t te'ir football ga-lIle Quite a niumber fromn Orono and 1Junle l9th, whenOoocomnt took in 'the picture show- Enniiskilleii at the LatteratOooT nRilnStuylst These ïregular S-aturday evenling tlhe sports Day a t Oronoshowsare lecorning very pplr on1 Day, July lst. -xith an increase lm patoae VI1SI1T DUR NE W STORE AND SEE 0FR MANY LINES 0F Hardware, Electrical and Gif t Items NOTE 0FR COMPLETE DISPLAY 0F PYREX, FLAMEWARE AND OVENWARE Coleman & Philp Electric CO. LTD. Phone 89 r 1 . ORONO Additions to Service which is nlow to bring service, a up the building of rural materiails and equipnlent supply, and the- ng additional quantities in the immediate future are viery meagre. Strikes in various basic industries and the extraordinary national dernand are holding back the supply of all equipment needed. While the Commission will exert every effort to obtain material and equip-metn for rural line construction-, it can complete this year only a snal part of the fuil programi which it had planned. Consequently. many appli- cations aready approved willt not, o3f necessity, be completed this year. Your Commission will endeavour toý serve ail applicants in order of receipt of applications, giving prefference to ail farm and similarly essential appli cations over those for other types of service. presented for your ývith the expectation le you to bear more ituation beyond die. KENDAL (Tou late for last ek Mrs Drlagonand Bill spent Sutay ithte rest or th'e famnily, ai Ajax. EalBodn nd ad frenla- le on0 o1,egboeo Sund, ,every- on ivinig Earl1 a welcome band Mr.Fred Ronson, mre and pMrs. HyePaul and Judith, of Torontoc, wýere Sutiday vis;itorýs at Milton Rb inson's. Mrs. Glen Kiby r. and 31rs. Normian Therteil and Hazel at thieir summer hiome for thue week-enid, Mrs. Kryand Mrs. Thiertel' staying for awbile. Dr.iG.IW. MillerSwiil speak about t1he newly formied Heath Unit in thie Sunday 5;choolrom o n Tuesday night, June llth, at 8 pm*,, 5.., Men and women of thep commuuity are 'heartily w veicomed and t i, hoped there CEl,~ be a good attend- auce. W. A. -Meeting The W. A, mnet in the Sunlday School roomi on Wednesday after- noon, Mlay 21th, itb the presidnt, *Mrs. RoyMecr in thie chai.eMsui C. Kienny kindiy odficated at the piano. The secrpture was read by Mrs. F. Stoker, the latrter part of the 2nd chapter of Luke, teiiing of the growing of the child Jesus in spirit and wisîçdo3ii. Decorating ocf the church was discus'sed. Mrs. Evan Quantrili spoke on Church Newýs and told of thesie service in Saskatoon heid lu one of the parks wýith an atnac of over 500 who wvere mpst entbusiastic oser this new venture which wae the first un- rise service held in- Saskatoon. The mýeeting w:-,as brought to a close by repeating -the IMizpah Bndcin after -wich Mrs. Mltn obinson iin- vited tbe members tLo ber homne for a cup of tea. ABOUT CLOTH-ES jNowý the clothing situation Is irealiy very tuh The women s;ay of udrer They canniot get enoug1h. The nmen now ,tbink thUey have a groucb, And bewail the fact The womnen bave taken ai ltheir clothes .Fr'om shirts right down to laks It's tooý bad of the wom)nen To miake mon sufer so, Their shirts ardnd aniteare Pa ttch'1e d It nuiakes them full of wýoe. ah so Ajbout this tragie state of things They fu,ýse ando fret and fumeý, But cheer uip ime.n and wo-men b ýoth, There'll be m-ore ciotingi-, soon. --optimrist. KIRBY MU r'. Mrs. R, . ((i, ldel, of Port Hope,vito at Mr. F. Briiùa- cmeson Monday last spent a fow, days \vith M'Vr. and Mrs. F. Brmcmelast week. A nuniher of Kirby peopie atten- ed the evening service at Kenda i Church, it beng thei r aniversary where Rev. Mr, Ittewood preached a very aMbe sermon. Kirhy Unit'd Church AInniverearyý is {en heid thie ;cming Sunday, June l6th, at 2 p.m. and 7.30 pan. Rev. G. W,. Gardnier, of Couimlbus, WiU! [ho incharge of loth services, For your own sako, for the comi- muInity, for the cucrally to thee services. STARK VILLE Ur. andI Mrs. Lornite Pa-en viifedi ithl Urs. L. lloskin,Keal Mr, an Mrs. wart obinison an Mies len Dechot has been en- wgaedas toacher for anothor year Mrýs. rf,.lihStapieton and son, of Nowonîlevisited it W. A. liaI- *Mrnand Mre. Lorne Tod(d visitedi rocently ith 31n1r and Mrs. Hlugh- Kelly, Bowmauviie, Mr. acid IMrs. ArthuLr Falis an famnily, Bomanville, spent Sunday at Mr. Thon. Fall's. Mise Eien Farrow and Mi1ss Seleni Dechert epent the we-n wvith Mrs. A. Dechert. Toronto. iMr. and Mlre. Harold Little and Gar,-y, Oshawa, vieited 0on Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Lle'w. HlalloweIi. Mr. Cad Henry and Mises eu lmb JIallowell, Toronto, spent the wo1 oid -ihMisNomaHallo- rne~ a No~ (1 to fterL 'IN5PI INEXT SUNDAY IS With a viwo having Ontario ap)-, pIsagain enter the- export field in 1946 thepre-ar ystem o f certifi- cation of apples itne for expert by- individual orchards wC laberesum- ed this yer This stop isalso being taken iview of the actthat, effec- tire ini 1917, aedet to exist- ing regulations are likly tu ho es- tablihed bï the federalauhorites. lu onocio ith te lv j an, forre- sump4ion of certification ofaple for oxot ereWloDirector of the ri BacOutairio Depart- ment of A-ýgriculture, points' out that orchards to be in"specýted mnust coin- ply with thie requiremients for apple imaggot control, and muet be sprayed ini accordatnce -with th)e recommnenda- tions miade in the 1946 spray calen- dar. In addition, it j e rquired that ail apple trees must be sprayed and hawtborne destroyed for an area of B00 yards surrouncng the outer limite of the orchard to be inspected as set forth in the 19416 spray calen- dar. Orchards -which dlo not mneet ýwith these requiremients, Mr. Wil- Son p)oints out, will not be eiil for certifleation for export of ap- PIeS. Ail requests for orchard certifica- tion miuet be maiIed oan or before June 15, 1946, to the Pfrector, Fruit Branchi, Ontario Deparbinent of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Spray service offliciais in varioue sections of the Province are available to advise and assist ,app!ei growers in connection with - apple miaggot cortrol and thecetfain of£ their orchards. These officiais are as follows : H. 'Morley Webster, of Brigh0tonl;HM N. Webster,Gokile J. Alex. Goîdie, Bri;H. Aitchi-. sýou!, St. Thiomas, and E. W. Stanley, Clînton. -FOOTBALL NE-WS On IWed-îesday eveing of last _eek0Oono football team .won their first, gamie of the season whe tey defeatted the 11iampton teamr by a, score of 5 to 1 AnintiierestingP gamne was held iu Orono, Memnorial Parkl on Saturday evenfing last whlen; the Ehnisldllen team paye the locals, wt the for- mier team innrgb the close score of 3 to 2. Carl MintoRf and Dean West weeI Pthe marksmien for tlie lo- cal boys, The boys are now catch- ing ontio the fine points of the gm and boy Paî 11should give the Other teams in the league a battle. This Thursday nighit a football team fromn Neprtonville iwill pay the local te-am a,,t Orono Park. This gamne bas been arranged by Harry Davey and Ed. Neilson ton develop interest of fotalparticularly1 among tLhe juniors. Go to iL boys. AUCTION SALE FAPM SOLD E. A. WERRY t osei by auction on Lot) 13, Con. 8, Darlington rowaship TMONDAY, JUNE 17th the followiaig Live Stock, Imipie- ments, etc.: Hiorses -Matcbed team Percherons, weli brokeni; Bay Gelding, Cye Black Geding, EPerchmaon. Set of good Bae"bandicHamnes just nIew. fefî Dui attle fatsie Toaed Durhamr Cow, caîf at side; Ayrsire owCaifat side; Hoîstein Codue in July; iloletein Cow, due abo-ut AuLg. 1; numnber- of Calves; Registered Durba-In Bull from icli aird Rowen's herd; *1 I eadl of Choice Durbiami, Hereford, Poil Angus Steýers, aerain Mioobs. Thme Steers are in excellent condition, ail fat and ready to kill; 22 shlor-t-keepý Beef Breed Steers, averaging about j900 ibs; 3*2 11/e1year-old Steers, ail beef breds. PICS Sow due timie of sale; Sow, 10 pisat side, 2 wý,eek.s old; Sow, 6, pigs at sidle, 1 weekse ld; Sow,ý, 7 pig,'s at side,ý 6 wý,eeks old; group of 5 Sueking Pige; group of 10 Sucking Pigs; niuintber of Young Shioats. 10-20 lli as neI, Cui MH.Seed Waglon wit urye Sproac alrtiCcs, fc FATHER'S DAY Father's Day Greeting Cards We have -a coniplete stock of the Coutt's Better Greeting Cards, at 5c., De. and 15c, each GIFT SUGGESTIONS GILLETTE BLUE BLADES Pack of 25 ...... $1<00 Gille&te Tek iRazor, -with pack of 5 blades .........49eg FRANK ME DICO PIPES Dependable Filter Pipes, assorted shapes ý. ......-$1.47 Repflaceable Filters, box......15C "'BACIIELOR" Always a favorite with mnen; this' une on muen' s Toiletries mnake acceptL'- able gifts» Talc, neutral shiade35c Sha1Ting Cream - , 40c After Shamve Lotion 60e Also Gift Sets at Shaving Bowls $.1.25 "LENTHIERIC" Shaving Cream i.-. 55e Shaving Lotion at ..85c. and .,. ....,$1,50 Shaving Bowls .- $1.50 Agent for Jackïman Flowers Charles B.,Tyrreli D RfiG S Phione 68 Orono, Onit. REMIEMBER FATHER'S DAY, SUNDAY, June 16; We have Gifts and Cards that wiII sure to pl'ease him. Special Couinty »IspIays tO help you choose, R.ubber Stair Tri.eadls, black -with curved nosing, each................23C. Stedmnan's Gloss Enamel Quick Drying, colore, Jvory, Cream, Prinicess Blute, Lettuýe rt and 'White, 1-2 pint....27c. Quart MCI Muffin Tins, 8 ho-les. ......... Corn Broorns, priced......... $1.00), $1.25, $ Dress Hangers, Wooden, each ........... t Waxed Paper, odorless, used for, wriapp1ing Sandwiches, etc, 100 ft. rols.......2e Trushay, the beforehand] Lotio-n, bottie....49,r. Hollywood W.ave Set, bottie. .......5 Plastic Fruit Juice Tumblers, each..... Children's Coloredi Overalls, sizes 2, 4 ançl 6, pi-.5359. Interlake Toilet Tissues, 700 sheet ril,3rolîs 27. Modless, 12's . ..-.-...- 27e. 4?S .-.-.,- 9 3er- GROCERY ATURES SPECIAL - Kellogg's Ail Wheat, free gift for boys and girls in every pkg. 2 pkgs. forý,.,,> 25e. Post Bi-an Flakes with other parts of wheat, 2 for ....._ ...................23 C Maxwell Hlouse Coffee, in the super vacuum can, drip grind, 1 lb. tin ................Sc. Vi-Tone, a nourishing Foodi Beverage, tinr, .48c. Casie Limi-e Juice, unsweetened, large 16 oz. bottle ..ý... .... ..................3e. Aristocrat Pure Hor-se Radislh, 9 1-2 oz, bottie, .17e. Royal Fast Risig Dry Yeast, stays fresh, box-, 14e Gillets Lye, tin.............le Fresh Lettuce, New- Potatoes, Fresh Celery, Tomna- toes, Melons, Strawberries, Cooking Onions, Cab- bage and Carrots. Fresh stock twice a week, uORONO "5 c. TO0 $1.OO É%S TO R E ValltTT' '"%Tbf TTADT C'U"DUTXTf,- =3 MotorEqi et Pýrivate Amnbulan'ce COURTESY Equippe SERVICE ke care of the modest funieral ait theme [e charge as me';! as thie larg-est and muest exacting Offie 68 - Residence: 23and76 t Bowvïapville, Ont. 4 Northcutt and Smith Funreral Dîr-ectors and Furniture Dealers 1 --, .1