C-LASSFID ADVERTISING 1.,ISVL Hi{.h1,S 1AILEA IPROD1 UCTIV\E 11jC Ibis yea - l 'UTop Not;LIc elargesctÈesgs,, , Ith lumpeat'- youilappreeItb o oc Oniythe astpureandcross be îispuloun TestedL and lGov- iln11and , a i wltisare c f ule Lasin al!te o ilr ue ubed. wl ektoc eighteent weekL, aid pu1l-ý ý ChrukrieJL, Gu ve iph Intalo.i -sL x(, Barr1 ed Rocks(Ilit, N ) ew Hampabis 1W Lte gbornscanyl sa freing weeks up 0i ayogig. Tood prNic1 paid.L Ap'fly 1tof AS N. 95J, 7.: Adeilaie 3W., Torontio.aýý fon productionf, dlvey June-Ju, sb ldieordered w ihoutdela te get eesor crosbre onje- iieydate you w1b ra ateli- er,130 Johnî N. Hil!ton, Ont.r LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS 1 Or-. LAKEVIEW CHICKS 11iJL hta Ig d emai ndËfor PouitLy andiS Egs ttis BaIlandS Winer Ai attrac-tiv'e prices. IL wii pyvye teput minlanex tra brDeesi o0 wekl,,we expeet ovecam'îi iv e prompt1delivery book yonr -ý ede etL onc e for June or iy SENO EPOST -Fon qick so- nur~en ciinnei miH1 voîrh'- tdecIOnt. Colin peyncnsupiy,'m1ore. as 106 egg9s frin115 ýghorn puHelals. Wonderfuipro- t1cien rprtEeuhn enal SakeapIeane ntaie MREEDS: Larg'e paite Leg- eraPuresex;SuaSeXN Nos R Lamipa., B. Rock X New% X PeonLeger X Nv Hiamp, Naw Rlampa , and Barredt Rcocks. LARGE WHITEL LEGHORNS -Day nid a'tartod u "p 104wek euS. Lakeview Lbeghorns ara Ibe lag ype, matd wtb ccekeel frei Pd.sock - Ream Egg SENS FR WEKLY LIST: c spcial Pricasý on day eÀuS he ed chicks MIA% JUNE AND FAILL HAMCHEI Book yur er1der feriJneor Ball VIRW POLLIIV FARN, Win Bro-,Exte',o. OIRESNOGMBE ABU ef tosaforene ontris ýtha.! th'-vid Wri en Iho are reuiîg theirdeate cn- watigfor 1 FuI up thbreoders.Jý- TIeies, Lo jthe husk, b telhy -tst gîowing kn.Prtysoon be, i be rayfor Ih g1ars,naue eheaajSt and basf foýosi. And dent* yeasrf atisf:,t1on te ted d,,ciesfr r HC1i,,a Wecaîsgiv pr.-Il eiberyon iltepî- as ipnnseapilet',s o0c, k Juneý. AISo 8 ee tPe 20 weekobiS pulef Fee atloueI-. TerS 25 FREE CHICKS pproeny orf oundatin ansi ie giaaemd ABic sAH I Bredes lood testesi. Prices f r, n le 1 5c, Ali guaratnteed ex(ellent layeras. !Dool delay, order00W. odriard Chicli Hachie..Bitannia Heigbts Ont.>< 11111V VHili 11 HEAVY BREÈD PULLETS i 7c,. Su se, _Susexx am.,Hok Rockr piie ts 17c. Coo 'ay1, oýrder _NOW . $100 pr 10dpst Order froIn '11this A.Hrrdl Chik HtehryLonidoni, Otarlio. LAKEVIEW CHICKS Specialized Bree-ding Plant 0f 5,000 Breeders Boo yur ordier for June aqnd Juy.Wi lb Hscarc-ity Of int. thee iIlI be'iabig dei1Mnd for Pouitry and Eggstia sFali and rodof chieka this yecav PrmtDelivery -- Wýitb a capacýLt Of 60,00Lakeview llchkaweek- ly, w xetw calk give prompt deiver, bt te1-'a safe. boonk your order Sýt oc for June or loraSuss ex x legor, Ic rnixed L1i ic., pul lots 2e. cox 1,c. H csi, Sese, S s 3 pRap mi x-d $ 1.7, pullets 817.00f, coxý $14.75". Sen l ddepos i t of $1,00Ilpar 100î. 'Va ualrant(ea 0%live de- arge Whi4e Legliora'.- ayold iindfistarted Up t 4 wýeekýs old. bakeviewLehon ara thse largze t y pe maïited with cocerelsfr Sendifor Wel ia fspeciýal prison day old ehiick, plite and ecaeaand tr"tc(d cIlicka,. Je, 1Jly ad F1119 lHatleld- B your ord1-ler for Juneî, . ly ýor 1 aIl LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., WATNT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS? 'v- have 1undireds f buer.' dyeing or, cleaing? ý'Write lb us fo;ifrmtin We are glad 1 anaweý cr your1, olueston s. Depauri . mentr H,1 iIlarer' Di y e 'Work 1,s 1L4mi ted. 7911 VneSr ee L..To- GREAT PDAN PUPSFR SLE veci wei e, fomtnIeitherla mask' ailE ea 1el!s,;1 ',am; eT ua,,o-yn 01fLî n-Dec; ire:Tsar of edes-o Pht ocn 2411G arri orWrit Wm.Ste at Brookal Kenes Brabd iBr eaed Bronew trkey ars, under i d-aconditionse DIn elactfre ands, au1toaIllyprlcon- ars N;o ordersaceepted les', than 50. ACýT Q I1C K 1 N -BOO'K 1 LOARIO-DER WVI ETHE RA N CH. i, ox 183.Exet[e r, UOnt. Phonou 1i7!. HYDRAULIC TRACTOR SEAT tt ' er r, s liýa w Tr a cte,r Co, bought, solri, robulît. belle p)ub bearera1 25' " for $1 biS; 0 foir 1.75, 100 for $300; 200or 50.Po paisiM Riverside Nursery, Wes FOR SL-OS ATTENTION FARMERS Foýr Sale: TatrTir, inade OSý , ubber ulefr bitngon oreigstatedimae and width1 Of cei aioa ubr Ce. ilies forimeiteaioienmt Dis- bus- inesi sainle location n , warïtor, l FARMSUNOR SAPE cOlivtin tb or W i tbfio ul stock an, machnery.Ned Mc- Na1Imr, so, Quebe. TW o 11UNDREV D 'L AC(2R ES FE N UE 1 e igr-y vworl'kaie, ugasbu t1 sh large ban 1)k b a n, SI)rinàg4w a ter, [arge bou ,ilse, 'lat eî1, slnk.1 telc- Iriphne. il .et w een lî wO townZ, Braz7,ier Soutb Rliver. Poherita-ryn rueibo d 1 inf orim.-aion0y on raequnes' r eg ar diln-1,classes. RoetonsHirdresslng Acad- eny, 137 Avenlue 1Road. 'Torootc,. )OMEN MKESAR-TM nione thisway! o seling. Plea- anwor-k. No e\lperl.lee re- quired. Write for free atcuas JulijaiiBa,xBox Iýýý77t',Couu, Che HOUSEKEEPER AND MAID Permnen postios, est wages, coiforabl hoe, arge grosunds. Twenby mwinute-s froin Sontuwii Torisbo. Twýo eduiltaocne sehl chiliS Ecelet pportu]nity for wdd oler augterais maid, twosites ec.WrteAdv ertiserl, M EDIC A 1 DONT DLAY! VE RY SUiFFERl- er 0 Tihnînale Pins'r Nl-. SOAUAND THREAD WýOPMS 'Often are the causýe of,*IM ealtb ilunansjil agea. No one inu- imune! VWhy net find oont if t1bis1l9 youm trouble, injterestiîng particu- la, - rs ! rite Mn lýveney's lmdesSpecialiatis, Torocto . Neuritis so1dty io'sR e - IF YOU'RE BALD READ THIS! Do som tl~ i iaotne, los cd superd viei. Ne bai tro 1 -tieda a cPpearedin moa1 t case Sc lp i eparat jin. EffectI ý ive'alan') eniniablnsla)iartm ibis naTw r1) tr"ameis forbaldsssJ'05viRe mnamber1 , if Hexoni n fScave lnPre- solS s maue witb a lsad ig Cana din Insuranc ompn.to~ Hecsmii (Cnd)Lmtdgeol f11,21 GIatice As e. àtore-si r8, MSCELLAN.OU GUNS3 REPAIES., SCPE iBnountes. p44 a twlv gag &he74 for e;r. A. HrrOtt, un- amth oedïJOsock ttIse 80 ments,: l111ChrbTooSo2 uuri'1i UNîis S i i Ot oMI BýE TA HAIR ïJRESSER rO1N rCANDSLAISTN C, S ïýPVCOO w rant par tutyiLarn c ti by irdressi ym ngt Plesat igifiedprTOfesin, goos gduts ineric'., g-rto ss WINpG'S PHOTO SERVICE Ailprnt wthdeekle ed(ie. G or g expsure oua 2e Reiris 3e. eaeh Bo 2,StaionJ. Toronto.ý ACME QUALITY & SERVICE RoI deeloedami 8 pit 5. ers 2for 5e. Vorkand s auerc roiraites1;ad. e e 10d ret'i, bOU) StAMI- 1n'1l WANtED11 3Va iota. ao pa moretan Caer Best of reference. E.nSybouse Rocanvitie, Saskatchewan WANEDTO BU relIt, by cspouitryfan wih 1 year SpinlerHornng' Mi us o acr, esrleps ioeared475Good boueiý ingD wartraply er ors WANTEDTNYBU Besirîcs ad o go wl nut- icthe ting trensdo alogs. iiiTelep:Ione -4r 4Kican PANLL yENEER C-71f 42 edwardl Stret, Al'lew rmer alicraftS dm'esigned !lede, madeits irsT ight a1,1,thTo dýc HavîýhlitheAirCat 1io naof durInlle war produ1edi10o th!eifamous Moqu-forfigLitersan biombers, te ew mhine eet todays wieprhad emstand for a mon t olanetaier fortchools an Thevearra, wdehichis named thel dalesHainllaCimk sspcfc andll desnedas arpaeeto and pel on ich te reatmajrit o ail the ilota ofthe Brtîsh o m- oneal h and Empire eetan EIXsThR1.A9-145 arItdia th 40 horse--c!power ipsy ajo n moem nInoL2e carerîsticj and tabliy ilmea!cn-; struci1Loitighs 1)ess thanl the Tiger Moliband is labout 0 iýýles ils eaher-res istn tutr andproisins or ll-he-earser oewZral-dridia, Souith Africa 1 ý and.hd6s(js. ellasin anda and OTOical Ersetaivs n Salt for Beet's Pro. C BcSae ihed of tl'e F xea1 diision of ateiNeo Yor plmsisg ave sco-1 tha-,t sait oili un"cr.ýeseo bbc yield ef bee(tsfri tbnec te fou vr eislas ceg leaîves larger and 1 greene P r, MACHNR NEW AND LSED) 0f Evvry Descripion Phone EL. 1271 H., W. PETRIE CO. LTD 947 iFrot St. V. -Trat îrn nd id. ils tise sMîJ I IP-1 SptsofSports (By Frank IvMann Harïis) (Sixbit Critic)1 Jo vie of th isa i;ne of st ut heesa vcry aid yarîm thlt illigh t be rathier tiimel. Its aoutihel was much harassd _ b contan labor troubles, and fi1iïlvy con3- snted a docten abut hÎ5mere "Am lar cais inar .'boe that Socar Inms eu l be," be1.- mny nrvea adre bad. so lie -ays fe me('1 i sonid el i stLerestea inspr ta talke nsy mnd ol, :,ff my troubleýs- idv"isc es eIsol tedsonsel bail gme.Sa i go l te base bil prkanid wbal ppcins? Backlt of wilsat they cal] Ihlehm-lt staîsdsý a big guy wiýtiî a bAine suit 'fnd a'bid-ca el.venhis face, ni avaice yen can heý._ar for- a g:ood afml.Anli aotcver-Y ibrel- secods fi ig guy wifJh thebig veice oliersout'S rIK Il-at 'STIK' tink of imy ïibuýsss amsd m nervs jspclear Qrul m sit.A fiedocton!Hansce is W' sybe ý'roîg, ias usuei'l, bu sneow wecaîsm.oî bi arber- iolg ime sni, ideaI atli ime sport n aebl eai. srib psrks is stý ociiadibcmigmr wib oîka bettimmg 001oîdy onIbe' oesuit e c ganseu itscif, butslis m oin fprcialyeeybal] tie ifchrlsses pasharb Ii t ascome o iras wIhaf, enl rcenty, hgmbiingv11 ung, e er mtise îoi-d-spake sytei v iown in ( p" Mnfra' l chicibo-e for puLycr niig doublestiles, hoer t- Stie(4e -iic sc i ands Iý Ol eason Sjlisa where 'isere i one gmbin h 1îng u th peiefo n oig IAnd Ihelnaturl l c o Ia s ýiort F -ilnsa;wi i be U11as jicy scaas as t he nc wbichna wii Il igh o aIega aot That wa, lsc thlime wlien the Ci- "I5m warning you-keep yn Rýcket Bormb Range No-w 3,000 Miles bas ij1u1caed Frocs 200 m,ýliles ta 3,000 miles feiiewio,ýïg tsaby; the Britisb ce oibniiiu o Ausraie .condngluncaýtbnfd)r cd aee'sfemSd~y The mcissio 1ainownla 1 ci wicbas bceen conmductin1g a son- veyef astnnibabfedarcas3i hae dvised thie Cniasel PIrove asafisfactory\ roct lesinjg anld plane, !began is nvstîaîo Five-Day Week For U.K.Cole? A fv-a ekfor Biibca afFul ad Poover. 'Mn. sbiiswell ovasroce pnepaned(,!10 on!der \vblat Ioid bc aneeuoîayle in] the îdtsr if the no urn teeS that il wauoidle ent1 e q eaedproduictionl. TisefiseSay\eek ould ibe bi- Britain 'Quitting' India And Egypt Bians present Policy gis Fulfilmnent 0f Previous Treaty Obligations inompolicies QI0 bi1o3inn prising taý be tld that the British Laben geverniinenit is "qiltinsg Io1d;ltalaîd Eg'J",bec',uLse -itlîpi laý gel, more trade ot of both1 canîîmis Iat aycommlenýtahie Qttawa 'Citizen., "BFritaLin iway rugly Set edI ils these mlea"said AMr, HlCnbeýrt Murrison, i1i0;[lavwa nec- entl. "Etbc 'neareguilty of isin, anr wc are gujîit' Of sluppy, A cerrctlis e is in onder Ijo0L abauit Ilidla an-d Egypt. Tfie Iriîth la tisat even silnce tue Fina Wrl WaSuccessive British Govcnq- mlelt ul bave ade il thecir policey b offerself-ovcnmnîeif la lca. Foi yearapat ail pa-rties have ane an tisa. Duoing thle Secnd onl WVar flise coalition gvmietbc- seull Ithelicvaniau- s parties anid c miunIilies 10in dia lu agree amllont theinelvesanld ake sl-oen mlclen aa omno bas.N therue ilauatualiy a Cabinlet imission inl LIodla svicb bas nlo()]lyv offened lindependen1ce 1In ldia bbilIas had, in dcflit nof ï .Idian agreemejn t 1 deisfile plaib icaaOf wbliLh itil maybeacsed Afor EgypIe Attlee guveroi- nt's ýzpalicy is in dirct lune Of fe h uif-ilmocol f tet biain enerdioa byprieusgovemoa- pregne5sa for the ievaa ln a Biisb t roopa rn Eyîbuittibis la net because'Ilay veao o anyvnleeiut of the defenea -Cof Ihýe Brta ( omewell. Ils realý reasî,on ia respct fn tlse -igbîs ni Siaalinations. Tise1 --E gy plian Prie i!ister bas aineady paid wanm itnibute ia HOLD EVERY'lTING I. .... / 4 idex, q;n