Vol.1O. ýNO. 21 ORO-NO, ONT.,. THl-URSDAY, JUNE l3th, 1946 subseription $1.25 per "Keen Competition At Newcastle and Clarke Township FieId O Old Rivais Clash At Park Orono Collects Winj The ronogirls' softball teaiîn de- feated the Ncwcaý-stle ôir's' teamli at O,ýrono Park on Thursday 'eveiÎng, .June 6th, by a score of 19 to 10. Fo'r this gamne,f usedj, hree by 1 I~dMiddeton for .,he gam-e througl iNe"-wcaïstle g-irls to, ig out 7 battem started ôon the m tie; was talren out -Orono had scored ~wsreplnced by M. tei nn in g S.Mrs the 57ýth and 6th iii Newcastle was tirono scor th felie 10xe National Clothng Collection June i lth to June 2.9th four pitchers mwere1 Newcastle, while This clothing for men, wvomen and rthe locals pitched cýhildren wl be grently needed thr is hout, holding' the coming Winter in Europe. We rrnust 116 hits,. and sri-a]l contribute to this urgent de.mand. ýrs. iD. Enwright ;FollIow this simple instruction;i ,oundfoNeasden usable lothing. You do not in the fourth after need tot iron any lothing. Wrap 1five runs, She your parcel SECURELY and hand lit 1Ash who flnished through the wicket aýt the Orono -. Brunt pitched postoffice, It yil be pln-ed lraa vnings. mnail bag ng nd sent on inmmediately1 tîie frstto atto a central depot. For furtJher iin- thefirt o btformation caîl at the"T es office. n their haîf of the Th. î o h atoa1Cohn the Orono girls TCollecio thesNWilm M . r, st haîf. Newcastle Cnation charman, "i haift of at in he irt c tezîest one g-armient fromu every man, runs off Enidl, four- r wwere Out bhy worni11n and child in Caniada. That two sould not be too difficult in a coiin-J i-ovright again hbeld t1ywhere the pecople are among th-eý thelst haf fes fed and the 1best clothed in the shheld fithie New- , ced to ,vrigh-It r ee 1 )b-- 1 le 1 - rstOf thLU .LUYt-uJ JJ hen camie the break for .-hy Scored sevnrn core at the end of the 7in favor of thie local wnv s one home mun iin being mi-ade by Enid he rono girls M.ank- inth flfth nnd ixthl, hem nytherusi ched to cnrbtos if the dnr sh to sendn a-esg ih their DIONNE- LUNN AQuiet but prtyweddfing took place on Saturday afternooni, June 11st, at St. Gregory's ,ReIcùoryv, 0sh- awa, hen-Mary ýRuth, daughbter of Mr. and Mrs. Archiie Lumn, Ooo became the bid(e of Robert Joseph Dionue, of Oshawa, The bride wore a street length g-ownI of white sheer, wý,ith halo head- dres;s and shoulder length veil. She carried a bouquet of r ed and white roses. The bride's o)nly attendan-t,ý Miss Jeanne Syer, wore a street length gown of pink shièer with h"alo hleaddress -and shou]lder length- veil. Her flowers 'were pînk and white caratins.The best m-ani was Alex. 'Walker, of Oshawa. A recep)tion wa--s held at the Betty Cake Shoppe, King- Street West. The bride's mother recceived in flowered jersey -with white accessories and corsage of white carnations. ýShe vas asisted fhy the gnm qoTrcifer, howore inavy -cpe with whitec- cessories and corsagev of pinik and white carnations. After- the reception th e happy couple Ileft for Hamilton, the bridie weariag a lime 1-re en dress with white accezsýois and rsagef yel- low and pink carnations. They xill siein Oshawa. Clarke Towniship Coun.Cil Finiancial Statement 0f Orono Red Cross Branchi Orono Branch of the Red Cross held a mieeti-ng at t-he hoeli of Mrs. Fred Taiblyn on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Tamiblyn, lst Vice- President, presided at the meeting1, luite absence of the President, Mrs.i W. E. Armnstrong. it was decided that the 1945 officers cairry on for 1946, and plans were made for Peace Time Work. The Red Cross is carrying on. lur peace as well as war, serving- in Veterans' Hlospitals. welcoing.- and caring for lrides froim Engianid, OutpcýSt b- pital work, blood donor worký for ail hospitals, home niursinug and m:aaiy_ other lines. Women who ,vockef! so hard during the war. are asked to 'Carry on, making gzarments for bomb- ed nt people i n Brîtain and in-Eur- ope. As a branch, wie are ntat. tempting- any -,vor k u,,til the Autumu.n Duritrg the m-emabers1hip drive in March, 7l niiul made the-niselves rmembers hy giving t.fl or more. i The treasurer repoi:ted a balancei on hand at present of $227.ý! mosti of wich Canibe Used for wrkin Orono and district, F'olloving -is the firncial stute-1 ment of th-e Orono Branch. Receipts 1Thie CTlrkeTownshiip Councçil met(4MemJ ou June the, 4th for the -purpose o)f Priva, conducting the g iira usiness ofCar thie Townshîp. ,The,, miiiites of the ll ,S ale last regular eeting a-,nd aspca meigcalled for May the îSt,L1 swerc rend and approved as read. Glover Brothers appeared befcoreL heCouncil concerning a disputed fence nd itwas ecided to put thle A rm-] inatter in the hands of thec Town- Ree -- ship Solicior. Oronc The follo-wing correspondenice wat8. Ourono Public School Wins Cup At Clarke Field Clarkýe Township and Newcast1l schoois held their annual sports day at Newcastle Par1k on Wednes- day, June 5th. Fair weathier, keea competition, financial support fromi the various school boards, and t-he! presence and co-operation ofL every teachefr in the township nmade this. successful, happy day possible, The following is a list of events and prize winners: 50 Yard Dash &.ýr Boys -Ray West, Orono; Samr Turner Br-owni's; Bill Wade, No. 1. Sr. Girls -- Eleanor Johnston, New- tonville; Shirley Flintoif, Or ono; Audrey Grahamu, Brown's. Tnt. Boys -- Keith WI'est, Orono;ý Chas. Armstrong, Orono; Harold Copping! Kirby. Lnt. Girls - Normna Alle, Newcastle-, Betty Cooper, Orcoo Donna Stark,, Newvton'ville, and Len- ore Osborne, No. 9, tied. Jr, Boys- Doug-las Woodilocl:, Newcastle-, Jack Nodien, Newcastle; ýBilly Gopping, Kirby. Jr. Girls - Margaret Brow1,ý Newtonvilie; Donna Brunt, No. 9; Carolyn Friediander, Newcastle. Rzunning High Jump sr. Boys - New,,toni Selley, New-1 1(castie; Samn Turner, Bons Alec.1 1Vatn Bons Sr. Girls - Elea-1 no,_r John-ston, Nwovîl;Made- hline Olsborne, No. 9; Gr-ace M-eer, Kendal. Tnt. Boys- Chs.Ar stog Orono;ý Gilmore, Newtonville;ý C reamer, Newcasitle. Lt. Girls - Velma ha neEnter-prise; Lenore Osbornýe, No. 9; 'Betty C'ooperOoo Jl'. Boys -- Doug, WoodIlocNw canstie; Wilsoi asn Starvil CaIvir nJues., Newtonville. Jr.Gil PARK BOARD MEET A m-eeting, of the Oro-n Board was held in Kumnrite mnents on Monday evenin'g li The Board is haiq,,ng the of the swiming .-tank, resurfa it is expccted that this w 1I pletedi by the end ýof this weE A motion -was passed to th tha no camipers will be alUr ýuse the park grounds for th pose. Other impirovements are e to be miadCe in the park h1 in the sea-son, Dominion Day Sports At Orono It is only a mnatter of a co ýwecks wh1-en the Orono Ch-ar (,c>immer-ce wvill hold their lst of July sports day and d the evein-g-. Plans are now pletedfoir teholdingofth dayv whichb will consist of'Ith-,e ngentertainiment: A softbnl gam , en's softýba ald a hardfiall gami i-in the af followed bhy a football gam e v eing I". A- dance will bea.h the, -to hn all' in 'the evenin Russ Creighton- and hîsý Dance Band lu attendance, ýmd square daincing.- Phlr lier, -Newfonviilp<' me munin and Enid '04)rono. r- 0O ono, AlceBant E. Postüer. riIr is the lime-up for th( - Newcaý,stle ~. Boutc---- -------S C.~~ ~~ Alded ------------ 1..Ash, 2h, p.------ F. nwigh, ------ M. Gra-e,ic----------- A.- Brun.t, 3------- MsBrunt, ----- AB Eumc'etMidletns.-- R, GoodCe, C.-----------5 D. Wet, r.f------ ---- 4 d. oer, c . ....------ . Myles 1,- -------4 e 1 ilePconstruction srrin mi "0pr Nos- , ,9 and 21. ity -ould jbe given the Munliicip ality Theeflovi ilswr ree for. ails tfo enable them to cnstruct fllwig lîs er odec uuiviswasordai Red.Ontnrio Provincial Treasure-r, One relief matter was disnssed insuLin------------------ amd the lerk given instructins to J,'C. Garriey, Public LinbLility carr on héi invehtin. Polîcy premiumil------------ -22U.5 A Ietter fromn the Dsrc ui Orono Wýýeekýly Timi-es,miue Cpal Enimerstatig that no gao- and ads----------4.5 lime pumips could be insaled withhi 1 Wm. E. Da'vey, taxi for ight feet of nny pub1ic r1ond, - wa'ls pneumio reflîls -.- ------------1l'2. 00 morde fLdOrono I1lydro Commission, The invitation fruom the Gnmamskn town hl all ligh'Its------212 Acivisory Board wvas accepted and as j, . Mellor-,salary, postage mamy as possible of the Counicil to exchange, incidentaIs. 91188 attend the meeting on June the l7th Atr enr------------10j la Port Hop-re, Mes. I. J. Ramdall, R vs M.132.00 The Clerk was asked to get rates aiy----------50 with the view of iucreasing the Pub- Il M ood, ore of hall - 1645 lic Liability Insurance in the Towni- Oro'no Horticultural Society, 1946 grant---------15.00 ship. VouehprTNo. G 246148z Hl Newasle----1 50 1 003-10IC Orono---------&3 74 5x1 j", p.iaeý i 3 4 ,ýau xaggerni oi. The inifants und ie3lidren ,who haven MmreAto wenrthon this lebabe ru into the hundicreds ýf thcousands iiithc wnr-dvnstt reas of Europe., They needsericebleusedclo,1thing -whiclx qa nbe supplied te them throuigh the Naonal C1ohugCollcinfor o)ver-- sen-s relief to, be heldJoue 17-29 under the auspies of Caniaian Allied Relief. Thisworhy ampaiga 1will bho con- dutc o a naitioniwidle basins iMr. JimLiniton, Trutis hlii-! dnyimg at his homie in Ooo Ms Edina fryles, Hmltnîs visîti'ng with hier par-ents,Mran Mrs. "D)eb" MyLes. S60 P.C. Limit On Hard Coal To Ensure AIl Fair Share Iushlders in Cenitral and Ens- ~euCanada, who are accusto'mned t usinrg b ard coal for hlentingl, face in- convnieneand possîbly real sufer- ng-j next winter as a Consluic f' adtrlansportation troubles causedI by ther srks ýBecause of pros)pects of an nande- qute oasnply to maeet ail f;ouse- ý hol reuiemetsduring the winter moths the Goal Control office haný àdcOdedthlat no bouisecholder iiay tak delivery before Novemiber lat, ntof more thlan 60 per cent, of bi ormall fl nul reqJuirenieInts l to takking dIeiveryý of their entire wînjter equieenit djung su.mmer mionths will be alwdto Put lu only 80' per cent. of al! types of coal. Reconstruction Mimiis t er' c. D. Ibowe aimoumccedu the Hfouse of Comm-onsý that ain order is breing is- suedl which forblds dealems to dle- liver mrore thai thiis per-entage -prior to, Noveniber 1. Mr. bowe said that be(twveen tle present and thlat dlate eforswilbe d-iected to-) ingj-ý up the balance rired Ut he gave n amm'Iimg ha mlen-S zthere is some improvement in the near future it Willeunba y ba nQcescay0t btue- other and mor emeasureines- to The question of prhaigsnow feuce was referred to the Bond Su- perintenident. The rClerlk was isrctdtact with the 'Rond Super in tendent in an enideavour Ito secure a ýI Conlslting jEng-ineer to.- give the n-ecessrýy in- stuto or thle biiýng of somle Permis;si oni ,was Ïgranted to use thýe back kitchen of the Town Hlall -for hestorin'g of lothes -athier-ed' for the eedy oversea, durimgil the cami- 'The Coumnty ConnIcil Rnd Co-îi mission consultedith the Coun-cil me a piece of rond wh:eih t is bloped he C'otirty will take over. T hi rodisfrom Kirby west, haîf amle Ud the sout ) tothesixýth lime. Thie Beeve and the Bond Spmnedn were isrce to interview the far- miers cucrd md ecur-e the -extr'a idhneeded before thte Coumt y Commisso coud consider it. A matter oýf relief wns rpre and the Cler'k was instructed t o iu- ,-estig-ate and nct if necessary. The foliowing- resolutions w;e re passýed : 12-89 -Joues-Lowvery: 'ri a Court of Bevisicon. 1290'- Mcny-J{wke:Accepting thie AsseFssmen-(t RoîlJ as revisePd. 1:291 - McK'Jay-Hnwke : Granting 'the Or-omo Horticultural Society $1,0for 11946. 193Continming- C. F. Awde a Qiolecto up'o and including July Ind. 1924: Bcnewiug thie Public Lia- iity'v nsur-nuce. Two Blw wre pass-ed., By-Law v1123: Setin ie eea tion fee' at haîf 'La ilI ou the dollar. Tt is defIitely uudiï(erstood that an1Y1 farmier whio ishes to wtd~ from th-ý'ýis aY (d o soby ritugto the Clar staingis esr, efr Sinlarj thev Road Voucher 'No-. 6 W. A. Reid -------------------- $ 1-6.40 Percy IMIorganl------- ,------- - 26.0 A. E. Morton ------- -- ------ 13 '..2 0 K eni. Ball ------- - --- ---- 18.40 E. Caiel- -------------- 110-50 Robert Mro-------16.40 Chas. Cowam --------- - ------- 720 Boss Brough ---- ----- ---- ---- - 6.80 T. Lamgs;,taff ------------- ------ 7560 Chas. CGodwvin--------- ---- --- 10.80 R. E. L ogail- ---- --------- 4.3 A. E. Mortont---- -------15.00( Ch a S. Knox ------ ------- --- ---- 2,501 C. R. Farrow --- -- ---- --- --- 82,.50 ý Oirono Hydro Com-.--------2. 00C Brumue, MondCan. Sales- 17S.80 FJ. Gilmrer ---- 158.75 MHattbews Con'veyor Co -------- 3.-'241 Pediar Pop-e Lt--------- 1257.20 O. W Roph------------27.47 W. G. Wton---------436( Petty Cash------- ----- -- --7.3,1 Mýrs. J. Clysdal'le-- ---- 110 E. B. Duvaîl--------- 73 WC. Lamle & Son------175 JToe -Martineil------------ 35 A. T. Allen---- ----- --- ----- 337 5 $2462 48 Tu the Court of Bevision the fol- lowing Assesspieuts were sustained: Mms. J. Turner M. Zanowch Mm-fr. W. S. Reid, Elzb tout, Stan. Chapmuan and Camaidian Fruit Co. Ruimng flraad IJtiiip Sm. Boys - Sam Turner, Bons Ray West, Oronio; Alec Matn Brown 's. Sr. 'Girls arae Ovens, Newtonvillr-ý Shirley Flil- toif, Ooo Elennlor Johuston-, Neý-- tony-ic. TnLt. ~ Boys, Ke-ith West, Orono;: Chas, Armstrong, Orono;0 BodHarrvis, Newcastle. Tu. irls -Betty' vCooper, O orn; NrAllien! Newcastle; inniie Stacey, Newton- ville. Standing- Broad Jump Jr.%Boy Doug. Woodlo(c*k, New7- caStle; CaljVin -Jonjesý, N ewý-o 1-T mIle Kemny ay Newcastle. Jr. Girls'- Jerry Hrii-Às, -Newcastle, Ainme Sta.- pleton,. Clarke Union; Margaret BcwNewtonville. 9;Florence Bowc, Ne Shuttie Relay Boys; - lst, Oronlo tle; -3rd, New,,touiville. Orono; 2ild, Newtolivil lay - lst, Brw's2 Antlioch. T'hefooinwu Hl"igh Boy.,r -S Bmowni's. High i ilI Jo )tn f Newton', Chas. Arfmstrom, !Lit.- Betty Cooýper, Jr. Douglas WVoo(l tic. Gil J.-Au Clrk-e Unýin. ,Suftball Thirow(ironio chool Sr. Boys -- Alec Martin, Brw'siated by T. Eat, tlonn-,ie Middleton, Enterprise; Eu-1 ning1 the mlOlt PO gel-e Norland, Newton'vîIe. Sr. Newtonville Scht Girls -- Ruby Morris, PortGabywinn the fina Jean, Staoey, Ne-wtonvillie; Eleanor ination g-ames hl Johnton Neton I Tnt. Boys,, vious to ficld da, Dr.G.W. Miller Sp-eak 1 ~At Kendall W.. D.GW.Miller was us sek er atlheKeudal W. T. (on Tuesdý(ay evenýiiu, June llthl. luspak, gOf post wva'rreconstruLction in matters of Pelh r. Miler 'welt or-thie ini- crelased numiber of pmo'blems which ulow faccd public Helth workrHe sid ha Pence hnd not brought an endl' tc, child elcilgtmay e lîniquency-, truamcy, domestic dsod or thie problems qf sicknepss and old age. These pmolemis lhd actually couic mo,ý!re into thfe im]elîight along withilnî-wer qetoso eaiia tion,lh o us ing, un1eplo ny m entl1and C coý,mmnijty ecreational needs. 1Id d'wellinig 0on the sulbject of Na- tionial Hlealthl, Dr. -Miller quoted beir- bert Spencer as sa-lîing thitthie most impilortan-t 'thing lun the life, of a una- tiai ï, that. it ha "at natin of goodý on the other hau -ere. chest and healthy lookýing. ontý Canada aInd th-e U.S.A iug défencnies were foUn nutiýtio)n L1dphyscalstar r-eruits called uIp for - mati To-day lu Canada, U. Britain, miensuý,res are being relieve these dleficicmes by varions health semMie.T' comee saervie s ow bhi duced i l te United Kimgdü mng services which vary fr I CL been 1 Il ORONO