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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1946, p. 2

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SYNOPASS CHAPTER XV: Eaving larned oftnte od cain years ago, Jane gueseswhrû Mac had taken Sherwiii and soughf hIrm there. "Is 'ftî rue? ' she askedT. He fold bel Ins was innocent of kilng hos uncle. Hie fook lher 'in)bisama C}FAPTER XVI Jim Keî , ready for breakfast. fîound no ont bot 1esbouted ,o Ab Ling. "Getme Sanme CoffieL! I wonder 'where in l-ischief jase is?" he acidcd f0 himsýelf, îstl, Ihen bis niind we,ît i0te. yesîcrda3 and b, rembced ber face; se had said lttf l, Ïbut he knew brwel "Confuon d1 ," lhe ithc'ughf ýoberly, . sbe's gof a fancy for that feliol My fanit, oo: I'd non bulsires..1" bave a str-auger about, a mian with- ont credentis." H-e draliK h is coffee hlastily and ate litfle. P-anny SeweIýl' ad spoken th, day Défore oi gouug a-ay1 Steobhart, s said, %was weïll Jii did not ai f0 o fet lber go. but she wýas ble wanted 1er to noarry him oufi she w,ý.nsed fe work, îwo ore yecars. "Ridiculonis ideal' Jini gowled; "I neCce- you m-ore thaun these sick people"'She bail flot yet appearded 'nd if angwee bim fa led that perhaps she did nof want a fee-a-tete Ïust now. Hec rosm foni te table, fbusfing bis buds loto lus pockets.. and .1walked to and fro in the hia. 1He began tanbe f'neand 1mo01-,pnzzledby bus mane's absence. "She wenf Onh rba-on bhile ago." Teresa told hum.ý Juin tbough" of thL rustiers. "Whiere'..Ma? -eshot the question at J ose, who bad corne in fromn the stables wifh a mesqsage. "Gone don'n f0 t' corrals, Mecs- ter Keler" 'MiW you secMiss Jane go?" "Si, sencî.'jose reiapsed inte hi s aîe tongue. ",You saýddld for bier, I1an-p pose, Hadn't yon enïse enonigb 4o tell Mac? Joi fan. somewbhere ab)out il" "Meester Sergo afecber." jin sfared. Tisas StenbaA was alIle f0 ride at al surprised bim, but l mws a relief f0 bave Ibim witb J,,ne. Lafely, Jin bu', leit that thse grl was iîlyu ast and buose with is fen.She wouid neyer narry Max, be thought. But tHis newývs was reassuriing; if Jan(e-a dlaredevi; iider - .vOuId slow bet pace TGS sit a baîf sbickn, Ishie nuef be g d of bis conipany. Jin waiked ouf on lhe veranda and looked towards the bridge; sne nmig'hf be -orn1ing iho le by now. PIChe suosion was wvonderf, if dazzled iinfor %a momenit; dieu be savv Sfenhaôrt comning across lbe bridge, nrgiuig lis borse. 11ie was alouiel Jin w'uf haif way downvî ffbc siope f0 m-et hm "Hello, Ma le " behonfed s-Iy iousiy, "wbere' Jane?" Stenharf madc no reply'. le swung oirselfdo"- froin th salle, iookirîg baggard. - - -"Corne , -fo,- h 7, he 7saîd ahickly; f00 mainy ii about ouf huee!" Jin wliiteue; h baia stranIge ffor-ebodiug. WVithout a woar d lbe tunnriel witb .fenbart towar.d fhe h eaud once be bad f0 stead -ihe man i is feet, le was S50 Cx- haused. hcyenferci fle icsn nid hall an..Stohrffîuung iaself unfa achair, gasping. Jini tWoSIi Firnt ofinuc witbI a set face. "For GOd'. s ake , Max!cbecxclainieC.( Wb,-cre's lmy sis;tert' spesie Ouf \'Vhaf's nir? Stenha,,rf, getting bais bresfb, an- swecred wîtb cou fnury, "lSbe's w)p fre mountainside wif b Juiin drew a bard bratb, 1He wa., fuùrious, but he :ontr-l'zd hknisclf, sat dowu oni the edt of bis desk and lookefi attentiveiy at Steîîhart. t occurred f0 hum that the manî rniigbt. be ; a I ever froin un due exertion aand not responsible. "WVill yon kindly explaun yvonr- self" be siigravcly; "you're speaikung ou!ry" sister,"' "I'm telling you uothing but thse trutb," Stenh,.rt replied sfubbornly "She andi'bal a quarrel this rnnrninig. She lait me to goc out on horseblack. 1 folowed-I bal if. iin d f0 overak-e ber, tfry f0 mnake if upi-you 1under-stanld?' bie stoppeL, itinI iÀs -lips, al Juin made aln impatient gesture of asserf. Go 4n-1"le xcained Steublart did noft lookr at bliins. Fle starel at thie IbrigIt r ectanigle oi the pe door inis linger!z dIrummnel . ise arins of bis chiair. -She wý a flng way abeai, rid-, îng fast. 1 foIlowed; she didn't kriow if. P"eseufliy she turned into a miounitain t-ail sud dismounfed; 1 onlsce c-br thir'-gL fise frees. 1 got dav n off my horse and fol- lowed; 1 thonght to overtake ber on foot more easiy. The traîl <s dlifficult. t 'ascends more sharpiv. 1 fouiid if bard c anii~'sd sise got farc abead. Hall 'vay up I beard, voices sud stool iilIwasn't ai, intufinal cavesidropper." 1He drwa bard ')rea,,fi. "I saw thein --Sherwin baid t-,rl" Jiun tifhne,ýd. "Yot' mean t bat my sister, -oing ouf alone, as she offeni does, chaniced, to meet fliis --tisis convict-" Stnatlitel a graý lace-, ther(e was no doubt non' of tisenisery ilu bis cyeai. "SlIc loves h iim, Juin"1 Jin truck bis open bau.d on thbc desk. "Tbia's an initoIrablc thinig 1cr even au old iel o sav Max meict bis eyes ýteadiIy. "If's tlbc trvfb, JhimI" And then leý- addcd chcingly: "!I knowl" The sîer- passion o)f thiaf ery, ifs ,defeaft, ifs Ibifferness, carried conivictioni. For can .stant Juin, usuialil sc even temnperc.., stared nt hlmr; tisen be sworr softly suld scizced tIc lephone-receiver. Sienbart su3afebe at bis arn "Wbiat a: ý you going 10 do? Jin sbo hok-, humbin >f)f. "Get thse sh-eriff afier hhim; I kuion about weeCutier i-elh e? e btegan began fo tailk bino tise re- ceiver. Sienhlari, n ho f cît really il., turnel ani pourcd as glass of water. H1e bad ir mci t wben ,Jin fin- isi telepi oniing. "Cnlit le; It M', i\annunig's fwn hecurs agog lîeaied bis, way'; hc'll be here .oo. -Max, wbvat are youi g f0 wdo" Secnbaî .-as at the d1oor; Jini sasv that l akdstffly. "Cornýe bc lie excîslimel, you're iii, ButilSfenh..-rf n'asclînliiri ;1oto the saile again; as lie mounlted bceIlurnel a, witfe face towaLrÎs Juiin.-"Im going -f0 rmeef thle she1riffýli eesutgef awa'y tI'ts "Mx- 5 i inu wantei *0o direct ti hn isl.Even lu Fisrge lbe rýeme.ubLercl Sberwin saviug Îhum thaf firsf igbt; but St"nbarf n'as off at a gaiiop, sway- ikng in tise saille. Thse was donc! Jin furrned TURNING POINT Bit Mary Imnlay Taylor' Jesus' Attitude Toward the Law Deuferouorniy 6, 4-9; Maftbew 5: '7-19, Mark 10; 17-22. Golden 'icx.-b ok 011 arn ccrne f0o .. roy 'tise La-n' or flicý Pr phets: 1 aninut corne fi oe stroy, but un hfiifl--Matfbew 5:17. The Basic Law. Every iman's first dtty 15 f0 love Gol, supremnely,, with .l bis saffec- flou, intellect sud s,rengfh. "These ,,,crds" îvhich Moses conimr)aulc fthc children oi lael were God's words, God's worcI, laid np iu the bearf will keýep us .rotý suin n ur lives. Th'le next fhiug f0 du i wi th c$od'5 word la f0 teachi t teoiiers and espedîaliy to those fle.' whornwe are psrtictlar rspnsblour owni chilireu. -we should ont only teaclïis i but e s,ioi teach if wifh diligenice, earnestniess aud care. The m iosi' iirportanit part of a chil', eduicationii s tlise cucation rcivel luiil.'.C home1. The Rich Ruler The rich in w ,ho came 10 I Christ n'as eager te'low tlie truthl. 11e n'as an.lesd rever, e forlbe kucelel beCfurc Christ. 1 n'as tferly s3inccre- for lhe balý kept fIe Law, outwardly. H1e bad livecd an lboneLat suduprighî if e, sudc nouie couldý accuse brnof pub- icyviolating? any of thie Teni Coin- inulnt s This ynutb loved bis wealt',h for if brought hirm iuxury asud power. Bt ble -wan5s assurel of eter- uial lIfe. Chirist pubs hum f0o a sev- crc test, sayîug,, there is but onue thling f0 do, sacrifice ail your eairfiîlyposesinsfor the sakc ofD thie poor sud I iayiifesue) Test of Loyaity The youngiipnsun xasasakel f0 ive Lthe 1n i he of, caseý, uxur-y sud lpowvcr behiiioJl isian sd f0 take up tlbc cross, thie tyIbclofinI sufer ing anid srrn' isd fliwChrist, lnutthe pathl of self -Sacrifice. Tliseý youthb's cro;ss .wnuid be vol- uuntary poverty; bu, t ifvas taon isayfor iun i fIt.1He cold - not carr, if becý:.ust lbe n'as weighied dev.n wifis bis ;goîl sud riches. So hen'etaaýVy grieývel, fr fbe -nva S 1bopeful tatChrýist wýoullaswer Ibis quiestion'wa shahI '1ho ithatI rayloben tcfr lual hie?" f0 bis onusatisfactioný. H1e "welt iaway grieved" al we leel that tbbc beartofnI Christ 'a grieved alan. TABLE TALKS".. Substantial Salads The homre econorniizsaof the Consmer ectofnIthe ,Doiniion oea fnetn Agricltujre arc sug- gesfing re!-cîpes for salis suiclis as these: Lima Beans Salad 1 Clips cookel lma beans _')tabiespoons c.Iopl pfj arsley 4 tbeso n ayonnaise / te-aspoonuCurry powlder 114' teasponu ciipoic CombDIi ima beans asud parsley. To ..ayonuriise adi tise curry sudf cliiljpwdrblend wllAil fo 'beisand- l" ix togethier lighftly. Hanci cooked eggs and radishes mi-vay ala be srved wifbtis salaI. Vegetable-M\eaf Salad 2cuipb hpplcookel mecat 2 ontcchoppeci coarsely 2or 3 radishecs,cope 2 tablesppoona choppedpase 1 Ccup cioppel uume cn4 p coplgreeilni olo '/2 teaspoon vin egal Pickles or a srallununt of grated cheese (ii) lmai beadd osubstivtuel s wsc. hssalad gvsany ntumber 'Df variaâtionls ac- corlîng f0 wbjla iusel or onuîitted. 'CA upchoppel green ionions icun siiced or sb'redýdedj carrots ibunchi radishecs, about 2 cupa lJeffuLcecnt Îinpiýces3 'Acup boïled dressinig raw To cooked umacaronli add green onions and boiled desn and mix tboroughly. Cool sud chili for at ieasf '/2 bour. AIl carrof s, radislhes and lettuice. Toss ighýtly but thor- oughly, Serve 0on wbole lettIuce leavesý. Six serv-ings. Basie Boiled Dressing icnp MLl i easpoon sa]'t itablespo-on mutstard 2l tablespoonis flourIî ý tablespoons suigar- Few grains -qcyenne1 2 egg's 1/2 CnpD výinegar Heat milk ini doublebilr Beat eggs unil very filibtn add dry And now its sumii-r . . .the hmof mwr is l.eard throuLgh- ont theind 'i. efragran-ce of new mo-wn hay f ills the air bobolinkçýs sug thie long9 and thýe early chiickeiis, arecail patting on ths',tt extra flesh whiich brings theruey ,,veryc v a iffle nearer f0 theýir inecvîtablce eud in the frying pani. I arn sitting by our front don- that is, behiud if, 50 that theo screeiiing protects mne froin any files and mosquitoea tbat, may be boverung arounc-and froi whicbi part ialiy îd:en vantage point there is rnuch to seesudhear Just nom, a planle, flying low, zoomned ifs wajy westward t gives oî.. a comifortable fe.ling Io know it -s ont - p2acefull missio)n and not on1 a practise flighft for nî1timlate destruictioni A cat-bird is ciis~f rom the peplar tee.A ca-nasi ,', nbeliev- ably ylofitis froin shruib f0 sbrub; a litte i-ciri is very bjusy on t lie Iavio, and somnewhlere aroui-d flie cornier a pair of cedar wawings are ciing cheerfuflly. i hiave- been wa",tcbling the aies of th-ose saiewxw sfor over wceck. Younsee 1 -ait tlinshead of an old cdust niop throuighIlle wasb aîid fo hasten thle dryiing Iput it on top of' thde chieken lpen roof in the bot, sun 'The w-axw:ngs sbouight tbat was thie real McCoy, Thec tough fibre sfrings of tle 1-10oi were jusf w1bat M\ommiýa ordered W~ fne ber neïýstan ofbey cone back fume affér time, wn ings lttr Protection ingredieufýis. Add lbof îilk tand ce- mlg as ýf f0 give thleili greater strengfh as they tug vigorously wif h thir ,harp beaka f0 pull pflic turu f0 t double bolIer. Cook, stirring uintil Éfhîckencd; then stir fin vine-gar veryslwy Cookc 2 m31inutes longer. long ilhreads loose from n te mop. Froin whiclî yon may gather thei 111op)is> stfiloni the cieken peul rojof. Thaf,,'s rigblt-it is. If had pïractically onÂtliveýd its uiseflniess anlyway, and I arnm etinygetting more satis faction froîn %watcbing fli c ax-îings at work than 1 would ever f1lidin pulsbing that saie 'mop1 aronndl the fl(oors. Now whatelse i threto sec., Oh yvus, tl'ere are somle vweeds (;ver there tafhave goL Pa-rtues wor- ried. NIdon'-, mean chiC!cory or thisfls-we hve gof past worry- îng abouit thei. 'Thîe two' weeds ï refer fu are "Stinl- weed" an mu,1stard Mustard is one vceed wu have neehad very -much of on; iihis farm, and stnwedjot at aIl! until die last two years But we saw pleFty of àfoufWet-ror to our i rrowv-anid kthtreason we are worried ebout ài now labecause if mutch où if gets Ïîîtu Ontar-o piasturîe fi-ddsand îb, Cows Caf if, tben if will. talint theC .Onit Wet eçi "suldcrean, al the thurne ai(lnd mre than on)rce we liad a cal. of cr-eair rejected becauise oDf Ilsfink,-weved tain-t"'. So of course you cani quife uîîdrrsuand %why Partuer is disturbeI)çd af ifs some- whlat suiýdden appearauce here in The inexfthtiing i-wdid lif get here? Wll, f .x,'re w can't prove auytbîg-but we sopeet a lot. For thiÀs reason: thbe ony place wbere we find stîikw ed and lmusfardl grùowinig on- oui farin is whlere 1 fred for thse chickenis the lasf fwo ,years. And r- \--NEW Faster Acting ROYAL EndS Overnîght Bother-Risk!1 And thse ridli, home-baked flavor 'of bread baked withl New Fast Risung ROYal Willî make youir famlly brag about your baking more than eQver. You get 4 packets in each carton of New' Fast Rîsîiug Rnyal-4 large boaves f0 a packet. Stays full-strcngth, ready for Immedi- ýtt e use, for we-eks on your nantry shieîf. A-, our grocer's- nowv! Gawendoline P. Clarke ofIGiN GER FARM * Uncie Wilie asmall buasiness- man, Sol d t ock, stoc-k anld bar- rel. HUe promptly reinvesteo bis inon-ey in a sukfarmn. Upontai- ~ing possession of. b iis nwl,y ac- quired bulsineýss vnueUnice WiIeis sulppos;ed to ave s3akÎý "Now rnabte goverl'mlen iail keep its nose cont of im-y 1busin1ess7 the grain 1I was feed1ng Uwas Wesàï ern wbeatl '£bhe conclJusion we wr rived at is obvious, ln casée 30u are ,intertsted-or .alarnied - stiukweed has a smalb white ,cnster of blos-mis verY siilar to that of Sheptterd's pnrse. The seed-pods are, flat, alniost bear-sbpca quarteý f0 three- eighfhs of an iinch across, and form during th niontb of jnne. 1 suPppos. the weed bas a botani- cal naýine but we - ver heard it. Il wva.s aiv.ays ' "stinkwced" - a vulir but descripti-, naine 1n- deed. The SI, Rogis liotel 4oc n il llephouje * iG2e1,50 ns, - $2bi,,5-50 as, v GrniFod. l)itl aînd >n. HOTEL METROPOLE Ml B1eautifully Furnished With Running Water Rates : $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION N EW Fast RiSîng Royal is hiere!Th modem bhaking ,discovery that lets you do aIl yoaur baking in a fen'w hours . . . by dayuJighf! No "setting breal", the lghit before-nio akîlng disappointmients because dougli spoiled during tise night when theklitchen tem- perataure chiangedf. Nen' Fast I*f'*. Rolyal le ready for actîin10 S .qlter lt's dissolvel l in t"

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