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Orono Weekly Times, 30 May 1946, p. 8

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at Lornle Paeden's, mr% and Mrs. lRussel Savery an Btyvisited ýlat M1r. A. Muilrew'ý-s, Mss Ev elynGodoSibt Line, spen Sunay ith Miss Audrey Falr- NOTICE The filoing Section of Sehedule "B"' of the Public Health Aýct RS.O. 1937, Chapter 299, are pubîished~ for the îinformýationi of eývery c5tizen o4f the Unîited Countlies S EC'TIO%&1N 2 0 E-very 'householder and every hotel and restaurant keeper or other person, shall dispose of ail garbage, for the disposaI of. wvhich he is responsil,, either by burning the same or by plac- iug it in a properly covered receptacle, the contents of whieh shal be regular- ly remioved, at least twiee a wveekh., SECRETARY, NO RTHUMNIBERL AND-D UH BOARD 0F IEALTH ~II WE OFFER YOU NEW J BOYAL 1 v TEEFS Y TYPE 0F SERVICE , crs E ARE NO FINER TIRES BUlL T ein and let us help you choose the rîght tires fur lob, You con alwamys depend on DOMINION ROYAL -designed hy experts te meet every need-cnd udiy built te give more safe miles. )GARAGxE bet shomre for en uid AMr. Herb ille-, speuit SunIdayý ýVarýe gadtasee Hugli Staple- ton about again. We, are glad ta have Muinnie Ran- dai homne with uis. Mrs, Geo. Thom)-pson, who su,-ffered a hiea,-t attack recentiy, is imfproved. Mn. Ira Thomips on, Toronto, with bis aun)t, Mrs. Sam ýtAru-ott. 1 Mr. aaid Mrs. Eanrî-i Wlkey sudC famuily wvere in, Mili'brook Sunday. Mr. and lWrs. Elmier BRandaiad John ,wltbhbis mi-oth:er, Mrs. Jennie Bandai. Juine and Pat M'are, Toronto, with their graadparents, Mr. aud Mtrs George Ovens. Mn, aud Mrs. Leaniox Vasey witb ber. Parents, MHr. and Mr-s, Wm11. Sta- pletoni. 'Forty-six lui attendaince at Suni- day scboýol n Suindiay moirning, with a0il teaenspe-e"t On Sun]day eveýniug the psa' mnessage was a ver'y timleiy one, bs ed on "what il aiangive liex change for bis sou!?" Bey. Lawnrence Siiitb left For the Byof Quinte Couifereaece tis mnoring. 1Mrs. Sihs health is miuch impnoved. Mln.C. Ro'bb, wbo recently retura- ed from Vancouver and Mns. Robb) left for- their homle lu Montr-eal on Mdonday. Ml-.1and1 Mr..Lesile Abherethy an aiy, and Mr. aaldMrs. 1 M~eTurontô, vis ited at Raymiond' Brulce's The fit league gamie was playedt bust nigbtbetweea Newcastle and Newt(onvilie girls', ofba' eamis hiene at N\ewtouiviile. The visitiug am won by a score of 6 to 5. Mn.Joh-n Reid, foirmieiy of Port Hlope,no f Toronto, anid Mrs. Chas. Reid, Toronto,vste the laü- ter's daugter, Wilfrid "Woods and renewed aid acquahatances. Mn. aand Mrs. Cbarlie Watters and Bruce, accomtpaniied by -Mn:aid-M-(! Raymnoud Bruce and] Mrs. ILirny Mc- G;ee, jisitedinl Peterborougli on Suni-i day. 11fr, and Mrs. Jack Wadle notored to) Capelfrd rs. Wade, whlo entycamie fnom Engianld, ejy ed ber trip and likýes Ganaýda veryý niuiech. Mr-. and Mrs. Staniey Rowe vQand fami., aeompaie1)y Ml-r and Mrsý. J. T Peace, istd Mr, and Mrs Percy Rowelu Jaaetville. 11fr, Kwo ,-, uoaifi-lnedto Ibed wtha eat a tack. 1The Young People's Unin visited: Clne Iast eveniug. Muna ayne,, ) (saophne)and Louis StonIe (cn-jMonday-j net> played a couple of duets, ac- SaI dy comipanied by Duncan Seymkoun an] the piano. Dorothy Brown and Jackl N9 Ogden gave readiage and Rev. Saiti Monday-F spoke ou lis impressious of Ger- Saturday- may. ev. -pattensonh'd charg of the games after which lunch was euijo)yed. Evenyoue had a-ifluýe aint The beLawo cases taken care of EP byý ouri Finst Aid Post have bee-n victimis of the viciaus way of living. First a mantiý badily beaten, by would- be youthful-n obbers on aut highway, ud last a tweive yean id girl hi-C ing at thnee in the nruing, trying ta- neaïch a mt other x'ho did not want' be.Whenl the record fthsdy EE is ail.wite will we be knon s the age when youth sund eiders sIeý be nowli as an age -of dcyu hoe? So m) llaay p arents - su guadias' avebech~>o cosfusedidns ln theirmoral s eof dinection that youth is goinut QcItinta ociet as humian ,beasts of prey. 'luesch Ielpo redness of motiroo iwth materna imstil inc to l te its yong eem s wî-th[ the bas'er urgetoe àKENDAIL Miss Josie Trim, Oshawa, visited1 on Sundicay with lier parenits, Mi'.1 and Um. 1H. Trim-. M1r. Ewart Robýinýon lhas plurchas- ed Shiioh Shed andc is teaing itd'n MIr. and UMrs. sid. lilloweil and faiiy, C1vailehd SuInday dia- ue Uwjh ,MssNormllaioel Coigratulationis to 74r. anid Mrs. Georýge Etweil on their recenitmr nage, Mr1s. Bertfha Reid and Mvrs, John Reidl, F Tnooto, spent the wPeek- end( %vith ý 11r. anld UMrs.Wife VWoo0ds. <11r. andm', rs. Russel Loweyaud famiiy, Toronto,1fr and Mrs. Ed. Ruthveuin, visited at Mr. Aif. Dobsou's. Miss Beulah 1ýHalioweil i ad Mr. WilnM dWaker, Toronto, speat hej week-end with M\iss Noraa Hailo- weli. Misses Coileen, Dalores and Dora- thy FaIls, Toronto, spent the week- end Wîth 'Mr. and tirseLiew. fHailo- weil. Mlr. and Mrsý. Stnne y VFails an family, Toronto, iMn. and Mrs3. An- thur Falls anid famiiy, Bowmianville, Mr. and Mirs. Orme Falls and famoiiy and, Mr. and AMrs.Lorn)e Paeden visted wîth MINr and 'Mr S.To Fails. N qEW TON VÎ M'L L E y per- week Hazei I spent the holid(ay we-n at their' summiner home. Mr.Geoge laneo f 'foronto, spent the we-edat lis umme Mr.AI. Langstff haýs sold tbe aid~~~~~ Boeoedta b Healy, of Nw tanville. Muis. Ancel Kiug, Nun-se's Aide at Queeu Elizabeth Hol(sitai, Toronta, visijted 'Mr. and -Mrs. Milton PRaiÎ- son fan severai days. Ra-y Glass' muany friends and neigh1-bors wvelcomie hlmi homie after b is long stay la Military Hosp)ital. Ray agla laaoks aud feels sp2endid. M.and r. yward Littie o and Alec, of Toronito, spent the wveek,.-end with their miother, Mrs. N. Little and the latter maotored 'baclk with tbemi, returning the next day. i 1 Mrs. Percy Pattoni, Boy and Ross visitedl with Mr. and Mrs. MVarcus Saper oyen the we-n; and callers on Saturclay were ML 1r. Selkirk andc daughiter of Hamiilton; Mr. and Mrs. Ira 'Thompson and Mr. ai-d Mrs. Wii. Boyd, of Taranto, Mr. F.'red Thomias, ývMr. and Mvrs. G. Cariey, ami Rolient Alexander, of Toronto, and Mrs. J, Mudie (Milli.e Tms)of Consort, -Aiberta, visited with Mn. sud Ms B. Alexander aven thie Week-end, the latter staying- far a ittie while. :Cailens on r-.Xrsu-d Mrs. Wmi. Pat- tel-soni onïl t dywere, Ms.Pearl Gcomstock, Bowmianville, and -Mr-s. Hatt ie Pattersofl, of Ottawx 1a;iland Suuday visitotrs werc- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid and laugbýter, of Ban- croft. A MANýý SPEAKS OUT Wh-at's ahl this fuiss sud noise about That wmncatii h uy ciothes, And that thcereaget verytbing Fromi trous ers dowu ,ilta hase ? iNow !et me tel! you liadies, [Just what are the ýtrule facts, You've taken evenything from us, Fnoma over-alis to sicks. We hnavérno pyjamnas, Our sit are patchied sudi patched A sorry pliit we wi11 be lu Whien we hiave ta tatfroma "scratchl". Oun syptynyu' sureiy bav e, No sitit's too l, Now ladies tellirme, piesse. W'ouid you wean tbem -i yu ad? --AM-Nîe pMani. WA NT ED for- MULLS Peterborough Âges 16 tu 2.5 StayPermanient Work GodClean BRoar-ding Housses ArraïlPed TRAýNSPORTATION PIAIID TO DAY SHIFT HOURS: -Fniday, 7 a.m. tili 3.30 p.m. y--7.01) a.m. tili 1.2 noon. IGHTr SHIFT HOURS -Fridlay, 3.30 p.m. tili 12 p.m. 12.00 noon itil 5.00 erested fili in or cýopy this ~pication ind mail to DOMINION WOOLLENS nd WORSTEDS LIMITED tBOOUG -ONTARIO ~fu1l.................. DeD.T, Mns.T l'ild i tcsea h eud laBwmniie M.Normian Tetl n -Bias Binding, assorted shades, pkg.......1c Moleskin Adlhesive, box..........2- Moth Proof Garment Bags.........15c. Soft Kneeling Pads ...............65C. Zipper Purses, com-plete- with identification card holders, coin, stamp and billfold......72c. Waxed Paper, 100 ft. roils, 12 inches -wide, com- plete~ in cutter box............... 25e. Plastie Flower Pots, assorted! colors ..,...35c. Reach Soft B ails, ppriced] at.....69e. and 89c. White Paper Serviettes, box . . . . .15c. Glass Bon Bon an-d Relish Dishes, each ....10c. Leather Dog Collars, each......... 2e Leather Dog Leashes, each........2 7e. Minora BlIades for double edge raàzors, box of2 12'lfor........... ._-...-.......>-.5r. Bay um Russin Bear Ou.' or Quinjine Hlair, Toic, bottie ...............19c. GROCER-Y FEATURES Pailmioliv-e Soa--, giant bar-Special, «3 caks., 23c, Iodizedi Table Sait, free running, 2 15c. Garden Brand Finest Selected Tabilè Peas, 8 oz. pkg. . ......... ...............Ie.ý Shelled Almonds, 3 oz. pkg ...........23., Shelledl Wahnuts, lighit color, 3 oz. p-kg.,...... 15c. Cheddar Cheese, i lb. rolîs 42c. Fels Naptha Soap, 2 bars .... 15e. Sweet Relish, large 105 oz. tins ....... $1.39 Heinz Tomiato Juice, large 105 oz. tins.....4c Sweetened Puddings, while they last, pkg. 1oc. Creamned Pure Horse Radish, 6 oz. bottie 1e ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 Sý'TORE YOUR POPULTAR SHOPPING CENTRE The aada Embassy in Brus- Thie NatinIl Board has e'ý sels, im cooea,iwthithe Belgiansgndaisay botCnia< Mindistry 0ofEd&caioiI' lhas 1made ar- b ad uictont eshow, raligeimeidt for .the e nd n f o'-t the Meianboo ai n AYio National Film B oard ffim Pei., mOntIhe î('anBi'_kF U iii ail Belie'an ehoois. tis - ear. S)prays and Insecticides D). D).T. (ihooDpey.erchoehn i eonzdas a slowý but sure death tuý ail inseet pests. They Pniay not die at onýce but on c)ontcIing t;.eated surfaces, death is certain. And unýýea)ppli- cation properiy apýiÂied is effective for wes SUPER-WýAY 5%ý' REXA,,LL -D D T INSECTricIDE D D T To Paint on scree-.11, door Anonrrahpwdr e window vfranies. This pre- -2tadrahpwjr e paration kilis flues, mosqui- strn>ys an ts roache-s and tues, black flues, ants and fleas; in gun contahiner.--50c- moths. 4 oz. containier, cn- Beacun 1D D T insect Pow- plete with aIpplicaitor...35" der ..... .... ... ........ 25e. THE AER-A-SOL INSECTICIDE -BOMB Is a year round insecicide frriddfing the huPme u)f i secýt pests and bugs. It i no-ainflammable. The large size bomb retails at $5.00 made for the return of the- emptÉy rccinder. Ask for a Demonstration VET-ATO 25% D D T REX-AID 5%D 1DT Barn & Animal Spray BR PA This 16 oz. bottie whea dii. AR PR - utedl tu 1 gai. is ant effec- tie barru spray. It is nîso F or applying tu -wails and- uised diluted to mak-e 2" 2 eiing o ars m sa gals. as an effetive spray lsNoined fra thiat can be applied to the plication to hacks -of a backIs of antimais, 16 oz bupt- mais, ï galionj.-.........$-2.85 Agent for Jackman Flwers Ch arles B. Trr%,ei Phone 68 :- :. Orono, Ont. -- -~

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