George looks on, a kiss bride is blown by Great Queen Elizabeth at the in Westminster of Prin- izabeth's lady-in-waiting, ýay Gibbs, to the Queen's lion. A. C. V. Elphinstone. TO FLASH BIKINI PICTURES Ahoard the UJSS Appalachian, official press ship for the Bikini Atoll atomic bomnb tests, an Acin Telephoto, Trans-ceiver is tested by Chief Radioman S. B. H-ankins, of Colby, Kans. During the Bikinji experiment, the machine, which transmits a photograph by radio in s;even minutes, will flash pictures of "Operation Crýossroads" back to the U. S. for use in newspapers on the same day they are snapped at Bikini. ROCKET 'LABORATORY' TO PROBE 1ONOSPHERE To ex-plore a region of tht atmosphere nieyer before sUccessfully investigated, tht Navy, in collaboration wth Armny Ordnance engineers, wil send a miniat tire scientific Iaboratory shooting 100 miles uip into the ionosphere aât White Sands Proeving Ground, near Las Cruces, N. M. Photos anid diagrams- above shocw thte "lac," which will be containied ini the wa rheadi of a V-2 rocket. Scientists at mxany observation posta i] operate a massive array of equipment to track the rocket on its six-minute flight aind record tht data that it automnatically radios hack to earth. Diagram aot upper left shows recording and radio titrnmtting devices in the warhead. At left, Dr . E.-H. Krause, head of t -ht Rocket Sonde Section of the Naval, Research Laboratory, makes a final check on tht instruments. Bottom, diagrain shows complete rocket with figure of man for size compa.ris-On. HERE'S WORLD'S LARGEST 'LIFE PRESER VER' aur persons can, be supportesi Sa fely on tht new type li' e raf t pictured above being Obic-. Tht buge life preserver, ý 3U feet in circum-ferece ctand weighIng 9pounsis, thtL Amy rrAir Fo-ites at Wriklbt Fic]ld, 2And will be used inmjormarine disaýýiers. I H'ghlights of the NewYl Royal *uà Tc Airic.: Thie XKing an; Qee, ol paîîied by (lttPrimce s, i is every cerA timpc.tacein i t lO fektir in Soth Aifrica nx ycar, acorn ,. ~te, lu thtIierary. Thc oylFamiiy wîllarrive îin the Batlesipi Vang .,ard Feb. 17, 1947, amd illsathoeAr24. Jews Fie Olî aws aratdfrom Russia aire fleeinig w-%y ward-d JSeothw. t e 1ùes cape inltcrii cnlt wv sof ianlt i - Semiitic terrer a',th, ltic as of et- law bais. Appro.)xîn iy \ 1,000 eis sIlyins have beein ver:ied il) the, past 10lu nhne the etoil is be- il, lboOsted Ly bandit atta(-c'ilo repa) ýt r ia(t ion o ni ý 1voC)y eperatinig on raiiwayand hýIigYwayp The Gvrnetis Severely, 'Unishling thloste perpetrting anti- Semitic acts, but thie aciivity of the Lwless bands is se widespread that it is di"icutlt te assuire ide-~ quate protection for ail. A to)tal of 60400 jewvs is ex- pected te b rptraedfr CXs âis by Auig. 1, botigPela s Sexitic popei 1tin to prxna- ly 250,000O. $750,000,000 Crop A record itrop jvaiued aj t$70 000(,000 vwill lbe hrctdfreiï tliq field(s, gardCens and c Chards of On- :aïrno this year, accrdig teHon T. Le Kennedylý,OnaioMisr of Agricultur.e. "Thtenly tig eare lti light on thit yevar s fiar is ces" Mr. Kennedy said. "preductien (eI butter is w\itini five ocr seven per- cent. ef 1)45, lbut -JIa cil l ter fai-m factors areuop,.lThlt fruit crop is most prenîiising andw will have at lata ayhg th1-is 'year ts li, New French- Presidenýt *Fereign MnitrBialt'a electedI president of Franiiice by34 Votes oeut of !54 in ithecntiut assembiy. Tht1 omunitire- frainied frein vetig after theiir sc retary, jacquei(s Duclos,anucd he -wouild net op0scBdixt Peace In China-Perh-aps Tht Chinese onînsta n-ouniced th,,t a new pactan u3db)een Signed wththe Cent ai Governi- ml ,ent fthat ~ ,id(Icihck tht strikeý ;in Manichulrit aI1' tha(t was "] step towar.. a prantcease- ire" luine îastChiiina. Strike Thi-cat Lifted Thç had ýe f a crippIiingnia timle strike lÏliedroî thtlenu try'ý, busýy arfns-e big liu- up cancclleCd exacI ot int Ablectie settlement ended the pro)loined nd selnl la rds pute eenas cune nwrcqitn their shOs and picket uns feume] Maritime werkers nmst Unitc'd StaItes ports freturned ce the liir ships a-, local uni4is ratifietht aglle Ment rtahd with theship e"m-a tor. Hwever, 0on thtepacifitý Coast, bewcen 24,000 ansd 30,0 lcughortsenand tasseciatedwrk jobs, penJdinlg rtfcainof tht contract. Plan For Fret India, Acccptante hy 1tht2CongïresS 1,; et y anid Moln Laguie 't Bfflii's pa for coalitioni in- ïieringvuetlaigt n ian inde1 cpendenIc] ýwasviw a avirtuial cù1rtaintY. Thepealn en etwti tht Coýngress Party highi conîmiand, appea red te be) cthlat thlt pa 1r 1 wolilot perit ubbigte en dangerits iogsmogh goal ofi- ers previusly had sta, dthais teit olrganlizatIiin'sapprc va coldti Utae for grante, Unlderth British pIýl, hh fiverprstaisona1-n iinterim abre. ht th four setswoldgo t îs iygroups. Tht AIi-India oges ok ing Comitteeraised thlle, to 4-f the -ihdaal 'fBIlhtop fromiudi a ncennlectioni ih h isterini go urnenetprosi f Viceroy L iWaveil. British ificai sid thti ue be a mnatter for tht eriniovern- nient te ne otiate. i TO FLY A-BOMIBER Mai. Woodrow Swaucutt, 30, Wis- consin Rapids, Wis., bas been se- lectesi to fly the Superfortress which vwiIl drop an atom bomb on Bikini Lagoon, Ht eis; stationed on Kwaja.. lein Atoll. SUPERSTITION GOLF) MINES LIMITED WTF lOR INFOR)MAITON MITCHELL & IMITCHELL STOCK BROKERS T . H ICEL J.1). CUilrlINGýHAm M. E MJCIL 60 FRONT STREETWEST TORONTO, ONT, ENDS OVERNIGHT BAKINGI MAKCES BETTER BREAD IN HALF THE TIME! AYTO UVE ... extra-fast t he-NwFast Rising Royal ...New Royal Fast Risfng lets youx do all your baki1,ng in Dry Yeast gives you bread i mith the daytime wmhen you can- the old- fashioned home baked watch thteouh . nea',d it favor your menfolks love-m a4t tht righit po-int!GCet Newý Icss than half your »ormal Fast Rising Rylfrim yolir balgtin1eý grocer. t stnys r1 tent Norsy"overnight" baking f crwee 1 on our pantrfY shelf t P-HONE W--l, 4ý41-'l (jo i-SONT STREET WFST l'O-R 0 ý,ý T eJ, G'ý ', ý,,eQ Z