TIMES, r n lend. Mc son, of NewcsMe, favour- Stan. Page, of Pete (horough. spe nt I Mr. and rs Marcus Soper, Mrs. dw htosls coyaidby -Sunda(ly afternoon &AithMr hnd MI. S. Patton and Mr. Roy R. Patton Mrs. Wm*. Wannan at the pian, spenlce Gordon and miuplu.Ms iitdMrï. ,n Mrs.e d lor whi-h ïn1umýbrs 'wee rea y njoyd.Stan, Page is an Kniglish war bie s tmg w _\h1Mr and Mrs. John ti i te \e, en. h fidy cool Aiiversary liy s th la±bt!er s iotherU& s Miss Betty Joha1son, Mri. L. J.oh n: (Too late for lats' eJý erVices wvere verty inspirinig with ley of Vi rg n a son and MrL. and Mis'. Bill Johalsonl Mr. Roy Patton wvith M.adMs splendid congeregaifons at both ser- ,ir. and Ars. Rosa Patterson, Of visÎ!ed with CMi. and Mrs. Vern arcu1s Sopeir for thile we-n. vCes In the mniin nM. fancock onto, viied with Mr. and Mgrsp jonson over the week-end. AMr George Mercer s homue tforspoke chiely to the childien on the . 11ateson on Sunday. dy Matinei, Artel Langstacfe the wveek-end. tepttinso life an-d fhow to) re- jrt. and.us. Geo, Galey and fam- 1 i Leoid iiditch spent the xeek- i Robt. Alexander uwas homie forsitC hm ndth enfisof a cJ ornto ~isiedMr.an Mr. oi it Mr. eo.Lagstff's is the weev-k-end. Chr-istian home. Thie Sundaty Sehool ke AIecander during the wek 'tr, Apslýey. Mir. adMrls. John Page, of Peter- childrn sang two slections lu a _______________________ .r.And Mis. Oghte of MWes- t bcrou'gh, spent Sanday ith Mre and very plesing nmanner witb DU4. Neil ~ ovle and Mr- 1. Vanatto, of is. m. Curiss. Stewavrt as their- leader, and IMis. TJOItU visited with Mr. adw rs!M sBet Wims.Mis e ToieWn. Jackson at the piano. Inthie D antt oer the weked. Thýompson and fi end, sp-1nt the evning the Rev. 5.Litlewood spoke va mwebers of the WI. Lat- wek-end ith Mis. o. on the power of the spirit. ThI-e mu- uouleFearerrora F th Ditrct nnal t olia i. udMrs. . Boyd d sic was rendered bythNecsl 'rn Hne is th and enjoyed an inspir- fiends are at their summer ohome Male Quartette and was greatly en- "ADVEN URES F ing iare.here._ _ _ _ KLTTY O'DAY" r. an!d Mrs. MltnRobinson 1mio- Ms iaRuhe sspending joed Conje y De eeti e St ry tred Mr. A . G . rin t n and Bill a fe w days w ith i e r mioter, Mis1LS ARrV L L A CnieýySt6ry to Ajax on Sunday mnirng on theirThorne. wvith Jean Parker, Peter .Cok- %way- to Toron4cto \'wheýre tley -left fBey- Ms ui ek IrM. iAlec. son, Timi Ryan, etc. eîly ith her gadaetwholitlup tth0ekedwthMs isK'tru 'it, Oshawa, took her to her parent! Imhme in N. Little. setWdedyat homne. ALSO MsGodnMrialnd Kenny Mliss Alice llallo'well, Toronto,ý WES OFTHEIt cs Bry grain o.hespent a fewA days with ber nmher, spefnt the wo7ek-end at homne. W/ST0FTH i a~vry gd ,rtifrngto he leMrs. d.M.Bodget at Roseneath. Mr. -*andý dMrs. borneTondd visited RK RIO DjY "ChY rmi Boa dendceorearistobealea Mr. and IMrs. Russaîl Savery and q y Mr. amind .Thos. FallsKen- to .îonoun'e te ie cram oci la i tte Betty spent Anniiversaîy Sun- dl mîth Johnny Mlackç Brow-n and retscs.Thewarcod day ith Mr. and Mlrs.' J. Gordon. 'Miss Audrey Farrow vis'ited her Raymond ilatton turnout to the supper and social Another good farmir we under- uncle, 1M Walter rowt Newcas- evening. BHI Darlington, speaking stand, 'ias ecbanoeed wnrhiMr.,tiq. ORO0NO TOWN HALL of his impressions of Italy, qu'otedan Mr.Lre adehvngsd Ms.Rcad -alwel set Saturdaythe verse teir farim to Mlr. dmorey R oinson. several days wvih , friends in Port Str yJU If I weon an aiit with noThin-lg tO do We wcolcomie Mr. an-ic Mrs, Verul. fope. l"d piint a pieture, a composite Johnson, who have taken over the Mi. and îles. Thos. Falî, Kendal, 8.30 p.m. (1..T.) . vîewv store frow cMi. and Mis. Wm. Mler- spent la'st Friday with Mr. and MIrs. Equipped with ModemrnIC.A. 0f historie Itly in whichi I'd show 1 cer. Llew. HîallHowhL. Sound Equipmnt Visions of cortast, the, high aildiMi. and Mirse J; Gover. and baby M'as. Ida Puedon, Newtonville, is Auà35; CUm.1athe îow. daughter and iss Georgna e Dar - sipeidinz<a f'ew%, days with lier son, Aduts,35c ~hldrn, 8 luiD glad that I camne lHngton, of Ajax, soenit the week-end Mr. borne Paeden. 'But .drned anxions to gO, wvith Mis. A.'ÇG. Darlinzton, Mrs. F. Wilson and frieynds. Perry- Qve l bak tothe ativs 1 i. an-d Mrs. Oughdtrd of _Wes- towvn, spent Sundiay w,ýith [Mli. ard Il'm ceady to blow. leyvihle. and Bob. 'Vanatto, of lTor- Mis. arren Ca.rson. onto, spent Sunday with Mi.: and i. andi Mis. Don Stapieion and "OLIVER TWIST" wchich wS often repeated b-y ouirs.D.Vanatto. dlatghter visdted rýecenbiy with Mr. -,- 0S Z e hR er the war was The miany friends in Kendal Of and Mais. borne To)d1d. BY hares icknlover. Rev. Wallace spoke of lis tnp Dr. and iMs. J. aneoek, of 4ol- nM. borne Paeden has 'sold hus -and- J'ontWst of the nuber of s-4a1 borne, wish to extend ,heiu "et faem to clorley Robinson and isý "A RIA P AK " akspiassýing th-irouugýh wild n'orth- ll" Sle's to Jack after lis ser- m-oving to Kendal thi.s m--on'th, ' namcf bis stny in Banff andt ouLJs ilîness.Manfrm ee teddteic AU desHaie smrs oia oF the -wild life' there where dleer i. and Mis. Adamas and famrily cîeam soýccial in Kenclal last Wed 1ne's- Ahi terstrne ee tIs cf would corne and eut from your hand are Mvis gwîh Mi. and Is. day night and aýill report a good timne. mstry o lrev le tlat in the stetOf the, radium 1lake Bailey ard cdaughtersý. We are .sorry cMisses Helen D'chieit, Normla l aI- Watchfor frtherrwheve onceneauget id of coins, tehear Jacqueline is on tes it' lowell, ll il Halloeli n1 Ms annoaUcmentDn't me w lish we had one in Kieudal. and houe she wvill soon becelaan lew ihoelattended the tos The Rex. L. B. Smith aetcd as chair- Mr.i. ndMirs. Art. C-ampelS seu tes for iss Mary Lian, New- mnadpîoveid veiy etertaining. via and Jimmy and Mi. and Mis touvill, on Wednesday nigit. THE ROVINCE '0F PROMISE.. 'ARIOS rich mi ning countryi-ý is still a hr-n ul-land. Copper CHi and Sudbury, Porcupinle and d Lake stili enice fthe couageos Woever is'ayoy irio mining has been arounid hre ... in this northern re- mninerai ud silver. Today, new suib- Ad... camps and townls iwith o thitrt is of ke-s ita. coaip --fori. ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . A CORNER IN GOLD In 1945, the province of Ontario recorded 153225 gld-m;ininlg caimis. ln epre. vious yer lu ,OO-alaries and wages _Wen't to the 10,000 people enlgaged in the provinicc's gOI1l-iining induqstry a11nd :$30,000,04)0 in nce.cpe.During die lwar the mines of the Sudbnry basm~ snplid heUnited Nations whh ail the nickel and platinnm nietalS reirdfor Vierory, yed ing 1,80,000,00ponsf CERTIFIED HIEALTH SALTS Ref reshing and Invigoratfing, helps give tone to the stomach, liver and blood, 16 oz. tin 59e. Eno's Fruit Sait...........59C., 98c. Sal- ilepatica............ ... 30(%, 59e., $1.15 Kkovahi Sa-ts... 29c, 79e. Kru-seýhen SaIts, .69e. DENTAL NEEDS M'i 31 Dental Cream...........25e., 40t. Colgate Denital Cream........2'5ec, 40c. Cue Liquid ...... ... ..........19c., 33e. Brîten Tooth Paste, Tooth Powder. ....2e Forhan's Tooth- Paste .... ..... .... ...9. Pepsodent Tooth Paste........29c., 4;5e. Ipana Tooth Paste..........29e., 4 9e. MacLean Tooth Paste ............29c., 49c. Tek Toothi Brus-hes ... 29C. Twin-Paek . .49c. Klenzo Tooth Brushes, Nylon Bristled .....50e. Chaffies Youth Tooth Brush...........25,1% IIEAVY QUALITY CERTIFIED MINERAL QIL Gujaranteed Quiaiity for Medicinal use. Are Orderless, Tasteles Ou, especially refined for internai admiistration. 1 gallon bottie......... ........ $2.60 1 quart bottle ............ 81c. 16 oz. bottle ................39e Polaroid Sun Glasses ------eaeh Willsonite Sunt Glasses, children's ........ .. --------- ......... .Aduilt sizes at....... --------..................... ------59,. gnd Agent for Jaekman Floýv,,ýr Charles. B. Tyrreli phione 68 -: Orono, On I i it. I RENMMBER CHILDREIN'S DYJLNE 22nd. We have Toyvs, etc., for yugand older eblîdren that are bound to please. New shipmlent of thiateustinBroocQhesrae lets, Neekiets and Men's Tie _H-1olderýs, Speejal-Opal (Glass Cups adS<aucers, set... Oc. Suit asesat moey-svingprîces, colorîs, b!akY or bowpriced....... ..$.3to Infant's Plastic Comds i oble Stedn'ns Floor . VarImîscr ill give niéw life to your floors, lioemsaraeec, 1-2 pii t, for....... 20c. Quart ti's...5 WAR O FLIS - Fy Cois, loison, FMy Dedl, Fly ;Spr)iay ýontabining the nwD.D. ., Fly' Sprayers,, aso 2-Way SrenPaint. Hlawe's Filoor -W<ax'forilosfriu, io lems-utos, ',etc, large 111-Jlb i .....47c. and Lingerie, pi ........ . .O Poot-Iets ih rwihutSoc fos!r foot com- for3t, ellastie top, seamlJess soles, sizes 8 1-2 to o10121, pair ................20e. Canada Dry Ginger Aie, large bottIes...... 29e, (Reflund on b)ottIes, 5C.,) mecCormick'-s Dinysoda Wafers, noýt salted, large 2 lb).bo............39ec. Hieinz 57 Sauie for steaks_, chops, etc., -made fromn Tomatoes, Onions, Lemons, Sugar, Sait and Malt, Vngretc, 8 o-z. botte.....2. Daly's Cfea sprIbed -lb. bag..... 47e Fels Nph Sa,2 baïs.........15e. sandwich Spr-ead, 'Veal &Cîkn 7 oz tàn,i teil...... .............2c Lantc JingSugar, 1 lb. boicuon...le WagtafT'sOrange and Oange Lemon and Grapefruit MarýmaladeI 24-oiz boÜte, 1 coupon 35e. Bee-Hive Corn Syr,.iup, 5 l in, 2 coupons ,ý...57e. Yorký Canne-d Bologna,,i, 12-oz tins, 2 tokens . 25c, Heinz Cream of A,_sparagus So;up, 2 tins.....5c. ORONO'U# 5c. TO $t1.OO STORE YOUTR POLILIt HOPPING CE~NTRE Motor Equipment Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Fuàrn-iture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equippied to takýe care of tjse modest funeral at ihle must rea.sonable charge as well as thie largest and Most ùex:acting Telephone .Office 661. Res"idence-,: 523 and 7263 Tc-lephone Cllect Bowmanlvihle, Ont. Private Ambulance