WEE ES o.10. No. 24 ORO-NO, ONT..TH-UPSDAY, JULY 4th, 1946 Subseription $ 1.215 per Year ênd Concert In Orono Park Sunday Afternoon At 3.00 P.M. ýration Day Services1 At Orono Cemeteryl .lage numbter freoin Orono and ~-cmnuutyand inany ont-of-tiown eattended the Decoration Day servies, in Omono Cemi-etery on Suni- a ay afiemnloo, Junle 80th. The w\eaiher, though exrmy hot, ,,vas ideal for thne occasion. The iar.ge cemnetery was a pitumre to be- hoild.- Relatives sud friends had de- ~cm4dthe graves of their lovedl oneIs alg a -profusion of colori thouhu he cem-etery,. AiIl the lrateLenal s-ocieties of the to-wu look- KI' Mefter the ,g-raVces of their departed ~bretliren Due to the Ihot dry wea- ther 4)d the precedin'g days the grases .Vi rretiy well bumned, but ti tû detnact ihe beauty of the aud the- way ih bas been 1-owing tihe iuntiring ef- Icaetaker ihis dil - lt t the Orono cenauete.. r'tefIowe,,rs had been placed ,o .'graves, a short service -was heoId on the groufndef, 1macler the su- peviin fthe pecd -Mr. ld 'Soch hoacted as chairman. H e spke a few,vowrds, then called on Riev, ýS. Littlewood te kead nipl aer1. IRe, D). R. Dewdney thon gave the adesof the afiemnoon. The Urono 53au1d was lu attendance sudsup id the muýsic for the hyusthat -:ere sn.Th-e service mas bougbi te & ls by the singing- of the -Na- îid Lun 73 y Coppinlg 68. air apan rae 1 to 2-Doreein Copping, -PaLil tenfrr, elen Gaan Kathleen Ard, teaýcher. Clarke Union School (NainrJes in alprarbeiiceal order) -Gradýe VIT. to Grade VHh.,-Dou- Las Jlu 'Grade V..ao'Edwrsn Gr.ade[( V. to Gradie VT.rte JawuArlllene Rainey (Honj. Grade 1\V. to Grade V.-4Catherine 1GradeIo Grade IV.-Jean Bucl-1 ,oek, Ennre Siap)letoyi. Gradei. te Gradcie 11. -B etty Bnllýc'k'(on) Ronald Dorwu, Merleý Stapleton (Hon.ý). Gracde . to Grade l.Mlo Main ey (Hon.), Water Stapfleton Ber haà Cain, teacher. Wi Oronio Girls Take Three Straight Wins orono girls sofibal teain -won ibeir two gaines ihe latter part of last -woeek, when they defeated New- ionvilile- on Thnsdlay evening by a score oa 15 to 8 on the local dia- moud, then, went to Ne'wcastle on Friday ieveini-g and defeated the Newcastle girls by 12 to 10. in the first gaFime with N ewv- tonville, Enid Middleton -wvas on the mound fo r Orono and went thie fudi sevea innings, striking out three bat- ters, issued three -walks, twýýo Of which resultedl in ruas. Auna Sta- p 1e s caughit a goodi stea-dy gaine be- hinid the bat, and the wýhole team playing- heads-up baIl, making onllyl two err-ors, an exception for a girls gaine. Payne startod' on the mi-ound' for Newtonivile, be-ing repflaced i the lIast of the fourth by Mus. Stark. Payne allowed ten hits, acutn ffoilOur ruas, whi'le -Mrsta k 'gave up five bits, two of whlich wereho- ers hy Donna Wesi' and Shre MNyles. Anna Simplesasodro-ve ont a lhomneua of Payne. Thie Newto- ville g-irls had- five err'throu)ighiout the gane, with four out of five be- ing tumined inito unsý. roo-------4402 5 0x--15 New-touville - -0 2 0 3 2 1 0-- 8 Tne gaine ou Friday evening of lai week was cloe ériht to the' lasuýt of the gain-e. Botlh teains play-! ed smnart baIl w-itbvery fme eror bIy either side. Enid idlnla 1 azwl, he, ninio itc'hpr ' il R«P c!rernt, wo norie rnus durii'ig the g-aine, onie to Donna West for Orono an for Newcasle. Oroo------1 1 2 2-OCi 3-12 ORONO 22; NEWTONVILLE 10 Orono girls softbaîl teai defeat-edl Ne-wtonviîle girls teain on Tùnesdiay eveiag ai etnil by a score of 22 to 10. Enid 7Middleton wns" ou the mounld for the Orono girls and pitched the entime gaine, while Newtonvileused iwo pyitchers, S. Payne for the firsti ibvue inniings from- -which Qrono scoredl 10 runs, and was replaced in the fou'm-tb kby Mrs. Stark, w-ho gave up 12mu luli four inuin-gs. There was ouly on-e home run, being madle by Donna West for Orono. roo--------- 32 2 1 7-22 Nawcasile gils sofîbaHi teai will b-ý here on TbuLrsclauy evening. hf &rono can pull a wyin f-rei Newcas- île, ibese two teains wili ho tied for the ýleadlerýsblip of the leaglue, There ýhotîld ho lots of excite-meni for- this game, as tpese two teains always s'upply exciteinent every turne hey netL.i i i u' i incisor 1 ornado F unci1 Stili Open For Contributionsi hi isý Stil net "Go late to send ',in yeîýUm cortribuition to the RZed Crocýs appealý teý be used in the WVindsor tnaefund which is now being, sulscrbed tbroug-hout the Prov- - rce oýf Onitarie. The funds will he t;uined ovjer to the Windsor Tornadeo -Relief c-ommittee, headed by Goi. D. B -- (Erae, pres d e nt of Border Branch2i of Red Cross. Thi is for)J - -- -'ehhilitaionof famjîilles -whose homnes -ere destroyed i n the tornade -whic ston-med acros-s thie Detit river on June 17tb, levelliag do zens 'of pomes and leaviug a tmail of deaýthi aaèd le-ater in uýswae WE,,n disastor struck, the Red1 Crcswas qniek, te net. From [lie On tarie Divisin headqoiarters, a as frin the Toronto and londo n - anc h es. Conunisnsi o ner Johin A. lns'h senit qa ti of cie bing. ddufo 0d a- n mobie caieens Braniches ;ent em-ergency supplies. ForLemostinlathe' work, of memcy was thie Border Bianch iiseif. Corps meimbers drove and- irampeèî over sodden fields inu ibe dovTýpour, which w-as the aftermat'h of the tw i si er, seeking boies, a gmuesome but ne- csaytask. "Thus didi Red Cross meet ibe lin- mlediate emierg-ency". sa id1 Mm. acly."But naew comes the long-j er womk of eabiitation, so tibe On tarie Divisïin through- its-bace is instituting ani appèal for $350,000 for assac te the fa-milies iii suh-l utbnWiindsor whoýse ho1-es1 av been destroyed !b' -thetond" Choe(Iis sould be isnd o "Thie raainRedCossSociety-, Wind- sorV Djisser" anid sent te yeum oa Bi-nnicll , ot te Ontarie D)ivllioli] heariquiarterfs . ut . 621 Javis Street. -T)1-01 t, o'r lenve at W. J. Riddeil-'s batrber Shop, or O. W. Rolplh'sHa- rut1 W.M.S. Holds' Meetingi ln Forin 0f Picnic' The July m tigOf the Wna' Missionar-y Society xwis Ihe'id in th'e Consmunity Park, inpicni'c styl, o Tuesday, July 2n'd. Ih was a bea uti- fnl day and a miost enjoyabl1e and in- qstructive tune was spent. Thle presi- de-nt, Mrs. Staples presided, The mieeting opened with singinig "l'he Maple Leaf" and ah mrepating& the Lord's Prayer. 1 There was discussion on dele- gates to be sent to thie "Schlool for Leaders" at Whitby in August, one was suggested blut nlot deciided ont. The president announceed the bale had ben ent, and was conridered the best sent away for soine tim-e. i was to go to Onsllpa'h in North Frontenac, Ontario, and Mýrs. Little- wood gave a very interesting talk, telinig aIl about the miission, atO- pahad other miisý ions in the dis- trict, and the mtiss ionaaries con'neciedl 1wiih ihein. Mms. Logan, after giv- ing the treasurer's report, read i selection on ChrîstianSteardhi1 This is to be Christian Stewarsipýii year in N.'orth Amnerica. Mrs. Sta- pIes then calfled onMrs Walsh, teini- perance séeretary, to speak on W. C. !nu. work She explaied about the "ly>ile of Quarters Camnpaigu-" that is lannched in the W.C,.TU. and will end Sept. lst. The slogan' is many quarters for the temperance cause, ne quarters for the iqur traffc. She distr-ibuted coin creto omost of those present. It vas cecided that our Society entertain the Baby BUd at Mhe August meeting.lun te w-orshi.p service Mýrs. Staples read solue very inopîing thoughts on "Listeniiag- to God", and followed Vwithl prayer. Rev. Mm,. Littlewood clos'ed the meeting with payer, Twýo stunts !led b-y 1ev. Littlew,,ood w-as taken part in by m'ost of those Iprenit tn all sat down to a pic- ni'c lunch to -which they did amnple Justice. Aili retnmnied horne think- mng they had had a pleasant and pro- fitable afternoon. Mrs. Wm, Moffat SeriousI y Injured In Car Accident On Thursday, June 2-7ihrsWin. Moffat, of the dthi Concession of Clarke, a fow rmiles east of Or-orio, suffered serions injur-ies; wheni she was ran over by a car. Mm-f. and Mrs. Mýoffatii and sons Alec. nd Neafl were oIn their way to ?;et some cattle when the front of thle car slipped off the greasy road.1 The two 'boys got ont to hielp their faiher bring the car bacek onito the rond and weme pushing the car 'back wiih the fatner steering. . Mof- fat, -,ho aiso got ont step-,ped be-l hird the car. With the car being in reverse and the twýo 'boys shiovinig, the hind wheels snid&eniy gippedi into friigfrave! which caused the car to, back up suddenlly, knick-ing Mmcr. Mýoffat dwiiand rmn over bel. body, dragging hem a siaîl distance. Mrs. offat waIs fonnd uinder the! car and xas hnrmidy mshed tuo Bowma-nlle Hop ital wh,-eme she 'a iven imedical attention for sok ihenei rushed b fie OhaaHospital i for Xrays. She is suflering ,frin a broken baek . with the Cordect ih'xtugh, Ive broken ibs, a bro-ken ýoJLlar'b)one, cut and busson tie fae and h-ead, ls sonie cis on the legs. The syuspathiy of the comimunity goes ont to the unhaPpy failyini the serions inuries suffered by the wife and moener. Churcli Vacatioà - Sçbool Fromn July 810T July 1 In a vacation school the boys and g-irls (1) Wetship Goýd. (2) PIlay tog-ethýer. (.3) Leamun bible -ways draina. MVakethg. 5)Serve- others. and imiee Jnly 12t1 'Ill be C. m. growing through onday, Julystb dlayvte Fridla,: h Vcation Schloo lark St.,Unied tobgnat 9 l5 Double Weding Of Two Brothers And Two Sisters (By NewtonvilIe Correspondent) Ferlns, slnpdragons, mauive and w%,hite lilacs formed a pretty setting in Ùjnion 'United Chnrtich on June ls't, for the mà-rr-iage of Ruth Barbara and Lixs Marie, daughters of 11-. ard Mrs;. William Chamibers, Eider- ido, to Messrs. loyd George and Willam'Lawonsons of M1r. and! Mrs. Rbert Mvoriton, Port Hope. Rev. George Cr~abbe, Elderado, performed the ceme.mony. Mr., Mac. BlacKbumnr,l Edrdplayed the wýedding march.i Miss Phyllis Beatty, M'adoc, sang! very sweetly "T'hink of Me", accom- panied b(-y Mr. George Cruinof 1r onto. Given. in marriage by theirl father, the- youthiful , brides were dres'sed aliç.e in lloor-length white satin with full net sk'irts trimmed with satin bo'ws, 'styledl with sweet-i huart necklines, fitted torso lengthi bodice and thmee-quarter leagth sdee-ves, and long white gloves. Their long veils fell from.i halo headdresses forming a silight train. Tbey car- ried red roses an-d lily-of--the-valley. Mr.s. William Dowdell, of Shannon- vile, as matron of honour for Rnthi woepinik net and Ms Erma Chamr- b)ers,, of Belleville, as bridesmnaid for Lois, wore bne net, Their dresses were styled ailike aniid eachý wore mjatchig fiower hants, long gloves nd carrîied bhouqulets of roses. MWisses- Lois Nels-on in pinik shieer, and Gbiria Fleming in bine sbeer, each weargnacing caps and cýamryin1g nosegays, made pretty liitle fiower girs.,m.Ruisseil L "ùw, Port Hope, and Mr. Llyd McGaffey Peterbor-1 ouigh, iriesi-n of the groomns,! were groomismien. Mr, Ford Ghaa-i bers, brother of the bridles and. Mr.1 AlIbert Blakel,,un.icle of the brides,1 weretsers. The spacious homne of the brifles' parents -v: stastefully decoad i inn g fissus Ti in and white for the reception which1 followed.'Rceivhsg wiith the bridles'i mother, who. wore a street-length dress in fticbiia and whýlite accssr- ies,-; was tlhe grconiýls' m1other in a twoc-piece costume of Rbnsegg bine -wthfowýer bat and black ac-j cessories. Each wore a corsage of pinký roses. Thie brides' table was centmed vi'th the -weddin.g cake, taîl pin ad witie candles in silver hol- esand bouquets of p i nk and white sweet peas. Six girl friends of the brides' served the wedding diuner to eighty guests. The grooms' gifts to theirbrides cere, to Ru-th a lapel watch, and to Lois silvenware. The matron of honor, bliridesmaiid and soloGist reeeived pen- d4ants,,, the groomsmen, nshers and pianists leather b-illfol'ds; flower girls, locýkets, -and the serviteuirs, china cups and sauicers. For travel- ling to Newv York City, the brides wore brosvn tailored suits; Rt woeturquoise ac:escoriesadLs wore dusty rose. Mr. and MNIr s Lloyd Morton wvill reside in port Hope, and 1M1.,and Mils.William Mýoiton on a farmi near Port }Hope. Gu-ýests attended fromn Toroato, Port Hope, Beowmanvill (Osa-wa, Peter- borouig, Be 11e-,,iIl P, Wooler anid Hiavelock. - The br-idesý parents wr celebmatling te tt-ithani versary ofih ,eir mnarriage on-! ,ieý Maie day. Takes Position As Director 11n lasi Thursdlay's Toronto Str waýs shonapicture of Mrs. Domothy1 Burr Thompson, usife of Proýf, Ilomer A. Tbhompson of the University o Torionto's departmient of 'Clasical Archaeoog. She was a lectumer in the same department. Dr Dorothy Burr Thornpson has been appointed director of the Ro0,yal Ontario Kuseulin of Arelhaelogy to succeedca D.Cha-rles Trick Crrly,6, ho metired on Juine 8Oth, after 44 yeams of excavatîng and collecting priceless treusures of centuries past. Mrs. Thomnpson's hiusband is excavating in Grecee Pt present. Hie served four years in the Cýanadian Navy. Until recently Mrs. Thonirpson was asiing 1dmin bis excavating Wor1k. Sports Day Successful Despite Early Showers Thie Orono Chaniîber of Comm",erce1 held their regulam sports day and diance on-, Monday, July lut, with a good crowdatein the sports ini the afiemnroon and the dance int the townMbAilainigt It looked for awhile in the early afternoon that the ball gaines would '-ave to be called offf du-e to ahev down;poum of ain, bunt with th e ground boeing so dry and bot the soaked field rwas soon mready for play again. The firsi gaine of the afternoon was between N'.ewcastle an-d Orono girils softlball teains. This gaie on- l'y went to four and a hailf innings' iwheu -down camne the rain which held up play for oine good hour. By that ine somep of the Jewcastle fgirls hiad lef't for home. At t.,ened-of the fourth inuingsNe ase tean waslein by a score of 10D to 5. Orono went to býat in the firsi of the tfih, scomred thmee runs, had players, ou second and third 'with two oui w-heu the gamte w asý interrcupted. ý The batter-y for Njewcas-tle w-as, pi- cher, E". Fosier; catcher, _M. Griceü; for Oronio, pitchier, Vehina Lowery, and Enid Mdlin witb Annia Sta- pIes catching. We do not kno'w which team was dlecl-ared tue win- uer of this gaine, buit if The gaine evemted back to tue forth inings then Nev-wastle îonld lbe the wvin- rns by 10 to 5. Orono-- --------..083208?- 8 Mfter tlie .gsronds had dried con- siderably, the childrens' races wvere fun. Ai large number of childen en- tered the, coutesis vit,-, any fast tu1nev-is p4reýeut. Thb e al6Ofr girlsi to foin a race did not miaterialize.1 The second gaine of baîl for the aftemnoon wvas the hardball game b'o-i tween O0ro no andiclKendal. This, gafine proved intemesting throughout Cbe whole aine innings, sudas any- one's gaine until the lai mnwaýs ont, with the ýCore being 3 to 2 in, favor f the Orono alue. Hitting by bo'th tennils mas: very light, withl Gil-i bort, piching foi r Oono held the Keandal baiters to six hlits, the long- est beiag a iwo bagger rmade by Lit- tle.Qanr, on, thieimound for Kendal gave up inte bits wi,,th theý1 lorgesýt being a single, Orono) pull-1 ed oui of a bad hole in the seventh wvhen ihey pulled off a triple play that, stqpped the ibreat. Litile fo Kenai wason-thîd.A. -Mercer on secod, henKenny drove a hard driets econd which A.West speared ont of the air -with n spec- acarcatch,, and in tue sanie unme catchiing Mercer off scn and Lit- île off third. Gilbtem-t had aine sirike- outs, three oýf ibis total made in the second inns -w'henr the baiters weut down in order. Quantril had1 five strikeouts to his credit. Runs were scomed byv Roy Winiem 2. A.- Wfest 1, for, Orono: -'id Kenl(by b- Thcompçsoa and Eloi K 'endai ' t)00 -41 2 Police Tr Ustee Meeing The Police Tr-ustees miet on. J1une 2&th with al the m"emibers DrCeSent- After the mninutes were read andi aUPpr)Ioved the secretary was asked ri dm-w up a by-law for garbage col- leetion in the viClge and plans, wera, frnied to get the matter undler way as soon as possible. R) was also decided to set Up % by-law as far as bu)iltding rsrcin weeconcerned, t-o act ini conjuinctiou wiith the one exhiting re the buîld.. ing restrictions in the Villiage .f Oizono, The following bils we're orderedï paid:ý Orono Street iighting ---- .0 Oýrno Fire Hall, lîghts---- ----20 Wsu1. Mitch1ell, painting fire hall sign -----------------------1.4 Orono Goal & Lumîber, i'um- ber ------- -- ------- -----...... ÜOono Tiim-es, ad.----....---.-... Wor'kman-'s Compensaton .-- 74ý92 George Butters, labor, etc-.. - 20.40 -The thiird gamie of the after-noon -was the s-ortha)ll gamP etwleen New- torvllead Orono boys, which -ýri& su1lted in a win for Orono by tche Score of il to 2. Johin Lowery or, the m'ound for Oron)io w as in th? best of fo rmn . He allowed only thrlee hbit s isud One-w al1k and srCou four batters,. Charlie Wal-. kerý was, catcher and turned wn a gûeod game in ifhat postion. Jones for Newtonville, pitchedi four inns gave up thiree hits, issuted four walk's and with three ePrrors gave Oropn) tean for inr ws; .vhîle G etliek -ai- lorwedl six hits, wle one, and with on-ýe error aecomnted for seven u7ns, Orono ------------- 2 2 10 2 3-11t Newtonville - 00 0 10 10-2 The finalgae for the dfay waa, the foot'ball gainme in the evenfing b'e- twveen Clýourtice anld Orno, thlis being a i-egu jari scheduledl gaie. The i, Orono tenin played a good ganne, keeping the strong Cotirtic!e teara weil i chek, buit lost out in the: end by the close score of tIwo to one,ý. The lone tailly for Orono wvas coe by Deaun We st on, an as'sist 1by 1his brother Junior. Ini the evening, a dancewa helil in thie Tow-n Hall with Rn'ss 'reigh- toni's Variety Dance Band froin Tom-. onto in attenidance. Receipts Mftemnioon gares------- -------$ 70.99; Evening football------ ---- 14.28 Dance------..----- --------- 35.25 $1204P,8 Di- bursemeffts ... .es... 8,06 Balls---- ------------------ 15,511 Advý,tg. -.- - -4.00, Re-ferees and Lunch eU- .4 Net balance te treasumer $ 29.24 $ 9114 Promotion Resuits 0f Orono Public School fT) Grade Vhil. Clrarls Ammtronig Beùty Co'oper, John Fcrrester, J'une Glanville (iHfon.), BbGoode, E-ileen Jus Kathleen 3MeKenna. Jean IMoffai, (Hon>, June Neilson (Hlon- . 1 Kate Foster, teacher. 71 Grade VIL. Juin Bmuon.Alex. Dmumimond (Hion.), Eleanor Gýreen[, Grace Gais by,, 'BillI Hooey, Marvin Lunn, D-ny1111ý LynühC(lin.), Donald Mercer, Gwenl P has e y (HnKeith MWest. To Grade V Bill A-erm s t rong e, Joan Bm-utoni, I-tarera- Sherwin (Hon.), I Barrabal Lync (Ho),Daîvid Phasey, Doris Siniîth, Jackc Watson. -Ronnie West, Majre White. Jack Wilson. Bar- bara Reid(lon. Gwen Dameb. teacher., To Grade IV. Mary Aria Ammistr-oalg(Hn> -Marion Barrabaîl (Hlou.), Jimimy Ganmsby, Joyce Joues, Douglas Ly- ceti, Donald Sherinii TeddyWisn To Grade 111. Domeen- Alldrvead (Hlon-.>, Viola AI'mnAna Beýt (Hon.),Do- las GaisIby, Bo'b. Knox, Lucille Lynich (Hon.j),Mai Lew\visý,Dan Phasey (lion.), Elizabeth Reid? »oeaWhite Hn.,Jackie W1l liaes, June Xvocd <(Lon.) To Gradle Il. -Alec Bonultbee, Cyihbia Bruten, Jyce IBostock, Neil B: rarâa E' Ga-ry Cooper, Ronnie Cnir ?it li,dI.Prir -~I ONO