es mi-ornincg atù the Times Office on request Subsripton,$1.25 R. A. Forirester, Publisher O1.rnontarjo rhata lo of nterestinjg material 'was packed intO th isue b testudenfts of Our Coinuiiration School1. Somle it4 erary taielt was di'splayeýd, along with theeffots o Il- ca-toonlists -who Iportrayed their teac-hers in reeOgr.abl in d eed. There shý-ould be ample opportunity for taliingi )rparation of papers such1f as thle oneimenitlined above. hroghut heyear the boys and girls have their lite-rary ýs fromn time to time. [t has always been a matter for re- on the part of teachers that the general public do noV attendl Lations in greater numibers. Encouragemnent 'wouûLld he îm- to thne stuients, and apparently ecmaeetcan ïmean deal w~ somlething worthwhuile may be attained. Now, ,the good peaple of the comm-unity will -be enabled to) "read. it it". 'We are urged "to read ail about it' in this paper and 'e ch1-ance to read -t ia a paper of theiýr very own \vîIllcn once mlore the scenes of school days for the students whose ays are over for the seasou la a few short wes Te-am iPlay ~muiyinterest is3 asserting i- tself this Season in th e )f sport. The yaung- men hýVo nmade up11)sotme of the1 hockey )f a few short weeks -ago are now org1anýized ini basebal or ters FooVall iiappears o be a littie Aeore thlan usually ~We have had two very ý oodgames here i h, emia ready. There issoehgexiartn indepd Vo ,vitness a urch as the local young mcaei put on.Posil the spectators ffuch affected by the ebb and fiow" of tue gamre as tÎle pla)yers Nes. We hewr players speak of lamne imuscles the foliovvwing 'here is iittie wonder when w-,e coaîsider_ the hard rumnning- done. Thýen the honlour of the homoe town is at sta'ke, the town'5 tatives wl put forthi yeomnan effor-t on a footalfed they di u-pon the ic-e of a hockey arena. Orono will not be hout. its playerýs and supp')jorters cerne Summner or Wnter. om modest beinig oo, that the plýayers for great na- Iknown teamls are2 raised up. Some of our lads mnay reach 1places in due time. Our own town is a _big place rig-ht 110w r Oron1o", and thley wlll helip 1keepi it so. .N * Aniother National Clothing Dr-ive Everybody is asked to get behind a National Clohîn Drve- sý being conduItcted in bhaif of UNNRA, by the Cnda Allied Relief FÙnd. ýVith hîousecleaning- timre ijust past or ight at hand(, it should ortune. for many familles to search ont articles cf wearingl I -which could be spared for Iess fortunate people overseas. 'ried1 rat her a complete description of the type of cl.othlingl in last week's issue of the "ie" lere are a few excerpts thnat -çwold hear repeating. They ,e from no les's an authority than the lion. Russell T. Kelcy, laIl Chairmnan of the National Clothing Çol-,)letion- for On- Mi. Kelley states "that al lçdsof tused, resýviceable clothýiin- iuired; these include suits, overcoats, uniformis, -work clothes n and boys, infants, Clothes of ail types, coats, dresses, apronsý .ocks for g-irls and worn-en, shioes in pairs (tied securely with 1caps, felit -hats, kittedi headgf1-ear, gloves, woollen socks, un- Àing ce go-ods, blanke-ts, sheets and lînien, draperies and ts. AI' washauble garmients and goods shouild býewah, but t be ironed. ther amet need nt be dry cieanted. Clothies tbuttons are acceptable, as supplies of buttons are m1ovingp ids whv1ere the clothing wjill be -worn. Itemis wi can notb sachl as straw hats, feather beds, plosanrd matees not ýbe given. l'romt, the offieof the National Executive Director,Mr se F. Pratt had come a wavrning- ofpamenipotc. ýople are iskec't lO search ml'iost carefully for possible imatches pockets of coats, trousers and otherý garments. The presence ýches. constitutes aü source of grave danger to those charged aIing,ý storin.g and shipping th,ýese clothles. We f eel that mny readiers will wishf to do their part iin mneeting the neceds of 7wýho have been deprivedÀ by wars ravages of the nio-,rmal ne- ýs cf 1f e. Furthermoure, there are freqluenly a nme of Of clthing -wh-ich! we wuddisplose of 1in any case. To knowcz, ese -will be puto taa useful w-,ork wvill spur us on La starting nl their way. Wve heardi of numerous îndividtuals who purchas- , lothlin anid iiilde the saine in a, previous drive for cloth- otedi to overseas nieeds. Ail bhonor to these folký who tk the rîght [o lheart. Rmmbrtlough, thnat ail gifts, used or new, A Long and a Noble Life g- whio liveth wcll". This opcning lIna cf a fa- known ta miany of us. A Mite reiection wl f these mrs and of thieir application ta num- va been knownA taus. We have an outstanding and fine livinig "latihe person of _Mr. C. J.' Hugh- bis rinety-ninth bLirthiday on WNednesdny, June is rOno's grand Ddl miani. 0f United Enipire [ughaen, ecame Vo Orano wbcn the village was lan tb of local lare was possassed by Mr. Hugisoni is long contact wt the village, and his kean ices toinw~art inormatinwould hav e1eadred Shad wve shown sufficienithitercst in securing ce to hnnd down to postcrity. Whntcven the fu- thde way of goad citizcnlship, it is doubtful in- r una ili riîsc up within tuis Orono of ours Lta quitea3as mch dmonught 1hone'sty, chari-ty, îrce sMn. Hugbýsoni. leditonial trihauta ta this goad aran pan nPpre- yin fhtinte scnrcaly hocpad ita meat bis equal, 1. Perbas there is little renqson ta retract aur ie iltttresqueto rcd Mr. Hughsoa týaa! c )rono Weekly TU tablishedl Januiary, 1937. Remeamher the picture show Ïyu the town hall on Saturday nigt, t'he picture being %Around the World". -Your admnission fac mneans a -percent- age for the Football Club; thus youL get amusement plu sasitanice to the Cluib. Tisý picture show is sp)onsor- yd by te Ofe'llowýs Lodge. MiU-ssF. M. Cobbledick atteA the Graduation Exercices at Whitby Ladies' Collage oni Wadnesday, June J-2th, wýhen ber niace, Miss Betty Holdcroft graduated. Miss Betty is ta ha congrntulated on obtaining the highest standing in Grade VILiInl iano, and the highest stading in the Junior Hueod science Course. Th'n. tovll grl'sop;l team played the Orono girls' tl. at Orono Memoia Park on Wed- nesday evenig last and lost tA the Orono gils by the score of 19 tao3& League Staniding p Newcastlc.............------ Oirono.ý---. ........ ........4 Ncwtonviiie............---- 6 WL 3 1 3 ~ 1 5 IThis Friday evcnring- the Orona girls' w,*illpad the Newcastle il at the latter place. This shouil'Dbe a go od ýýg amn e ta0 wa Lt Cb , and( w,7il b)e a good game ta win forither teani, TEMPERANCE iRALL<Y Trhe Otatria eprnc aea tion bas organized eighrt tennlis of speakerst aA the province visit- ing cvery county ta doizsssithte people tis vexed mnoral-social andi economic prohlcm. Lt is hoped ta kp spech ~aigat a minim aund that the pcople will Confer. Durbanx County is called ta meet at Orano LTitedl Churïjch, Wcdnesdlay, Junielth at P5 p.m. A11 shales of oinion inivited ta, attend, The vsig t enm: Rc _Pv. E. S. -Bishop, Past Presdent Ontaria Tom- perace Fedaration, Rev. D. C. Mce- Lllnnd, Rav. E. C. KC11oway, ENGAGEVMENT' MrrdTuifl arnon1c-es thfe en- gagemntro IýNda'l' ei, Edithi son of Mr. 'a1d lIr.John annng ýOshjawa, thýe - Io taike place theý, latter part of Jffn e. BUPuN -At St. Joseph1's Hospital, Peteillor>oug,ýh, on Mlonday, Jn lOth, 1946, to _ir and Mrs. Me1-ý ville J. B3urns (nee B ea triC e Hamim) a son. 'Local News MT. H. Ashby, Feter1boroughý mrhnwas in Orono on Wedneýs-, day ifteinco,-ilas t visiting his m-other, Mrs. Chas. Asliby, who on1 October 29; of this year wil i reach her lfOth birthday. Ms.Ashby is1 still hearty and heartLy and enljoyinig »PuOIN - la oving milemory of' our Dear Grandin,, Mary Jane Brown, whvo passed away June 15, 1945. Weý canjnot clasp your haad ýýrandm-ia dear, «Yeur dear- face vie can-not sce, IBut ket this littIe tolken TeIl that we still remember the-. -LvgyrememLibered by Billy, ýMerrilL aand Irene. rnoand NewcasFtle Girir soft- bail teams. are now tied for lau CAPITOLi PORT HOPE Friday and Saturday "RENEGADES" ,jirand-New W ýestern Spcil Willard Parker Evelyn Keyes Monday and Tuesday Aduit Entertalumient Strange Story of Love anld TerIor, with GenI Tierney and Vincent Price, n lii UNDERSTANDING AND$SYMPATHY. Those who hve c orne toý us for funeral service, refer to the thoug-htfuL, sympathetic attention ojnr gorganaîza- tion pirovides; the comfort cif mind at the tuime and after. Yet the charges for MIORRIS service, incluiag the miost mËodemi, facilities anmd equpmeiit, are very modeatewitj the means of every famil. We e sired, our funeral chapel may be uscd %withoutexr cost. Fa Fa, MORRIS 00. DURHAMý_ý'Sq LARGEST FUNERAL DIRECTORS Bowmraii-,lle - .- -01 rono JAMES E . O'BOYLE Orüo ontaljo BuiesLicenise N 13041970; Wartimre Pricesad Trae ,Board Cé1,R PEN T E R NG ALTERZATIONS IN NMEMORIAMN RIWWN-in lovingr- moyof a Dear Wifa and Müthar, Malry Jane Brown, whoe passed a-way June lSth, 1945. A voliderfui Mother, a wmnand Oaa whlo wsbteGo0d neyer Awond!erfL worker, so lo3yal and truc Oaa la a million, that, ýMother, -was- Just in your Judgm-ent, always ri'ght, flloncst and liberal, everupgt Loved by your friends and ail you, knewv, A wonderful IMother, that, Mvother, wns you. -Sadly missed and- ever ramem - 1 bered by Rushand and Daughitars Zella, Reta anid Thelina, and Soni-la- Ljaws Fred, Geor1ge and Wijliamyf New Scuffiers, used Team Scuf- 1er, Disýc Drili, Hlarro-ws, Bisýsel Taný- demn Discs, Gutta P ercha Tires and Tubes, 6ü00x16 ain stock. Bargain pices. Carl Toddà, Limplemient Deal- er,Cakec2-p Rý'egistered Scýýo tch Coiep, whIlite Ireatst, log harp nose wt uh tail. Answars to the anme of Laddie. Anyonle knowin-,g of Itsweraot indynotify Neil Curtis, Poatypool, Pho-1ne 81 r 1,1, Orono. a-21.p LOST left il somie store or homle la Finder please lav la te office. Ré w ard Crno Times FOR SALE One àMellotte Separator, ia good coniditï!i, 700 llbs. capaci"ty; -p)h one 16 r! 8, Oroo. a2-p FOR SALE Stif-toohedCultivator, 13.tpethl; 5-foot Single Disc, aither impleanti for tractor or, hoyses;Deortwh Pole, Mse-Hri -urwdRd ing Plowv 2-furreowed Walklng Pow 5oý½ .foot lM3Corick i.ower, Ford- sont Tractor Plull.ey, 2-wheeled Trail- er, com-iplete ýwith Stock Rack. MLur-ý ray Fayaie, Phone Clarkc 2811, TAXI SERVICE poe73 r 16, Orone, Ontario. a-21-c SALE REGISTERS The underigned has recccved in- structos from Mr.Parcy Burleyta sali by public auctioni at Lots 5 andci 6, Concession 7e Clarke Townshiip, il mile eastL of Kandal on th-e Ceuaity Ronad, an Monday, June l7th, at 1 p.m, b is farm iistack, Hr Ils,~ Cattîe, larnes, 20 acres of m-ixed standin.,g Hny, aad Iie-ip ieïits. Taermrs Casýh. ~Farm Sold. A_ E. MroClark, Jack Reid, The undcrsigned hins received in- structions frorn-,lMr. Arthur Duna, ta sali ihy public aucti at Lot 33, Concession 5, Hope Townishîp, 1'/ý milsL tof Philoa Chiui-c,on Wed- nesdlay, Junie '2i, bis catira favn stock, includinil., orses, Cattie, Fat Cattie, Swine, Faad, Stanidiaig Grain, MaChinary anild Earnecss. Term-is Ca shi. Willinrd Lord, Clark; Jack Raid, Auctionieer. The undersigned unas rcceivad ila- structinsfram rs Kick, o sali hy public aàuCtion at 1.00 p.n, -at- lots 11-12, Concesson 9, Clarke Twsp,2 iles enst of MCe' Church, 2 m'iles, sauth, an Wadnies- day, Junie lli, er Hanses, Cattie, SwnPaultny, Harness, 'Luiier and Iîlmns em Cash, posi- tively n eev.Ed. ongîn Clejtk; jack R~eid, Auctioncer. The undexsigncd has reeived i- st-ructions froi *Na ilton W. Co7rni-sh, et BlzzrdliFavna, anc mile wst of Hlibwniy No. 5 turn at Kirby, ta seil i y public auctian or.,Friday, June 14,th nt 1 p.mi. 'E.D).ST., Classified FOR SALE Ten pDigs fit 'to mean. R, Bottr2eil, N1'ewýcastle, Onitario. C-21-p. Cabinet w-ork, uhlteig and repairs; pri'ces reasoniable. Wil 1 pa y cash for -used sewivng mchies.C.F, Dunican, Phone 79-16, Orono. tf. STRAWVBERRY FESTIVA1L The Womnen's Association of Par -k St. Church, Orono, will hold a Straw- berry Festival on Friday, June 28th, Further particulars later. Keep this- date open. NOTICE Having, trouble procýurîng tîhe Ser- vices of a carpenter?« Phone Lloyd J. Crabbe, Oronio 79 r 16. LABOUR SAVING KITCEN TNITS f.23-P. ASPCAT TEACHER WANTED For Clarke Union S. S. NoZ . 2, Pro'testan't. Services Vo cmec in 1Septemb1"er. Apply stating quali- frcationls and former inspi ecýtor to llerb, Scott, Secretarjy, R. R. No., 4, Bo0manii l1e. W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMNANVILILE, ONT.- VETE8INARY DR. Wý7. W. SIIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON phone 63 r 7, Orot. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casuialty, Automob.,Ilbl and Liability MANUFACTURERS LIFE REPRESENTATIVE will glaly assist iin planiin, financial security for orsl and your f amîiy.- DANE FOUTND Thl.,e RUTTER GRANIT COMPANY Phone &501-- P.0. Box, 622 Pot ope, Ontario Mionumient-s, Gra-vemarkersý Engra-vinig, Goldleafing TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator C4)nducts Miction Sales of ail *au~ and at reasexnable rates. Communieate with hlm at P4ft Perry, OnItarieý, or see hM. Clerk A, E., Motna rono, fOr date. JACK REIDP Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Sp-cialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Cons-uit me for termis anld dates Phone 1620 - Clarke DJoIYOU Know Tchat, for a man agetetyfu, The Imperial Life Assurance Cm -paaly will guiaranitea his famfly $5,000.00 lai evet of his denth prier ta age sixty, for betweea 2% and 3% of tïhat amouat yearly, Aad i he ixves ta age sixty, the Comp3aay: -will pay hlm tIhe $5,00c. Why ot coasnUltyour local- represeaitatÏve FRED LYCEITf ta sce what a plan such as this ýwZIli do fur yen? Diurham1 ïýinCounty 1Federation c Agricul1ture wý-,vill hold thecir a nnu al picnic la Orono GOoî.mPunltyPark aon Eiîidny, Juine 2lst, Jboth mrorninig aad afternooa, Bing ',yrB Our lunIch. RoEýt wtter wi a unlek.Godsek Professional Directory~ -YME _DIlCAL --- A. F.McKENZIE, M.D. Ofifice Hours 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to,8.00 p.,Ml Sundays and WNednesdays by aý,ppolament only PHONE 47g-1ORN Lawrence C. iMason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMIAN.LVILLE, ONT. Phone - er hi'l Rates cwilo na 111g life niCpHE Home 553 Office 688 -Office Main St.