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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jun 1946, p. 6

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CLA SSIFIED ADVERTISJNG et 1a11 Themewii li Ii- This ila aya ve ant o w,ùong. FTh,'wod iny- ther le aguai mnent, -Ask for it. Jiine able soi, beeaJuis'- hing -te-omode. Bray 10 vJolie .Hmitn TYPE LEGHORNS ýets 17e. in req I Lo'ndos, on t,. LAKEVIE'W CHICK.9 5.000BREEDERS Rock ýI'oum rder fuois']Jiln e. %Vith the sencity off ment, there whilli0e a big demsnd for Peuitry aýnd E-4ggsIbis Fail and Winter t stmctvepies. It avili pas' y yn e.0 put jj an)extra brjootiûo rhicistus1hzyeatr. Yle£IPI"'T DJSLIVERY - Witb a ce- vacjt(of 0.(0DIevewC)icits Weekly, wc expeet wecen gîve prompt ieivcry bock y ai eder et -one frpune or .Juiy v ENU BEPIO>iT - Fer qjck s e- vi'e zenld deposit with yGum In- ejuiry orI derned %wc wîilboit your urder et eut prices which are vcryireasonale. We xwill pronily mail ycu n, knw tedgclienlt Cetyoum rdrand if ;tI abuldor' suit you we guaman- tee b cette-n your deposit al en0ee. Thix plae wilI give s'eu THP II EsT rE VI D-Neil MoDenel Goerih, nt. Clini Nempl ieli Riond, Qu- Lec - %Weil satisfed, lest 4 oui cf ]i10. Hpe you cen suppîs' more. As igbas 06 ggsfrein 115 ,eghlomn puliets. WendlýCrfLi pro- sakespeame, Ontatie eUrn)n WLage Type %Whîte Leg. b.ore, Pure Sussex, susseN 71 New bFlampu.. B . Rock X New flamp. RockX Lghonsussex 1< egvooLeghorn X Newv Mamp, Ne Rama.,ind Earmed Rocks. LARGE WHITE LEGHORNS Day eld atarted up te 4 weeks CeLldLke\vw Lghorns are bbe lare type. mad witb cocitemes Item Ped pstck - 'Real Eg Machines.'! %LND FOR WEEKLY LISTu -_er SpeciasI Picezs Qonday oidchk, puies nd Cockem'eIs, and tare- ed chiek. MAY AJUiNE0ANU VALLHATCHE BOk yeur ocer for Jd'n, r «Fel ( 'iled j'bika IVN0O%.LA - 10 T PL L TR1 - ArMW Bron,,Heter, Ont. tIRER W EDLEJiN KiCHICKS1 toda. N waiiug Wecen give 0015 onm e miniimumn beter profits. Senti :icLiMst for, Tweddîle "-ht wckold 'teo 20 is. Twdde hick EE CHICKS 2HlqCK3E AR E VCIlEL Vu'udeilon ta.n(l ttc- A! AlBreeders bidoti i rossin 'le te25c. Al noix. <lotdard ChII ' rilniiHih BAitl 5lUk LAKEVIEW CHICKS ,SpecialII7ed BO'ig ln f 5,000 Breeders Bokyour oder or .une 'andl JI.With 1h scrci[ty ,f ymeat. thIere,ý wil be la big dendnC for PotVitr mi Elg-gs Ibis Lalu aedc WViuter at t rac-tive b Ies t wiliIpay y "ou to Jput0 in a xr brood Of chicks this ya Vronipt lellvery -- With a cap'aclty of 44,ÇA00Leve chicks week- W. wWe expect we cnn give prompt 1ei v e ,y' but to be rafe. book your LoCder eit once for, June 1or Gràde A i- barge Tyle WhteLeg- borkes. Sussex xx Leghorn, Rck IZx Lcgborn, Leghorn xz New Eanip. mse*d 111,2c. puliets 20eco. "x c. B. Rockýs, Rock x Hamips., 1New IHa.mps., SseSs1sex \x Hainps. mlixed $l.75, pullets $701,cox $14. E end deposit of $1.00 pert 1. %We guaran ýte 100%live tic- livery. Order froni and( enclose tIis ad. Lanrge White L'egisebrsis - Day ld aind st-arted up 10 4 weekïs tlà. Laâkeview Leghorns are the large te.mated withcekri from Pd. stock - "'Real Egg Machines." 'enAd for Wvekly LiNt - olf speciai prcson day ic ch41 spuillets, aed coceels ed tete cioks. lunie, Jugy ,und Faïl HaàteltedI - Blook your order for' June, July ,or EauI Ha-tcbled chieka no nw. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS? We cavehundrea of 'uyers je Detrraoit sd Winidsor. Give al de- tails a1nd pric e. Write or zsee V. Av E YOU AN YTHING N ý E DS dyeing or cleainiog? Write, to uis for linformation. W,,eare glad 10 answýer yu usi. '.Depiart- ient H Pelrker's Dy e Wo0r its Uiied. 791 YongE Sret3o M, -,rred ex-sericemjan desýireswo on rede, atcbe elý arni; gooid aideW. orotoOnt. FOR SALE GRET ANE P FýjLPS F011 SALE; verýy wLlbed fawil with b1ack mak il maies: Dam; Jacoü-Lyn ofLeie ie ro f Tyede- iey; Phonie 211Barrie or Wrvite Wni. Stewart, 1rookîdaie Knes 156 Elizabeth >Street, Barrije, Ont, TURKEY POULTS- PROMPT DELIVERY We 3cen 9giv e prompt deiivery on d e1i v er1Y. PoIts hnt:ched fi'om bloodiestedpuiru free breed- ers, snder idcal conditions le m1ost mdm 1946 niodel, il 'eectrc and atmtciyclon- troilled turlkey iCbtr, and hbatcbed ii in eaee neturkey arcoedi tionet7d FHatchery. Seed fr rceLiatL and fuai particu- lars. No rder., acýepted les.,thani 0.ACT (Q1-1CKLA 80 YOUR ODER WHILE THlE Y LAST r 'AE vIE W TI (EY RANCH. Box 185', Exeicer, Ont. hne179. ciluEC-tiIic MOTORS ,NEW, ULSEU bougit, oidrebuît: eils pu!- ieys5, brushes. Allen ElectLric Con- paniy Ltd.. 36DffrnS.Tom- onto. Oont. bearers 25 for, $1.00; 501 for $1,75; 100 for $3.011; 200 for $5.110 Pre pnil ei deNrey est 1 River, Nova ,S-tt. FOR SALE-HOUSE 0'11'E-STORýE Y FAMSIZE 4 nnid 22 x 14. Apply ox , Gen- ATTENTION FARMERS For Sakle: Tractor Tires. made off ubber, suitabie tor, botin!g on steel Wbeeis, $10,00 teach. We ordecring state dlaieter andwdt oDr bel NtonlRubber Go.ý Ltd.,Sî5ahreAve., Toronto, Cutlaor eoand LPlow eal abile malmsi unlî,mited quanti- ti-s for imniediate shipment. Di8- tr>ibueted by W .McezeCo. since 1866, Leaminigton, Onitarlo, Calnada. Celtebmting 811 years, business len a1nme location and nan.We ship to deier, d (epikrt- nietai chin and lseed b1ouses. See ,your lncarest dtaJior, bard- waqr store, or WRITE US DIRECT for' IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT aeweein Esen Canadat $1,81repalid d$1.81prepaidj tri Wesiern C2jiaaa hpe nriadesanie day orderreeied W. F. McKENZIE CO., since 86,phonie -26, LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO. os n10Vw elulicag on h pieu I ~ FILES ws o ff 1 rcodto Lilabie,; froni "-1" ýt, hiaîfrounid, qae îugh anld sot,$8.01 . Monltreel. LS & METAL-S 1TD., 'Building;- otel ro W-rop cuii vat, i condition, Cý. Payne, ýTTrER PPORANGE 'eti. reasocabie. harid 'gèt t ALE AI)t-4 ve CAILS'.INJ- iensil, fortîd 1i nees. *H andl]bcok, 4.mcican S[ qui1are, 'oi k 1)ilne, A i eWer, ( ioeor rdo - M E 1 TY S-ALOfNFO SALE, WiTHi fuili cquipmili en nd slbihd uai- neas, Iocatcd Onil Oriving ,Western'i UuOnarlo tewn; tenue givîes use off up-t-dat liing partcetin con- necton wth alon teris.C, V. Pikad.Exter, 0Octanlej. 206 t ERE, ILL CCREDI- it(ed, young vsccinatcd'(, GeC ae ccew,, 6 freshi, reat frcasheniegý fremn July tIDeeme,) dafew bred purebred hleifer'syealng s il 1 er-, R. 31, Gianlfor'd. "x ) n1V N CAN AD-A 11-1pu LARiLY Advert ised 1 Lekriolite Cigare'tte 'ightler flamleIcas wickicIss wvied- proof finlcs orks like car ligit- et guarlanteeducodtonly 19 l"ARMS FORSALE RANCH-FARMI - 200 ACRES Ro.seuOnt. 10ACR1E JPARt-ýI, 130 UN R cuiivaion witb or wtht stock' e nd mascbinery. NedMc $5707-1100M FRAS11,iE flOsE, lctcdoule garae lagean 35 crsfrntgeon Venge a1ndI WV% oo icuifl tres-, uitbie 1ltoub er tsoj ln ethdc, Ofo3Mauti On on request regjýar2i i i ,classes, Robatso's airresieg Acad- emy, 13,'7 Avenue Rondi, Toronto. N 0t CAN N01W caE Y1O01iSu v cu, ethome'. Ieut urnedfor loveiy sofinataLl waiIves ý, in 2 te 3' boum, A ChIic DeueCrm od Wavekit mentans danic if gives the resu'[lta yen want,(dIeepj log-asirg vaesad oula , se Eay s uting yurhar l ui- crs Coplee lt wthfuî, istuc y-oull oc-al drulg (or cosmetic coun1ter, sedpostai noteo te Cnad,ili Eeaty maf"C., 64DudsSt. Eý, Tornto en th copieehit wil HOUSEKEEPER AND M.AID Ecienifortable homjje, large gona Twenty m.,,inutes f rom idownite\ve Tor0ento . Two aduits ce icl chi.Exeen!t oppoýrtunity for (Idc ebider duhe smaid. e isters etc.WrtAdetsr 59 ,dgw o od AveTrno8 r EDT A sheouId try DiL'tn' Rmed sun res rt.ig Stor, 335Elgin, Ottawa. 'IMAHA-ND T1REAL) WIM r Oiten are thealeuse l iihelt le umails, ail ages. No ,on, in- jmnel Wb-y net fled ouitifIb tAis l youme trouble, int elesting particu- lama- rd Wie uley' 1tem1cdies Specisilsîs. Toonto i. IF YOU'RE BALD READ THIS! Dlo scmlhin abot yur airi the nw, re aahl teatnin feloi des ,. as gmown eir l casettrcasepresoalycn trlld ndspervise-d. N ewvhait Sc3ali rpaaio.Efetieaso bi feunn aldness. Start Ibhis ncw tratmient forbldneau now, e- mmr.if Hxoîin SapPre- paaindees net produce meeuILs soid is isrdwil t a laing Cana- dien tlnsurance Cepalny. Don.'l et ilopc)i(n. senrd $1,0 (choequle or mn.'ey order) tdyfiEr trial jar te Hc'eolin Canda)Limiibed, ep)t. Gi, 26 OsanitonAve. , Tronce :, cry sufferer .of RemtcPains or seli,.exohanges msclIsri BE A HAIRL)RESSER_ JOIN CAA DAiS LADI SCHOL Greal Oppo()rtunlty Leprn TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION You flir Ipi opeiî % vled t p rint e d (Il OR9SE_\PU SI iJBE iULLS ISoý. IEIMINTS S for 2l5, FUNEST ELRIOSERZVICE Yûu may uol gel al the Mfim you wanîiis yearr, but you car, get ail tii. qualily and, servic(_e yolîî desîre by sendinjg yo'ur efilmsýte 9MIEM I, VPHOTO SEIOI tation i. Tomonlo. ANY SIZE ROLL 3 M0îTN1ED ENL.AIJGLENTIS 25e SOxe 4a6ý." nle Belitifui sslMounts Eniagemnts4xC6" on ivory tinteti mounts 7x!9' *b GoýlsO, ilver, C-ircas- mâi2n Waleut or Biack Ebony finis1h franies, S9c each. If enýlrgemeet coloujre'd, 9c eech. Reprînts MaýLde From You. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE lie 12, PaiOffice %, Toyen9fe, 'l'rin Nue d Adress plainly. WING'S PHOTO SERVICE A&il p int ith decile e G. or ü xpesýjlueroIIls 25oc. Repr'li 3,!S. eacb Bo 2.Station J. Tororlo. SUPREME SATISFACTION Cenr-nly, ie ttine1L1ld rby navîng1 ytoulr Ifim rce dby igl sklld ehnliins using the(. m ery-. -Ali s otiai tlw p'rice. R oli eeoe ad8pit TRANS-CANADA FILM SERVICE ROI , OLOSTAMPS WNTDBy Coûlietorony Small or la;rger ots.Cnps oe tanDenier for itemns I cao Use. Must be goo0d. Best 'f 1seferenýes. E,> Symoed, Rocanville,Sakth an WA NTEJ> town "or village rfrbygrg burt not ncsar.'arctt eelFE, WNE>TO 1 \CIISE PJLT BRrïed RocsNw Haphr, WVhitc e 'gIom-jsnla ange frnib pai. ppiy10 Box No. 95, 71 Malta Damnage niake godlle wa dmag o Malta j - mstbobe Iprt (,f the British Emlpire - ;ccor-dinig Ib sir Wi'ifmed Woodsb ina finiancial suý1r- veýy ol the islaied.Restuiî of the island ]-aaddteGog Cros by thei K 1ing i 1942-wi'l cost anl addIîionial $6000 Robyour Reste. Many people neyer semr to gel a gooti tiight's rest. They turvi ati kets-4ame it on 'nere'-whan il nîay La thoir kidneyz. Ilealtlsy kidneys filter poisoneandut exces acids from 1Uh. bloc. If tlsey fail and îimpurities stay in the sy3tem-listurbed rset fen follows. If you donr't resi WeII get endi use Dodd'z Kirîney>PiUltDodd'2 LaJp the kidneys 80 that you (an, re2t Ltter-ani feel Ltter. ý NEW CONCRET£ MIXERS 4Cui. ft. and 6 Cu. 18. power 2V e/ u, It. hand or belt Concrete Block Machir -ry Rock Crushers FYqiieeas nviteC Wettlaufer-Welker - Industries Ltd. 1290 Bay St- (By Frank Matin Harri-s) (j____(Sîxbit Critic) No &doubt yen a he r fbi!lks, tht guy he net slonigagle kmli plyn h aces, and 1startec eD te make a ,terrifiedan-Pai lthe tîac ks. V i,i' s îinks! ',wi fe tbat's main lic deani-upno She('s _goinigeut ,crutiniig, ietetrested je h eaig abouit a cet- atiii aldyof eut racqulaitaicc-a lady 1h 1 , conSLiaut deplorer.r She depcllomes such thling ias Coli-Ie strîpa, -enisationlumIovles, anid whAole lot cf eother maitters whiich slhc feelshave ba,îefu iinfhlec ceýI th- mrnea n melrals cf ,th( yonbb oit fat lnt ccehome tfront scte plif t iectt- ling etoi ther, antd i ws -01nîe what suirprised ., find her yo uflhfl si hle nmtb Illte kinid 11mbts ili getyfor Snîhei nînsiecm fond 'mc illçr h5rd lTis guy thiehro'udr hi rohr i ils heu ifrieeid, lbas bis tw e lîtti nphew snotbred 1 10 '11,(i dulecese Pretïy il(i11 e e l- t agh t et scb idiga i, criedl, -"and Ii 'm ,gi t hav leu Wemencl's (Club) semîd a pelîtc 1 ient ;Ltave emiîîg ine, lmni- -Iht i jînidiae op be ) t beiug lmea 011tue ir. Tht er a .uaTelli meý, my1bo, 1) a was thItI ianle lcf bil] hermi, 1blocd- e e e . I l e I aakbceil ttyoi med'ansIe -'Yen kow, me ,jbbc en Troops Enjoly En1glish pubs Returne'd Veterans Noetice Differenice hICanada lite llfrz(sh fron1gi EropfeeI)îebaile îteds v ier le r cItlc c gîries baek vibb tlem happy g imiemnoIrSiesc t (irlsumehus nEîli ubs Tht trc'iîioal plce clv f il pub plic' bosfn nliife bs been strenthend thogh thiit 111nturis. stan ii bt frilyalmosphre of (lths opî iakr cemmli;y meet- ing palacs l usalwn ,preti of hat tibeyswcfti plia-se cf -ng cfîS lf.Sode the iia iprlio at f mitet ca Iil isytem (Itc lCn. adeui ewi cd]î1 souildjfoluelt that ncommaidiiitînspee f oieilt .ould welciii thýý;t]itoucion cf aeri ighteii ti)1, soliti, or ice Id, I;man ilf la iii i ifs ill~iti Britain Gets Lead Ini Auto Industry Ex-ýport of Autos and Trucks Tripled-U.S, Piroduction Sîowecl by Strikes mibaîî's utomo il ad ltuck exetdoubli cc d rebieti sin"-e tht teid cf tht avar, are leapi1îg a- beat i cf1th llehtUittStales tmy is slowV',--d(1dowîî by1) manujo0r ;iies ccordiig cg lt heLoîîdoîml April, \avhen 11,122 cars aid11,410 ever-' eau,'" thiewppr'ote, T Ih e artic queitetlisalisýticq aoinig thlat Biritaiei's total ex- peru ts wre riledi i oSef;irat tlire n.enltbs cf i194( Britin iite xeît250,000 catrs Ibis yeatr, eilmonlthly ;ave age cf over cstinîaîed Unit Ii tates exorta cf 75,00 vbicl. oet- a 12 mcîîitb peied.g AIeticaît export" as sayiîîg; i s 'rtîb i 1 (1nuti ismst are reaiy pbtbi li acks iýte the expori ueffcrt hr smcciii fe teda, utf irih in cin bll got m.Lea fIirt."Sýt( 1 bac te(!ait dem erahAmr- ica imel, ar1byîgBti s- u~ pti ci, "Vs'itii aIl.tlîe i vmeitii"c -h Bmts dîtage, , \perîs111e ai- gIin ovrct di ce,O11 nJie Amcnian'idustralis at eas wi tlit iitttwhl îaspo "Ah! Black Market In Meat Causes Ifnsulin Shortage 'Thtco nlr tcay s fcedwitbl a shorage c îîîsulîîî "'a7d etîer pîamînetiesîs puepared freni nientaninss, San stht Milwankee jorniai. Th t masoîlis tulai a large part cf eutinît a upy' iAetprs- tntbeiig repmedbyIls(-bly-îîig men ani tmewauay ltht by-pro duets.]1ake iii citai i t is c iry a inater cf uîîdulily bgiprices, bul t ls;o ef ch c einlili aaste of iides, cidentaIs" cf liu memaiwmalscar- casa Uttîîstuemunt itat1,ictilis br1oulît back 1uîîder colîttrol, ave cati exec o-îot 0ly acîtinin "f, poor tibiiuinallîtibighiprices for nîcat, bilt als;o as ortg f itltsi-, aea-p, fertilizer and bbth varîcus îheraputic subsînccs tic- Oil Under the Sea ar-îroviti-ed for il]i tt ewSoviet fiv ~,carpînt, o~cw'Radioqsatid. Si'mty iRusil cleigineemtr- have ce rd400 5qnlare mliles cf S(oviet Azmbijnprespctil fr ew c-il deoisd raicatadd 7ký

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