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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1946, p. 7

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SICES ITII CHICHi. STARTS %vith gattsng bîlds ofknw fine dîgTop) Notch cîcshave a folk, "'b corneback ta us "re "Cpea t' ordrs gi-ni and)( l pi 1. That us baý%w >vakep l), -esAil aur- breedars ;areGv erumntie Approved and bodetd P'rscas greati' rdcdfor .Jul> '. Prompt deivipy on day aid, twa and tHrne week aid started chtcks, Aeigýht week t aigpulliets. Top, NatchCiknis ulpOt able breader o! barred rockýs, Biood teýstad b>' tube metbod. Excellent !l>ing cmiMixed 1e. ullets 22eU, FHatcllingail ,l rouig h Jun ie. 1.0 0 booke as trder. 1Rýingl Cornler ouity Fam, NrthwodOnt, WE'L111 L HAVE SUNMER CIceKS aviai.Thie mnthand Auguet. 1laio1ds. 1Pulatýs, non-sexed, coe:k- ere1 ConUtac't uS0soonfor pricesr kreads available, eieydts ýn gat yuriorder tn. Ba'Rt ~,1310 Jolbîu N. Hamliltonl, Ontairia. WHJEN YOITSTART W T WED- jld e Approved chlicks yoUu ae -givioig y-oursai eer chance . ta r-eap a fine(oi, And whlat btter timne ta start tbem t1han 00iw , or ta fil la the gaps in yonr flock wîth!)ex- ~tr Tediechickçs. The eahesl igbittfor, rantging sL oiio'l! needl leýseomecilfeed aod the, de- inand for, bath poultry and e ggs urmesta b n e ptoalystrong for ialong tîme taornme.Pomtd- livar>' ont ail the popitpre bresand bybrid crasseýs in. nonl- yexed pullets or cacke'eis in day aid. two and tbree week aid start- ied ieao pulets eigbit weekçs aid ta laying. send for reduled picliet1 for July. Tweudile Ciit Ifaeer lmtdFerguis, Otra LAKEVIEW CHICKS Seiaized Breeding Plant 0f youir arder fror June end Wut thlbscaýrcit'o! leat. wil býe a big deman for'il r>' anrd Eggs this Fi and er ant Patt ract i veP pri ces. Il psay you ta [,ut in aneýxtra o! cicks Ibis year. Dellvery - Wth a ca-pacltyý ),000 Lakhaview vbckveek- e eýxpect we dan give prompt r>' but ta ho safe, book order ant ases for June, or -- Large Type ie Leg- SusseKx xLeghorn, iRock xý orm, Legbarn zx New Ramis. d ilý"e., puliets 201., cax .6c. i ive ry. . ruWî t VoilSand evtn:îu this ad. Large Wbl1,te Leaoriîs - Day odld and stanted up1)ta 4 weeks ai1d. Lakeýview Legbannls are the large type, mnated with cockereis froni BId. stock - "Rleai Egg Mcie. 0Qesd for MWeekly LiI --a!fepeclail Jprices 0on day aid chIek, pÏuiliets., and cociçerels andi starteti cblcks,. imue, JUI:y amI EaUnl late.Igetd- Baak yonr arder for June, Jul>'etorFalil aeks old in mals>'o! the i- jîpure breede 'a ild hybridl 'res. IJilmadiate delivar>'. èkdfor speai price!ilt. Tweddle 'Chi(,ck athaii iited, Fergus, LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS Lgrnpuilets 21c. Ali l reeders double bioodteted and baeked b>' hihpedign'eed foundation istDckç. Mari>' Rurondale customiers repart best cicke i ever ad.'W'aiter iMarcon, Dryden.,.- We were well pieaeed with 01Q pullets WC re- ceived last yeýa.r. Pulets lai-d weil. Heavy Breed Pullets 1 7c. Sussex x lN, Hampi., Rock X New llamnp., arrd ockzs, Pure- Suesex anld New H ampehire puilets 17C. P'ure Suseex mixed île, Sussex zý M. Hamp., Rock x Hampr, Rocks ndC New Hamps. mixed i2C. sus- seýXx x eghiorn, Rock, Lm br atnd Leýgbarn x ,New Eamp. nmixed lic., puilete 20e. Assonted puilets 15c., asnted mixed 9c. (Cockerei andstnte lrices on request. Orden fro nsd entclose Ibis Ad. $10 per 100 deposit. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, London, Ont. batherad with day aild clk s, w"e twa aniid Ltree wveek au1id started chidke in non-xed. pulets 0or ) eackereie.Aiea daiy aide and gb e'k ta laying pnîtets. Send for- iedniced rieia.Top) Notch Chick- *rienelhOn1taio,'j HEAVY BREED PULLETS 1 7c. useSusseý'X x tiamp.,Rok. Hamp,5 ew amsp. 'and Barr ed Rock pullets 17c. look yau'"ir order NOW\\. $l.tî0 per 100 diepait-. Order from thlis Ad. iuodl Cbik iather',London, Onlarla RELIABLE CHICKS [Barred Rocks>,, , ç9, .71.Ilump l)X iBf. f1025. STAUTED CIC , up t 'Vecaks.Sussex, Barnd Rocks, beruOnt, DYVEING'AND ULE*A-N1NGi RAILVE 1 0U AS V Hi ING 1%EEIS Oyin r cleaning? Write ta usfo informnation. We are giad ta, anawer yaur questins. JDepa rtmnent H. Parkeýr's Dye W \orks Lipited, 791 Fnge Strmet,Trot, nti. FOR SALE UAR'E'IR - NEW 11BOOK. Copeedatla -onlfrazmînlg s stairs, roofs, tru.sees, uiteiar and exterlon finish, A mine of informi- ation lfor thlOse nterested in con- strut,ion. ,Sent pastpauid, Tredol- lasMtaiterprint <opnTr ta 14, Canadla. voR sALE, ATTENTION FARMERS For Sale: RglrTatrTires, lug treade, suitableý for botingý on stee whelsfront whels- $ 5.t0 ehrear wheels -- 10,10 eh, Fý. 1 . . To ron to. WheJ n orýdering, stat e Iheight1 and 0wý ith of VWhIleel., Natona 1Ruber Co, Ltdi.,5Wlt shîra Ave.. Tar.iiont, Ont. AOUITS0FTHTE AIR. ROLL.ER pieos tat roil. $7.501 pair. B. R. C. Club, ý 1103 Highland, Windsor. ELCTICBTORS NEW. USED bogt, oid, rebuilt:, belte, pulleys, brse. Allen Bifectric Company' Lt.,236 uffenin St., Toronto, Ont. FILES Compleýte sets of 50 neconditioned filesi now aalbe from 6y - 14"; neungfiat, hait round, square, round. etc.: rough_ and smootb, $8.010 par st FO.. ontreai. RECUPETOOLS (f,1ý&MEASLT. 122> de ulig otel Pointer Kennlel, 1579 YrkSt,, Winds'or, ont. "FOR SAIE GURNSV 3ULL, ith pd*-iree, neady t1o srv:aise a grade he ifer, dueAuue Care 11,0hai, R. B. No,. 2,Glnodtai, GRlEAT SIIO<)TING DOGS. IMIT- tanisanelpupe, Rgeee.Will hunit Iis Eauý1. Cas -oKîi ing- ston, ont. p)OWeî take o ff and star1,t er, 45 horse poweri, 1-ac red x- cellent condition., 1,0. .C. Coke. 25Ontalo cSt., St, Catharines, On tarin. Vsîke ill op7erate Orn eny fne pijieý nsalto.Single Unit wltb SI) lb. caai>, statinlees " steel Paii, andvcu pum3ps. Boxý 113, Ter- 20 URERED FULYACCRED- Ite, yungvaccinated. Gene cco, s6 fresh. reitfeheigf rosi Jl' to Decembiler, 11(à a few bred puïrebned hier yearllnge sudn e r.B. Z, Ganford. REGSTEED NGLSHSETTER pue, n onthes. Trice-s aind pdge on \Vet.W.M. Ilemilton, Foster, Que. made and sold. Vaist market. Fr miula and sales plan On'le Dollar, De- taIllefree ryto Proc,(ýts Co. SNACRUZ7, cal. UHE NEW IMPROVED HAY DIVIDER mower Wiol reple lp sul> neeedtofork ha>,' behîilcndmwer in h!eatvy rae.AIea ,save timne, asc there ia, an ciogglng oaf knifa or knife gad GaatedstisfaP- Mfgr and uistribtor for, Caýnada aind 1.SLocal 1spare iiime Agente Wýanted]. A. Arb>ie. Bristol, Que. LARGE DAIRV FARM 1IN VILLAGE 85 miles from MoncrtreaI. 40 hleaid o cte.Large quanit>' timrber cpu adwood. Prîýce 3,0.0 o 9 7\Ad Vld ., Toronta. RANCH-FARM - 200 ACRES $510110 areps cieaned, 30 In grain. Blnetimiber. Good bildfings5, RosaOnt. FOR AL -I COUINTY 0F DUF- feria. 200i acres dlay l9aam, well cul- tîvated. ex1elent fortrcto ue, wetfanced1, 15 acres bush. (Good buligdouble barn, well sald dr iving shdkouse setamn pic- ture'sqýue ,lawns, hedges, and', or- chiard. Water ln house and brl Hfydro aý-vailable. On gravel r'oad .1 miefrom c0untY lrad ad school,; Smi les from ,tawn, 60 miles,ý north- west of Tor ota AppI>' T. E. Fr guon . RN. ,Lurl.ntra A NUMOER 0F GOD 100-AtCRE farme with fbydro, _good buifldings and also bilsh on these farme: a nubro! 50i-acre farme 2100and up1, a numrber o! 100-acre tarmis $3,00 sudip, ia fnumber a! 150l Und 2acefarme $1,100 alid pi; these farme bav ail got good buiildings and aLso somne wtLb bush and biydr'o. These are aIl good value that ehould beo pîckcd lup at once. J. C. Long, Rea-Etae rokzer , Brussel, ont. Robarteonmetbod. nrmtion on regnet rgaring lasss. obert- son':Hardressjng Acadlemy, l11 Aývenue RFoad, Toronto. YOU jCA1N NOW GIVE OURtSELI' agenluine crame cold wave emn en a ome. Riesulte guarainteed for ovl'soft nturial wavee Ini 2 to 'i bo, AChiic Deluýxe Cremie Cold %Valve kit, cantaîlns idenrtical Ig dlkilntesused b>' an>' beant>'salons fo-r csl'creiniecold t gives tIle eslt you watnt. deep, iog-atigwaves and urie, so) lutssf t andintrliolg Easzylas ptting your !bair, in curi-- are. Complete kit with fuIliinstruic- tio)ns, $35 ft not obtaînable at our local ru or cosm-etic caunoter, eed psa fote to Cana-,dla n Baaut Craf Ca. 34 Dns st. E.,1 HELM- 1%ANTIA) EXPiIII% ED ARmi{ANDl, SIN- gle, for well eqilipped daiiryfa. Harold l IngLam IR.R.4, George- 311,01CAL NATU&RE,> BELl' - DIXON'S RE- me1dy foi PRbeuma)ýticPanNu- tiz. Tn'ousands pra1;iingi.Mnr' Drug Store, 331')lgtnt attaa. Postpaýid $1o.0. STOMACi-,('1AND THREAD WORM1LAS often Iare thelscause o! iii health ln huimans, ail ages. No one immune! Why 'flot find cont if this le ,your trouble, "interesting particulars- re! rteMivenley's Remedies Spcialists, Toronto 3 ARTHI 11, EC7EMA OINTMENT. Try it. it works. Arthur's Eczema O)intmienlt; one of tbue most effective onmnsknown for the relief of eczemna: 50'c., 9c and $1'.751. For in- fo;rmatýion write, Charles Arthur, 82 Spuc ili Rd., Torconto, Ont GOOID RESOLUTION - 1-VE RY suf oe f Eheumatic Pins or Neuritis should try Dixon's Reýme- dy- Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin. Ota.Postpaid $1.010. M1USICAL INSTRUMENTS USICAL ISRMNS RE- paired and rfnseVoie Uke- lel e, irty epird.Miorre- paire on 1Banjos. Mandolîns and Guýitare For. paritic-ulars iWrite A, FRDAItODi)1NGTCON BUYS selle. exchangee miusical isrs mnite, 111 Chutrchi, Toronjto 2 OPPORTUNITIES lORlt IE BE1_ A HAIRDRESSER JONCANADA'S LHADOiNL( IIOOL Great Opportunity Leair- Hlairdressing lasntdignified rofession, good wage,,husanide uceeflMarvel grauatesý. Amerpica's ýgrýeateet sysl- tem. Illu1strated catalogue free. Write or c'ai] SCHiOLS 35K Bloor St. W.. Tz-roito. Prancrhesý: 44 RTin'g St. Hailtonu & 74 RideaC Sret Otaa PATENTS FETHRSTOHAT7H &coMP]ANY atenpt SOlicitor's. Establls,13ed ý190: 14 Ring Ws.Toronto, Boiet of finformation on reaneest. pa>'-. Send for Free Details. EaiL. Powell, '2705 West Olympnic Boulte- va,Los.Angeles 6, Calijfornia FIMS DEVELOJPED )21j CTS. GA ranteed one, day mservice. NOWAT l1\G. Ba>' Photo Ser'vice, North tlay. TIME TESTE» QUALITY SER VICE and SATISFACTION your filins propjerl dveopd Pri nted or SR EXP0SURE >OLL."; 5c, R'EPRINTS, 8 for 2.5c. FINEýST ELRIG SRiE you ma'l ,not -get il thoe ime yu ws'nt thise2earbuit you cao get al the alt and service vou desire by Sending your filmis to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVIýCE S~ain1, Toronto. FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS 1n1V fou-6 or & Exposuresî. DEVELOPED AND 2RN 5DIC 3MOUNTEL. ENLARCLMENT>' 325c Size 4xG" bin Beautifuîl Rasel Mounts EnlargcMemet 4s on lvory tibnted mo1unts; 7x9,, inGold, SilîVer, Cir- cassian Wlntor Blacie Ebony finish ,frames, ')c each, if enlarge- ment colo0ureýd, 71,c' each.ý FerNtsyeade From eýyoar Negtivs lc.Each elPT 1 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Bx129, Posi1 Offlee A, Teruàt o Prini Neme amikddressPlaboly. ACME QUALITY & SERVICE liai dvlloedand 8 Pprinte 225c_, reprnts e. ach,4" xCi nlarge- mente sM onlted in attractive tfold- ers 21 for- 25,2. Work and service Stu. R, Toront2, TTA ESCOLLEC TRSNT EE 1,45'ditff1eant stamsp1,Vgood vlueOt Býeardmilorereuiestwo ifemate teachrs, ih musiec (erti1ficates reed, salaries$i400Ste nine iof presenlt isetorptoN.p W Cresîmn,1 Saratar', B nrdmor, PROTSTAN TEAIIERFORU5,Q No. , Dyto. Aply eaigsalary and qaiictosand phoe num ber t enr aeo, Scy wan11teLd for SS.o.6villageo! - Quaevile pd xtenjsion BruItce- CLA SSIFIED ADVERTISING Quieki Stop ïitlingai >net bitas, hatra!, aczema, bvepimpýlescles, s12 cabies, thae s foot and oth'er externill>' caqsedskiii troubIles. Use uuik.ating sothia aaisaptic DO. . staps or >'our roeybck or dggieî cmiapick-uip atcinn tandl- 'nia lad prjie.;Box 10Q, 73Adel- ide W., Taran1to, Onit. BanxIed RoksNewHapsbne.( Wbite eghrsan>' age IronM weeke upta aig odpi p'aid. pp>'ta o N Adelaide %%, Toronto CASH FOR YOUR USED CHEMICAL TOILET BOWLS aut 1ineesud athermks lgnt> rees ile. 1ighiest ia ad W ite14 ai veuTono., SIAM'S NEW KING Plan Parking Lots On River Thames Inventor of Wartime Floating Airport Presents Plans to Londfon County Council In th'e !nearfuture, 1motorïsteý wishing ta park theiir auitos m cen- tral Lond- will drive thiein dowii thie Thames embaklment onto theý- r7iver-if one Lndon invenitor bias his way, Snch a ý ppan ta turn parts of the River Tlhames iIIto parking lots te lielp solve ILonIdon'sdaily wor sening traffic rroblem is now» down. for discussio by) v thie Londonl Counlty Council. Thie spanso-r of the scheme ie Mr. . M Hamlto, anoted ais- teur yactIs.iv an and designer of the Roy. i Nvysiionthiodox bt suiccessfully"flo)arilig ainport. Solves Problem In Sleep It1took n14 r, Htiilton thilree cears ta persuade dloubting ex perte hie could îroduce a practi cable ceadronue. 11e hopes it will not take imore than as many'>iek tce canIv:nce London s lannlling aui- tthonities ýthýat the methiod, n1sed ili buïildinig theic-ly" ainpart cao givc- London millions of square feet ou -whîich to iark autos, withiout irter- fcing with rebn)iildinig echemes. 1It xas * 14CI that the inventor woe p anone oir g and neal- ized hie ha-, solved a difficult pnob- lm 10 iiieissleep. Ha ehad fouind a mecthad of building fle-xibile float- ing struictures thnýt -wouilG bear great ,vfigl1ts and caut-ld bciadek ir n>, hip or size ilesired. Full-Scale Model Successful Later, the Admn-iralt>' toak up hiiedas, nd iii ~-ftrsevere tests, includiig fthe winter's w(,rst stolm-ii --the fuli-scale ml-odel air- part proved succes-iul. Ife as proved that b>' using thle ",ily" systenii it wauld bt, possible eveti ta build a floainig bridge n.cross the Eniglish Channel if it weru W,-anJt ecd. Thle "Lily" takes ils Iname( froîn its resemblance ta a carpet of lily leav-es an1 ponld. It is basically juest a collection o -six-fect wide hexagonlal bouyanIcy cane iniged ogte. Ani in tricate matîhe- mnatical systeni of stresbss nables thic whoie ting to be fleýxible, London's Churches -0f 0t mi 01chr ii tbe TLon- dont area, 91 wýere totally destroyedi 1by enemny action during thec war. A furthier lIS were mrore or lese heaviiy, damaged. 'Thus ontly about one cLondon cm chn rch atan escaped the fur>' vof air bombandmilent. MACHTIINERY NEW AND USE» 0f Every Desciptioni Phone EL. 127ï H. W. PETRIE CO. LTD M47 Fronit St , W - Taronto The iain after. the receist CounLous pýeedcooiteet, Billy Con2A came ont widIh the statemnest thlat hie wae ner goînig tae fight again; ausd na daubt 11mn>cfaI he mnourners -wbo bý,ad baen present at YanklýeStadÎiiît-ioaughcthat statemeint riglit evenl have beenl pre-dated by 24 hourno, o. 50 witl- out stra'ning' the fact too mach. But nlow, haviog had tiume e:suughi to finki thil gs over, Mr, "Conoi doesni'î penut so certain that hie retinaentleemae nt Po1rs- sil>'-, because hleddntsay "oi tiveh eyritdosnu not. _And, aifter al, Coun vo1uld be somiewhabit foolish ta0take a final1 exil from lscenes weepeople crowtk s.ýchlnshý, forkfuls of sucs-- culeuit grenicry upon vou in re- tulro for- ucb littie pýii and effort. 11t je truc that Louis bit bu thrce timues, bult it's douibtfui if he evesu felt tflua maýit two of tîseni. Having ta lie aus b1al-(, iunicushlioned lcao. vas, wîth na10 pillow vfcr hie hem] ai d dazz1ilÏi lits !st"am:iiiing lta bi ycmuet )havc el eer aooying, butit oi>' laisted ten msconde. Andc wisowe wcansider that, ta salve hlie o ddfeelings, Billy cas- lecteri mare thian hle woffld prob~ ahi>' makec in thirty yeairs of ordin- ar>' toi]., we tinlk thtMr. Coon) sehotld corsidaer tw\ice or even thrice, befare maikïihie isretire- menu todefiî'ite. Cana:)now daims ibat lhe was fighing ,accordýing 9ta a arlefullyI prearanàiged eceoario, and thought hilige w'rrn Cl't gainlg to badly. Tfie vwholc trouble .eesta be that Mn. Louis-wc li atÈwecali in theatricai circles a ' Slow SIndy' --forgaýt 'hc unes aif hie part, andl refuised îla Jet hmcfget ail tuck- ered ont b%, dazziing speed and suiiror faatwork. Sa, .iust in case they shonid be mcti , for athr lime, 1we hlave gole ltaIthe trouble of devisinig anl cati.' 1y>' new ,scrpt for Co-onle that iight h'tve aI least 01he socrit of utý(iveity, and vwhich crtinily cudtbrinig any v arse, reculits than1th le llast ana. Ouir " campllaiga twuld beý for Diil', whien the gaîîg rang, ta declinie ta get off 1bis stool at ail, btuS it theue ils bi, canner,ý trtiîgand yawuîiiog as if g1 were bngpaît bedtima.. (A lt I ppanite eft mascfralin a String orchestra imigt Add ta ti effect.) And after a iie L ouis, Who le a naotanieu-s sleepyhlead w-onlld ipîob)bI!Y getltie ida an lie dawn banl-g Cenongh to e coate Vol' ,bink that .we aire, even screwier thian uisual la suggeeîinjjg tise mee pssibîit>' aI a tilird mieetinig !!,atit'e higbîiy idn bons ta eýcen hint tisaI there are folks, in] this eailighîteuîiýd day ass)d aÀge, w'ha 0îvouid psy neal dauglista see anlotîsh an-ousaffair? Lit, , afelrede!Inie o Mikecob bul-u'tbose sanie two couiid da gate of at leasL a iioî lllî 0ýrS; ftic ver>' sa3n3e p)eopL lewo *arc se)loui>'lowing 'lueer gai' îould bc, grabbinlg ferl the top)j-rce pews; anid theýre wvold lbe ust asan' of tha 'ex- perts' caiýlg C n awin On points as thiere wee e Q lasttinse. Fa0n7 Vwh1il1e th)e>'C daim th1at ,an elepliatneyer' forgets,the' un-g thau ite veins of ise spart- Batie of the Peace The Bisýtol Wayfarlvu. a nc of Colc]mpetian, Pawercd b>' tw Bristol Hlercules coginas, the planle car. carry 40pasarspta00 mlsat lcs th1an w pne e HOLD EVERYTHING ISSUE 27-1946 Boston-borr. Prin...e Phamniphotu Adulet, abavz, 18, hias ascc.ided thej throne of Siami, eucceeding hi, brother, Annda Mahictol, who died after a shcooing accident in the royal palace in Bangkok. Thse nscw king was )>orn in Boston wbile lis ffath1er was etudyiiîg at H4-rvard. BiritaîI Wil RÏule The Seas Again At War's End U. S. Merchant Marine Was Three Times Size 0f Britain's If the figures pnoved taa astro. nom-iical ta grasp it was ais!>' be' cause the xvarihall ney'er seeC Siuch a merchant fleet, cays N1ew- week. When the wau ctuded.tise Amlerican inenchanit Imarune: Nuosbered 6,00()tipetotalling 56-,000,000 deadwýeight tans. AlumsIeqnalled thecoure world's pe-war tonnage. Camprised* two-thirds of thse ýwonld'e postwar tatai; prewar, oniaïy 11-fit of the wvorl's shipping fiew the Ameurican flag. %Vas three limes tise ize of Buitaini's; prewar, it hadj beeni hall Britaia's. Wae five tuiies bigger ta pre. war. Hiad coct $2,500,U000o. Had lust 713ehipe, totLiing 9,- 000,000 tonls sun1k, and ,iieimqi dead or miesinrg. Comparative Figures Hawevýer indjisp)ensablje ýuch a mlerchant fleet imîghî lithave been la -wartiîme, for peacetiime opuratiolns it had thse carmanke of a whlite cie- phant. Thse dlecline in ovrseas; shipmlenîis zaffe V-J Day msade nimcisofIits capacit>' surplus T he inlefficiene>' of sLow cmbrsm Liberty ehips icît tise 2,70 wrbil "Ugi>' Duckliings" iuable ta cae- prie wifh outher Amtericanï and fareigo types. Hligh cost ua ilsip- butildïin 0thse ,Uoi]ted S'tatesallen mrade itcàae for other na-i.itins ta) buiid ftairsbips thlan ta buy excees American vessis. Because Amnican seamen gel relativel>'hihwages, ihighgvr- ment 11:subsidies wou-id halieccs if Aeia shippers w-,ere ta cape- pete -with foreigo ,shippers n a world ceaie. Tl'ie figures were wî- disputaible: Ai' Amlenican able-bod- icri seanmngels $145 mioni>'; his British caun1terpjart, $55,'An Aen cau Liberty' ship cre gEels $.2 mon01thi>'; its Bitisbeuvaeh $2,- 7 35. Ani Ible C .l. olacitinxe unliis fhav\e called a stnike ou juqe 1ta support their djem-anri for a 10 percent. agc boost for Amecn- caameis. Firet "PlacetoBrnit The inescapabe resuit: Tise cde-. béation af National Maritime Oay bast. wek founr dhe United States volutabloy erd ni nfrt place on the seas fa Great Britain. Tise oc- casion was -anc normuali>'reserved for back-patîing, forAMa>' 22 Was the 127tb annivesar> of the saîlig af tje fosntrcaneocni steashi S'avanusah ilifor Euope iBt tise liniedSates Maritime -Cominrs,- sion bad ta admit mt f Aneral posîwan menchatnt arne Would totalon!> 1050000 oue, one-fiîh its wafime Peak and solaijv tholugis faster thau Prewar, This tonage mvas expectd ta carry haif of Ameinenic' orîomare Onz bngîspot;:Tise United $ taks-, Amnia Jmporî, 01r MCan1- ack, andIAircnPrsdn ic are building ninie 1asfor Tans AImerican-, and tr-auisiepacifie f rade' respectivel>'. AimericaîsPrsdef fwao 29kîoî90-foa)ter s are fa be Sawfly Season large acreags Of whedtatsri Sautiieru Aira are bein uet b>' thie -destructive he Siens j W f>,wort reî mccle2t iafftile pýriri

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