Cmaada are uirged Miss Jeani Milligan has ac4-cep-,ted on b-read, as there1 a po&itïi nwUi th te A. &'P. Stores the present time.! inOsaa Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt iand Smnith Funieral Direecrs and Fu.rniture Dealers )NESS COURTESY SERVICE ýped te take care of the modest funeral et the most reasenable charge as well as the largest and most exacting lephonle: Office 668 - Residence : 523 and 726 one Colleet Bwavle Ont. Ad Dance Friday, June 14, 1946 NEWCASTLE CO MMU'NITY IHALL at 9.00 p.m. (D.ST.) Under the auspices of DURIIAM JUNIOR FARMERS' ASSOCIATION Russ Creighton and bis Orchestra will be in attendance 50e. HOWARD MALCOLMI P'reýsident Everybody Weleome BOYD AYRE secretary MRONO WEEKLY TIMES, NE WTON VILLE Mirs John Cch had an oyperatin in a Toroaito hospital yesterda-,y. We reSoirry to report th-e very ierious illness of Mr. JohinAdr o. s dr so salso conined O)n Suniday evening Orono asonic Lodge andi other local members at- tended thle United 'Church.U Rev. JLawreae Smîth preached a fine sermion, "it does not miatter so miuch what ne get out Af this ilfe but what we put into t-mot so much what -ce have but -whiat wve are". ,Last Wednesday hight our girls' softhal team ,played O0rono. ThIey lost by 25 to. 1'5. Or, Mond'ay nighit Orono returned the, visit and was defeated by the locai girls 24 to 21. Weare glad thle girls' were the vie- tors in thîs gamie, not so mluch be- cause it is the homie team,. but t hey needeid the victory. The m iaj o r it are but youngstèes inexperijnced and nervous. l aes Uime to build up a gooci bail teamu and the fact that they have stayed in the games, playing against superior teamns ali last season, shoInws whant the girls are miade of. Newtoniville is proud of her, girls in victory or defeat. The public school m-ixed teami has met three teams, Newcastle, Zioni and one ma'e up of players from-i Crook-ed Creek, Port GTranlb,'i>y, No. 9' and Brown's schools; and haecr ried off the victory in ai three games. The junior bDoys met New- castle boys in an exhibition g,,ami-e Ilaet Salturdlay evening and won overi their oppcnents.1 \r. and Mrs. Norm~an Frost andi Mr. and Moes.r Jackv Stewvart, Torointo, w,ýith M'1r, and Mrs. Dave Denault. Mrs. Ellis, Toronto, vvith Rev. and ,Mrs. La'wrence Smnith. Miss Doniald-I son, Tronto, wvith Mrl. and M'rs. Geo. Ovens. Laurna Pearce andi herj friend. Water -WhVitaker, Toýr-i onto, with her parents, Mdr. andl Mrs. lF. T. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. er.Gilmier, Bwavilvisited tlieir daughiter, Ms Bert Sta-pleton. iMr. and Hrs, Gea. Stapleton and f.nrily 1mjotored te Lindsay -an( Bob- aaouf c gýý"eon i. Florence Burieyv and f1ieiiId, Mr. Earl McEwen, Ptro ,,,ghi, with hler parent s.ýSt-anley bit tj at bis home in Simý-coe. The Women's Asoito beld their mnontlly 1meet îing at thie home o1 Mr-s. Sam- Siith oniiW e dniies da y cvajjiigý ý hhthe president, Mr.J. T. Pearceprsin for the slwh buiesperiod. Plan's weýre laid forl but on the baizaar Ùn the A'utum,"n. Thie catîon comfortcomtewaaketoen- fruit to Mrs. Spencer Buriey, Mrs, George Thompson, andth caretak- st ers, M1r. and IMrs. John Anderson, D DI who are 1i. Mrs. Clinton Farrow presented t'ho followinrogam e: Ta Pafi RoIl Gali, "The qualdity 1 iked most window in miymte" solo hy -Mrs Re'd- paratiol knap, a,ýccom'panied by Mrs. Gilmer; tees, b maths. Mrs,. C. Burley gave tne Iligbillts plete m~ o-n ai recènt address aof Rev. Ban- ister's oýn "The decline of the white race"; Mvrs. Dudley Joines ga ve a paper on 'i\Mother" wvhich was miuch a>ýprciated1. Thereitea of theý evening 'ý was- having onie of our shutl- mls present in thie persz-on of Ms Sani jones. Ms.Jones Who was soloist in the choir somne years ago repeited, by request, an old hymn11 she used to singl, A social I. hlour o ver a cup of tea was enjoyed by aIl, CL ARKE. UNION Mrs, George Fogg spent a week in Rochester. Mr. andi r. enneth HIsand faiily visitic'd with Mrs. Horatio Hilîs, Tyrone, on ýSunday. ;Mr. andi Mrs. HUeberSuh spent Sunday w'ýith-M. . and Mrs. HEarry Baiiey.- -Mr. and Mrs. Jim P'atterson, Tor- onto, visîted wiith his palrenits, Mi% and Mrs. John Patterson over the week-end.- Mr. Hleber Soucllh anid Mrn Roy Berry were in Lindtsay on Mollnday; with wool. We guess ehey had quite an i Lesinz trîp, Con gratul at ions to Miîs s Eileen Souch and to Mn. Carl i Billgs o-n their miarriage on Saturday last They are on a trip to ýTo-nnto, Mus- kaka and Niagana Fails, De .T. Sprays and Insecticides T. Dicior-Dihenl-ttrahloethne~is rec-ognized as a )t Sure death to ail inisect pests. They may not die at once contaicting itated surfaces, dleath is certai. And one appli- properly ape is effective for weeks. INSECl'-TICIDE on sieeens, door or frames. This pre- kilîs ffis, msqui. ,CI flies, - ants and oz. containler, com- h applicator . -35c. REXALL DD T Ant anid roac-h powýder, de,- streys ants, reaches 2and fleas; in gun coGntainer,.50c, Bpeacen D D T Insect Pow- der.............25,c. TUE AER-A-SOL INSECTICIDE BOMB Is a year round insecticide for ridding the home of in- sect pests and bugs. It is nion-inflammable. The large size bomb retails at $5.00 An aliowance of $1.010 is made for the returi of the empty cyelinder. Ask for a Demonstration VET-AID 25% D D T REX-AID 5%, D D T Blarn & Animal Spray ! ANSPA This 16 oz, hottie whien dit- B R P A uted to 1 gai. is an effec- tive harni spray. It is also F or applyîng te 'walis anld used diîuted to make '2'/ý ceilings of barns and sta- gais. as anl effective spray hie-s. Notintwendedl for ap- that can be appiied to the , Plication toe hacks of auj- hacks of animais, 16 oz bot- mals, 1 gallon----------$2.85 tie ----- ----- -------- ---- $ . 75 -Agent for J ackmnan F lowers Cha«Xrles B. T'y rreli DR UG S Phone 68 1: -:1.Orono, Ont. YeungCa0anaue? STARVING MILLIONS COUNT ON YOU!0 i n Europe today even a crust of breaid i treasurd- for the spectre of starvaion stalks a Continent! Teen-Agersl High School Students! Young men and womenl Join the Ontario Farm Service Force now. Hoaid for the open fields for a montli, or botter stili for the seuson. HaIp shore în producing more food for across the sea. Private Farm Homes and Y Supervised Camps are open to yoù. The work k ploasaànt. YOU'II b. weïl, fed-weII-paid-and weilIIooked -after. Rememnber, almoat overy Ontario farmor ik critically short-handed. Remombor, tee, the presont food crisis is being feit ci homo--as weII as abroad. Fi in the attached coupon and tho Ontario Form Service Force wiliIsond you a rogfistration form plu% oil particuors- without deoay! DOMINON - PROVINCIAL COMMTE ON FARM LABOUR AGRIECU LTURU- LABOUR - EDU Cà%TqON am - - for food.&0 so rgeni farmer's d 'Q back ;eG Junior PN3-46 mm - u -à -ua- mm - -mm m-mm - MAIL THIS COUPON AT ONCE!I -I §0n t "Lend o -on". Pleote tnd me t.- -rfinfoniod Noe.....................î " .Age . ý Glass Castor Cups, protect your floors, 2 isîZs Ovenglass Casseroles, 2 qt., pie- plate cover, com- plete, for..............95c, Qveiiglass Deep Loaf Pan.........55c, Fireking Platters, 12-incli, each.......35c.- Plastî ic Tumbler-s, assorted colors....15c,, and 20t. Electrie Lighit Bul-bs, frosted, long style\f1or bed lights, eachi ......... ......3. Kiddcies Sand Pail and Sh-ovecýl, comiplete...... 25c, Fishing Tale or Tool Box, cantelever tray and lock....... .......... ........$1,69 Repair Kits forc tires, complete with cerent. 15c, Wire Strainers, red handle... ....... ..... 15c. Men's Wire Sock Dryers, sizes 8 to IL 1-2, pair. 20c. Diaimond "S" Flashlight Batteries, standard size, give good service. Why pay more', each. ].c Aluminum Knitting Needies, sets of 4 or 2, r1e- duced price, set ................15c. Powder Puifs, 3 ichi, each......... ..- l0c. -Halo 'Shampoo, Colgates, biîngs out the nattural beauity of the hair, samiple size.......... 15c. Family size for-,......... ........49c. Hawes' Floor Gloss, no rubbing required, pttnL 9 GROCERY iFEATURES Or-ang-es, Califoumiýias No. 288, mediumi size, doz 39c Sodas, plain or salted, box.........lie. Heinz Toimato Juice, fancy quality, giant 105 o-unce tins................. ..... 45c, MýcLar-en's Coffee. Week-end Special, 1-2 lb,.,.>. 19c. Neilson's Jersoey Brand Cocoa, 1-2 lb 19c<.1i1lb 29c. Tender Leaf Tea, superior quality, 1-2 lb.... 40c. Newport Fluifs (puffed wvheat), gant 'box 25 qts. money saving price ......... ....... 45e Odex Soap), pleasant nd soothn to tender skin, 2 cakes for..............e Pr-une Juice with honey, a. refreshing drink, large 32 oz. bottie...........37c. Gai-den Brand F!neýt Selected Table Peas, 1-2 lb lie, OROUNO 5c. TO $tOO 0TOR E YOUTR POULA ;SJIOPPING CENTRE Board bas ýpro- filmus entitiedi ad"Peopfles iuioni by the No. ndf niev sînl- sei . .. . i 1 ........... ". . . .1rown e....