C "LASSIFIED ADVERTISING :TT tl N% t'I'O ý')P N 0Tt I C'Il qKA fedti r1 ib nd tecat t',ni rIlgt1am(1you l aiw1cys w ýýanLit To ara-stiona, fast ýgeoxviug se, ,,Leec illuloui t ected l'b-eedIersl. 1veryl onc is Top NotcbIL ality Lu :11l- the mt wntdpure breeda audi' cros j es ara lý av a ilaIble 1forIlpromptu sb )ipment,, WbLl ta ke a chanlce or exýper imut ncdislyxvell yjou eau il atlth1 bstfor no,,gl*,teri" lnaekct andod picel s b iet i litheTop Notcuh cieka ý,you ecau haindia r'ighit a wan5. Price s 1grcatiy ' r edueed tfor juneil . PromýlptL de1iiveyl Frccaaogeaso older pu)lle t, weeks 10 lay~Ing opNth1be 4)IlDEIl Il 1 C KS 1"CR0M iA REqI1- aia reeder ùof Iba1eed rccks '. 1Bi o J ,tsadb y tube ýc 1ethodC c. Excell1ent iaý ugsteaini, M ixed 12e ( ., VPlietsL' $110boks order'. Kinlg s'sCorni t Pouty am Northxxo od, On t. U HtXEJl N E CHICIKS A %AIL- i pompt d l S orne Ili ed,. 'qiiWSMONE iNTHEM 'T'eAR fl- k of TweLddi eihawilgather it up mand put it r'ighit !nlu your pck- et Promý,npt dcli% eey of yourTwedci- ie chieka now w%,l Lassure bggar rang xvii d a ot t ioertee d 1ns. Ail popot ar pure breea sud hybi id crosses iiu n-ced , poilaIs, or neorlsfrom CGoverumentAp prnved pllroni tcste tck'viLî a lon ïe or'd iotIigh,11prodction (i, suId top quit ' . Twedditr Juil lpime arlow ad xilIlha stili 1lo xx-er akfi,,e jute 1 h.Fuiel eas ar'e Ilowvert tis esnto, And( thIle ïmar ker plrouipt ely.Scnd for wedl caaoueadpiee]il'i rIlgIhtiav Alnodrpullts ight wcksiU toiaing.Tveddîc11 Cb'ILic-kH a tcbýl- criesLilut, Fergoýls, Oitalo. LAKEVIEW CHICKS SPECIALIMED 1) EIN iLAT Bnok y LuLI1.ord'1- 0for J Lv nie, W',i tilthe scaLrcýi ty 0t Ime atl ther e wvili ho a big demaud ifoir Poultr'y aud ggsthis Eal auid Witer atl aLttractive prices. ILt wil ps,-y you to put lu auetr bood of chieka h5 er PROMPT DLVR ~Wt a pacity Mf ;0.11011LaIkaview Chieke w eekl1y, we ee C it weLi can giPv e prompi 1,t d el ivery book hy o uro rdl:er at oci(e for Jua corpJly. S EN Il1)DEP1>0I - Cor q1ulick ser vice end cILd aepositv wrltb vl-,tour lu- qir jy orrld e lri sd iwe -',w il0 book y 0ur rder at our'lrices iwbîebi ara e r rasouiable, We wvii RELIABLE CHICKS Started eh i frJua eiicy Bred ReLgonand Hy- brida Lghnr z BrraiRok qamlp. x arrd Rck, Light bS,- sez alilere sud fourwaka i paya -;dividends i10 have e& gondJ fhock oýf sntrtati ciek, don't )pot off av!eteow for pr il sd when availabia orsbipig. la babjy chieka nf samle breed atili avalabl. Mlics CickHaîeh- ccxFeeusOnt.Phnle 23W LAKEVIEW CHICKS Specialized Bree-ding Plant 0f 5,000 Breeders 1 oo our nordar for iJamne-,asud J joy. 1 Wi'jtb tlb 'Amit ofmn. there avilibea abig (dnandfo Putxanti Eggs Iis L'ai sud Wtrat ttracti ve apricca'. jI brod n eiek Iis yaar l'oatDeliery - Wiba cpc lae"epet wceaM ugve wpmpr dchey, but t'0ha sal, boo.,l1 your oir ider' 'aIt on ïCe, for Jon'c or borna, Sossex zLaghoru, Rock LegboiM, Lghon x zNew Hamp. mixcýd -,lhe.2, poilaIs 20c%, con 6e. Bil oekc, Rock xa Rampa, Naw Hlamlpe.. Sussex, Sossex x Ra 1mpa. mixet $2,5,pulets $17,0,ena $1475.Send daposit oE$1.011Wpa 10.We gura Wc 10%lised- liex. Oder f m A ecls this Wd Large While iLeglarns - Day on nnd starbe op týo 4 veeks 0old. LleiwLeghorns are thelag typ)'a. tîd \witb Ccekeeels froni Pd, slck - 'RanIl Egg M-cincs.' >,,ýid fior NWeekly IAst - o)f spcCial pnicas on day old chieks, pu!ilats .îeJuIy sud Peu aIehI l - Bookl s nue ord(1rfor Jue-,July 'rne Fol 'Iachsed chocks uow. 1.AKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bras., H.EAVY BREED PULLETS i tir orderNOW.$1.011 par 101,1>deposil. 'rd m ron Iis Ad. Hiodl 25 FREE CHICKS (our-btbychick,; necPth, progeny rof 1Foundta ililuandRgitrdBd. Ai Bedersblo etd Pcs from3e.10 5.Ail guarsntee - celn slyr. Don' dlyore LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS loc. LolnPllets 1e.Ailtiedr duebootesied a acIikIcd iby highpcdireedfoundAation sok bet ciks ievr hd.W al ter Morion, Drden, -~e lweciecweli1 pesed wV ih Ilhl-pulievts e C e - ccxcd iis( c,:!r.1>lulls a1:id well. Heavy Breed Pullets 17c. Ham.,lared Rocks, l'urle ~s aut ets ampsircpllets 17e. Pt e Sushoxli cdN Ilile, Sse N. ,ar,,l Rock4 2(,, A mp,, RocksI11 lI., asrted i xcd 9(. Cockerel and started riceS o"il ust ilrder fro niiind enlose , this Ail. $ 1,4 er 100depsit HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, Londton, Ont. Mliil5 lPO'LN"i' WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS? Detoitan Widsr. ive ilde- infomaton.We are gluidto nse !arl,î's ,,e WorksLimited\ , 1 'ogeIl -retTornt, Onalu.o soteel eIMA. ARtED WeXil pcriccd b haee nd poultrh aith go. incne.State toux,.v ('ing condits agesil hojs'an ebuerches neiý.Ar byine f it ltter Ap ly Box 99, 73 Adaaide W., Tdoi- ontoon F01SLEc 1 o ste rubber, suialeforbu1i4le of wb eel Ntionl Rbbr o liestd., S Wiitshlr ve..Trn, FORPE SALE - NIO 100 starsIrof, russe2, intrioan exteior inis. Amineof Ifor- ation for those iterestb on suet:Jion. SenI treost, Triee dol- to 14, Canada." alu l rlinreaonbie." HenrV P. -oe, CviuhOn. brnalStrafordvien I6LECTRICMteRea!nW,UEI boagt, sldrlit:is, pulîcss Ltd, 226 UffrnSt.,DTRonToOt i RFCTON. IM t . vi ilER ptrkcrSiil pae T to ne pip pact ticI>sc stec] i s i , and vcoun puma~ Bx li. Te- ited, yong scecîatiicdoara eowa, 6ftrshe eestbeeshae:egf-on, pu U LietI hIfes, ycCrILiiug lS. snd isl r l siofi ', tld. leAdwtu t C l ar oi. ,I(,lauoed.I Wc ta1,ie prompt,11 ,J. liveey on a T>oa , -ased IroneLi rke P ou tTcu 1r Io Kfor lJuy deiAvfr1. Pul1 maced ront eus, Ind'r Idea ý l condi -1 tin c alli ]sudaIoati1,51y; con- fraiurisey ieuators. sud ittchedIlu sepamalag. naw urkeyn .,ai', codIcitioned Ii thmy. Sendiro for 1 eL- i1c 1e ,LI :t sud tfuli aust1jilcu- AC, u.18i3lisxetar. ,Ont, 0'hj uc 1Il3 $5,50.>, 10l s. c a I aam :dIIlu ean stock,, h11implarnetu.lI'.:McCaIi ule Roscasu, Ont. sud a ln îush on these Carma; alj $3,11 1 ati u, adnlmir of150 i-andu taenia bava i otgndbiligsc Theseare i ond vaua at od aouî ba piad op t once. J, C.Lonlg. I ili0 1 - 156 liEJ il R, dEX-if celentlotion on CouInt yy Roadg nue h ait millefroni Chiecton Lsecke 1whîcl h I enltd tmtaIgIlsud So m- ab ýLI , i1batlnc11e IIj ,it w 11aniti xx ood cLotL ucilding six hun0IIdrad trciilsinapl sogar bsh ,and sgrar boe, diive ivi;iiretancei 1su levai fi-Eu aidtfo s orage, imon sooetiw h iightning cattýi bmuaîî scd;tol sed lava machina abd;I-atwen1 han baewod los itheoilubot. Gd) basmat, lhturair uraei,2 lrge l Ivg ki vtbtieplace, dIinigr meo ant avnaktchens; l vaceeoud floor the bedoita bat deepm ,yd îft n 11a'leti i weliiugand eutin bailing. Gnuuds rIinlde in amaR BrocvIlldtro ,alAN MIDESyG Tll relcatcgrdCigcises. ARoert- ),In HlrreaiAadLe1y,1137l boa,I ACheDauxzrae.e Wava kiait cntaiN idetiiiiiine- forcoail, cramel,, wavas. I'ML ivs!tsa recuits youlwNt, deeVpN T ,oglSlorgkaas. And u cuic, mso Easy as fuftthg ourshaiein curi arc. Coiletknwitfowithefoint- ha mailad On yS2 W~nd other Weeds WITI' in Lawns THE 2-4-D WEE'D KILLR Oae spraying wîlt1 kili dandeý- lions, plantains, rsgweeCd, bindweed, poiso»- ivy and othier broad-leafed weeds, destroying Cfhem r-Iglt te the Cnp of thIseroet but will pieOt hamrm grass. Noaor-poisoaIous te huenans or animais and will net s-uin hands or cIothing. %JREEN CROSS'" AT YOUR DEALIR r"Gin Pffis HeIped My Soro Baok", oSCys MvOntreaI man. 1 hùÊd rbeimatic aches anad stj hacýk-couIdd ardly strai;bten '4' afier bendîng. A frîend advised O1'PORTLNITfs vOrWME BE' A'HWURDRUSSE1R g re"ataOpportut tyyLearn 'le). t t .f~4poessio, fiooe wgs i i apd 1 suceS Suiarve Writeoor,)an Bianhes 44 ingSt. lHamilton & 74Rid~cu Sreet Ottwa. FETHESA«ONUl It A&COMPAXY 1l King WsTornt. ookclet of uanteed one d1ay eric.NoWAT TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION YVour filrn'ýpropeel dvsloedand FIN'ýE ST ENLARGING SER11ý11VICE. Youmay nott ail the films ,you wan Iis ye'ar, but you can get ail Station1, Toon o. GET .,ETTER PICTURES AT L 0WER P-RI1CE An.\ Size RÏoîl - 6 or 9S Exissure3. SMOUNTEÏ) ENLARGýEMENTS 25eM Sizo4x6'lu Bautiul asel Moun1ts Enaremnt 46"oni ivory tinted mo1unts: 7x9," in Qold, Silver, Cir- csanWalutf or Black Ehob')nY finish fram s, 65.1(,each. If Enls1 rge- meult cloured. 79ecb RepentsadeFrom ytur DRPIII 5 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE WING'S PHOTO SERVICE Alilpints witbdekl dg, $or 8 exos emls 25c. Rpi 3slc. eaehBox , SttionJ, Toronto. ACME QUALITY & SERVICE Roi deeioedand 8 prints2e. repeints Se. a Ib, 4"x6"ear- ninsmounlted in ttaciv old- arc 2for 5e, orkundsevc (X>Do3, (OLLJSTAMPS \WANTR-1,D fl Cotiector ouiy. 'SinpIl or lva iotsý Caon pay more than Dealer, fo)r items jIcmau use. NMost begod Est fC tefereuces. E. S3 mond, Hpocanville, sktbwn TEACHERSCWANTE wanted for, S. S. No. 6village of Quadevile andEýxtensionBrce ton.Cuti] fc. Duties to comnesept. S,194. alr Whit' Lelior L ay age frýom 8 wekmp îb iayingr. (Good priceS pa' id. Apply to Boxe,.No. 95, 7 MACHINERY NEW VAND us E I Phonse EL. 17 H.W. PETRIE, CO. L7fL' 147 Fme s q 1%W - T !wn 'W BY iSL Spots of Sports !3y F'rank Mann Hatti (SîKbit Critic) J Ra ýce 1ra cks flron: , round Nýew Yor lreort that the "' L~y h nîotuel . ba,2een d :oppiugof clt srkaeare the sbeiving ofi thc DaiIyDoblalso tCi eap, r suce or the scen of Q g ook- makIers wo ak-w ite Iwisý looking lswhre ot of tha plav froinîgamblers wý.hco 4o not U)ke 0 pu bri moîey ithrough SonliehIoxx or otiier £ eerybody seens to have overlooked chbat its pr bab l tueV ai,useof fthe c-'ro il[ betýtiulg tne fact ihat a lot of thle b)oys, are getting a bit short ofý ca Sh . Whai with x arîoua fomô,o taxtin, 0'ay luothitsg of t'he "be"p ltouby the tracks, vc[rY mutul mcinies, or-ly -rounld eigh L cet 0orless cornies out. And 'tih tnost folk,; betting a lea-t for acs 10autero,, dos' ake guuch Alof a kulowledge: of hligher wtJemlatics to sec 1that raciug'a cbiefest lice bakois grcife i, taingpoer ný eii So n"id aitfio Jlinoîtbwoase Lotl of th:edopkt rebouur xnoue siacffed ahic feetion es J-% an idoxv goot lie1was, i.ady ic heerkuW -s enerW.îjt havl lida ilvle ou Jackm-antd w hv e an 'l idea1,111,t Jack- a ci'e-,î ral tnose Cle hi evl' hdi t a Luis l11Iý i i, \Ve knew JackeJoh'îSi-ra lcas w me cautd sith -m-b-. vig, x id u landvnat fi- , xith. nd w ail lepxvî h ut meau a1ndyShu irr hem at ; atinte-,cco Iw-,wegtf0 eh e hhr at icsi thîgsernîuch; )iîî the afu-h f rotrrîvieaced ,, o deal bttthaamb - eÇhi)i foikme- weaeU wat clîd i imuace ti givne iiii the old soqdrb hundredvlat i, g'dberecletk - i qlsith a hl hau1nesa n nciý-Lte plaiciug ftiitde t' ,aie -S ly "Borufortyyeaestoc sn t( ldwoldntbeto bcd an eNah t ca'c u tombaoi udWi bi, u aingcehi uato theall wotb-hlc.ag n LSoCCmetll i, whieh hdeli, recentOniarn socergaerng up f cehagin t iiod quetion S ')sa hai go dpotsmauship-" - qusina i htabeenargue S ot cei coules tim0, wad i 1 ucre stimaent now tîa s tu addu. ld ales eot a bitNa d't th-ý eiin 'nl's ne tliï o stop os fi n l Ü d'r oo i Anywayn, iothi Sayrecular gaile a peadlt ot a aade giî,t - t thepoiw, lu idn't bappen ruLII "1 cant do a tiug iIÏwitillm- Old Age Pensions For Everybody ha paîie Canmada to everymuejuat as chlitlrn's îbovances are id r- s iug ou bbc indiv idl 10 ow - - thatÎha or she nedsIlle uîoney. wbo do no ueed dia c i -ldi ýailoýwces rpy1 houbtaxatin today. 1n tliai va, be oid age- pensions avl e dsrhtdt(, aji amtos avbn n'ed teni wil benefüt. Wh1 etîber the pensions sabould lac- gin at 70 or 65 is, au argued poiut, . That,1i s, if, is arguled cf tie moment1i. Buvt, evenunally thle age at avhmch pen'siôonsav;Ili begin vli bec5 25,000 More Mien Needed For Harveat-e AhincI25,000 adtoa b barvst th hunîper Crû pce ibsyear, Ota rîn Aý fumai MinIst ,T.L. Kelinec Thcy 1)c a paid a mllm( $ý70) a rnonîhtixitb bîoard, T he Ontario Deparîrnýi, Agicltrei.s irir f0 být,) ir men, ISSUE 25--1945. Control Emnoions And Live Longer Some Good Ad'iice On Best Way To Avoid Accidenlts, Caini doxiu and live! Tbal's the -advice feeidrn the nlational ciet-euto camipauiubY ilerbeert J. Stacký, Ph, D, director of NCav Yýork Universi- ty'c Safeîy Edocation Centre, 'te motriss wosechanices of r-eaiul- ing cliveansd unhuridring t10 17sla baf. of 1946, hie say, wl be the .worct in Ihistory. Iii an larticle i0i the Joiy issue nýi Sle Auerican Msagsane bhc pro- fecSo!7 states ttl I 'nline Ont Oi leà smash-upc would ha pr-Cvented à WC could avpe ufthe1ir udryu psychgical cus.s" hc 1%;lcb as suxiety, angcl, day-dream34i3, impatiencetidity, bravado sudl tbe closely red hait of takig risks. Dr. Stack urges imotorisis le "cretyour driving h1abits; lîm- prove youjr drivinig attitudes; sudA mount guard over r emnotion.", Safe Driving Formula Hie ofesIbis formoIla for sl driving: 1. Doni't lIcI inîpaticuice gei bbc hablter of yoo+r coînniion cue 2. Don't lta A draaîigbe r or reentmetrtmp you mb feel- ich triks. 3. D)ou't let borsidi ersge Your goal 4. Renemiber Lthat use cof 0the ig avis a co ocperal[ivc,. n comptitveactivîty. 5. akecnrteyas aelas scaLa-- ty', yVbur g'Oal and givethe jpedeS- One of ihe hast wayïs 1 orrc faîmflty fdiving I hbits,cysDr. Siack', ia togel ai expCIeiecdin-> tnict te cil beside yonusud ccii dx(ýc u very action, Lufi ia ti-ý cle lîe cites sPeýcific caises Iow bow varàIions psy3cbingicaI Causýi ,es ld10fatal cahs velihaiegl havýe beavoided bcdLlIte mtrs cotol h is emionqiý HOLD EVERYTHING