clubý. Mr. Crow, editor of the Port Hope Guide, wa alo Presenmt to report on the projeet. Unifortunatliqely, ow'ing to 1theshort notice, Bowmnanville Rotary and Lions' Chlbmnbesw r otpe- pcnt at Blac'ksto)iýckion Mondalyeveii- Five Points In F (By Dr. G. W. Miller) p Fro Nite point of view of inci- dlence the dsae nuatFever raSI yet m--ay aot bu osiee a serions niational di"sease but to the indflividurial hois unfortuniate enougb to econ- tract it, u11d(1-1hnt fever cran represeat a first class raed.Since com-iing to Durbani rCoaty a litie over Oive months ago I bave personraly comie bto casual contact wîth at least 20 ,cases of the diserase andi T am icertainl moste of yakaow of people w1m. are suffering fromiî this particular aîl-ý ment. T'he isease la so far as it afects humnans as been known sine the tura o'f the century but it is oally iithin the last 20 ycars that it bas been recoganizeci as a public h-erlth prolni ain this couatry. To-day there are over 4,04)0 cases re-ported îan the UaedStates y ear, l -" ani we bave no idea how maay cases are miîstakea for some other disease or iseetireliy la the tmulci form.l It is a dsraeofcwgoats anci hýogs anci1 founci in almnont every -part o)f the wrd hnit affecîts cnt- te it is kniown asBagsDiserase or Siaifectio-us abortion. Whben it spreads tCo humIans it ilacailleci Undulant SFever or Brcllss after Colonel llriuce wbio isýovered thle cause mhile oring amongst goats la ttle by drinlking ura-pasteuir- k rbeinla iidirect contact .rtng 4ïtte or handling the s of infected caqtle. ecnze the a c-u te ra ncd formls of thedae . Ia the 4.1y.... np 4,ii(4-t lias a ioi tare iratIre afiternomois ranc iia îa swrt t Ili..t ,ithbnme There'sis alsogreat hodily fec ss anci a makdloss la appe-sc te feverc is a draily o)ccurrence o bl a bistory of drinking un- t izeci mîlIr or beinýg la Contact a(c< 1 infectecihed the dîserase isst icuIt todigoe r e chronIic fo)rm boiveverl, tire i is verv ylice manv other di- rail -Weil, believe it or not, B"ih Riddell, now has com-petition in a certain kind of fur bearing animal. One morainrg this week iMessrs. J. C. Tansblyn anid Ed. Deuin w.ere seen) chasing after one of these partîclar aimrtais, blaek with whbite stripes downi ts back. Report to band is that t-he animai evaded its ivoulc be captors se liveth for anothe-c day at1 :ng for- the organzation i-eeting- and thbe distrilbntîoon of the pigS. The swine club mientbers keep a record of feed, costs, r e ceiv e in- struction ln judgiJng, are mi-arked on sow and mnanag-em-ent, and each mnust also show his ýpair of sows at an, Achieveniient Day next Fai. The member.s of each Club are as fol- lows aiid it wil" be noticed that the ~rtgir'l to qualify as a miiemuber is MAiss Joyýce McGiIl, Ennriskillen, On- Two Cents A Quart MiIk SubsidyOff June1 House of Gomnmons May l6th by AýgriculturalI Miister Gardiner -an- nouneiag the remuoval of the czon- sumer sbi( on inulk paid Since 1942), Wartirne Prices and Trade Boa.rd bas issued n state-nreat cf steps being taken to imiplement this policy (1) Control of milk and creami pries will be returned to the juris- diction of provincial milk- boards as froni June jet.L (2) The consumer subsidy on miflk, paid aýt the rate of 2c. per quart by Commnodity Prices Stabrlizikationi Cor- poration since Dece-i]ber 6th, 1942, vvili be discoatiie d as from miýd- Harry Age Joyce McGll. Jack ngt a lt 96 M. Green, Eiwya Dîckey, Warren (3) The Waýýrtirrie Prices and Trade MeQuade, Robert Çraig, Bil Magiîl Board. regulations prohibiting tIhe Robert Philp, Donald Heasmnan, Bud sale of wbipping creani, and re- WYalker, RalpIr Robinson, Glen Gib- stricting the quaatity of creani soli, Wilson Carron, Glenn Saady, wbicýh nay be sold, wlll remain in Rae Pascoe, Bill Ruadle, Carl Bruat, effect. A new order -will be issued Roy A. Werry, Allain Werry, Gilbert MUagili,RoldCoibsSane prohJibitiag thre sale of whlipping Wilis-on, Keitb h ihJdýha Coo-ijbes creaInI. Richard VanIcamp, Alcck- Moffatt, (4) A produer subsidy of 55c. per Wiî. Jeiveli, Tyan Crwfrd undrcd poundsý- will be paid until East Club Members Fay CornîIr Gordon 1ahat September 3Oth. This As an increase Keitb Stapletonl, Elmner Sacîgrove, of 20a. per huadred pounds over the Blle Hale, Johin Gathcart, reidl subsidy usuaUly paid in the heavy Wood, Gordon Gibson, Ross W rdcn seasol, àMay lst to Sep- das, Gerici Ch, Stno y am- tembeocr 3. Formnery the sub- ilton, L Kellogg,.rEa 1 Morton, isidy paid duing tis period was lawrence Hudson, Al"lan- Hutelhison,lu5c. per hundreci pounds. The 55c. Moele milaon, lcolm Syer, per bunidred pound subsdy ssoniy Hloward (Cotbiam, Glenn S1tapleton, pi ntexitrrotso o Alcc Martin and Reggie Watkins. 1pridulathew troothnf.o (5) Aftr Septeniber 3Oth, ail pro- ducer milIr su'bsidy pa-,-meats by the Pre ell t-Departmient of Agriculture iI be is oritinui.aecordima to Mr. Gardi- chronic forms. We also bcelieve thnt the dlisease cran liïe dormant la thle body withlout produc ingl symlptoris randi somne observers estinuite that froni 30 to50 of those peopleý worinilg amiongst infectec iberds wvoul'd give a posýitive blood test. One aack does not protect the indivici- uial from-i further attackslý. Treatment of the disease, is fac from ntisfcor.Thesulfadug r ani penicillia have been disýapp-oint- ming; serumnsrandi bacterins have help- e d laafew cse. Strephtomy lar the aiew wonder drug, is saici to grive somie hope but rat present is aot available locally, It is the tenden.cy for the disease to becom-e chrvonic which renders itV a poteatial threat to human bealthi and thereby a public lhealth prble which miay becomje serlous unlesse we do somethiag about it. -We feel that the logiïcatl ppr'oachi to this probleneii, as l so my other infectlousdiass is prevention.i (1) Prcobbbly the 'besýt safegurardi agistth( disease d sihe ehiinat,- t ion of Bang's Die iie l-cttle. It is for thlis rea son- Yitha-,t the Onta.rio t-ion wvith thevtrnrastruh out the Province, iarc dortneb poîicy o Cf vciainfor cal11Ves dr ing thie 4tb Uo)80th moaitb. (2) Dink lonty pasteuirized ll randi crea-i. Unidulant fever isý, rare amüongst (3) As the ýchiance of contact in- fection is grteatest rat the tiuie of abortion or normalpruitothre 'e o (la ea pe pound, on bu-)ttter fat -will also be- conjtinueci, as rannouniceci previously,. (7) The sulhsidy oanil useci inti the mnakîng of cheese bras been lai- creaseci froini 20Iot 30. per hua- dreci pouncis retroactive to May 1st, 1946. (8) The preseat subsidy on con- centrateci' milk products wlll also beý paid on, the present basis for thel tune big (9) Ai! sellers .of iîkla anad wll be notifled that the consumner subsidy, oa milk is beiag disýcontia- ued -as of dune lst. Tbley ivili be advised that al their dlaimsmpust be pesenteci for paymet -witini tbiirty days folîowing the end of the mlilk subisidy on, Mafy Slst,19. Donald Gordon, chrairman, War- tunie Prices ranci Trade Board, ini a statenicat accom-ipanyinig the Board's Results 0f Tag Da Orono For The praceed-s of the Tag Day beli in 'üýoroon Satu1rday, May 25tb amutdto tweaty-two dollars an, fift-six -ents. The co-operationo the public is appreciated, anod thaab are du.e to the g-irls who gave thei time to collect, Forence Linton an, Carol Cornish, Shirle-y Flintofl Maureen M'cKenina, Kay Ganisbý Gracie Gamisby anld Shirley Myleý Rev. S. iÀttlewood and Mrs, Little wood wrethe coavenors of thi Young People S Union Park S. Y. P. U. miet on JvorIdaý evening, MýIay2Othi, %îth the Christiaý Culture convenor in chreOF tl programme. There was a good at tendance. The metnpened 1with Ithe cou venor la charge of gane.Die. M'or-toal, the presideat, thren to0 charge of thebuies The topi for the eveaing was entitlcd "Yot part in Canadian ra dio". Lilliaý read a story o)n radio, flowdby. discussion with everyoae takiný part-regarding1 programmes ve lis ten to, whIy! those w1hich. are thi mIost popular, etc. 7We thea catered loto ftic worshiý -ýervice ith it ± m usie n1ved b, dies oni tera, coffec and or, dlirect amove to offset the risce in the cost of livingl tkigplace at that time. "The Governamnt wvas establish effective price the face of ee-oni ary pressures anci naono what extent, or for hou, hian activities -would 'have stricted by the over-ridiu of mliîitar-y victory. r"TIhe resaît of -wbat announcement, said Ijsiidta "The su.bsidly was introdulced lain was, hoivever, a src Deceicr i7of 14,aon ihsubsi- m'ealsurp. National Clothing Col- lection June i 7th To Thre Honi. Rusýse1l T. Kelfly, ro vincial harmnïf thie Natýinal Clothing Collection for Otarlo an nouceitat thie Onitarlo qu-ota bas benst rt 6 millionpodd As the Province Iras a popu1laltin of four miillion, iff the quota is to be aehieved, every mnax, woamaýn and cehilci mut donrate at least one andcia ihaPif p)ounids of serviceable wearingý apparel or bedding, said Mr. KclIey. UJnless Ontrario, andi the rest of Cn ada, together with other of the World's rmore fortanate j)ppulations, aniswer the"r appeal,Ineato l Relief Agencies estimiate thbat 1301 muillion people, including-25nillion-1 ehliren, faýce deatb froi cold aidj sickness because of exp)oare vncxt wiyiter hin EnrranP. as an aftermiath of cps, f elt ing, piece anc ilinen, Ah iwasi. shoulci he ironiec. Oti driyi4cleraned tons are ie buttons are tIre clothlîn whîch cani straw b ats5ý mattresses, rPeeiveci fr tional E-xE, verse F. P amount ile stress too ýbut il ý_ ýMM7-.- , ý- ý ,< _7 ý , ýýý LOST OUT IN RACE t,-dllv -,an exneriment, has