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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1946, p. 8

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(MRONO WEEKLY TON VIL-LE LloydClysdl ý haspucbased the fiiof Ilhe hlte Jas, Wade. A 11ev. nad Mrs-. John ioLcha wrr i th vlage on Tuesday. Sonday ehool ws weil a-ttended. Dte. aJnes ncted as teacher forý el 1e Jonoesi class. Weiae sryto r-eport the, i1lnes,; halNichloils in Port Hope bIos- WiIi~ arow aspurchased a ltf-mMr. Wi-iber-t Hlancock and)( is -~ bVd ngas soon as possible. A auiier tooký ini the celebratio)n la! Po-rt Hoeand alsýo thle field day MrJohn Barrie and MJurray at- Atende deUornttion dlay la Orono) on Sunday and had dinner mith Mr. ad Mrs. Waiter Couchi. A M"i. and MAhe George Hiksan YMr. and MUrs. llarry HiCks sp)ent h holiduày xithi -Mr. anid Mis. Ghas. A orris. Rem. Lawrenwe Smitl and Mis. Snimith wvilI leae for thop new charge at Wyestmeatb on Wednosday. Our prayers go with themi. Reýv. JI. A. Bunt, the new pastor. Mwl he inducted on Thurs-day aven- ilng i this churchi and li be la the pulpit next Sunday. S, &nday ovenin'g R ev. 'La wreniice mih preached his fareweIl sermon, '"Whicb, andi what is the true f fronnie Gil>lbs has finishod digging the wl between the two new, lots wndby Arthur Redknaýp and Tone1 angstat Ipurchased ln the spring frm J. T. Pearce. Raymod Giler, RC.A1F,(andhis bride, the formeor M iss Sirl-eyý Pearce, of Torontot, Wîh his par-1 ýi!s,Mr and MrLis. Franik Gilmer. Raynýmiond lJeaýves to,-dïay for his new post a't Edmnonton. Is wife will foli as soon as she receIves her- diuehrge fm the' R.C.A.F. M -. laold W'iliams left on Thurisday, Juniïe 27th, to join her bus- band i( o is HIydro construction fore- na in the mnig district near Winniipeg. -Tbe lasýtl of the jour- iey inito the buhd will be by plane. Joye and Jc left to visit planIe. Joy-c anid Jac(k left to visit ther aunt at the Youngs Pointsum- mer reIsort. Visitors-, -MAr. -A. Ottem, of Long IidNe.w Yoirk, visited at Mr. and Mlrs. Pote Kesier's. Laurna Pearce and Mr. WalerWittaker at her parents, Mr. and fMrs. J. T. Pearce. r. and Mrs. WiIbert Langstaff and children with -his uincle, Mr. Tone Langstaff. Mr. anti Mrs. Ehner Randal ani John with bhs mother, Mis.Jennie Randal. W. A. Meeting The Women's Association met in the home of Mis. George Henderson ort Tlruiray evening, June 27th.- Misc. J. T. Pearce, president, had charýge of' the business period when planis were laid for a social hour fol- lowin.g the induction service for the nlew minister. It being very warm thqfe ro-ulIar programmne was dispen- sed vith and the fiower garden out- Every Day Low Prià1»ces, - FRUIT JARS Pint Si., 95c. Quart Sîze $ 1.0 TOOL BOXES. ,Sze19 x8 x8 »............89C. Size2lx9 x 9....... ..........$ 1.25 SIIOP AND SAVE TMONEY EVERY DAY AT Colemfan &PipEeti Phone 89 r 11 CO. LTD. Orono ~"of this Clean, Family Newspaper \i>TuE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Free fromn crime and sensational news .. . Free fromu political a... Free from "special interest" control .. . Free te tell youi etruth about world events. Its own world-wide s;taff of corre- ondents bring you on-the-spot news and its mneaning tu you ci your family. Each issue filleti with unique features clip and keep. àe 1[hrILtia. science PmbUehiug Society Fi P1e s enr arnte coiiex ,s. Norway Street. B"Wao 15. Mme. L of Tht Cbisîs. Seiece ý,ee........................................ ...M o snito , a iý.... .. zoe.... mte ... e ti.a subscriptios. I en- B-3 close $1 *----------------------------------------------- NT?-Tlhe Toronto Park Zoo didi it whien it responsible for thie conversioni of a Caniadin ss car lba vi ialoNa h'sArk to uçeoîni- pilent of ive herbeveýrer oosm r<el marmioturtle, alligator, vulture, fox, ii, de-odo-ri7ed sknkand, of cepurseý, theý ýs ec~aho The >onr.ýigr.ment of formier l' left that Aiy recontlv Sa Canadian Pacifi& sidle was enijoyedi. Lunh ad a soc- cmal tule broughlt the evening toa Sunday Sclhool P'îcice 5unday scbool pjecn1(c was hcld at Decker Hiollow on Wdedyaf- eternoon. C'ci]l Burley at the ,-wheel oDf Frait uln s sichool bus transported approùximately s ixty , childieni, accompanîmed by thleir tea- cher, Duncan Sey-mour. The- after- noon was spenit in bail nnasmim mpi ng. Owinig tocicmtce b- yond the control of the excu-tive, the plans had to bxe htuurrýied to fit la wlth exams amid the leaving 0f the teaicher. For that reason therfe weîe those whio, havinig no ebilîdreni la the home, failed to learn of thie detaiied lplans utiiil too late. Th)e executive waýs sorry about this, but the childien wýere ail there and the aduits who dfid go had a fi-ne timeiý and iplenity to eat. Alter the picnic lunch Eileanor Johinsrton, on, hehaif of the public school, presentedl th e teacher with a9 atranspeni. Mr. Seyimour, iwho was compieti-ly taken by surprise, tbanked the pupis veîy waîmnly and wished them,ù every success la their'future 'plans. Double Preseatation Many friends and rellatives gath- eîed la the Neowtonville Comi-iuniity 11ai1 on Fiday evening, June 28th, to honor two newly maîried couples, Messrs. Lloyd and Bill Morton and their brides, the former l-vlisnes Ruth and Lois -Chiaiinhers, Eldorado. Wmi. Laing ac.ted as chalirmian whiie Miss Lorraine Barrie, Canton, and Mis. Aiýchie Bro'wn, Brow'n's, entertained with music. Foiiowing this Mi Lai*ngý inviteti the two Couples to oc-1 cupy'four chair on the piatformi anti cailled on Mrs. Dol. Whitney to read' theý address. Messs Del, and Ken- notLh Whitney and George and Keith Stapleton then pres,,ented, each coul- ple wlth -an electric tr-igtfoor lamp and cand table exac'tly ,alik.îre. "For they are jo1~y good flos wva s san1g, 'while four girls shnowc-red th,,e youing cýouples nit confetti. Each bridemi gromspoke w'ýordsý c)f aýppr-eciationý for'th e gifts anti -oot wisbes. "The KIing'ý was fol- ledby lunch and dancing. The brds parepts,, brothier adgad father, Elderado, were present. The Address 1 '- Dear Lloydan Ruth, Bill and Lois : We h'ave gath- creti here to-ntighlit tocongrtlt you both upon your reccat maîriage. You began mnarried i;fe with a don- hie we(ltiig ami travellti on a dou- hie honeymoonl, s50-,e thought it only fitting to finish riwith a sdouble p-resenitationi. We hanve known thie Morton faimily for some time anti it hais' all'ways been a pleasurýe to meet wvith. you al. Peîhaps we kýnowv you Bill a littie btter than Lloyd, but we have na great deal oif respect an-I estcem for -you oLlywh i yeouî bit overseas and did it w'eli.W are baippy indeled thlat eac-h of yo)u young mca bas heen pîlvilegeti to wîn the gii of vyrn]r rhnice. We d(il not kno'w yen, Ruth andi Loi)s, quite so wel. buý1t we are io-okýingfowr to hecomiing more intimiate with youn as3 time 1'1]o ilo. -and we hope you wiii fiad us ailgood pls. W s you to acept thesýe gifts witli best wýishcs. Life is not alil suaishine, buit we e your happy timte in New York is a'iforetaste of lmanly 1bappy. years cf m'arried life. Signietionha- hiaif cf the eonmrittee, Mi. and Mis Del. Whitney, Mr. and -Mis. Ge. staipietoa. KfENDAL Mnr. Robt. Alexander -was hm foi the week-end. j .and _Mis. Geo. Clark were atl theji- summiiier homne uring the holi- day week-end. 1fr. ad Mis. Aylwaîr-d Littie are pcnding their vacation with the foimer's other, Ms. N. Lrtie in, is spjeninig ber vacation at home. M.Geo. Mercer is spendiun,- a, fow weeiks at homelý withbis ýýparents, Mi. andl Mus. Wm. Mercer. Mrs. T.lHldihspent ithe week- enid wvith Mr,.and Mis. WitBow-1 mYanville. Mesa-rs. Ariel Langstaftfo and Len. ilitch speat a day in Rochester, NUY. Mi. Norm-a-n Thiertol iiad Hazel joined Ms.NoîmnanTherteli and Mrs.(Gen Kirby at their surrimer home for thie holidi(ay. fM.and Mis. Ben Olan anti son Dick and Mi. anti Mis. Rob1t. Cariý anti son Gai-ry, off Millbrook, visiteti with Mr. anti Mis. Geo. Langstaff e o-ver the holidayweknd TÇhe fareWeil sermion hy the Rev. L. B. Smith was peceion Sn day morning. The subjeet of the sermon wvas f the Univeral Churcb of Christ whicbi gave us freedoem cf the spirit, the s;trengthi of Chuiit and "is "0'e failing presýence. Itwa with decip regret that we said1 "go e" teth Rv. Mi.Smit Who bas been SUSc a shrPt Whbe with , we -wsh it coulti hav& beei the~~~~~~~ Qrn tiud n uyt h especiaiywh en n ass.Rarely fea. H snreda ued-rive offth bat of thie Kendal ace, oce îng the îtwinikil l'liTe hg crorwd o adacîie ahteam very lsiyfr hi odplaýy-. The Orono team gai the vctory, the score be)ing ",to 2. WV. A.Metn ITheim-onthiy meig fteW.A. wa.Is hekiat he ome ofMrs. Wm. Wilso)n on Wdedy June 2C3th, -with a good numher of mleimbers pressent. Roy Mercer, presi- dlent, was hI .th Ie c, ir i. Mrs. F. Stok'er took the devotional part Of th.e. Meeting followed b)y a readinig lay Mkrs. Chais. Kelnmy on .Iiss1onaryI work and' the iiintaitsl iing b'e- tween Western Canada a,)nd West China. Great contrasts -were seen1 as bewen te 11eather, the temnper- ature and ailso betwýeeni daylighlt an-d dlarikness. Canada is a dry country. Ia WVýest China there- is an even raim- Xall with occasional torrential down- pours. The rmeetinig cxet itlthie National Antheni and the Mza Benediction, after -whicli a delightful lunch was served by our kinti and geniaii, hostess. LESKARD Mr. and Mis. RisRoblîis at A N.Roi-bbins"farnm. Miss Reta Snyd-icr cam-e from Branfor tospcnd th1e lorg week- cat-i with ber aens Mi. and Mrs. BrtSyer antI-soli from Pe Tronto, anii. LoydSyer from NaaaFalls Mi. adMs oaeHawley -aqnt frinti spnt omiionDay, at th-eir oný the hldy Miss RanmnGaeiat aet hiave retuiraed týo theirhoo n h NinthULine M.TomHarioniltey ratra cd from ovrsas s visiting his gratimthe, Ms.Mary Cole. -Mrs, ani Gibsoni camie froqm Toronto for, a shot vsit with Mr. and Mrs. 'Wa)rreun Coryil[. Many,-visiîtoýrs were in Leskard cver t he hp iday weeend. The Uar, ate r aiso bogtpc nicers and p ofnty of trfic; eVeryýonje looking for the 'ametin-a cool spot. -Mrs. Jack PolI'ck -and her siMi ter1 Dorothny doeto atrbroon Mo-)' day ccopaniti y their mnother, Mis Wm MDoaldanti Raymonld, to- see Mr. nconati a ospitai tHepre. WýVe are sony tohe'ar ha h is condit:ion ionly' air miii pond, if pot hea-vy, was very7re- gua.The bys f ue villagehave usedtithis ponid fo)r theirImmn activities formny ylavî-', It is therefo)re etal h t thr-ough' thugtesnesthe boys miay !oseI this privilege. Mr. Nicholso n re- . ports many incidents of oaýrelessnas on the savimmiiers,' pairt lately, pas- tare bais left down ami boards in the waste gae emoveti anti lost, It 13trog the miii owniei's knn that the lboys ar allowed to swim laî the pond antin if tbe inconvenience hae denieti.Sobos w dawyu attention to this wrig as we woud ot like to se you lose ti STARK VILLE ise . L. osjn. Kentia i, sieti wîhMi. andMis.WarenCarson, Mýis;s Elee Faro bs been ,en- gaged te te-ach at Braiey's Sehooýl for the migterm.-ý Mi. anmi Mis. Loirne Paeden anti Allen h-ave menveti inte, Johni Star'sj hou se.l Mir. anld Mis. Orme Falis anti HM- vey ha<l Sunday; dininer aith Mi. anti is. CarlTodd. Mis. Hloward FroEilien anti Audrey attended die wodding of their couinlaO-shawa on Sturday. Mijs. WmMy, Orono, ant-,i Mar-ilynr Fails spenit Sund-ay %vith Mi. anid Mis. Thosý. Falîsý. Mi. anti Mis.Victor Farrow vvisit- oti wit-h Mi. anti Mis. Raymcont i Fr- A auminber or young ':peopiee chi- vidMi.a ntiMs MdeRbn on oe nighlt this weck-iý. M.anti Mis.Haol ttla nt friads, shaa, sentTuç-sday at hercttage a Pt DcerHlilew. Mi.S.SmtaniCre îth Newtnvile Mi. lRcg. otnTi nnnspnt i,.1aAif lr.a T.AKE THE BRNOUT? 0F SUNBURN Frîozsst's Tan uei Nivea Skia Oil NOXEMA CREAM "Feel it heai", instant relief frem suaburn, 3 sizes . -17c., 59c., $1.25 "Ske".........35c., 65e. ljnguentine.---........Tube 50c. INSECT REPELLANTS Twof)WayiN Lsect Rýe)ellat----- -------- ---- -------- Buottie 35C. Sketofax ---- --------- ---------------.....--------- .... Tube 25c. Skat-------------_- -------------- -------------....Büottie 59C. "6-12*" Insect Rep)ellantt, a product proven in the last war in tropi- cal counitries by the armed forces. Harmless to the skia, lhas a mild pleasant odor, a strong repellant for several hours, btle 59c. W HI1TE S HOu"E. C L E A îNERLZS "One-White" cdeans ail white shoes, will net rub off, ige beottie 25tf. "IT" White Shoe Cleanr----------- .....-------------5c. ati25C. Cinderella White Kid Polish .. ----------------------0C. Cinderella Leathe-r Cream, Neutral ------------------- kO. Palm Beach White Shoe Cleaner ....... ... _------ --------------25r. Liuii LEG SILQUE LiudStocIltg2. Are easily applied and waterproof. la two shades, beige andi sua-tan-------- -------- --6fiez. boDttie$1ê. Agent for Jackmnanf Flowers Chalems B. Tyrrl 'hCLJL DRUGS Phone 68 Orono, Ont. Children's Plastie Coverail Aprons .-,29e Jnfant's White Cotton Dr-esses, smocked, sizes i nd 2', each ...... ...........$L.00 New Plastic Coat and Dress Hangers.. ....29e New Asbestos St.ove Padts, sizes 15 1-2 in. by 19 1-2 in. . . ý,........ ..........69C' Boys' Braces, al elastic, pair........25c Boys' Black and White Beits, ail sizes...... Metal Tool or Fishingp' Tackle Boxes.......$,5 -Metal Tool or FishingýI Tackle Boxes with Lock $JR-îý Sun Glasses, priced fromn. ý........... 15e tê Sun G'lasses to clip on over readling glasses,_.2% Bathing Caps, priced from......35c to 69e. Gaby's Greaseless Lotion for preventing pain- fui sunburn. Relieves minor burns and cuts, bottie ......................35C Colgate's Halo Shami-poo, brings out the natural beauty of the hair, 2 sizes.....15c. and 49c Lavalon Hair R*inse, the 4-p urpose rinse, p)kg . .15e Odex Toil et Soap), pleasant and soothing to ten- der skin, 2 cakes . . ..............i White Shoe Polishes, ail leading brands, bottie for.............. .....10c and 15e GROCERY FEATIJRES Fresh Blanched Salted Peanuts, direct frofrithe roasting ovens, lb -.............41c iRed Spot Fresh Quality Assorted Nuts, includ- ing Almonds, Filberts and Pecan-s, pkg....39c Thursday, July 4th, Canning Sugar Coupons S17 to S21.' Sealers, pints, dloz ..... 9C Quarts cdoz ...$10 Red Rubberr Rings,2 pkgs.............15e , , ZinIc Rings, dozLen .. ... ................ 27e Crofor, Jamns and Jellies, 8 oz.,oti....25e Certo Crystals, 2 box,-es«. .......... .......25 Paowxa pure ,ree parýaffin for preserving, lb. -fOr..................15C Memnba Seals, easy to alpiy, pkg.......0 Quaiker Corn Meal, 22 oz. Muffets (toasted whoie vwheat biscuits) , box. .10eC ORONO 5c. TO $1.OO STORE I I, OUJR POPIJL4R SHIOPPING CENTREj Motor )Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Puneral Directcrs anti Furiture Dealer,,. KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Eqippeti te take care of the modest funmerl at the Most reasonabie charge as wl as the largest and most -exacting Office f668 Residence: 523 and 726 - Bqwmaavilie, Ont. S50e Rexnie rea--------ai .- ----- O C,. anti $1.1

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