Sharirig Jesus'Kng m Purpose Luke 9: 23. 24 46-48, 57-62; ill: 1-4; 1,7: 20, ?-1. cGme Thywillbe doue in arh ail i inuHae.Mthw60 Order in Christ's RKiingdoýj Anysvi f !lwChrlist niuýt be prepared tLiv 1 fsefdri Iteyare ek, arhygl they Will 1uot fýInd It floigH Hewosaves ' is life for odl or selfish 1reasar.s iil lcloe àilu ailu lits igher rltintoinmrat. Thie discples hiad the le ides r-alik and beîng sre yohr But the order -iu, ( ]rist's kiingdoti smnallest cblild. Wc imust leave ok ihaui- other Cali do vwheu aur Lordap- points us to'do omeseilser'C- v ice(.. That ser vice v, il ii sfiein delay.Crs' ms ae isai- The Lord's -Prayer 11u the paer whicb;C hris teache'stediilsateir- u sthr i- tree pettiius. Thei,;first couer it- urphysýici sublsisýtence:- "Give uis day by d !ay oui' daily r d"The sýcnd "1cou- cceins ýor sp[irliul easig:"For- give ils Our sin, fr eaiso for- giv e everyane iùthat is itidebted t toiy over ttrial ndtmtaiu afî ife; "Leadus o t int a tem'ýup- t tion". Woul ot shi asweco these pr-ay ers nable lus tolive full mnd efficient spiritul hîf e? Be whlo praa tem fro.w thIle heart wnili bue happy d isfl n h Chi ialie. Christ Ansv, &is The Pbhariseesu 11n re2piy ftafthe Phariscees'q- tion, christ - aid His, K:ilgdonl cudflot be)seen y looking ilito' poesrwhich v"were at vwork 1be- fore ' ihir very 1eyes, 1-ut they were fao sprtrly hiilfndtoC"pecr ceiîve thlem. Whilf. there is . iudnta God xihichin God'good time wil be' coSinsmmated, yet it is also tu that 'theKido of God îis'l'ere already, esblished :11 lute hat of thlose who d o' il Mauy Prucnvmotifs issunougis ta do lu a Iht'I You1'11i welcome thîis emibmoidery forit variecy of desig anadasy stit lm. A IitIleL tiune, afe si tice.-. prts- lt-c ile for yaur ireusi Pst- ter!) 845 bac1r; siem aI18uotf averagîîsg 36uisntiss Send T1- CN T S jlu CH4PTR TERMa tXe1t11 r jl or an aid cbin eoa n he ce o atîi-ljed 1bic i LasPatama pIL is iaft inake hàs eseap fr Tiheiýlire as mil ieiad a be found himîcîf near the cablu-, gal. Behad aproahedirnsthe lcde sd tood linth sbadwclI live ()à,lseiî itni.Persan- slly, 1he bad no lîhought that or dan w rui euureâ, for jordanlj d1nd, rot really 1kuow bow m1lauy b bren l heataciuiprt, udhe utkuwthaitthe shriv a, ai- ter !hlm itb pase Sicrinca souricd thtie woid creiie tnurc ba 11th:11,îhasd, unthel oth-er auMac tbugh tat hbe, ed Mac nta thînk jui, ha Mean- whIie, he bidis foad p ansdis bianket; h lu ld lstrewhilc lie ie. n iuue d ta a here slintil hle fllet Stcuhairt agaiui face ta face,[lie advnced cautions- yraesure hatthecabin was emtand, determrined ta ak no woo wbce hecold look 'oi on a cen sbh a, e s day %oh moan- ligbit, hýiru1se! inscu1;adurl- iug bis blanket, bclsy dormi thMr houghhe beicvedhimsclf ta be utterly aloe1eclýSspcd bis nbauds uinder bis hCAad ud laytheretinkïl- ing stea i ûnt oni fai is pu- poýs, buit oaite2 fitBeeahr bh u' i olntc.Thie aid n had nade a wil lu Sîeubart's fav'or-, hiu--g quaîrrieýd wih Sher- wiîî's fathler, then, whenhi, fatherl ditd the eccentrc cld man sent for lm. kI ld hl, sud spkeaialer îuýg hisili nddividiug the ,prop- erty btweubs wanpbews. Noý ane knew a i bs.He had spoken oMy ta, Sberwiîsud xwhen he vas fouuld ead, a Ste-nhart acciuird 'nhe counsin wba ,was. , hesaid, ceut quarrel. Ble bad crue upan Sher- win mîuit alLer t3- latter discas'ered the dead. man, and he swrre tue huile was in hi comsi's aud. PerjryYeslPerury hatsenta hiele5s iimn toprison foir1fe MaA mecre boy, itlwas ightý years aga. Be bad bad eigbt bhitte years behiud stane waPis thmeewas nacdeaith pfenalty ilu the stat1e. Pa- haps, if tere Madbren, Stenhart migh hae hsitaed.Butwould he? Scrmw % c u mhaebeieed Ota his caudiflad kilîrdte aid mn tafaesure (ai býýis ieritanceb- fore the wiii was cbauged, but Max: adproved bis alii hre vwaýs no onle "ta ttiy fcr thý eunrcamler, t he nepbCesi whowas littie knowtp the neigbbwarbod. Shcrwin bad escaudcdrou jait by a mere accidnt.Twa ater con- victs Ihad tuuniieied a ayOut,su aI the lai omet "Lbey iiïted fiotajaclu b .Thle thoughlt ai hiet ad set hilm wild; h li ad triver witb her, aasor l the dark sutd, with heir ibeip, chanlged luta'nohr suta Poo had tak ecme ai un Ehiti mloney hee had aifis-,osn. Me bi pl 4dîni ibis lr[ield, Start e d west ialtr StenhaiýrL!lu ail these s. diecraf? Ide St. plaînîs v a u r bite)f r i inpIsoumený Iýr1t be hl ure is batrd I Sepuai the erjler.le kncsvhatSten- hart came mli ihe possesiia bi îccslarge estat sud cnti track al i blr Hi, iatrcud xas aul obsesion-, i i lkncw no mercy;is anc lbaughit Ih:d hem ta'i, kiliIihlm. Ble had ou ght a pistl suaidspn days ý ili 1practice, sud he wss r bis boscbaekridiug emp s ws tckcýd il lu valin. uiefaes were w ithu; he wo i uaLbe takjei niluntýý liiiadrckIoied _with! biis cneînly flic insu sv away is had fouuîd hilm! Fouud fl ini ninilg ,loe taa gilwlacou-ld usotkuow hw vile In, wat, teliar! Aud tatgirL!-? Sevi as sd egnta s taii su ra; lie had foýrgottenth lie %wasî bimsiza il ui!Jane had rcoiiduasif lieee ilu er deed i1the insiinal .Stenh11art's bI)lac lie baI ud e(J ai biu.Lase i sa c cIl)1os ta bal ts h Imai(,t Ja11cne su epassion i bsih tha se bd corncd hmfor Sie- harts ske.More tîan onICe, wb!en lie lbad loocdin.o lber cyiis steru purose ta k1ili the rshad xavceid. She haud lrouýci dthe b ehtwa n ibii, but aw huershd deraihorror at thecrime hd turnced lm 1iita a bulnsan m1igr. 1Bec vatdbiood -notingeuebut Stcnlisrt's bliod waulodssIsf iiýs fuiry. Be' woulld kili hlm). !Alon-e in- the ihShmi naudI; a s surcy as tce sun rose asudte day, dawnled behoid kkililhlm!. It mat- Lred Floti te girl -m(aut tam- yhm.Steuhlart 1muit,'di, sud(!die Jane b.-ad pased a sicepiesi nighit, auw expeiuce for býer heru youtb, aurd she rose ear-ly, dresse4 in her idiug-suitsud siipped ouI into Ithe hall loýng belote bre1afas Limle. Suie was gtoinlg out sudse did! uO aL wnqueCstionIs asked. Shle blad 'i phoued ta tbe stables labav Tex saddd umwatig., The wide ald 1hall wasfodd with lmoruling ighî sud, J.aimost Ur.- cousiously, ber eyes tumued ta- wvamd im'î desk. SAe secmed te, se Sherwiu standing there as oný thiat fir-si nigbîI. She s ýtopped Ëamo mecrt ntsdod 1Iokhug a' if, rce mebrnüvery w r tt !b bahd Shle %waîs ýîilltee1aics wben ilshe heard ase eidbr shle l [ief), starti edl, msusaw "! MiA'îkmuow you got aboutso eammy" se excm ed. hIow mcb betecr you ia re! " Be took no noice aibehttl hialfbearîcd attemt at ig 1t1uess.l Be Cameclose, lookugd"wu at bier Mwitbbi sormy cyci, "Wbemect are youi goiug, Jn? ledemlanlded gsey ShelUshdbty Otfor u aea- sborty, Be 2di-d uL beilve'l, s ,e 17 that in bis eyes, sud lber flusb dep Uled. E,- Ieaned Ibis baud Cou thec deîk besidebers.' Shet coulid feel thelenstintisat shak air, u sule dreaded iSe tried ta escape). "Imuq i egig" h ea bis. "Y ou'rcuan fuyy poursift Ax, you look paie - sil dows berieletCIme ,cýalil n- TURNING POINT ?.ý Mary Imlay Taylor itloksdSif aur suIlImivrriimn ot sisitor 1)a cbgnLu1. Lat Wdn -ut forthedayý. Sîca ec wv 111b eeivrlek n ui hope taspei v oodpart ai iber bouai bee. isdsa L g e i %uit s ll a cl,,ý_1a oi l flu. 1J usia soan a:1 ch anc ýris 1big enugbt fl a friugpani they wil] becoi Iihate ta thiuik fIlthe fate i il toreifor thei vwhýcu i iL oo k atlthen uij 1ow,, buitpssb\ by t v etbygo îbeî ill aebcI enoub aia niance or meta be stae. 11e uewcb1i c k-lhave0,al- reaàdy given ie n big heaache Biut 1no, lithats wau.hw a,% the chIicks, l \ iL astle booe-tfie eluct rie bîder. At Q uair ,.1thec cbck ad brLoader wertfe fine. At 14ar.11the I-chickýs werc ul "o ap- pyau 1te rode as cald(. I somtbngw s adcllywrau0.11 ca-tlcd an S OS t0'a Pr tue1_r, 1but1 ha than I dd, excet ta caîlanim ec ticiani, whdiwedid, aud wbie w w, aiteud wce g teredup ar206 talo nger ta catch theru chElafil, doet't1ll:i. It was ;2.30 befIore su-,( iheuchlicks back luntHcode bo(llu. fitw'aS javwire Ithat 'd burned r Ilht thrauIgh. Anathcer tinle c -Jdbe bletacatethe trou lead lix it usevs Apaetytliere issa thgtm Our ryabout witb every kind a stave. '-01 1) bu1*1uer1S ihav"ýe bCe kuo1 , n tta-,1)plo dec; col s tavshv an uneiaîîuy kackofigoing ot aiîd clce broes-wi,vwe kuo uu w aI thy a o. He lauge d bittc;-ly."Youca' evad e.e, Jan.Imhrefr y -auswcr. Wýil! youmym ieuo - at onic(e "ArFe -uqiegecos askcd you ta gise me ime!" she arid. 9"J've egilVen 0y1utimel I'ïmilbuc- man, Janie, I cau'tenur tisany more. Wll ou mnarry ime u1OW?" He hala- 1id bis baud verber an1 top of the aild desk. Shecu feit it trembliug -as sheu drcew bers shaýrp- "Im ory"she sau i lu a Iow. voice, "buit f1 n'! "Do yau mea iiI ot Aw Oru- cr"h was brcathliug bard. Jane fuit a suddeu fenrai im, a ferShe l'ad ineyer feitofSh- win, Ithough lSherwui\was ia con- vîcted 1mur1derer!1 she tried ita give hlma fîculyiile, but berips (To be Cou-tiuu;ed)ý EXTRA SPECIAL 4 uaged pits ýforit-Sudau 4 negatives af the samfve s (up tayuimnc di a tely 4dulapg ed pritsanVelox ýpaper, negtives returufed wt re.Su ea 1vels with ibhIS ad and 10eluIcoini t Cidly. Thlis ad in'uît a"coin'pan ore t eceiveLextra oneprm P,ý5û], Depit. W., Lond o, Ouarin ICHRONICLES B I GwenalineP. Clarke ofIGIN#GERAM * pase bodeuyoilwill kuoa thy aroud wbn eiani]g Ille peul. Top hep lis stato Prue igged-( mnine up wItb pIîeys wîred ta thle toup aîithe peu'.-AIl I havue ta dois< pulI lie icapeeliiride u d 1UpSue! goe S. J I h far iir e cýolve,nlet. We ad oh er gand am suad 1 bcdeleei n a to ud gro('vt 1. vThe iet is ýcomliing ita hea aieay sd he ayIe i1bt gintabahasifthee1 emupiut you abou the roins thaut us in ur foîtgar[d(nile7ltbe ixher i'l\rni2g'I w et ouiasd Mo1nl and Pppa Robinî were ini sa 5W- fuiditer.I lokefor !the reasont sud taonfieund it. Onlitie ra1b inwsperýclhedon tc edgN. of -the jucst while Ihe ailler was an the-, br 'ihofa usrytr-e.1It svas evdni bir vfims't attemipt atltuy- cng their wigs WutIthn Mitchi- estbae u igbt, sud, if1robilns w ereL sulbjeet ta u.ýts an s sure Ibis mothe jl)o,l wuhliave 1bad aile-. Of curse I1aokpity on berasd shýut Mtche p ib te lîouse. Thal w" eton kfoeab o w day. Na thcnti chîrp; iug as ceasd 50 cSppose the lite aesdare not ca able f lokigNate h If s will be ro nd taycteal teri friachery res If "ery bed sud ay Kta rue dhicens. This hbit hprincially Rie "Weed'y'think you're goin' - YO a breakfast of malfy-rich., golden-brown Grape-Nuts Flakes?" "Sa heip me, 1 arn, affilcerl And the biood; sud aLlier foo)d e nil" every tLe, thinli of that elegant, FGalNusPakes are gaod aU nut-like taste of Past'S Grape-NutsrgTa's because tliey're macle Flake-s, my foot just stamnps down 1on of twa gains-ia n uie the peccleratar!7 ri"- - ha ndm'e "'Well keep 'gain' t'hen, brotherf Andbal. njpcalyleddbke l'Il l'ag aiong for, a b ni-l yself, On 'tud toasý1,ted f-or golden-brown, 4i~ tlsis job 1 need those carbohiydrates clouis erispuess anck easy digestion." fatr energy, proteins for muscle; plias-. "We'll palish off onc of those glafit pliorus for teell and boues; irani for economy packages." imakesbi d- mmiads upon the e)yes: but two. draps af Mutrine wilU cl Sesoothe and refreah them when îbey ar 1tired tor irritafeil Eyesarr atlTned-wo a a fetime- 50 takeýz good cIre of tîbem. There are arylenfim wportant ingredientîs Jo Mutinie: le-, bi s safe, depeuldable lotion bielp your hard,-wsorkîng eyrsz use Mlutin eeery da*y. NA'TIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION tqo youir local collection centre JUNE 17 -27 MAI)NA MACDONAÀLD'S ;' FineCut j Alakes a better c * afette I.O.D.E. War Service Has Nocw Becomne Post-War Service $5,365400 expiiedd by the Daughters o&the Enipre for %War Service duiug tu'e patusixasd à biaif vyears 'wis afIniinced by Ms H1. S. Augas p of Tortt, WarSer- vice uon\vef- ner l er chrouticle of se-nted a t the 1OD..Aniual Metn iun inpg amS 13,000 Imocre thlau wqs sen1t lu the praus yeardemousig tht ailhougfi hoiclities 1have ( csecivilian re]fiéf cniust bew cl ma 'Flne ihe\Var Ser- vice work hs naw b'cam1-e potL-. war sevice ork su,1d as such il cmontiueta hunctàon.. Von W10 EeJo-f SfAyifng Thapa là=@ Iote Imi $~NAD up * ~ ( Oniwti lt