BeABýY CI >1111J) 1FOR SVECIAL PRI1CES ON two and[thr"ee ee od tate dcÉcku. We have them in ail the- ccq ppnlar .pur'e breeda end hybrid -UAs')da(,oCd and ight L IHVE S1i1UMr C1îPCKS IVa i tbt 1 This imonth andAuut Dayoids. Puliets, nnsxd ok ertels. Contactuls sonfor ricesm, breeds avalilable, deiivery dates, and get your order luJBray flateli- er,30John iN. Italton, O' "ntar.'ý FOU THOSE WHO DO NOT WANTr te fss r boherwith day nidýh cbikswe augive 1Imm1ediate de- Starlted chlicks in ail popular pure breeds adhbrdcosemxeýd, p)1]uliets r cockerels. A lso day ids and ciLbt week 1to iaying pliets. -Ontar in. LAKEVIEW CHICKS Specialized Breecing Plant 0f 5,000 Breeders 0,1l'your oder for Jfuiy. With ile sc arci ty of meat, th(jeewl be a bilg dema1nd ffoi Poltry and Egsthis l'ail ,andj Winter at attranctive prices. It li pay youz to put in 1su extra broofchicks ths yer. PrMp4 ]?t IDl iver Wi th a a pa)nCity o'f 6,0 etve chicks week- lymmwe eect we mmauie propt eeivery, butte beJ),saf, bookl y"pOumrdrnt once forJuiy. Grade A -LageType Wite Leg- PLLLE'J os sussex s aies plicts $17,0, cex, dep l',s i t et $100 pa 1re-ioes i 10%liv e i-ehlornc -Da ni 1A) L otf-e speciai t-old -cikples ï.ty or Feu1 1 lat;,hed i ikc-- i wo heavy rocS iix- W POULTRY 'ED ECOLEN Ii.glîîrp sult I. Al Bedr ik Iever l ed, W lr --edPullts- 17c. ~1N. l-iamp,Rck- % New Ire -Roks,Pill-e Sse e NîvHepa N'FIxed 1el Sus- ci. ult 0. AssrtedC puÈ) lltc iS al lridp ie nrequest. Ordcrtron sudenclse tis Ad $1o0 li]deposit HURONDALE CHICK Hý-ATCHERY, layig 1,BeredRocs Ne Impirs, Wh1itel lhîn. re cataflog Ue1,. Top, ,Is'oteilsCiekeies Gueili ,lOltan io. HEAVY BREED PULLETS 17c, HepNew îHamp. euad Rre Reck p LS 17c. 1Ileek yeur Orde frin t)sAd, Hurondale Chicu taiceryouon.()loteie.o RELIABLE CHICKS JLY 1 PiR IES (ON BABY', ýCICK EBarre Rcko$,1.Ramnp _M l'F. vwouku.Susse, BarredRocks, Lehu uts. YBR 1IDS Leg - liorn BE. amp X R. Pns'unp ahipinentMil ler'1Chick Btcry c-C Avalid iaeboai read t, mi othr dlivUyU\leme, studens, S partir C,1 1u-l i itgu' \ ne 1emp0 iyFmefti Adaid StW.,)Trouto, Ont.o dyein , orieleDningtWrte t uHfo lnfou'mation.Wo 1r gedteanwe atate Tires. ng on, Lh - tu , hesi.Mot dor reuon- dlitione.. readyto go,. Guy teve son.,rolilOnt.,hn 3 DISE NECINE, 750 la. p, PVAIR- bauL,-MorseM Tpe1Y, SNlE,CySl' 1- brulshes,. Allen Electric (2ompliry Ltd.*:_,i;26Dffer!n St., Toronto, Ot EXTRACTR i aket, V-owe, Dr liven, (Bddy U 1cepping Trink,: Wodis. on eeOnt. gistredpoiter puppis. Preto Po-inter Renne], 15 7 ! lVYnrk St., motror cocee ue thiird eu. y, gaolndrivenl, on sýtee weea area Bo 102 73Adeleide W. Tor- FOR SALE - HOUSE ONE - ~OREV FRME 1HOUSEI userStrahroy Ont,size 114 x 18, aud 22x 14. rite ox2,Gnee MODE-L)DEL CLETHAC TRAC%4 TOR11 45 ers poer,12le- sie, nex- r cellenIlt conitliin. $180. . C. Cola1s. 25 Onltalo St., St. Ceainles, Mîlkr Wlilopeateon any lino pipe instalatio. Sinl uit wit'h 5î1Ilb, apct, staileaýs steel la ilý, $162.immled"iaite dlveynit 'S audvacumpumips. Box 113. Ter- miniai Station A",Toronto. Slî,i7F.R PLA'IING FLUD, ESILY' maeaod ld. V ast mretVor- mla aýjnd saleýspanOne Dollar. De- taýisrs Krysvto PIlro duiets Co, S TAChUZ. Cal,] THE NEW IMAPROVED HAY DI VIDE R Cao be -tîed bswath boarýd of nuy ueddto fork hay beind rmwer iin heuavycrp ln faeiune, as therle is îonlnig fkf o tion 1750 .o.. Bistl, ue.Sole dfgr ,and irit or forCanada aod13.. LcalSpanre hie Aet We1ted A. rbie.BrtlQe 'FL lEtf-'ý4AND RDOlAT 19lectrool'. C supplsof il kinds;( orsKiogtonOntlýo. ho Ud$1,0.A erir guara"tee il miles freti 40 hsad o catie Lageittiatiy imber pull) odod.Price80,0.0.Bx99, 73 AdeidoWTrno farina ,îith hdr, ondbulng nuiheret l-arelain1s 8,15ano up, a nuube I;et 10-aýcre1tarn 1$1000taod u liainumber e >ot 1a0 au Olla c erm 6,00 au uiltes TaIns'ehave aýiv:gelu egond bu 1 iings aodnise nme ih 1bus' ýi sudhyre Thee ae 11nugond velue that sh1oulon bve icked , pct on 1ce',. og DIARDI-iSSN< LE RN LIIR iiSING 'i _ iIIý-E Avenue R 1oa , oronto WANTED: EXSTAFFNURIDSNE beade&woing ondîtNonsesApl Dnrsad arin, Rclîm FU IT, AN5)rlA oftn menthe vacat)fionlt pye theendofnueyer'ssric.Bn for (hoight berlite. Aly te Sup À,As IfOTAT- ÎEVERY 1s UF- forer t Rhemat;lic Pains or. Neuri- tis 'shld itry D ixo 's RemIedy. M Pnrs Drg Stoe,35 Elgin, ut- taws. Pestald >100 '1medy tha'it m i h]lpinlg huld reds $1-90 pays for s1-eelwes upy 7internationall Age, 22 oig .3treet, Toront o> Ontar io. IF YOURE BALD READ THIS! no. exnîinSclpPreparation -the nw enrkbettn1linent folaui, s . a gonhair in caïse a iler ca e priots0 fially cenl- tr (ed td uevised. , Newhair bas definilýýiteyaperdin moa st cases afer, 11etmriient L ih, Hexon- cmiilScalp repa1' rat :,ion i. Efrfect iveu l so i lu1'.1111milne )ba ldufe ss. Star11t ti niew\%treatupeut llfor. baldueý's now. R1emieiinber, if Ieoii cl Pre- paration doea ontuiproduce resýuts,' afitei', follo'w ing Jire cctionfis YOU GELT yLOt 1R $IIO1NEi BACK. ..every jar sldis uur with la ieadiug Canadian 1lsuran-c,ý Comlpally, Dunit 'po§lpone.en id $3,0.0 ( cheilquel ,or mnoney ýord(er ) today lor, trial Jar te Hexoicin(Canda)Limited, Dept. MINUiAL INSTR XIErTS mnents, Mi1 Church, Toronto 3 1 -UICL N -Y1ZRUM'lfE NT-S BE- paired and rfiised lVotis ie lele cepertIY 1reP-aired.Mirre pairs on, Banjos, Mandolîns and Gutr.Forparticulars Wrie A C.McGervey, Orrvîlie. Ocltaneo, 0.1110RTlUNjIiIC" ITIES FR WOMN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAAS LEDIG CHOQL Ploaaut ig.iiedprofession, good wavýges, thou 'sands successful Marvel grdao.Amer-ica's greatest sy's- tomn. Illustraýtod catalogue freei. MA éELHA0IRDEtsISi 35,8 Biner St. WV.,Tont Brnces14 ist. 1Ham'iton & -'4 Rideau trot taa FETERSONAI3II& COMI1AY Patenit soliiitors. Establlsh1e d 169; 14 King Ws.Toroýnto. LBook)et ef rauiteed cpe day service, NO WiAIT- INli.Bay hotoService, Ncrth ]Bey. TIME TESTED QLJALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Leuir filmns proply evloedgu c ORl i E-'Q5SUEE RlU LLS lIc.I' REP1111EINS 8 for ZIc v6 Lou lmey [let tget ilthe films yen wentl thjs year, but yen cen get ail the uliyarnd srieyen desire, by sodiu uyur flms teo IMPFRIAAl PHOTO SEIt VCE Station , ooue ANY SIZE ROLL f or 8S exposurpes DIAýýELO11CD & I'RINTED 5c 3 MOUNTED NAIUMNT 5 tse4i'l entflRslMut Eiîlargemen)s 4x1'o eyM lno moTRSAs 7 l oldSlERVCEas UlnWk lurrxlc bnyfns SUPREME SATISFACTION Cean onlj o b ttined y haiiîg yor ilns*pncssd b) hih fiistecniinsuuu ts vr betmeeiis ad odm e chier. il a b-inbheatlo'W TRANS-CANADA FILM SERVICE Teronto 1> :, Ont. N o. 1lDayou.Appiysttin af'ary end (jqualificationsa:d1phononin- bier to Leonar a] eril , Sce'y, weute d tfor1,S. S. No. ,villag eet iuadie ville, audIl xt anl riBruce - ton. CiouibY et Renf1re w. Duies te comine nce Se Pt. , 194f. Salery quire's jst-csii eacerFor, pulic Sept. 1. Stat uaîicten u saiaryl 1 eccd teS. P.1i'e tron T'REYEARESREQIRMED 1,or SbeierCotnutin e1o te dîviueEniss utrFeos Scince JuiorMathi., Art or _Musie P.T nd Cadet LTra:ijilninïg.Api aud oxp'erinc, alsoInspecr'nel- feecs in fi ,t lotte r, Onc ai nir- mn l. .MCag, bebr, Ont. ISLAND FALLS, NORTHERN ONTARIO (NoIflu iof crae ACnoid:,ted( eueýroom, gradeo SselioI, requires Prlotestan1tepe- encod femle t 1e acherfor grades 1 to 9 ibrof ppus 1.Mui aind soialseviceinclnlding ch'- dren's undey Sisool rde1s,, sit saaery $1600,00l, starting -Septemiber Ir,196 ppliy invitiug te Her- birt L. il. -,rn, v ,ecea r y, 1408, UnvriiAveuT Cet , (Ont. S As anmie philosophier once se truly sa id, Ïit isni't absoluitely necessary te en reb a C\ï-llin order te be a re-al sorsfan; bult stijLi heips. And ueven whien s'ports he es becomi-e bore- seme, thecre is alway-ýs real pesr Lii ob)serv-ing the meuitalpecss of thiose whio py thonsi, tho1 )se whlo promeite thim. amid those who foilow themii. Like, for instance, the elevator operator in a big down-town of- fice building whio confiided i.te ns, the day befere the ight that sheý was bettinig teni doilars on, Billv Coun to beet Joe Louis. Puliy ont ef the good1uesa ef-)our heat- (she vasi't a bd-loekinli ttie thing, et îhai)-%e 1toid her ua shie V-1S makintg a very grave errer1, asud that shle couild get f ar quekr ction aund juit as sed eursby îessinig her oneýy ont ofa tep)-storey window. But she was'î onvssed."Mabeyou, 'rc hasu'î goutacacebtsilij, tiev i supporting th e white nuan every time, Jus oacoy ow hefi iguired losilig tell dollars on Billy Cn was gOing to hluhC ld wbIite SUPr emaUcy is more than we ýcaîsl fa-thioIn, se wh'at' S 1the use of îny- iug ? StilI, doisl't ever stirt tinik-- iing itis olyth1 eiinn1muli i CHaveusn bl- it, that Cart aaonling. For w Ille oefm ofthe se i maybe, as the pee('t said, deadlier that thec majle, ià cen- * * 's) 'll Take,-foi-e' mpethe i(ý1gly auithenitie cseof 1the vcry an3gry hiOckey f aol-an incidenit which,I- lhonIgh prllld oyhnes un th pst appeneud oly wti h pat ew wCeeks. Thsptcua HCHECKED For quick rel1ief P ie'm bngCaused by csis etisiete', Io"ot, sabesDi mpleOsav.doethlelitehin tconditions us ue, g dcae, Ijei ". O PRS ITIN Graseles aI ate'-Si Jcbu ,)Dn" "I'file, A 'k yor ru' i tfA for D O . .PECITO on CERTAIN ODAYS 0 of oth Tisfie in3edie nle s ver y feltcive te 1rejisvý enfldistres ad netreS e- Vous, irritable fieeilings,of suis days - wisen due te feml fuctionel montil Rhuaîcpains mey olten be Ca'us!ed by aee uie aeid, a blood huparity that 4hDuld ie esiracted by te I dneys '. if kidneys fait. and exces ric acid remains, it rnîay ceUsýe severe- discemfort and pain. Treýat rheumatjc pains by keeping your kidceys in good condition. Cet and use Dodd's Kiduîey Pille. l)edd'sheîp your kidneYs get rid of troubîe.mnakimg poZ3son and exCese cid-hlp vnFe2l better. Sest vhIat odccdefroi 3 MILLIeR EL ETTE 8 wvceeks Up te ieyig. God pricet- peid. APPiyte Dom Ne. 95, 7 CASH FOR VOUR USED CHEMICAL TOILET BOWLS meuied igliseat pi pii Write 194 GlleyAvenue, oono 16.32 Mt.:Pli TO TRIESTE Vice Admi. Bernhard H. Biern,, commnander or tthe U.S. Medite- ranean naval fer-ces, is in charge of the thr-ee-ship detachinent ordered to standi by at Trieste, whelre trouble mnay develop over Italian an,) Yug'oslav dims to the City, Leaifs ge-'toing rid ef Babe Pratt, a "dvas hghl nigatover the' wh1ole tiioig."Tieýinjg tIle can tjo Babe l ike that is 3adryshm~ hie said, "andi( the feulsshud' stand for it for a minutie; ini faci Ihink tat -ail1ef ns suportrs of th0 Leafs sol e paptto rtetng agi s uch a raF The endoly nsidl ner- es ',a hi, point saîýd siehn aibout e koig htthe ot1her wssuch an iiardenlt MaeLCaf supprter "Wel,1Ishould say 1 anil, ' reîrtedth ate one betty. "Why-, 1'il bet I haven't Missed one sing-le broadicast in bver five Yes aswe aidbefore, a certain amontofîxcki1îcSs is ne real hLandicap te successful partici- patili i _spotscithel r ou the side- uns nthe 1managmeriel bench, or in hearnaitacif. Espe)cially thc latter. Weaetiiig now of'Ila yongepro ice jockey who >had beenridig ii somwhatsensa- tional ashion eebse-son, and who w adbeen c-ommissionr-d teu neve for at certain publi- cat hcus of onr talkc c- tol)d (1theý youîîilg pnuk, as a real comlient ltat his 1inanneIr od siftinîg on a herse somlewhiat ne- mindd n ofthe ,great Earle TIh1e Kjd didn't bat an eye. "Is that tse?" -he asually replied. Then, afte iia-mlent,'s thought, he addeud, "I gueiss Sande was pretty gn e. SA FES Cabiet. er 00vurse. n imI îs r . r fr iVe's et., t flepi l55 J.&,J.TAýYLUR IMT TOrO- mmSAFE woRKS: VRITE OR, PHONE E-ASANT MOCTORS, LMD .ER, PYOT ELR it Rd., Toronto FHY. 2181 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING L. Kuîndy.Minlistor cf Agricrl- jturc, thaï,fenîu w orkcrs anc te h plsced ude!ho' ekis,'sCm pcstei , i fgicti'trs te theý poopie omOsaroqite spart f nom tsefarinig popuaIonî1, sasTiseSt. ToasTisc-Jun- isa. he esclusi-1 oi cf Iin or- keslisbcu , faiui oi ceon- esnic sysein, Mode )ar ï,ing re t rilckS, asud c lical r asoîn I ciess occur (han iti:ls h da Y, avhcs uîarlyail sewe- onielaVi-m ts, îceare eftc.s accietvsc asku met bis ikd rtaîp N clo uboalt ffrseswl Caaiarjnutu-îs fer 1 1ssaulîiv a ya.As far as pssilemouw h hanve as ns1uch rtetoua le ors cîuo h'1ope to attract mut tise farns1s, on gettiose tu qu ier, Te o use li as tisels ýine!d Helgoland Rock To Be Destroyed B.-itain Plana3 To BlIow Island Out of the Water cided ltou lak rsicmaue egainst ithet rock, "pi ilie a dagger ai Egas, says The New York Heriaid Tribune. Thev simpiy.propose to blow it eut of tIse w aloi- vhich, is less difficltý than in iglît- eppear, sînce Heligoý- land has oniy becus preserved against the iinoads of the sea hyv rather heroic m easuires. After the blasîs it is expected that oul1y somne barren rocks will remaiii, to provide e haunt for migretory lis this atoujiec, ac14iel àage ise c'iiusînIation e f the NrthSec fort- roa0fl' pcildnd Nazi ("Ge- îue u slv]ýy swell eenù sre iuîî1por- tanti as a syînbljoi thauîi for lits straeC- veriing thicillitsryposibiliis e Theisiantkiffwa,,s Bnitish fer- usearîy aIl1th Iiiseteeiîth etuy(befntý thaIt iÉl dbenoueby u- mrby thf Dulc'ofScseig osîiby the H1-anseatie Leag ue and by assre prte)sd %was finiall \-ucd owdveu- te GeUuseny je ï- ISe)() ein ersFoi-tI ified the 0s, laîsd, prov iinig c o ver Éfer 11he weýre stutoi thiFr pinciplseiâuaaî staion. xtesdisgthe range of the' gn with.usiis fieli, they' creeted is seltered 311 i which, durinçî, two wars, tihe Gem- man Navy could find havtîs, salec froin' the eperetions of surfïaceý shipa. At Verisailles the Gerussaîsaý wcre ordered le demilîtaruze its is- land, but that was nu gi-caler ob,- stacle 'o Hitler- thauî the otiser pro- visions of tise trcaty. The islausd, which is more than oune mile long and less than a haîf- Inili. wide, was equipped durng tIse war, with naval aud anli-airc af't guns and powerful radar (Iitip- ment, It was used as a, base 1eor U-b sets, while the tÏiny nearby le-u lan.1 of Duiene wV5IS cnetd t a laniiing tiiferfiger ciat. Dusene aiso will bebclewn up aný4jd wilI revert tetheconiditîi n f an insiguifica-ntsndhk THE SPORTING T'HINÔd 's s. 's s, aI s. '1' 's a,. '1k C "1. -a '1, .5- 'k N a * 'a 55 s N -s 'k 'k H-ARNESS &C(>LLARS KarmensAteton-Cosi youir nearoît Harnries , Shop about staco Harnees S' upplies. We 'sel] Our Zgeedi enly througli youxl udl tao Leathej G0od' eie.Th ooare right. and se are oul pi-fees. We mnanufacture un-oi-fa tories -Hrns.Horse Col. lar, SeaiPads, Herse BIen- etai-d Leather Travelling CGce0cdS. Insuit oni Staco Prand TaoMarked; Gýonds, ejrd yiu rtatfatin! ri nlv hy SAMUJEL TREES CO., LT-D. WRITE FOR CATALOGUIF 12 WelntnS.E..,ooî Wane 8 -HOUR DAY -- TOP PAY SPLENDID WORKING CONDITIONS