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Orono Weekly Times, 30 May 1946, p. 2

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Hto 1 cin1 By Ann-e Ashley Q. How can Mtie a reg thait prists i ninklilig? A. Try thefllwn tetnet Disoveipart Cof coIomanglue n 10 par-ts of %,arm wate2r. 1Hang the rug over- a p)o!e ai d paint' the wogside of it wývith a paint brulsh ippedI in the solutioni. Use- the solutionspiglo it may soaký througb and show on the surface. Thistreorment shod be done mn the yard here thle irug wilIdry quickly. Q. Flow caln emoe Cr-atcheýs ïfýIvm table s cilvet A. Boy a smal amou'tnt of puttyý podrat a ch12emist's anid put inti) a saucer iwith enough olive Oil to make a paste. Rnb this on thie sv ith, a soft cloth and theni' polh iha chamois. Q.How canIi sor eahr that a re bent anad ont:ofcul? A,. By Cxp'osing ith to 5steami, o)r plajcinig in biling w ater; for oneil milnute, thenl tai ont and !,Laying in temperaIte water. Q. Ho'.w can tI treat a dishf that is craýcked, but tiot enitircly broken c A. Bail the dish for about 43 inutesz in enough sweet nmilk ta cove: it. Aniy cracks w ýill gînie to- gthler and becomle invisible. Theî dish wëil stand almost as much ordinaryusage as vvbcn uew. Q. Ilow can I ren1oie vaseline jieIy sains rom cloûig? A. Moîsten the sp)ots w it'il a mixteof i part anioie si,1 Pa - podrdsoap, 10 parts wtr Allow it to riemain for ten mnts then wash witb water. I'A594 Easy ta kniii-it's donc in sec- tions 0on twa nýeedles. Lovly-for it-'s cabie stitcb, Durale bIecau.tse ~i's mad& ai colorfýul mig yamu or ai bld stockgs. A kniitied mtg for auy pace v-n thle bose attirn 594 fbas direc- tions ýfor 1mg, ,andmacigsa caver. SAnd TWENTY CENTS l co'ins (slimps cani be ýcacccptcd) for- ibis patteri ta thieNedcri Dept., r-olam 421, 73 Adeilaide St,. M/estfToro-îo.,Printîpiainy lFATTE17RN UM 1BE1,R, yo 211(liADRES cess Wears Mother's Clothes Lodo'sfirsit race0 meeting ice19410 boî the sunntiesi Eater a4 ih cenur.Sa br wer rcord lcrow,-ds a i HorstParkc Tlh1 1i g andciPrinlce ssJElz- be wre (th1ere. Tbey moved amou("g Ithe cod rudthe pad- dck w\iîh as mucb tuncauiceru a'S Os tecil1 atiouils b odygu arFd; nlo i- farred polce. Tlle Pincessow 20, wornbine sge coat, bine bai an, iVeil. Manly çainentd iat it was harly suit- abie fer snch a bot day. SYNOPSIS CHAPTER KI "Do jou know why Ibn wanted?"e Sherwin akestill stanidingi. The od felow nodded. "Seen tI' pa1per yon bad in yur cpocke(t, Shcrwin. ou'd mared thàe de- sciption, and it dropped t'otber day an', sw'it. The shicrifflk somec, too, w vhe n eegaiin' ta look for th' place wbere lordan jnmpýlCd the cek in'taskin' quetios. onsit dovwn anl' cat" Shw ust dw.'o'ea good mal"ie saidchok1iný1gly. "imol, aid MacýDovwell1 quiz- zialy. "I ain' dead set on punish ing ather folksý." "Excpt ordn,'aid Sbcr wi. Mlac langhied. ', Vell1 , nmayb ee! Eat, sou, you may have a lng hiue.von cMattake tb'trains- Cuier'll ba] e yourictnlreup i Sbernwiui nodded, cating in silence. Haîf anlbour ago, ith Jane'seys canging as they loa- ed at im, fDood oG1dd aecboked him, bu1t he -was hunigry now ai he ate 1mecban1ically. Old Ma, it- ting down oýDpposite, filled bis pipe 111dIlit it. Neýither 0of thýcm iSpokýe ýor a wbile aind the lîg.,' began ta ea.itwa tl dayligh-t outside btl theû ltfle room was in thec shiadow of thue bigý ranch-bouse ýand it waýs sodi thatMa rose, got a2 lan-ip, it it and set it on the tbe Shcerwvil hbad fin-ýinsbcd bis imea and lie ibrusti bisplate aside, look nacro5ssat, th1Cohl m1-ia's face behind th cam31,ouflageoftobiacca smk.At last bre spoke hoarscly7 forcing bimself to i1. "Yusaid a wbile ago-wben yau were tending my rn-that- Mis Keller wvas ta mar i Stnhiart.> Is that truc? onis pipe. "i heardjin i Say,5 You don't like Stenart?" 'VIS my cousin,'Sberwin saiC in a flat emoiiileýssvc. The Dlddiman start-ed and touïk biu pipe ont of hi outONK "Gasb! hecauatd and starcd ait the young man dumbly iHcs y cousin and bis testi- mnony seint mle ta jail for lie"said Sbriand bis vocehhok."lie lid.He lied mie ont of the way fo0r feart7I1d1break auý 13r Ile' ll "A'yon're accucd of 1ilin' th' uincIe b)ecause lh'd cnt >yon off, ain't that it?" Mlac Ieaned is elbors 0on thie table, -lookinig across it at: thef shladowed face of Sewn The ltted nodded. "The old stry i e sisortly. "Unèle1c klild in the garden1. [He %vas stab- bcd nobile esletun One Md bencb by thue cedars, 1'd just fonnld lim whnMax cýamne hin thegaie: be'd been up the street at the uews- stand. He varei had theenife lua My hand.It was perjury but bc got a(way %ithl it, tJncle and 1 bahad a diffewrce the daY before, and p)eop)ck1knw of it. That went againt me, and IMaxsworc me mli jail for- life. That's ahi." Ma a ilnic for a whlthen he grunted. "Did yonti eli ji about i? Sbrrwin laugiedIbiîtery."e wouldn't bouivéme îi Idid!The jury didut. I'v sercd ipht r. Jwas tet-w bnIwssn tened.Evr beniin jail?"tic askediricly Puchn arou's bead got 1meCa- rtebuit smeow e juldgc kinder agreed witb me ot hitned- ed puncin'" "fit's ike be.,cing in bel-to Fshut ahety nian up beidstonie wlsfrlife,"Serî said bitter- b'."i an' betakn i Ican help itPId oraterdi-undy I'e ga Ismoehig ta do firt. thelamligt gain; somnethingin thewitbfce oppos,ýie mo-Ved h deeplye. Sher,,,Tn wasa st-rnger, bcie was an escaped convict? yet "Dntdo ih, soný,»aid 'Mac 8&&M rassit ir city-so told mýe and I'd trarked cýhumi patientiy, trackýed im îIta ele' ranci!, when I 1stumbnled ia your accident and motorcý01ed yo-nu bre. t was purln- hck, 1I touight, 'tagel becre su aiy-ibn reetas MacD)ovwll nde."Hie's gettin' wvell an' bc';s sure ta ang aronniid Sbcrwin naid noiing, but bis bauds cliuched oultil the niails bit: in-ta the lpabhs. !luthe siilce the utie rnmseemed -Jfuafjane's psnc.Againibe sawiher-ees change, saw ber recoil! A sbudder ra aulfgh im,1ury 7)pe ,npin hmii, bei remembr ldjStenbrt's wh-;ite Cfa1ce b Iis Co wardl!y cry: "Don't iihimi kilI e! Again be paced upl and down'I. No wo."rds werespoen.OidMac sat tikinilg, bis pipe hinbisbaud. Tt was stMA tben anc of the -mlenIbegan "te sinag oi under the trees, al pa, s sanig, fIn hallan 1hour the mooan woufld risc: now it wavýs piicb dark outside. Old aDwl tsilwy stretching bis uninjured an "T'sbcriff'il bc aronnd here fo a sil,mab tbrysx ous Youl cani't bard-ly miss huîm if yous try, ta get ont nw;saile rof'c will mcclIl!up ilih yO11, IteflIyuU wbiat l'Ilo-yoncae alang witbi mne naw, b core m-icoonrïise, an',l11l fi you up. 've just been figuin' iS Sbcrwviiinsopdin hi5 pacing and loaked at biim, strangely tond- cd. "Hlow about Kilr He wanited me ta gct on tatoe" ~'Cou ain'tgain'ta stay on 01' rl)(h.ncyou i loi me"Mac icke'! np thc food-pack aud opencd the door. A Sudden1gust o)f wind blew on-t tLe lamp Ini the dark Sherwin pressd bis bauds over bisyen es; wa IsPyigta shut ont jane'sface! They stpped ow n mathe igbt, dark bef are moonrise.-L Ji g bl t s strteali-u( from the cî-.os windows. Theycod ber voice over thre; nce somnee clauighed idly7. Mac tancbied Sbcr:wînl's "W\e're gain' ta I'sab;,i' Une cthere, an' WC can saddie Up, SI can'îtabke a horse from bere!" "Easy, soni, t'i lncid yo ine to- nighit," said Mac. " cn ide anaieo the ranich hores; caini't gain' s) terribleudar.' MaDw lbought ont the horses, Slierwu haec D tkly aaud ou nc ai thïetinbit lhe imonnltcd wethe aId mian told hlini the roan was is own roery SiIlntly-, after that, t1hey rode pasI thIle ranich-hanise and ont an IDta h witnimutî road. Fve miles up ini the rcd- woods tbey assd0te liis of Las almas. Theliicdfr-oin the bills grcw cold, but the sky \vas~ brigtenng;the ighbtpak we Calr-eady îtouicbled with moicon- it. Sbcrwin mmcd in bis sdde auld looked dowu. Belov. hum Iiay the ranch; be could just sec the degbs intb usm, mernpi.paiunts afi brghnss arkness, like ?L velvet cloak, fiad falilenon thelc v[ILLy. He drw -adeep breatb. Janec- was thecre, Jane, ýwbo3 had re-~ pnitdhum with ber chiIl ook, and Semuast!His bausdscem~ed. Stenbhart's lic bLad sent hilm ta .prison, it purisiied bitill Rsov was badeinig i in-hum. bcculd net go unttil lie had kilied humii. 1I-le rode on agaibuit, a1Iil the tich -'as aware of those ligits dawnl therei the drkcs.Me bad iie eigbt years in Pison but Le was stili yanng.Tue gr0'seyn, ber vaice, ber- soit hvands on is wounid- cd armi, had iui1dled a sinelowý the flaiinclwas mdefcrer ore H-ave youI ever tackleýd a job witbl foeoigand disiike and finishied up by reall]y ejyîgtlewok I arn sure ycanbave-wve aIl sur- pris orele once in, a whLile. - Wl45 Iwaslouwbat 1I -togbýt wvouid be an1 nIupleasant job but 1 5s0on fouud myscîf getiing qite a kick ont of it, It Look me intoD bornes -wbere 1I bad neyer been; brouigit nme ia contact Withl peapie I ihad neyer Imet and shlow- cd1 nie a phseailife w ich I ad almnosiforgtte. cidentally, I waidmie anc bouse here tere wawmasles-onre adt recover- ing, anechciid sili in, bcd, and a baiby aÉi te siffling stage. Sinc it \-,as my piieetoc bave mieases myseli a fer yéars ago I1 îradd on the assumptian tatÏ w ýas tilerfore immuni-iîized. The places that I vstdw fain b1 ornes aud Étreec ai themr wcr(:!e occupie)d by yu, Couples, eacb wýith a famlily oftii celitle tots, ail unider seblool age. Salne- bow it gave me quite a liii. Hore was yonng Canada gowing up, Hecre weru huIsk,ý yooingfeos wii-I hope-en 1thus1ias tic adop- timlistie yong ives M'm ee net afraid ta bave b)abies, nor1-te tackie ihe bard buit tsfi job cof beinig a farlrne'sMie. And the cdenm wvere snicb darlings, and obviousiy weIl cýared for. 01ne littie tw-výear -ai, w7 ', is 1mo11ihersaid, eal alw ays "made sirange", came tod- dilinig over ta mle airnîosi as s oon as> 1 sat adown iand eM p Ibis ýee arsta bc picked u1p. hseme ta me tdeenwsu grati hope for th futurle ai rurln-oall n- are fa'mm far-iIiCis arauund ikýetos 1 saw that(day. saie uvery loneuly folk. Thýere was"I antc poor oAdfeow living ahneý, isï barn bunit thie ground. b, Ii- soni in hospital, nouacune buýt beý and the dog warkýiu]g ami1x: chiarred -a:Idiblackeued mubio w bt ad once ben a Lenid baru, ýand wbicb athe urnJie ai tIs lire, badbo tedibe sasn' -, o and sane sheepaiau ofwbîchyad wi h br! freir is ýýfiermce revery, 0O1d a drew rein., "Gel downt-," Ibe saidbrfy.'V can blobble th,'herses,wev t to hoof ilthie resi th'way1 " (To be otîud býcu iost. 1 stood iokig t the tragi remins of a liie time' work as the û a1id in toM me is stary17',. The nx caîl was a lot lLr ccrni. ere 'S a n ld copehapp[y ii ac ihr' cn pau(y 1asthe sandLs of lîfe rmn 1slow- 'y ont. I imaginle that was niow il tbcy Natd-a! ll tat alot -ai aged coupiles want-ta livi ont thecir lives together The(n I1came a a arn woi-atn liig alon-excepi fr ired heip. Sihe seemced pcr-fctly conitent ex- cmpt fr ber warries in gcttng ca- petrpprbangrsa nd0 xt ra farm help. 'Tut et," rensrked,"ilispite of ailtoese diffcuties yOU persis in carryiug on?" "M'y g(Oodne,,s s, es Wat vwould I do awMy from the fari naine, minai, .iltwo-b-foulr in tw' Icouild sec ber poïintairgt býcauvse, even aswc wcnt aroun ta visét berCoicon, w ite Pet iams amoledalang b ius, becaunse they knew it was nal boul e re Living on a farilnunobdy getsta bc a habit. Or shau WCssY the roots oanc puts dwn arc lîke taproot. f anýy attempi be mande ta hig Up the main rot ierce is stililo1(ts,-aillife iLu the rnes Many farin fok are pasi doing the bard w arlk incidenta!intafarmiîng bu(t yuet there are stili 50 nIanyIl * Every Itoo t witju ikwe niS TeIephoaýe. * $ai,*->.-,O Up - * God Fot.Dining mai D T R& H. 4111 Smart Girls Always Carry Paradol ini their Handbag They know that Paradol wi ieve them quickly ofhades other dîscomforts, 5as w %ell a " chteek coldS. One girl -wites,-"U-ntil 1I 3ý4 Paradai every month I1 auffeeÇ al moat unbearable pains. It is th(- mnost quiekly effective relief 1, have eve-r used and there is no disatgrecableIf aftereffet."- m Sb 1 1 Y 1 ~ f "Fire? Goodness, no! Since I've been serving Grape-i for breakfast, my husband decided the stcirs were "Wauild yon believe it, I've tounid tisai saine thing evcrywhcre I've cati- ed tibis morning - people rmshing dOwnstairs ta taste ta itisi mlty-riis, nii-sweet flavar ef Pasi's Gýrape-Nuts Flakes." "And you sheuld sensy faiiy tear ita the day's activities an tisai gaad nourisliiment Grape'.Nuts Flakes give titie: carbahyvdraiýes for energy; pro- teins for muscýle; bs~irsfor tecth and bances; iran for tise blaadl; and other food essentiaLs,."' "tmmn... mnay 1 step in 4,'o a bote- fui?" "Oertainily-and I w'ait yu ta tr'y tise simply grand mnLïlsý- I've just flnished making .;frein ao4 t fthse recipes on ise Grae-N-s Fiakecs pack'age r' TURNING POINT 12q Mary lmlay Taylor CHwUNICLES oIINGERAR * * uttst andingi y Good

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