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Orono Weekly Times, 30 May 1946, p. 4

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TIMES. - 3Lf. A. A'.Drmonisetrn foiactive service cwt hoC na- IRBY utherord ian Bani of Commierce at the endi d Charlie o Du-ring hiis 20 years la an sold fAt cattie îast Orono the bankusiéness has con- siea % nreasodand his relon- sIQ ip At the commWANt has been Us loks s thuha plasant exporience. But aer. re- rid of al of our cnt- cent illnless, adwth the icrensed stai f re-spons'ihility Mfr. Dui ~Youmans entorain- niond Ris that his heahà is uncer- of their City friends tain. 'Mr. John Bine, of London, will -end. assue maagmet of the Orono to reportMr-. RoerIet br nupon Mr. Druimmaond'sei re-. -shape again after he-unt. by a feathered mrtonster. rs. -Milton, J. Elliott, ofi wîtir their aunit and d Mrs. F. riaome ased to sec Mr. Orley again after bis serioasi hope for his entire re- eon ýArd bas been re- anther term at Kirby Ard iS quit(' popular la both scirool and The communYity gLheed 'a3t the hmofMr. and Airs. Archie Luinnr on Tuesdiay evenng and presented their 1daugter ÏRuth, hridje-to-be, weith a?.nmisc ellaneous --how e r. Mr. and Imrs. E. A. Bryson- enter- tained hier immed-iate faily on I uesdeay eveni)ng in hono'r ofth 'silver wedding anvrayof her Mr.Brodiîe Thonipson. LK DnLioniel Arthur -- At Coch- rane, on Mlonday, May 27th, 1946 C, Lionel Arthuir Denlt, ln his Sr er Rosting ait the McDouga-ýl!LmadBow FnriChapol, oono Service in, thIle chapel on -Wedniesday, May29h at M)o01p.11. Intorment on Thiursdlay, Mýay 30Jt!, at 1. 00 am.l inron cpmcotery. kard;' on Monay My 27th, 146r, Jae George Chater, beovodbus band of Elizabeth Canilpbeil, agod 92 years. Soervice washold ini the Morris Fùneral Chapel, Bowman- vilýle, on WodnesdaSr, May 29th, at 2.(D.S.T.). Inter-ment wvas made 'Walter, Orma Madison - Early 'Mondlay m.oring, May '27, 1946, at iris, homne, 119 Constance St., Toronto, Orma Madisoin Walter, beloved hs band of Mlaud Beatrice Annis, for- merly of OshawaOnt, dear father oüf Dorothiy O. Waliter, To-ronto, end _Madison M. Walter. Montrea'l. Fa- nYeraI was h6td on Wednosday aftor- PR~IC A Message To ,Al Ontarjo Families' During the war years whetn it was vitally important to keep the cost of living index down, the Wartime Prices and T'rade Board subsidized the price of m-ilk in December, 1942. Through the consumer subsidy, ikw-as delivered by the daineîs to you at two cents a quart less than you paid previous to that date. Everyone is grateful to the Prices Board for this arrangement, which over the past three and a haif years, lias proved so help. fui in keeping available to you a plentif ul supply of this most essential food. ~The Wý,'artime Prices and Trade Board lias now-v decided, as part of its policy to relax rmany of the wartime conitrol.s, that iti s advisable to discontinue payment of this consumner subsidy which is costing the taxpayers of Canada over $20,000,000 a year. You are now being called -upon to pay -the two cents instead of the Government paying it out of youar taxes. This, means that en June lst your quart of mIlk wiII revert to the nid price in *ftect before the subsidy was estabhished. It is noteworthy that iii1 the face of rising prices ail along the Iine, mflk, will cost no more after June lst than it did three and one-haif years ago. In contrast, according to a recent st-atement made by Donald Gordon, Chair- man, Wartùne Pnices and Trade Board, the comparable price La the United States is now equal to seven cents per Canadian quart higlier than the Caniadian pnice. ONTARIO MILK DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION In Co-operation LENfA S.SÀNIE AR The Ken-dal Sun-day School Anni-1 versr Ml be held on June ut!ia, Mr.' E[dwad Hanockof Po-ntypool, will preach in the morning amd the Rev.i S. Littlewood, of oo, inathe evenl- ing, M 'scy the Sunlday Selhool iln ithe morning. Morniiingservice ait Il o'clpck ardeveing iserv,,ice Fat 7. 0 QDST.,On Wedniesday nýigtl,, Junie 12tihan fIce Ce'eam Supper wl ho hield fom7.00 to 1.00, iafter whichi the Rev. Thoi-as WaV llace(, of1 Greenhank, will givea lctiure. Mi-, Wjimi, Daiington xill talk On h cxp- perionico in italy. AdisJoin:5 OC. an*d 25e. Chïildren at schiool re oprno Publ ic Sychool softball team lost to -Ne'wcastle Public School temat the Orono Commnunity Park onn 'lday afternoon, oy ii score of 19 to 9. rloon,HMay 2'ýth, at 1 o'clDck.In,1ter- ment -was matde in Union Cometery, Oshawva. "I with your dairy Classified FOR SALE Ten pig-s fit to wean. R.,otei NewasteOntario ec-'2 1 - FOR SALE Purbre ShrthrnBull, 1 -year- old. Ardtur Thompson, Kendal.I a-19-c. Cintwork, uh-ctrig nd rep.airs; prices reasoniable. Will pa-y cas.h for ujsed sewîng mchne, C.F iDuncan, Phone 79-16, Orono. tf. WVANTED Twýo -men hoarders, 2 m-iles out of New,ýcastle onz goodï road. Lots of gpod home cooking, $8 .0 w e ely, ineladfing laundry. Apply to Boix 117, Orono. --c NOTICE Haviug troubleprcig the ser- Vices of a carpenter'? Phe Lleoyd J. Crabbe, Orono 179 r 16« LABOUR SA1VING KITCHIEN IJNITS f-23-p. A SPECIALTY TEACHER ANTED F1~or Clarlke Union S. S. No, 22,1 Protestanit. Services to comm-ienlce- iiSeptemnber. Applýystig quali-~ licatios and former inspector to1 llerb. SçJott, Secretary, R. P,. No. 4, STIRAYED Yrom tfhe prem-ises at Lot 27, Con. 6,Clarke Townip,,, on Frîiday, Ma y 24th, one Hiostein helfer, mos 3tl y l'c. Anyone knowin'g of its whereabouts kindly nti, vin TI aiblyn, Orono, Ontarlo. FOR SAL11E - - nationtal Tractor Plow,; EDrag ar rs;Taco Ribbr-tîrodWao; Uised Wagons (rubhler and low); Harrow Teeth; Ctiao Points. Tractor Tandemi Disc. Pho)ne Carl Todd, Implem-ent Dealer,Net- SALE RFI'ISTERSF The nnerin ias received in- struIctýinSfrom 11Mr. fRobert Eley, Lot 4, Concesýsion 2,Ce, one mnile north of's Garage, -to seI' by public auction On Wednlesdaiy, June 12th, ah iris faim stocký, inculuding 3 young Percheron horses, 10frs cows with calves at fo-ot, 21I bond o f choicýe Durhiam , tockers, 8 pigs, 300 bushiels of g-rain, anid a fi liUneo o nearly new f arm mchner e r jn s Ca sh. F ari Sold. - Jack Reid, Auctioneer. FURNITURE SALE 0f Mr.' Fred Black burin, to soU by Public, auction on Saturday, June 8th, a1 p.m.- (D.S.T.), at the Exhibition Grounds, Orono, al h-is householid furnituire, dishes, bedding, ec Terins Gash. Anyone wising to put f-ur-niture l is nsale mydo Fso. Please get i touch w--ithi the Timnes office, or tire au-ctionteer al, once. In ovonot of rein sale w"1 be ireld inside. -Jacli Reid, AuJctionee. Notice to Creditorsi IN THE ESTATE 0F SAMUEL BRYSON, Late of the Township, of Clarke, lan the County of Durhamn, Carpenter, Deceased; ai-d !N THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM HAROLD RRY SON, Late of the Said Township of Clarke, Laborer, Deceasei jAil persons hvig aimis againas theý estate of the said Samauel Bry, son, w\,ho died oný or about the Sti. day of Septembe, 1945; or agýainsî tho eshtt of the said Williamn Har' old Bryson, wb,,o died on or about tht 21h ay of Dýecem-iber, 19,45, ar, hereoby not-ified to senld to tire undier-signed Adrainistrator or his Solicitor oor befret-he First day of June., 1946,thinms and addrosses aric fil part-iculars of theïrr daimas anc< the nature of the secuarities (if any} held by theni, duly verifled by sta-ý tuory dociaretion, Inediatey after the iaid Firs, day of Jane, 1946, the assets of the,- said deceesed persons wil hodis. tribatd aogtepercssette thereto, aigrgr nyt h Vams 'of wihtheAmnstao or theunrsgd Solicitor snl thon have notie. ý D-ated nt Orono this 4thf day ofS Miay, 1946. ERROL RUPERT TREW[ 116Brock St. E., Osbawa, On-rt. Professional Directory A, F. McKENZIE, M.D, PILYSICIAIN and tSURGEOIN Offic e Hour-s 2.00 to 4.00 p!m.; 6.30 to 8.00 m. Suindays and Wednesdays by appoilinment onfly PHONE 47r! ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMIANVILLE, ONT. phone: W. F. WARD BARRISTFER SOLICITOR NOTARY P'hons: Office 825 Rosid'efce 409 BOMANVILLE, ONT. DR. W. W. SHIERWLN VEîTERINARýpYSRGN O ffice Main St.Oon Phono 63 r 7, Orono. JC. GAMEY Fire, Casuialty, Automocbile9ý, and Liability DANE FOUND Distrit.e prsettiO fo Ii Manufacturer? Lif e Insurange IConsuit me for your future Incomve Plans AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator eConduets Auction Sales cof al gâte and at reasonable irates3. Comimicate with hilm atP* Perry, Ontarîo, or' sec hie Clerk, At- E. Morton, atrono, !or date. JACK REiD Licensed Auctioneer and Valuiator Specialîze iii Farm anid Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Phone 1620 Clarke reL About Home 553 e 688

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