-~ ORONO WEEIKLY TIMES. he Orono WeekIv Times Established Ja-nuaiy, 1937. ever-y Thursday morning, at thbe Timres Office Rat es on ir e qu est Subscription, $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Orono, Ontario The Rail-way Strike Ends There was feeling of relief recently at the announement ation of the U. S. railroad strike. Hlere was a situaion' which ened to cripple the industrial, economi"1c ani social hf e of not ,he United States but of CaInada and mc of Europe. So mnucli depends ùpon the constant service afforded by the w;heýn mails, foodstuff s and essential m.aterials, are involved. e this withheld e-ven f'or a day was going to make for a chaotic on. Comiing nearer home, we had the threat of strike action would have affeCted the "Gyoodyeam" iplanït at Bowmi-anville, ppears to have been rectified for the tume eing at least. ve my be our attitude towvard striki-ng workers, we must ber that sympathetic study iîs necessary in order for a proper rent to be reachedl. Snap judgments mnay be faulty -whlether anings are in comnpany directions or that of a union. Only h -ultimate understanding, and the will to see things frnI th(, felwsvie-wpoint wil L the day cýome whvien. strikes will be abolisbed. Watch Orono Grow Trhe above slgan used to be applied to our town by etnhs- ,vo ejjoyged local expanision. at the timie of the building-, of the g factory, the evaporator and other worthy poJecýts,. For a conaiera-,ble period w- mamked tim--e. Now -rowvtb is more the keynote, Sevemal new houases aînd a summner camp-il een enibodied into our town's make-up. Our stores and busi- have increased in nube. he reforestation station has edont greatly, tnking- in m1uch mnore territory and' emTploy- ore hIelpers. Cýivic ýpr-ide shoculd grow in step i&"ith the gcrowthl Stown . At the samne time wýe recail thl-e sayýing that "niotliing v under the sun". We are told that our present sehool chïl- iave acee-,ss to maps of the vililge which sh.ow numîerouserl ries along the porthmely part of M,\ill St. Beside this, there some stores in addition to the present number, and several sto)res. Few of us; would care to retura to the conditions ofP former days. Wýe sim-ply point out thie tact that thevae and population even larger ye-ams ago than at pre.,-ent. Watching -Oono grow ,parently the privelege of a former genemration as well as our * * e a While The Earth Remaieth "Beating the Bounds" is stiili obscrved in parts of rural Eng- land and even in the cities of the 01ld Land. lu Canada, too, the custoïn is camricd on to a, lessýer degrce. lu Be theti Bounds' the clergyman, choir and congregations wçalked in procession aliong the boundary lines of ticir respective parisies and invoked God's blessing upon the growing crops. Following tlic ceremonciy -in a densely populated city is simiply to honour the servie wiich was eommnenced when tic region wvas stili farmi lanad. We in. Canada have adopted our "Rural, Life Sunt-day'ý from tie at-ove descibed be- giuung. It is with tlinkfulness týhiat wc Iook forward to the rYomr- _ise of still another liarvest, and ticelast Sunrday of May is set apart that we inay allow our thougý,,its tou wll pon tic niatter. Minis- tors, boti local suda throughout theie lgtli and I breadthl of the coun- try, clieered thiri congregations the pasýt Suinday with thle assurance that "while the earth remnaineth, secd. time sud iarvcst, and cold, and iýent, sud Summner, and 'Winter, and day sud nigit shaîl not ~cese", Tiere is vast comfort iu theic knowedge tînt at least a part mf our labour nt tiling àsud seeding will bring fruition. Tic bibiai prmise does rot guarantee success in every lie of agricultural enterprise. We haive found to ourý sor2row upon more than one occasion tLint a certanin crop iad been a failure upon a cer- ta-in season.an, two or miiore kinds of cýrop have failed us during one sason iso.Wia we do know iPs tic fact tin)t therc will al- hwy e Fa seed time and n iarvest. PTisprms enables the far- mer to en*lark upon lis Sping woR it zest and happiness. Even the gardener workig on a small scal ecau know tînt there will!be a reward iter. More of Our national welfare depends upon tic e- ,tuns of tic soil tian w=are wligto cnoldg.Muci of our vaunted îindutrial success woulcld natter ittle sliould thc 'and 'witi- hodits bounity. "Rural Lif e" loom--s large indeeýd Jin our cconomic " * mý Hiddlen Treasure icscarcfi for somnethig new frequentiy ,lnds peupletu in ier attention to aomething oid. Recently, a lady from n.cross tIcý rder visited tus village hinquest of "antiers"% Artices of ouse- 1id use sud of giwierai intere-it wcre among the sweers hobbis,ý Ad purchases made from local citzens would go to replensi the ,ol, at an antique shop operated by the taveller Doubtless there ýas a hunt througi tce atti in Mme thin une instance, bcuetic d1y left town, with bier car laden with goods. Fùrthermomc, fi rices were paid for some of tie varions lknick-knacks. What queer creatures many of us are after ah. For some me past we have stocked our homes wth fumniturie, chin and dc- mrations of so-caled miodemn desigui. th equai gusto we have degated a lot of hitherto despiscd "un"te tic storeron and Wuic Nüw we auacun to,,tichealz tio tat the "junk"i, -s orth onciy. Ticcupio at whicli ncle re dirccted a remuant of icotne laden aud with uerin acuac uw re-poses in tic, den of mne fineiy apomtedt Ameican homeon. Aunt Emima's ancient teapot ramscei tale of a well-to-do famly in Brooklyn. Wewho arc ereft oftes gloie(s of yesteryear refiect sacly that wc sod.swid rticlsmost as a1 ihlot" t arnaUctio-,isale, Wei-av-e repla'ed hemi with monemodemrepljicsL wos fsionch-janges ammiost WHOLESALE BEEF PRICE CEILING SUTSPENDED JULY 20 To, priovide ,a b(etter beef suppfly and to mpov mveen ôeattie duigthe presecnt seasonal Ç,iOrt- age, Watimine Prieces and Tra de ordhas annouinced the usenion of whlsl rCeilings 0on beef, cacsegradied "r-ed" brand or1 "bue brad acordi g to ovEr-l ment standards. The suspension- wenthinto elfiect Ma'y2thand \%ill Continue until July 2th. Retaîl price ceilings on bath these grades and con al otier qualities will reniafin at the present level and no higlier prices wvili be paidl by the consumer. Ceihling prices at botih wbolesaie and etail of al gradies and qualities otier than the "mcd' or "le brands inentioned above, wilfl remnain ucagd Present pric,,ing regulations gov- cning retail prices of comtmercial quaity beef -will apply to alI sales at. retail of "le brand beef. MARRIÂGES MIIRCER - PODM2,ORE -0On Snt- urda, Ma ]_8th, 1946,at Garvston, Liero l, g1an, Mgaret, on- ly dauliter of MmI. anidMrs. J. H. Podmre, o R m. . Bruce Mer- cer, son of M1r. and Mrs. Il.M Mlercer', Orono, Onitario. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. George Chater and i(lfamily wi sh to express their appreciation for the many acts of klindness and expressions of sympathy and con- dolence extended liy their mnany friends and neighbours duing the recent illness and death of 'a dear husband and fathler The Newfoundlland Film Board lias recently puirchased a num-ber of film prints from- the National Filmi Board. Previously the National Filmo Board supplied the Newfoundlland Filmn Board with somre 70 nion-theatrical filmns. A NATION WIDE SERVICE SERVICE.... -any tiflie The uise of -Morris Funieral Servie is your guarantec of ec6ioromy and satisfaction regardless of whier2 death oc- curs. Our lngexperience tand associatiln with reliable funeral directors throughoýut Canada alîows us to take complûeecag-efrnn the services requested ini every detaiJl, conscieatiously and efficietly-yet nt a con- siderable saving to the family bereavedI FF F. MORRIS 00. DURHAM'S LARGEST FUNERAL DIRECTORS Bowm nvile -:- :-Orono JAMES, E. O'BOYLE- Orono, Ontario Business Licenise No. 13049îý70; 'Warthîe rices aiti Trade~ Board BUILDING CARPENTEFRINGp ALTERATIONS REPAIRING and PAINTING Good work at f air prices, by the hour or the job ESTIMATES FREE The OnIy Romody for Hunger is (ý*,13 UY AND USE LESS BREAD, FLOUR AND OTHER WHEAT PR.,ODUOTS, TMEAT, cHfEESE AND EGGS. SUJBS- TýTIUTE VEGETABLES, FRUIT AN,-D FISH WHERE 12'. KEElP YOlU-R HOME STýlOCKS LOW - BUY ONLY ENQiUC-N 1FOR iMMEDIATE REýQUIREMVENTS-. The nioqt efficient way in wilio,,h.we Can Send 3lii- creased 'bulikshipmienits of WHEAI-,'T, MEAT, CHEESE and EGGS ic needy coun.. tries is thxough the Cana- dian goveninent food Boards. These increased bullc shipments can. orly be made providing we reduce our own consiunp- tion. Here are five im- Sportant ways by whr1ch wve can make greater quantities of food avail-. able for export:- (31 AVOID ALL WASTE. (4) GROW%'ý A VIICTORY GAR- DElN AGAIN THIS YEAR. PLANT MORE THIS TIME IF YOU CAN. (5) DONATE AINY MEAT COUPONS YOU CAN SPARE. EQREAT YOUR LOCAL RATION BOARD, Classified FOIR SALIE Ten i'g fit to wean. R. Bottrel, FOR SALE Tennis Net and one 3-humner Goal 011 Stove -with Oven. Mdake eni- quiries at Times office. a-20--. Cabinet work, uhlteig and repairs; prices reasonable. Wffl pay cash for used sewing machines, C. F. Duncan, Phione 79-16, Orono. tf. FOR SALE Farm Machinery and ýLive Stock, at Lot 15, Con. 7, Hope Towaiship, on Monday, June 10~ th, at 1.0O p.m.i (iD.S.T».. Brothwell Bros. Pot'Hope. NOTIC"E Having trouble procurlng the ser- vices of a carpenter ? Phone Lloyd J. Crabbe, Orono 79 r 16. LABOUR SAVING 1 -23-p. KiTCHEy-N UNITs A SPECIALTY TEA'CHER WANTED For Clarke Union S. 'S. No. 22, Protestant. Services to comm-iiene inSeptember, App'ly stat 'ing quali- fications and fo0rimer inspetor to' Hlerb. ýScott, Séecretary, R. P'. No.-4 iBov,,u-tnville. WANTED Used Beatty Litter- Carrier ancd Track, and a g-ood 3frrwTractorý Plow, 12 or 14 ni bottoin; Ford "A"Frn Axie anid Chickeni Shel- ters. Murray Paynie, R. -R. No. 2 Newcastle. a,0p. FOR SALE New Scufflers, used Teanri Scuf- 1er, Disc Drill5 H-arrows, Bissel Tan- dlem Dises, Gutta Percha Tires and Tubes, 600x16lu'I stock. Barg-ain prices. Carl Tdd, Imnplement Denl- er, Carke. C-22-p. The undersigned lins received in- structions from Mm. Robert Eley, Lot 4. Concession 2, Clarkce, one nille n'loth of Elliott's Gar7ag-e , tose1 by public auction on WensaJune 12th, ail Ilis farmi stock, including 3 young Percheron horses, 1.0 freshi cow's with calves at foot, '21 hleaLid of dchoice Dumhamn stockers, 8 pi,ýgs, 30'0 bushIlels of grain, and a fulli une 0fý nerlIew farm mahiniery. Terniisi Cash. Fammi Sold. -Jacýk PReiï,d, F1URNITUIRE SALE 0f M. Fred Blacîàbuma, to sei by pulcauction oun Saturday, June 8th, at _t pýi.(DST at tIhe Exiblition- Grounids, Omonio, al l is houseld4 fumnit ure, di;s hes,> beddCinig, etc. Terms Cas. Anyoné wisingtoput fuiniture in tis sae may dlo S. Plense get ini touch -with the T.imecs office, or, the nucioneer a.t once, ln eetof rain sale -will be h',eld inside. -Jack Reid,Autoe. AUCTION The undersigned lias receiveJd'«In- structions 'fromM Ailton W. Comn.,ish, at, Blizzard .Hi1111Fanam, one mleWest of Highway No, 25, tura) at Kirby, to sei by public auction on Fidy June 14,th at 1 p.mn.(EDST) thirty-t'w ýo head of pumeýbmed Here- forcis, Gr'ade Cattle and a nuier of Reg-istere-d Pigs, 2 Clydesdale Colts and quantity of Euckýwheat. Jack Retd and W. S. 0'Neil, Auctioneers. Enniskillen ifootball tenni -'will play the Orono team a-t Orono Patrk on 'Saturdlay, Junie Sth. Enniskillen tcami have not opposed Orono yet this seasion, so tumni out and sec youm locafl boys -inion SYNTRETIC 1kURBER BELT- ING SUPERIO0R TO RUBBER ,Sythetic ubber conve.yor blig of the type used iu threshing m -ia- chIinies, in iniitial tests lias proven itslfsupririn wearinpg quality aud genieral performîance, te belting Maide, from niatumal rulbier, Ll, D. Dougan, assistant mlanager of' Poly- l onto.the 'vmmn liad yfor Professional Directory& A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours:- 2.00 toa 4.00 p.m. ; 6.30 to 8.0 p.m Sundays and Wednesdays by appoinment oidy PHONE 47rl ORONO LEGALo,ý Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor UOWMIANVILLE, ONT. Phone Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones: - Office, 825 Res idence 409 BOWMNANVILLE, ONT. VETERiNARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN> VETýERI-NARY SUR~GEON~ Offce Mi St. Oran Phone 63 r 7, Orono. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE FUire, Casualty, Automoabile and Liability O-RONO IONTARIO DANE FOIJND District Reipresentative for th* Insurane Consuit me for your futre Inicome Plans Monu-ments Monuments,Grem1è- Engraving, Goldleafing AUCTIONEEPLS TED JACKSON Aucetioneer ankd'Valuator, Coaducýts AucL,.:tionsales cf Ai l 1u) and at raonberates Comun21icate witilh hm wat p*e Plerrye 0Ontarlo, or set isClrM3 A E. Mortonat n, fordae JACK REID Lîcenîsed Auctioneer and, Specialize fin Farm and Fu.rniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke Dgo You K-now That, ora nmalage tweaty-foar1, The imperiai Life Assurance COmrf pany wiil guarantee his fml $5,M000 ù aevent ,of his deathio to age sixty, for between., 2%an 3% of thut amouint yearly. Aiid hie lîies tie age sixty, thse Compan- wilpuy hlm the $5,000.U0. Why flot cotnsuit youlr local represenitative FRED LYCEI' to scee what' a -plan such as this wQill dO fo-r youi? W. J Ridelland. F. 0. Cooper-, are having their -Places of bsns brih eedUP wtl a fresli coat a The National Film- Board wl soon release "Canadaý,, Womld Tr-,ader" ai film w-7;hicli deals vwitli the pne timie role Canada PIlil -play l i t rade. ----any where