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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1946, p. 3

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Pr ~bI roemil Cavalry crh;,t: dn' i1keý thie Iook of the horse' head. sir." Sergeant (1,011't wOrry u'Ison 1ge't ovelt11tt He'D o h.-,Sarn ç- hoig you wouh benscifislt tnoig igive youir lttelstei thef iargest picu of candyI.. Wýhy, e. en, fat old hý--will give a1I l te nicest i l'ies to bier littie chlicks ai' tak ,nliy a tinjy ofl, .ce ili a hl for hers"i." Johnniiie (af1er watchlilg tie "Ici hien for a wl1 i- i) ::>'XJe1l mmi, 11< do 'Ille satil thing if il was wrms' Dog Collctor "Wilat s1 tof a(Q is he?" "Asnt:ooi " "But ali ol,î s ':olllec- Mor of insemm" Hard Times Th~esesa..s ,o ,yn letue art Meatrit m..eMd anmibraru s at the Other" saidi Mrs.Andrews ~es, l da, replitû the buit 'cher; "ilthsehar imes t is difficxilt to miale bot lu endeu ea. Anythinig New A businessnmai, asupýset be- use his nlew typisf was laIe.Fum ghe saiti,;as she finally carne b: l'shoufd it hve been here at she asked. "What hap- Could be Managed "Oh, porer,exclaimedcthe ar youing thing, "does this traini go, lfirsi or the one on lapýtformCï Numiber Four ?" 'Numher Four, miiss," replied, thie porter; "UtS due off in a mwinute, hut dfyoia mn you'1lcatch &t' "Yes; but have 1 go tîntime10 un over there anti miss it ndtheni icorne back and catch thlis one?" -l'il) going f0 kiss you before 1 go," saiti the yoinng mati o had ourstyeti biswelcome. "DE ifs o i l Ae im CCi yng"rep)Iiedl fhicgirl, weazrily. la For. Awile jut fter his convitiu dte ý1on put nup a trOfg plea foir - ou cati sec, your hOnor, hie , witb a Whîne, " -111 realiy È i11and u. But the jutgc had Phard that S toDry SO offen before2. Lookingý, Over bis Ipctacles, hie repfliet: "N'O, you mnay bc downl, but youl're no of-ot for six moîths- anyway." He Was First Buyrar(otin ut a wcll- kï.enownmi ioaie):"Hw woulid you ike f0 be in hfisshe" Seconid Burgiar:"Isn A Mtýddler The iister i dhe Higland hamiet had no more ardent admirer than ot Jean. As he ihutnered forth denuinciations of the sins of, irmorality, lying, drunkenncss, fher mens wcre hcartfelt. One day he turned h'is attention tu a habit ofPipe smoking among fut eider womer. O1(l jean left itht' meeting firmaly Chifchiug lber pipe, "can't do itb preachiers whlen rneddHing," she saisi nîeddiLg," he aisd. sinen Choose A shipwýrecket sailor who' bad spentfive ears on a desert islan mas ..vcroyet ont day so set -a toip trop anchor in the bay. A srnall boat eari-e ashoren and an oi- ficer lha te Ithe silora;ibundie ol aewspaperr "The captaun sugg-sts," he bld the sailo.. "thaf vonreati wat's going on in th-, world andi then let ns know if yon wnt,, be es- cueti." World's Shortest Novel The followving, taken from 2 petty csxok is smuly thie world's shortest niovel: Adverit. for typist, 2; ftypist's salary, .£2; flowvers, ,s, chocolates, *7s6d; fypis's salary, £:-;> sweef s for 'if,6di; Wnne alary, £4; dinner anti theater foti- niiie and self, £]010 s: fur coat for %wife, £5;adt. for maie typist, 2s. MHIS CURlOUS WORLD EXPERI MEN4P4uiNKSE'S IIM E.F UP ON iis FEE~T . -ÈAINS BAÉANCE;ANI 1 IdEzrg LE65 1'PER CONTýRôL., fu ls T1OME- WHAT PlCON ey.go [orALN<W4 10 DOPL Bv Wiliam Ferguson stANS CgAMiN6 ApouiNb womrE.Ç ýft mcYE tH ROOMIT WA5ýi4rIEAIPLY HA3 EPcN A U7L- TE SO m4RD M iE tr iiuGNTOV.iCNFDENTSm5 ST WO,'ULD 2,E LEcaiS SUPDF-NLY BUCIKLE. 111E. W1ONG WAV PEEL SUPE OF HPl~F tV fLCGl«e AT- FIOOP. FArý AWAY THE SPORTING THIN-eýGI THE SPORTING THING "Goge Rôli over. Yo'Cv C been iying ül on your ack for the iast two nmonths!" MeA RzC hG 0 r 5 0 P H115 LL G 'D AS 1E LP QIEXLV TO ro IOp.rEELS HORIZONTAL ,l Depicted is ïinsigne o! - Squadron 33, U. S. njaval aviation 7 Its - are alwxays ready for action 1.3 Roundied I4 Perish 15 Dry 16 Carry (col].) 19 Lath 2OJurnmp 0onone foot 21 Anesthetîcs 23 German river 24 Possess 26 Sailor 28 H-elped 30 Stair part 33 Symibol for samariumr 34 Morindin dye 35 Part of "be"' 36 Rough lava 37 Extra Z9 Birds' homies 41 Essence (ai,.) 42 Obtain z 43 Vehicle 45 Rare[ 50 W,'inglike part T 53 Operatic solo 55 Type of molding ,6In bed 57 Fnsn tool 5 9Dangle 1 61 King's home 62 Vi ct imS0o! leprosy i - % À 0F VIHE PRESS I "z Brifons Stili Strong The EmiÀre rnay be weakened, buf not thceBritish people. There! are many whio believe thiat theý ýPost-war -generaition w vill be more enterprising and resouirceful thian their fathers. etîl the British are the best risks in the tvorld to- day-anti the only s-trong compe.- fitors in dhe busineuss of: making the dýe1mocratie system work. -NwYork Timecs. Reconversïin Hint A mutd suggetion Lect's forget ail, about, "reconv\ersïin" anti just let's go back f0 -work. - VncoverProvinkce. Corne East, Young Man emel Iljr Ltheoit hlarvest £ex* cursionis? RememIIber the traIins that pulleti ont for the prairies, otefue rolling plains mad thýe ,wheat fieldis and the big meails and b)ig talof the west? That was a long imiie agi>, triend, a long lime ago. Now itS in re- verse. Thiis year Onail as a bumper crop. Our fieldss are rich wvith the good things of the earth. They ha2ve eveil called for 25,000 atitij- tional mlen fronI the west to help gathier in the hairve-st. Corne easi, ongman, Cone east. -1I-Iriltouu Spectator. 46 Cenlter 47 Symbol for silver 4i8 Music note 49 Prison roon- i51lLookasnc 52 Addends,< 54 Wine vse 5ý6 Swiss mountainl 58 out of (prelix) 60 Wh-irlwmdýc VERTICAL EA , 1 Chief god of R L Memphis P o-T 92Aircraft P PE 7 L0 C 3 Camera. stand L. E TA» 4 Crimson AL-A A SOvertime 1. iv (ab.) 6 Native of 21 Without end Latvia 22 Unusual 7 Equal 25 Has On 8 Nine (Romnan) 27Gi'sam 9 Lord, Privy 28 Onager Seal (ab.) 29 Litile demon 10 Lubrica tors 31 Dine Il English street 32-A byssi nian cal Prince l1l Hardens 38 Antenina 17 Exclamation 40 H1orse bara 18 Symbol for 43 Fish Discouraging Wheni you thik you're over- worked, just thinit of the- busy bee, in order to makýe a hioney crop> bees fromi a gnod colnny muîist visit uip to 520,ý000,000 flowercs dtrin-g the season. -St. Thlomias Timeis-journaI. Logical Everthint of ifthtlis way? The less foodi yuiwasi te, e ss fooý-d youl bniy. The food oudoli't buiy is aivailabie for bulksbmet0 the hunilger zon-e. -Stratfort BeDacon-H-erald. I'~UN~U~SPRAY A remarkable new contact insecticide sPr ay with treendous",Of lin poer ^gasn-, apid , efrhppes.,ea býugs , thip,ýslan der nertak house lants nd cetaintyes of frut stok An excellent replacementr in many instances for nicotine sul- phate. Lai oz., 5 oz., 16 oz. and 1 gal. sizes. *Trademark Rega. AT YOUR LOCAL DEALER By J,. MLLAR WATT MUTT AND JEFF- HENCE THE EXPRESSION-"ýTH-E POOR IH REG'LAR FELLERS-A New High in Reading \1 1, . 'j By BUD FISHER By GENE BYRNES - - 19 An.,, la Pwefoux puzzle lU. S. Navy Air Unit EIE O~~ -IEIF MAI IE 7F4MM lA t Lo L FL a , ;w 1 i --ý i 75 i ý &- 1 v 1

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