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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jun 1946, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY IMES T#~URS1)AY,ý JUNE 6th. 19ý46 FR,ýIDAZY aned SATURDAY Cheick your Bakking Needs with these low prices:. EclpsePasry lor .,.,,.......24 les '-Our Best" Bakinkg Powder ,.... b i Puirity Ai-Purpos,-e Flour ......24 Ihs 7 5c. 23C. 79e. Baker's Chocolate ........... . 1-2 lb pkg- 22c White Sugar ., ........ .-...-.. ». 0 bs 79e. Brodie's Sélf-Raisinig Flour, with cook bookÉ, for .,,.,............. ... per bag 24t. Aunt Jmm Pancake «Flour... ý...... pkg 15c. ______________________ m a Salted S-odas 21c. - A l4ozpkg PORK --nd BEANS tin 15ce Shelled W alnuts 4oz s 20c. .6 ar 10e. 25c. 20e. 39e. Green Local News- Mi: R.J.Masnof Barrie, spent the we-n wlt h M-s.Jas.Dick- Mre ani Mrs, A. A. Drunimond! and Alec visited friends in Toronto! last weekend,i Ali. and Mrs. Wyven Reid, and Muriel.', of Bowmnanville, -were visi-, tors in, Oronio last Suinda]y. Orono puLblic school children took the honors iin Clarke sportsý day held at Newastle on Wednesday at M.and -Mrs. Wm. Massie", Tor- nto, spent Wednesday and Thurs- day wAth it. and Mra. Vitor Roi insont. Mrn and Mrs. W. S. CoMbiedick visied At the home of 'Mr. and M1S. Lorne Thomnpson at Bl1ackstock on Sunay last. Bowmanville hardball tcam de- feated Whitby teami in Bowmianville on Wednesýday eveniing , last by a score of 4 to 0. Mr. and Mrs. a ïrold -lLuxtonI, of Bownmanville, ar e pen-ding a weeý'a ohliday with tthe 1la tt er's parents, Mr. and Mrs, HILM Mercer. 1The lde of the Durham Dis- trict Masonic Order attended1 divine aervice _'n a bod(y at N ewoto0n v ille Unite-d Curh ast Sunday evening. The pastoroýf Park St. United Church s -representing the Ontario Religous Eucato Concil at Sun- da,ýy Sehool conventions in Lenriox and Addhigton- Counties. Mvr. Owen Fragan, of the Banik of Commerce staff, Bowmnanville, la re- lieving li the Bn of Commilerce at Orono, while Miss ary Snomer- vile ih on vacaton. M.Dane Found lefft on, Wednes- day last for the Lake of Bays, whee lie wi11 attend the cýonvei,.on ofth Mfanuf1àturiers' -Lif e insurance Co. heing hldat thýe Royal Oak Hotel. M-r. and MmL . LýTea-rne, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Edgar> and Mr. anrd Mrs. WIr. rwnTornto, spent .Sundfay last -with- Mr. and àMrs. Victor Rob- ina on. Mr. Don Harlow, of Kthnr and Grant Savage, of Navan,; near-' 1Ottawa, two OVC students, are as- sistLin-g Dr.W. W. Sherwvin for: the summrermots Rev. Mr. %Creswell, of Tyrone, conducted the evening serivice atý Park St Chvurch last Sndfay. Rev., S. Litlewoýod was in charge of the1 ýSunday Schoonnier-ayseryices j t Sale-ei. Miss Ger-aldine Bcof Gece spent over -the -weeký-end wlh rs Jas. flickson)Y. -Miss Becký has accept- ed a postion on the teachîng stffof thle H1am-iton Cen-tral Collegiate in! Septemiber. Sin1-ge Field Day (Canada Day) July lat, at -Orono Park,. Garn es, sports and in the evening a, dance wvith ý Rus-s Creighton's Orchetra i atte-ndan-e. ùlpriulasltr Reser-ve thisdae brooke, Que,, who has been attening Denital Nursing ClaçsssmatTornto, visited for a few days with lir father, Mr. W. E. Davey, this week, emroute to her home lain broe On June 12th Mr. C. J. Hughson, wilir cceetbrate his 99tch birthday. MvI. Huitghson ris Ornos ldest resident, and has been la faiy good health. Up untîl a year or two a go 'he tOok a greateight l going for a short Quite a num-nber fromn Orono ,and commnitytook ï7in the moving pic turIe show la inOrono H 1all on SaturdaIy night last under the asicsof Starzr & ýCe. These shows are gra-î ualljy Ibeomîing more popullar, and a good ne ef pictures ar ve shown every Saturcday evetsi-ng. Orono Lodge No. 436, .... are sponsoing the AIlan and Starr picture"rod the Wo)rld!, in Orono To,-wn Hall onr Stuv irday v eveIin, Junae lSthn. TIhe roceeds from tisý showing WU!l un devoted Ato th Clare Fotbal Cubassisting la the finncig o seatrset. Your' i responce to thîs show w111be greaýt- ly ap'pre<.caed. Watch for posters next vweek. of aitsect whaich bort a type ~g thé po- se- the lea- Fresh. ERY THE INDUSTRY 0F THE FUTURE FU"R FARMnG Mink and F-'ox MUTATIONS. Buy a Trio - We Ranch Them WILLOW CREEK FUR FARMI C. R.,KNOX GRONO, PHONE 42 b 2 ROYAL THEATRE Bowmanville - Phono 589 TOPS IN ENTERTAIN'MENT Thiurs. and Fr-I JUNE 6-7 "LOVE LKTTERS" JENNIFER JONES JOStEPH COTT'ON Yoiu'Il neyer forget the most haunting love story ever brought to the screen plus Short - Poptilar Science In Techiticolor Cartowon in color Saturday OnWy JUNE 8 Action! -.Thrills! Exciting Moments! "LAST 0F THE MOHICANS" Added Attractions Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in heir pack-o-fuin short "THEIR FIRST MISTAKE" short "Canfyons eof the Sun" Cartoon) Mon., Tues., Wed. JUNE 10-12 "STORK CLUB" BET£TY HU¶IX>N ROBERT BENCHLEY and DON DEFORE Gay andagteingmsical ro- manlce behlind th.e scenles of the World's mLost famous niîght club Fox Laite News anda cartoon inClr Guide irally at Ohw ea o Wedesay afternoon ls.Lady Bade-PoeUrecently rivdfrom- EnIa-nd was preýseIttt he ralie ly and spokýe to t he G Li d es Qon 1theuir ork. This was; a greatpivlg given to thie local G uides anid Brownies to be able toc orne in coni- tact -with the leadingfgr in this m--ovemýenit hichf is being carried on all over thie wrdto-day. score of .5 to 1. Hilmpton anid' Orono have niearly ail younginex-ý perien.ced players wh are gradually learnrng the tricks of the gamiiie. So- lina team defeated theý Orono ta in the firest two -galles, but the So)- linia te-amn is consýidered thie best in the league with experieniced players. ~1 4e" CANADA'S TOURIST BUSINESS is YOURbusins v4~ BECA Illte monley spenit b Amer:can viitors filters mb very community'. ITputs extra casi in the pockets of Canadi' ans,, boostIng busi- V ns s forh armner, [the twn mer- chanit, the city orer Is to every- boys inteýrest to Protect thlis profit- able buins, lý-parlary nthis criica yar henfrendycourtous treatinento orgue"sswipay big weIv ~CA NA Di"NT~LBRA AR M S T RO NG' S Misses' 2-piece Sun Suits, Deradie Skirt nnd Tie Top, in Seersucker andPrint, Priced $3.95 to---------$S495 3-piece S,-port Suits, Shorts, Skirt and Top to match, in Mercerized Poplin, colors of Sand, Wine, Bluie, sizes 14, to 18, priced------$12,95 Misses' and Chbildren's SlackS in Cotton and Wooll, Ochil- dren's sizes, 6 te 1A4- 1.5 Misses' 14 to 20.- $2,25 to $5.95 Girl1s' and Misses' Shorts. in CottoQn and Alpi ne, muade, with pleat f ront and baeck.~ Girls' sizes 8 to 12 ....$195 Misses' sizes 14 te 20 .....$325 Shredded Wheat ~UNITED CHURCH 2 fo - Rvred23c MinisterCHOICE SUNDAY, JUNE 9th 2.3W p,m-.-Church Sehool, 7.00pm-Wrh. Re.L B. Simih, o "ýThïe Gospel is the god ews of he powe r of the 1{oly Srit available to theme- bes f Chirist", Orono inshop 2 for 29c. LARGE CORN FLAKES 2 for -23c. AYLMý,'ER KETCHUP Ready for OnIly new. Boe, CBttoeuYelu, ronV sizes 2 te 6....- $125 t $1-95 C;otton, Jerseys, Short Sl"e e ve, ccllrs of BRed, Wine, ren Brown 'with White Stripe. sizes 4 and 6- ... 5 9. it,$1,2 5 Broadcloth Suits, in two col- ors, sizes 2 to 6- 59c. to $1I.,25 Girls' Summer Dresses, ;n Silk and Gnhm sizes 3 to 12, al shacdes.... $2,.50 te $4,75 Ladies' and misses' Dresses, in Cottons, Jerseys, Crepes, aisc Hats. CANNED APPLES 105 oz ,tin 95e. Sat. Only PURITY FLOUR 100 lba $2.95 Pears, Peach- es or Green Gages with Sugar tin 1)9c- 2 tin 1 coupon 1 IEINZ TO0MA TO SOUP 2 in 19. WAX PAPER 100 ft. rol 25c CIIOICE Tomatoc-s tin 15C Sat. Only SIIELL, BARN SPRAY D.D.T., gai Heinz Be Steak Sai bottie and Children"s Summeir,

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