pparently Tndia bas noý snatch- id-run thieves or Mahatma Gand- in a trustîng soul, Judging by tlie Cture above, takien recenitly at cw Delhi, lndia. It shows that wears his watch on his hip, dangling on a string, U. S. CHINA BASE? C iN' y HfAINAN U. S. is negotiating for in the Portuguese col- ao0, at thie outh of the v'er, ini southern China. square -miles in area, han ürtuguesc colony since UIN EXPANDS , . 11 DUTCH EAST I pcesnal rule s, part of the Charles Vyner ýt ,white Ra- Audrey F. Rowley, widow of Lt.- Col. John Rowley, D.S.O., of Ot- tawa, who is engaged to Rt. Hon,. Malcolmi MacDonald, former British igh corumissioner to Canada, wvhc han ae over the office of gover- nor-genecral of Malaya. Date and place oDf the wedding have not been decided. TO DIE Marshal Ion Antoniescu, above, Ro- mani's wartime dictator, ha7s been zzenteniced to deathi by a People's Court i Bucharest foillowing his onviction on charges of war Crimes a nd responsibility for his couLntry'n disaster He took Romania into tlhe Rorne-Berlin axis. WHIAT FRA"GRANCE we breakfast includes Maxwell fose! This gloriaus cof- fee is extra eIiclous be- cause it's Raýdiant -Roasted Io develop the futil goodness of the Superb Mlaxwvell flHouse blenid. Sibamese Charges lis mesage'to TefUites pt red ctinet Frtlnch 'op i "fril"sizinigSamsteroy 'whih shy cotinu to old. ofitiejiia-se chargeIýs, a Assocu- iatd ressesath rom Lono quoted ia Frenici -liiEbassy scpokes- man s e] tas ýpre:dictinig dilFficull- ties' beCtw een tSiam ia in d indo11 Chlinai." A BIritish Foreign Office informnanit ia Britain woulup- pcrit Siam in biringing the ffair before te nteiatosieut U.,KY- U S. 'Bloc'? es1av M. Mltvdclrdin MOI cow thalýt a rishAerican "bl1oc ened ntiolts He saîýd shat Briainand the 'iiitc(l Statles, "gro1uping them- selves ini a blcc gave thie confe- ,ee ochance of reacig an ag- reed decision on bespst'ion o Cf italian coloniies or ôn t mt1i ýter o Italian rprtos linf' ned ~rce~ eclredthat if therre w e rc an Ang]lo-Ameri can1 bloc it ý-ts ithe naýturail resuit tos Mo-scow 'sactions, n tsa e comling e idetnt ithat E ia a beîvdits chsargeso rts h )I and Aiefricanîmeridsm UJ. S. Loan To Francc Thle Unitedi States ilas xene a $I,.70A000,000crdir to Frnce to help he. begin a four year re- constructicn program. Thie 'crcncredit ailvde il taoportions: 1. A diecoan of ~5,0,0 C.Aue of credi, oAllig S0- 000000whih wuldpermit thu Frech o eul thirLenid- >ea 1 aiccountad opucas nie States ryan ay upn nowin vrance iaî.d lu renebover- End ef Rail ;trike ThIe riloa]srie houghous the unlited Sieus ended ny min- utes beo-'re Presiden2i.Truanask- ed, and got, aIction onlegisiation o1 peýri it tis o f ' fr induhs- tralemrgncesand penializinig Thse bais of agreement was e compromise plan Mr. Tua hself hia", ferd It provides for a pay r'! i16 Ccents ail fhour -trc"ýttivC et Jury1,anid addit- A nal boosm of 2picentseffective May 21--wo days ago, Phe" te strIike beJýgan -aîîd nohnei a okino uls fora >ye.r ,u .rmntsbfr h .. un se, esajdle wo"uld tisetro n! ros i d poettri' ;1 Thse princesses of the Netherlarsds were on band to grceethte Churchilîs during their tour cf Holland. Lefi to right, Prince Bernhard, Mr. Churchill, Princesses Beatrix, Margaret, Irene, Princess Juliana ~bat whr m4favôrfre ffa vor was bop nl1' Rotund about 19 hgdoinzgs vwere oong riin tisat llitti wiîe bouse. oer C. W. Post was bus-y crealing Ille, one really difierenit flavor in breakfast rerealis -thsemaîrc, t-we Gmape.Nutis lavor. e An Grae-Nus Flkes give çyou foîki nieedednoliuris mh every sponul arbohydraîes for energy; tet mad oes; ionfoýrftise od 2 ,Nowadays thse gorions flavor cre. ated in that littleie hite hiousc brings folks eagerIy Io breakfaist in lit- dle hoesS and big bouIses al over Canada - in d liins onygle GRPEý-NUTS FLAîKES as vwe11 as Grp-uPFakes so good.Wea an bnle arley are silfull blnd ed,rose and then toasted forgolen' ersnsgrand flavor,eaydgsin gsoer's 0F36- Posf Seç ~d MAI Atellio Gnri od Highight ofthe Newvs t les Ye- "Whit( -------------- Quceen Mary 79 last week Que z dayLIast weekL cele- formrngseictemood to iidsr Cste ora faily vre- unlion ith theilc King and iQuLe"l am! the P'rinjce ses lizabe)th anld 12 TBLT25seRGSOE