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Orono Weekly Times, 30 May 1946, p. 5

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andfamiyof Toroi lfi Th olioathe lholidiy oato, sýpent over thie distr7ict. seasoýnwith r<E EVERY SATURDAY, ORONO TOWN IIALL MDR R C. A. SOUJND EUPET SATPURDAY, JUNE lst, 8,1>0 p.m (D.SY.) DýOIJRLFEATURE PROGRAM The Roarin' West LvsA-ain, in ,"DRLFTING AL"ONG'" aiýse Leo ýIorcey and the Bowery Bo4ys, in "LIVE WIRES" Admission : Aduits, 35c.; Children, 18e. STARR & CO. JAMES E. O'BOYLE Orono, Ontario Business Licenseé- No. 1304970; .Warthime Prices and Trade Board BUILDING CARPFLNTERING ALTERATIONS REPAzýIRIN(g' and PAINTING Good wïork at f air prices, by the hour or the job ESTIMÂTES FREE DOMINION 0F CANADA BONDS 3¼% ldue June ist 1948 BAVE BIEN CAiMLEO FOR PAYMENT>4l JUNE lst 1940 r-hse bond-,s sould be pres-entýd for- edemption wthail coupons of later cLtatQched. No further intereSt wZIl p -aid on these bonds afîter this date, vru~1, ~~IN.I~f1 I Ili11 enIUKpï WEEKENDSPECIALIS T-hurs, FrL WEEK-ENDand Sat. 1-2 IL. - 9 Black Tea, 1-2 lb. , 38c D ALY' S Qrange Pekobe Tea, one pouand f'or,...-79c LYON's BLUE LABEL T'eaý, 1-2 lb). for ... ý. 38c Maxwell 1louse Coffee, vaýcuum packed, tins,- b ~1Pure Hforse Radish ,bottle ........ * Heavy Waxed Paper, 100 feet4 for. .... 49e 18e 24e Ready-to-use Pineapples, each .....,,.29e Fresh Ripe Tomnatoes, lb...............2 5ec Large Green Celery, stalk...........e Crisp teaf Lettuce, 2 bundies........15e Grapef ruit, 1A26's, 5 for..........29e Carrots, 21_c BANAINAS ON SATTJRDAY Citrusis 10) glasses 5c. bottie 15ce 20c.b OATMEAL, Cookies 17cO Claîkie Tcwn ship public scIh-oo !ilà daY Wil be held in NemeastIe Park on WVednesday, June Reh at 10 am. Miss Jeanne lForresterof a gersol, spent the holiay with her parents,3%Mr andMrs.R. A. Forres- ter. Just Receiv,ýed - 0On.e New Pin ceess Cook Stovýe, n 2 Finflay Ovîal 0ook Stoves. Now le the tim-e to buy" -' wvhen we by heminstock. Rolph's Hlardware, Orono. A settle-ment was made la con nection w,,ift the thr-eatened strike -which wouli1d have ai-ffected trhe "Goodear~'plant at Bowsnll jast, eked Thre men'ssoftall ae sch-edufled lalize. Thie gamï-e ws supposed to have been between Newcastle and for MoIcnda,-y rnigh t last Àddnoiatr O-roo at the localpak , issMarlonBrP nR.N, ofOsh- awq, Mieýs Ol1ive w, of Oshmaa Mr. Ed.MiisnofToronto, and Mr eoy Brown, o)f Cliinton, were wee-en viitos;t th-e hom1-e Of Mr. and Mr.-,s. J. 'D. Bon Thie l] herd sire ,f'the M. H. Staples Jersey h-erd has Ibeen so!dý to thne Jersey Cattle Breedere' Club at Coaticook(J, Quebecý at ahadoe price and was shipped on Wejdnes- day (lest. T'he Orono Erchof t-ho Red Cr:o;ssis callihg a meting ,of Ail i membrs or TnriayJune 6"Ilthz 3 n p. l h rneHall. WI 3an1y icanvessers for MeiÉersI Drive klndly hýnd returas 1to, O. 'W. olhor Ims. Hnb. ureybefore tuit tiîe?., O lCSt. e Lfterry Socety ' S la st maeedtng %QI be heid on Thursday evening, May 3Ote ..(.,. in the srcho;ol Vroo asemlyhal.A ,good programmrýe hs een .-planned, iincluding an old-ý'ti1e meora, plauir songs and a play. Silver collection. Mr. Chas. Wlood>, of Ktener, spent the J olidy week-end et hîs homne here. Mn.'Wood ijeweployedt xith thre BailBoters td. cf Kit- chence, contraecrs, wvhohae ee aaddthe contreet to ereCUt 114 desperately needed ihomesin the aend fahrs a c yor trousers o-r that good'suit. A national lothing collection i iled for Jine 7t t juine29th, 1946, sponsored by th Canadien UnitedAllled Relief Fuînd. A local rgniatonebeýIng set up'. Further anucmn ilbimd et a laterdae M.Wm. Watson had a'î' 100! pecr cent wl eÈBooul Par n0r1 y Mev 2 4th lots bis roadster horses. THE INDUSTRY 0F THE FUTURE in Local News - ~é Mr .A edi rseigup bhs resdce withnaeuoatof Paint. Rov, S.,Lttewod isattendîng the2 Bay of Quinte GConfleece at N\apanee thiswek A nme of localJ farmner-s are plantlng cnieal acrýea-ges of tormatoeýs for. the Cmbl opCo. Jvr AibertFasr of Toron,ýto, spent the week-end ith is.e Q. Birstow, of L.sesard. Mr, anid Mrs, Lineham, Toronto, spent over theý 24th ofMay week-end witthAli. and Mr.W. J. PRiddeli. Dr. A. F. eeai and W. E. Davey ar pendinig the forepart o this week et BLickhorn Le1ke. Miîss Edithf Swerdfeger, of Mlore- Wood, On[t., l isitg iM. and Mrs. IM.CCoraish. TOirono Citizene' EBii-d supplied the __music at -ýrookin i on the 241th of May. b Whenever yuAve vitors, phone obrlnig their amsinto theISS office, the moi(,re newis, ' at newsier paper. A number of townspeople attend- ed the fielid da'y and commnunity gathering at Enniskillen lest Fr1- day. Mr. ail(" Mrs. RP. 11, mtrnof. Morr-ýisbu1rg, spent' over the 24t'h of May wee-enid visiting wilh relatives la, Orono adLsad M.and Mrs, W IL Br-owni, Tor- onito, wer'e holiday vjisitors at the home of the former% parents, M Mr. Albert Mth l ha s com- m,1enced the ecvto for a new,- house on his newly acqure- lo l the north end of th own1. - Visitors ïat Carne D cn' residence for tehldywere, Ms IDuneanl's two sisters, Lhe lMisses IBraby Pan frienid, ilfrom Toronto. PARK ST. UNITED CH13RCH I Reverend SUJNIIAY, JUNE 2nd 2.30 p.m.-Church Sohool. "Tile Gse is th-e giod news of the rest0otion of ail tig Qrono Til Ready for B usi ne is in new locati on Orme's last dysof f -hn is ap- parIently his best. Ir you want t,,o locae hl and hie is not -atlhome, go Iow n to t hle ii po d nd filu me at thie south of 01rono anid you wllfind 'hlm seated la l,, wn hmichalir furnîilh Oftenl-t jïes alpbut vetur lyawakens to d(ecipheýr vwheîher the bobl is on1 top or unideIr the water, These operatiosnete hm nine nlice trout on TuesdaIy. 0f comfort !et nioimon sek YoGu may viMr. a11td Mrs. -W. KeanIe anid s, Jatek with his nlih bride, a Mrn A.Padieadtosni bisý miother., Ms T. Prdn, l anld Mr J. Il.TKe ane and tittefh le,; Anrws il of T(ýorno; M a to.i.ak anene n1o who~~~~~' freylieontheKa arfrom iKitchIenier, wvere hld viio- ihMr, and Mrsý. A. Gas FUR FARMING Minik and Fox MUTATIONS Buy a, Trio - We Ranch Them WeILLOW CRtEEK FUR FARMI C. R. KNOX ORONO. FPHONE 42 i 2 THEATRE Bowmanville - Phone 589 TOPS EN ENTERTAIN'MRNT Thurs. and Fri. MAY 30-31 "GETTING GERTIE'S GAR£ITER" Dennis O'Keefe, MNarie ýthe bodly' McDonaýldl EXTRA onthe same pregrami "NAUGHITY NANETTE"ý A musical iovelty ini techuiicolor Short Cartooil Saturday Onfly JUINE lst My gai sig !My gai wns MLy gai dances! MYGAL, LOVES GRA CE McDONALDf WALTER CATLETT .and BOB CRZOSBY Seconld Featur7e "SADDLE SýERtENADE" featuring LEE "A 'E"WHITE "Riders of the Purpie Sage" Mlon., Tues., Wed. JUTNE 3, 4, 5ý "FRONTIER GAL" with Andcy Devine, Fuzzy KiIlt, Sheldon Leonard, Au- drew Tomibes and Beverley simmons. Fox Late Nw Cartooa - Short - Big Beef TouRisr mnoney spreatds aroundl. Thie garapge mc, the ýgrocer, the farner- everyhTody beniefi-ts directly or ndi. rectly. The touirist industryisroib1 hi ear we the impression Amiericaný výisitors take back with thIem will infLu. tnce Canadi's tourist idsr hog aIl the years Ito corne. CANADIAN TRAVEL BLIREAU Depcamoe of Trode & Commerce, Oltawa,, m -oNARMSTRONG'SI Mdisses' 2-piiece Sun iSuits, Derrifle Skirt and Tic Top,-1 ln Seersucker and Print, Pricedt $3.9.5 te - ---------- $4.95 3-piece Spoýrt Suits, shorts, Skirt and Top te match, lbc mercerized Poplin, colOrs of Sand, -Wine, BIlue, sizes 14 te 18, priced.. ...$29 Misses' aad Children's Sak iii Cotto-.e and Wool, chLu- dren's sizes, 6 iteI 14.-$1.15 Mý,isses' 14 te 2f0. $2.25 to $5.95 Girls' and Misses' Sho)rts, -in Cottonl and Alpine, made w-ith pleat front and back. Girls' sizes 8 te 12.----$ 1, 95 isse'szes 141 te 20 . $3.25 lb 23c WI WIT E BEANS PORK and BEANS Sat Only Chocolate BARS eachi sat. OnIy EWINGIS VAC-PACK COFFEE Boys' Cottoi i tinNavy, Red, Bline, YloBon sizes 2 tu . 12 t 19 Cotton Jer1seys, Short Siceeve, colors of Red, Wille, Green, Brolwn wmithMW'hi't e Stripe, sizes 4 and 6. -59e. ta $1.25 Broaldcloth Sults, ini two col- orsý, sizes 2 te 6---- 59e. te $1.25 Girls,' Sumer e-Dresses, in Silk enrd Giagham, sizes 3 te 12. ail shadles -. $2.50 te $1.7l' Ladies' and Misses' Dresses, in Cottonls, Jerseys, Crepes, aise L'adies' and Chîldrenl's Summler FROSTY MIX ICE CREAM Okg PRUNE NECTAR 40c. PUDDING POWDERS -with sugar Sat Onlly AYLMUER GRAPE JUICE bottie 15e JAVAX 14c POPPJ .NGC CORN r pkg 10e BRA' CANADA'S TQURIST BUINE S. -p UIS

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