f Firs s iïm Whîch wonld yez rathier be inPt-neplso cauise in a coibsienthreyez are, but in anexloionihreare yez?"1 NotFHiS Coat hH, a!-" ilauged i i ghliaml "Poor oid Henpeckcd! I a oï1 yestetrolay sewinig a buittont on yonr coat- "Vo'eu're a fbe, snappj-ed Hn pecked. "tell yOu 1dd"Said Binýgbam1. 'lammywu with my own eyes. Henpeckd gave a Sueromle. "Vndidni't'," ie r eplied. It was miy %wife's coaýt." STUFF AND THJNGS Very VerySo As the mas'ýter of thie bouse sýnIoke4d bis pipe th1 ld ardne Laobsy -t Ibis igginig. Snde ly e old chaup srib enýed -up witb, a jerk, scIeed to tbiink bard for a 1ïmnue, then gave fibe spade a vicionski. tha's ie troule,Ma? askcd hî eploer "Wýeel5 ir, ye mmid fitha ne ,wbo was mlaid be about tet yezar zgo? repilîedMac, anigrily. 1Ivwas standliing ait tbe back door wAi' bier onecblt anid shie said shle wa,,s canîlt; so 1 gied bier my mu111fï- ler. Wfbiles, sbe said she w'as stil! cald, so gi'ed lber m1%7 cot An' it's jnst strnck, me that the Lass wanted me G to cnddle ber,2 l'mitthat imad Iidnt itbink of -it Ixeffore." )Corne c ilg-le ýstr iy turned, and Oressed en abe bie ad gonle, fie feit a ga is siev-,e an)d looked n ietoffe yes of a fragile-app)1eari-ng O4d adY in -a Choker Collar who bad beeýn sitting at the n e xttfable. "Ilere you ar, ,Young nian", she gaid ;ii a conspiratoriap whspr and pressed izto bis hand a lumîrp of zlngar that slehe ad nndoubhtedly êed,,ged un from a largeý mesh reti- cule she hlad witb ber. '"I always c£arry some. fin Case 1I meet ahose you ko. Toc Fast Jobinny "I feli fin a ilud pdl. ýMothier: "bt ihyn e p.1nts on? Johnn1y: -V y C f-,s fat1 idnIl't hv hneto tae tem His Naine The boy wýas beinlginevee by tle rector of a seetGlso mhool wjthi a view to bis enrol- ïmenllt. Ilbt' 1113nâe? be Watn aske-andrepled:"Pa"ersoni." -\What did youl say yvour name as"the rco eaddSeverely. Paeon"repealted the boýy, addl- ing with t' S.' n -u I Publisher HORï>IZONTAL was aiý eadinig Gordon - 1 1 Beverage 2Wrgiepr 12 Space 3 nitro 13 Femaleder ent 14 Tangle 4Ste 15 'HowI 16 Ta vern iBogh p 17 Erbitim t6 Lamlpreys ( symbol) 72Hor le 19DJ octor of 'iws Science (ah.) 92l00 ounds 20 Near Sl2000e andsv 21 Therefore -18 Rod, vent i ', 23 Egypti amSun20 Eciemt 24 d 21 Street(ab.) 25 Print measur-e22Fte 27 Give cedît 25 And (Latin) 29 Makespeech z 3 31 Kitten's calls 35 Guide pronounl 40 Indian army . 41 Symbol for a 7 a gold 42 Beholl i . 44 Pair(a. 31 1 4p6Doctora.) 47 Seedi container lo 49 Fuel 51 Born 54 Upward (comb. form)A 5Nevada cîty 56 Angor 57 HlisJona An'-wer T l, Rreviovs PuaieI R y Fr C-)Lu QIT j ýj Q NIE AEl i LttJ- M.O DIVISION Rý E A. 26 Myseif cloth 28 Ui-ited Servïce 38 International Organ"ization (ab.) 30 Dîined 31 IMine 32 Elcrclen- g;ineei (ah.> 33 Aperture 34 Tree flnid 35 Sorry 36 Vegetiible ,7 Measure of language 44 Ea l 4i5 Position 47 Kitchen -utensil 49 For 50 Uppermonst part 52 Bel ore .53 Ever coft FYÏESPorTIGTHN DV L4P6 4RAETPOP4 "You ol' cut-uyp!" aren't Yore new .here, VOICE 0F THIE PRESS - ------0 GetttiÏng Better (alga ry Hlerad thinks that by Je tîme the government returns ouir com-Ipulsory savings, onre third of thie recipienits wl be deaid, one thir in ailand the rest AilHbave spent ail tbecir's in tadIvance. Thiat's better than the iast estimate we saw, wcb hhad 'cm 511 dead. --Otta-wa Citizen, Waste of Flour Bea i estarants-aiid îany hoswvsas well-thfink thlat thie onlly way in j1 whicii to makýe a pala- Mtabe sanwichis te cat OfHail dbe crujst, ystquantities of bread are Ieingwstd very d Cay tbroughiout the lngth anrd breadith of th'fis cocnnty. --Brockville Rerde ami Times. Tlhey Also Ran Motpeople whoý( follow the hors"sbet on the horses WCo -"inisPress- Why They Live Lonýger Thexe ct nof lueo for thec averag man hs beenincrease;d -20 yeatasine15, ed sinii note. Musit lbe thlat a rsnlias 1to ive longe,ýr no-w to paly !his tacxes. -Kitchen r Rcord. 'lAo r n in' "MornincS. fer the summer ghitn along?" "Aini't got hlm ,ïi no mre-be wnt back te the dcit. "Fixe im?" "Nop)e; le qi. "WVhat'd he quit fer? "Gues hewasafeared Il'd work the Dayligbt Savlinst him." Hakin St. Thomas ,Ties- "Striking" Fact it is a "*stiing" fact thiat thle stanardwag of Johin L. Lewiýs's soitî coal miner is $630 pr week. Sombre Thought Il thilOSe )plIInet S wbIlre JiIf e i now etncthle :cientist3 prob- ably \-got julst a littfal frtbeCr 1tha urhaegot. HOMIE if you serve Max.. wel Huse. This extra- delicioîls coffee is bought and enïjoyed by more people than any offher Lrand of coffe iiî»i&bc ,world. NE'W Fastoî Actin ROYAL Ends Overnight Bother.Risk!1 N EW Fast Rising Royal is here! The modern baking discovery that Jets you dIo ail your bakhxng in a e hours . by daylight! No "setting bread" the nilht' before-no baking disappointmnents because dough spoiled during the niglit wheni the kîteni tem- perature changed. New Fast Rlslng Royal is ready for action 10 minutes after it's dlssolved la water! MUTT AND JEFF- It'a Either An Early Summer or a Late Spring I I~ LAH.-oI44BOY WA ADREAM! WuJEWERF POoR.. IWAS$ SO. G . OSl.ý, %7 wA 6 WE IDIDN'T HI~E 1 DREAMED - AM 1 GLAD I REAL! JIJST ILýIE It AYI4NTOE REýALIŽ/EATIt ýWOKE UP! REALLY I4APPENED! AN4I \N E WERE Iq IGý STARVING! ATR~ vm Y*,~ I~T. FRAi.A And the rich, home-baked flavor of bread baked with New Fast Rising Royal wilI makie your famfly brag about your bakýing more than ever. You get 4 packets in each' carton of New Fast Rlsing Royal-4 large loaves to a packet. Staye full-strength, ready for iimredi- ate use, for weeks on your panitry sheff. Aýt your grocer's-niow 1 By BUD FISHER No Chanree REG'LAR FELLERS-Standing Order B EEBRE M 1 < - - By GENE BYRNES