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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jul 1946, p. 1

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r - Vol. 10. No.25. (R)NO. 'ono and Leskard Football Subscription $1.2,5 per Yea Tuesday, Iy Irls Lose Twice ream Producers Of County Elect Temporary CommitteE am Producers of Durham ld an organization meet- ne Town Hall ou Monday uly 8th, with a good re- n of tha cream preducers te county preset, Weston Banister, President 'a Durham Gounty Federation of culture, .acted as chairman and an outiina as to w-hy the meet- cas called, and told of the bene- that should be derived by thea ars through such an associa- .W. J. Wood, of Aliston, -as guest speaker for the evening, gave the cream producers a clear picture Of the benefits would naturliy cone to the . He took as his subjeet, shouId cream producers or- ? Ris threae nmin points f quulity. markets. aspall. to meet und muS 't-we voting a meeting lu the ussociation .ie place in the >ut mntty n-adding nas >r:, on Saturnav aftar- 3s. Dora HeŽey. da h --ansi Mrs Cee. Bonwan, in omniare io\ilton J. oaf Mn. unS Mrs. J. H. c- ef Orono. M<r. andi in Allin attands the oeom. Rev. S, Littieood Tie happy couple left ou a honey- mnoe trîp te Northern Ontario. Ou their return they wnll reSe lu Oreno. 1200 Lbs. Of Clothing Collected la Local District The clothing committee of Orone wish to thank all thos-e who brought - inl clothcing fer the National Clething Collecton, wrhich amounted te 1200 ponud. The cemmittee alse par- ticululy w:ish te than Col. J. C. Gae for the iandling f sanme. Mr. Christie A. McDouald, execu- tii-e Dimecton in a letter to our local chairman, Rev. S. Littlewood,, ex- prasesed thianks te the Onono ceom-- mittee for tIe active participation andi exellent work they Sud in the comrnunity. Tic voluntary effort w i a greatly appre'iated iy those milhons whichyou and your com- murity have maide. The generositty of our Candian peopalei the Collection wii greatly strenhen the bonds et friendslip already firnmly estaihed by our Canadian troops. Mr, and Mrs, i. ÜChapni Newlyweds, Skowered (By our Leskard Correspondent) A very enjoyable evening was spent in the Leskard school house last Tharsday to honour Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman upon the occa- sion of their marriage. After dan- cing a short time Jack and Edna were seatedi umthe t-o chairs of hon- our and the following address was readl by Mrs. Barl Duvalli Dear Edna and Jack-Your recent union n marriage has presented to your numerous friends and acquain- tances an oppertunity to puy in thair humble way a just tribute to you. lu looking back over the years we see the picture as babes in the crade starting out on the road of iife, which leads from the ctadle to the grave. We have seen you ad- vance through the years to ma- hood and womanheod at which time there comes a certain tugging of the heart strings or something n-e cannot explain. But like the draw- stringon the top of a shopping bag it dran-s tighter and tighter until by mutual consent -e find these two people united as one by the solemn vows of wedlock. This new- life demands greater re- sponsibilities, heretofere, each lias had his or her on-n opinions, have gone thein own way of life, but now, there must be a binding together, united for a purpose, a spirit of give andi takes, postsessed n-ith tolerance, a cultivation of true love and great respect for eachi othen, lu erder thnt fc no- 11fe niay be reundad out to the ful. Tien thora is the responsbility of ie new- born, wheare iach aun enjay ha fuits tWfstxlr labour, a home hut on tic Faohehod of el and the brotierood of mnan. Ri i easm:e ef goodi citizonship, su- saine, scciability, lova. andi affection. A credit to yeurelves andi a benefit to the commnu1nty. Now- comas our part of the even- mg's proceedings. For your life up te the presant, pour readinesa te help lun-whatever n-ny peu ceuldi, in any undertaking, or when ever calledi upon we tender oun sincore apprécia- tion for these services. As a slight teken et our respect, we ask yen te accept these tanglible gifts, nef fer their mnonetary value, but rather as a sincere geooiull gesture on tle part of peur numerus friends. Map the blessing of God the Father rest on you and peur heusehold in the dlaps that are aheid. We 1al n-ish yousn well. Io ed wr Signed on b f the co etnmit- tee--Everett Stapleten, Mrs. E. Du- vali, Fred Graham, KCen Ball, Ray- moud MacDonald, Bob Keane andi Clarenice iMartin. Jack and Edna both respliedi brief- ly and suitably, an the chairmun, Hart Lowery, then culledi upon ethers te apeak. The addressas were short and witty cau.sing a great deal - ef laughter. The beautiful gifts, a faoor lump, an end tabla, r-a magazine rack and book ends n-are muchi admiredi hp everyone. Lunch n-as served by the comnmittee, and ut- fer a short dauce the evening n-as brought te a close by the singing ef "God Save the King". I _____________________________________________________loi_ W.A. Net $85.O On Strawberry Festival The mambers et the W. A. would Tîe ragulan meeing etteW. A. ike te thank ail -amembers andi du-nalieli on Tuesduy attenon, hrants f our churel for their veryJulp 9tl, nith a geed attendauce. gene s response te Our canvasers. McACWod husicharge etfe The pies, tarts, sugar, cream, etc., i periosan breught an don. n-ere far beyond our expec- iaeresting a<dinapiing message te tation , andi ne appreciated verampy ipsent.Iuithy absenceet our mue hIe wonderful co-operation Mns. M. J. shen-n. Our thanks alse te th1eN. Per presidslSring the hua- young ladies of the Good Will Biblensssion. îlemeasurerr t Class who did sueh a splendidi job etf nasm bpM Legun in fIe ah- onthatablesai astnbulTea e ass MIDy. The e- nnt e- .. nnr %nk.smA 'b00 wa eld on-q Tes onda a fterr foinal To Newcastle °iMr.and MNrs. D. Te Given Pr between- on Fr1- (By our Laskard Corr ~ek. On On Monday aven.iug ek . -frrnA n n Ucr,, dres of n-lite silk je s'age of roses, The a Mr. and Mrs. A. Bel ta-a. The groom's gi w-as a string of pearîs to match. After the receptio; couple left for a w points west. CIarke Townshi corre-t 'o were aeenter The Clerl re the furt agues on T nent reported >r' nuoter instructed to incease the coverage for Public Liability te the follo-ing: $20,0'00 for any one person, $30.000 for any one occident, and $3,000 for property diamage. A letter stating that the Council, affer pying for the auditing of sechool section books could collect fron the school sections concerned. "as ordered filed. The. Clerk re-portei on several re- lief matters andi ifoermed tbe Coun- cil that hle had letters from outside municipalities assuming responsibil' nty. One haspital notice -us read and res{ponsibility acce.pteS. The 'Clrk nas asked te get as munh information ne a to-nsip buiïding bp-iaw andi alse raert te tie next Ceuncl n-bat- must he ti ncssay steps te change the time af Asseasmout. Two claims for damdp:es oct Ton-- siip roada n-are roferroed te the In- ucnme Coapany, It n-as tonun necesary tint fire extinguiers ha placosi in Tow-nship- -buildings anid the C!lark nas asked t get fie necessary information. The following resolutions -were passed : Ras. 129G: Authorizing the Reeve te request the Ministen of Public Work to call a matting for the set- ting up a Conservation Authority for the Ganaraska River Watershed. Res. 1297 :A'ppointg T. A. Reid to represent the Tonship of Clarke oni the Conservation Authority for tha Gunaraska Watershed. Res. 1298 : Autlhorizing tle Road Superintendent te purchase up te one thousansd yards et gravai from a Contracter witheut caling for ten- ders. Ras. 1299: Thlat the ratet puy fer -bridge constructioh shail be fifty five cents an hour. Res. 1300: Continuing C. F. Awde as Tax Collecter up te and including August the Sixth, 1946. The folloing biHs n-an ordered paidS: Aftr cure-........-...-..$ 10.00 Carl Payne, 2 sheep killed by dogs ... ........ 17.00 J. C. Gamey, additional prem- mum .. . - --79.30 E. L. MacNachin,. hespitali- zation ....... ........- ....... 58.041 Roy Cochrane, 1 card ewod, suppli es-..-..--.... --.... 9.00 Orono Weekly Timas, 50 min- utes . . . . . . .- 2.50 W. E. Daey 2 fripa te Osh- an-a, pneumo refilla-....-....9.00 W. E. Davey, 2 tripa to Bon- manville Hospital . _...-....... 7.00 aehango and incidentais 1. 950 Hon-an Linton, steve tor ton-n l:H)5.00 Mrs.H. orrs -- - 5.(j00 Mira. E. J. Randaîl, R vs F ..32.00 Rebi. Mffat, assessor's sal- ary and deg taga .. . 307.20 Wi!fred Rawke, I steer killed iy Sag - ... ..... ....... 60.00 A. T. Allin, 2 sheop killed by doga .....-80 John MoTt, 1 shee-p killesi by d'oga- ...-....... - .....-..... 18.00 ack Kimibail, 1 sheep killed by dogs -. ........ 15.00 Mrs. J. J. Cornis, supplias. 29.14 R. H. Wood, cane fe hall and dra-ing -wood3--2-----0------ Road Voucher Ne. 7 .... 864.81 Road Voucher No. 7 Geo. Buttera.-.-.------ .------ Ro t. Chater-... ...... -..... 240 G. F. Raid-........----.--- --- urauan oee ....... ....... e e Time ef heats--2.24t, 2.20, 2.16 2.26 Class Worthy Girl, i. White, Col- berne--.......----1 1 4 Jreq. McKillop--.....--2 2 I Werthy Girl 3 3 2 Burton Lee, James Snther- and. Peterbor--o..... ...4 4 3 Starter, T. A. Raid, Orono; JuS- gs Fred Sida, Jinînle Theomnx.and Clarence Frankles; Timers, Gee, oivlie and O. W. Riph. LESKARD Mn. and Mra. Geno-, and Mrs. Gecow's nmther. Mrs. Steveus, and daughter Jey, from Toronte, visited Sunday with Mrs. Bradshaw-. Mr3v. W. Loucka spent a fan- dap in Osiawa hospitul. We are glad to see hlm back home ugain anS hope he -ill be li good health very soon. Mr. and Mrs. Art Tunant and fams- ilp visiteS Tyrone on Sunday. Ail ttwelve -of the children being present, a family picture n-as taken prier te Carman's departure nest. Mn. and Mrs. Carman Tennant have left te district te take up their home in Vancouver. They started Tuesday morning on their long me- tonr trip. We wis'h th um the best of luck in their new home. This village mae an exceptionally good showing in 3Midle ansd Loer schoel examination results. Our congratulations to Patsy Page who headed 4th form, Betty Ann Bourne ficst lu third form, and Waill L1bou ut tfhe top in 2nd ferms. Well done, Leskard. Oa Lake Sur Stirling, July 20' did camp for ho ever. Book at tion sec Rev S. Toue Langstaff Roht. Eley..... Erunt Rond ... 0 -----i imen camp, near h te 27th. Splen- a unS elIs 10 anS mat< anme. lt eau une utu aniungs'-y a score of 5 te 2, while at the end of fhe flth innings the score nas tied at five all. In the sîxth innings the Newcastle team nscored four uns. D. Beuten, the frst butter up, flied out, R. Brunt walked, S. Brunt cou- neCted for a single, as did C. Alil- dread, loading the bases. E. Fster lit a fly to right fliel which n-as miss-ed, giving E. Foster a home run making four runs. V. Weraterick field out to I. Hamm, and A. Rick- ard grond onut te LI Hamm ut third who caught the runner at first. Oron nearly evened up tha game lu the last half of the seventh when they s-ored three mus. A. Staples fiied out, Eunica Middleton singled, Enid Middleten reached first on un error, I. Hamm knocked eut a 2-bagger, acoring Eunice and Enid, S. Myles w-a!ked, D?. West grounded ont, H. Wood raacbed first on an error with I. Hamm scoriug. With Helen Wood ou s:coi and Shirley Myles on tbind with the tying run Velma Lowary struekeut wlich retireS the sidc, giýingNencaula ti-da---e---y-1 Thepitcwhe Joe ano a t fo Itcai zoo] s-t"adybol hruiout majbrity of the Necastee players fieS e-ut lncthe infiel, net being ale to conneet. solidly nith Jocye'sef- feringa. Jopce walked six baters w-hich accounted fer three runs, while R. Brunt walked four hatters which accounted for one rua. It n-us a geeod game te wn and a bard eue te lose. Nen-dastle had three arrors and Oreno four, Both teams had seven bits: New-castie----0 01 1 341 10 Orone-.-....-......-.2 03 00 03--8 The last game of the regular schedule n-as played lu New-castle ou Modlay avening last. This n-as claimed te be the bast game et the seasen. The savon innings n-are played under an heur. Enid Middleton pîtchedl fer the Oreno team andi En-riglit fer Nen-castle, resulting in a wn- fer the latter teams by a score of 7 te 6. Both teams plapaed steadp bail which n-as a eradit te hothi teams. In our report of the game ut New- caste on Frid1ay , June 28th, when Orono defeated Newcasitle 12 te 10, we gave the credit for the wining pitcher to Enid Middrleton, çwheu itj should have beeni Joyce Tenuant, Dear Joyce ai Don - We, a group of your frie'nds, have gather- ed hare to honour you on the ocea- sion of your recent marriage. Mest of us have watched you Joyce, as you grew up in our midst and have aiways appreciated your trappy smile and cheerful ways. Many of us were school mates and aiways found you good-natured and a grand person to associate with, Others of us have known yoù through your working in varions stores in Oreno. We feel we know you Don, as wel as we know Joyce, since. you have bean in or around our community ail of your ilfe and proved yoursef a wiliing and abie worlker as well as a g'eod sport. To yu both we wish ail the suc- ceas and happiness in the world and aincerely hope that, if you must have troubles, they may only be it- tie ones. We ask yen to accept these gifts as a siight teken of the. eteemn lu ,çhich you bh a'e bel. Signed on bachalf of: Mary Phasey, '<an P'aynes Hary Davay and James a coffee tabl and aid tab1e. and a mifor. They were inspectd ande admirie by everyone after Don and Joyce had graciously thanked the nany frienda. Lunch followed and the pleasant, although very warrm evaning, camé to a close. w-ho was on the mound for the Orono girls. PLAY-o&FF3 GAMES The first playoff game betwxeer New-castle aad Orono for the league chamvpionship wiil be played at New- enstle this Friday evening, fer the beat three ont of five. The. second ame wMl a nirra ir n,.-mm nmen wl eost tIue team sou monep. Tie management wor to sec a better silvar cellecti nated for these games to help expenses. Somem f these gaI ti locl parki have run arou, hcundred, aIïd Ihe collection he around eigi to ten dollars bats, halls, gloves anId tran tion to pay for, thi osm goes little way to frap the ex so tbe management is lk a good collection for the games. Plan Biggest Dominic Can. In C. F. F A. N. Il Lunn H Rolph I Nevtn-on ci Toi- rer iheld in il le Vun ',0 ImLua Orono 1

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