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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jul 1946, p. 4

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OÏl&N WEKY IE, IUSDAY, J13LY i.194 O~6. The Orono Weekly Times Establishied Janualry, 193è7. Pubuîslhed every Thursday norning at thie TimesOffice Subseription, $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Orono, Ontario Share With Needy Friends We feel quitepertain that e luvelu a go ouan.That Wa, i~ îmressd upn uswhenwe talk Vto f olk finhel ,ldLn. u mn,y of hlitý ie items os food and wearig apniaraeStrict rationaed lu the ritîshisies. Lu Our Osewcuaty there arerestric- tions, it j-ituc. The bundane Of OUr Own stocks Of foodaC cltr ing shuoldrerve tauvoke Our anfnssIrWvi. newyf denntaing, that sense of takunesi u sha'ng saine.1faur buny lh es otuaefiienda'1, Man1y af us ave ve uneus WhohVe heen kindy treaed by aMmefAmoiy Uronfmileso rian1 digaain ofuveseasserilnteame!fresne can show a inraue%'f aprcato b ailing prcloffodorote îneeded ar1ticles t a tievhen schVinsare 0opprue Furthermora, livermay Ire relativesaVoawomnwewrie yfrain time Vteine,but tea whom ce haie neyer underaken ta remaer ilhcaparcel f foud. To geV a beart warmingettr ofapprecia- Vinjut ak p pcla nd send 1Vonihs wap Soap is an ex- Veeyscarý:c commoditY over InreaJust nowN. We 1ear thattu aunces Per persana I1otmh is tIre ratin npcigsa huh Iv is wis tauwrap each bar lu waxpaper, and thon pack lu as fan- froinfoodstuffsa au l ble. FoodSla cas afIcurs iY cacure awaIns the unpoasnt oets of cloeauimito sma, It tdo(es sonhard ines tInut the 1 p,eopiaaf tre Biih se aie so Meeftof t1he good things of life jstno. lire situation,ý is tIre uxore ragic wien wa vememborW rt o f those sane goadthungs are praduied nlu heseveny sad. usderael uppemmlost i lu he mInds ef tIraBiiI eloe n od r en zhiped ouit wlth tat end in iew-, Afo acl hpe Ire- wce a very persona l mater -one that -Wili s.Vngti he t Visd prieadshp and aenServe Voumntain morae and hapinesVisit a faorie soppng cntr whle i ida h stIiin m«dx * * 0 The Chu-rdh Se-hool A nwvnua sIen ndrae ya ubravorthly peule onectd lth Park St. nited (lunch.LocacI dren are f huch sehoal.iWe udrtn Itbihwl lne ebd wih hause inardr V acuait tra itte falkwit bile asons auJ mîsoaytaisSaubdusinbsaindungtiatfw yeas a tath adisailiy f tachng elgio lutIr dy sehouts At'tI sine tir, tIns I thevery thiug th lead f fre- ligins hougt aa ap taruup aganatolln'nce heyseek ta Oforinu- la atypeof rlgin'isrutontat eul aapl itathe pnb- 7 re sehboal sia-awa.-asiby ngoddeal iw111 ha aecomplished i-n aqitwaiy ftrough tje devoted effortsdof eple who make a tuy af tr ne CW of tAeloug.We imiagina that aven chilidren whm dialie the ideaof confnment ia a "school"' -wi11 ha wover thnough tIra pleasant emaspences of ibe CIurch Acol.(ylden fo41, view -with lamitIre tendency toward waywardness andicief as tIsse tings affecýt tireyo pecie of a' ur day. We aîre taid tInt a ack of restrintupo n esr of parents isnatilyre- sponile. Proaly ton many paýrents have:,noV comae into contact wtrthe geno-tler -" infune fCuc f e, andare themselvas handi- cappedin ahrinW g xvie eiedrsip for tIre chldren. Whateveir *the ofluom of tIre present loal efor may ha, wa feui sure tinat Vroewho devotetIriUtme Vo suh a causa OCl Ie richbly epaid. Caatrbidn is anae of the esseuniAs for good citizensbip. The buildng of good charactar vwllii ]ai age lu the efforts ofIns prenant week aad w111 ind nus, that tIre -Iu,.c(h is port meri uinistitutinfotua abatsaone. tPs k strchas thraugbou tte entre -week. * 8 *8 Lookinig Ahead Maay peopla delo(a the dtrimeutalafect of the prasant stike of "Goodyear" wolkers wheu viewed fronm a pureiy local standipint. TIeraeightboning tw of BowmanUeil is bound Vo feel tIabutof tIrestrikeWs depnasing affet upan kbuse. Landiords WHIhlAil ook fan thailremnts. Machants and fuel deniers owicn- inue taeIhe desiros of tIe reene frain tIroirrepectie Iruinesas Oua brigIt zspot bains- upon the huin-the fMc ht other wor is arailble. A crtinmnsure of inicome shouid still rensued)hiI iu tura moi go ta pay tIre accumaulitig Ibuis and accounts. A mouchfor, tIra ocalwonker who is fortunta anough Vo sacura aew ployment, and fortIre local imarchnant dsu iad w hM searrpas- 2ýibïii>es for the pnym-,eIt cof accounlits. Anlohen facstor a(ntan2"s into tIre pitra owavar, and Inseonewe can illafddtaorno'v ok. MutcIr of the business ch sbudAIreinaving right naw ý-is.xo, ui ness. Wlien seerma indutries of ane typa, or of divers t"ysmer strie-bo n utanda, it csiiipiy meanasVont forign Makets ana gon o sainIe com-,petîtor abroaid. TIre counitry capitnning aad hold- icg sana markets is making sa far bl for future prospeniy. Eng- Innd is n gaod exaniple of Such n macty. Boing com-)Pnitirely frea of stnies, the Bniis people ma deuyig thAmsalves of aven thai tIra neceuities of if e whîla they expant erery nvniln'bla dolln's wmtIrtby ean produca. TIre appears taeIra only. ana ans>wer to 2uelh a situation, wnmeyEngland wil wini and hold tIre orerseas, trada amIDe Canada and the U.S.A. g abagging. Wýýe natucaily tk z.ffI(,j, ,Di+ t'lie ea a9eds of busiess fl-,ctuatioris as am.e sea thin Irenca muas of baker M.andM .Ceeu G. r, i Newtconville, Ontarj, annuce Ithe engagiem)ent cftereds agtr Floenc Evly,1to Rre cwn, secod sn ofMr.and rs.Porter. ,cwnsmithFi l Ontario. The marriage wItke place quietly the us hy the merchants-andresient Mr. . M.Lîinton and MrJ.. Local ïNews Forer0rono Gui Gida-s oyn rdaeenn'of last-wefo Wiihtsn hît'sfim, nrt 1o Bowanvillu, Vuholciacolef Suuay heyparaded to church Mr. an Mrs.Sa FEnco have retumned ho e atein8-a BayMr.Whye rpots-that tCe sAd Hies waresa sie on tce! sctreesat thefirmenwenenusig Oron Memria Comunit Pak on Tusacvening, July I6th Anyý avsdto attenld the gaine. Tis will -eagam- Ibetw:ýeen youth and]( o(dr experienced payers se cialarnoncmet lllbmaed- igthe game. THIE DUTROF THE FUTURE Buy- a Trio - We Ranch Tiieni, WIllOW CREEK lFUR FlRt C. R. KNOX ORONO. 0ýPHONE 42 il jTELY -At -BowrnanIIville, o S[ndiay, 'June 30h,Ol1946, 'te Mr. anid Mrs. John' I lately ne ure Tonnant), a sn 1 1AT - At Nwaslon hus ris Fu-ýnrlCapl omavle on StraJl th,'at:.00 p.m. 1Intermti ilwas iade ili Bow- IN MEMOR-IAm STAYRý-I oig eoyo u dea moher Elza daStark, whlo CTheeautful' PORT HOPE Wednsdayto Fia The Big,BrnNe Withi RITA HYOT Mondiay andTusa "DoYou Love XMe 1,A1UREE.N 0'HAR AN 1NUCE-MENT The uregular meeting o h rn Wome's Istitte ill be held in the C unci Cha 0er -o F ida1Y, 1111Y l9that 230 p.., wen -Miss Aleenl praard. veyon w lc Lez repairs; prîce sesnable. Wl a cashi for olsedsing machines. -C. F. Duncan, Phone 7-1,Orono. tf. FOR SALE O1 onLe;rwihCi a ie M Bro Sxdoooo;1Dern sevie. lr u(ned Poi.ces( Moderate. Modem Jý. to qiiet ii. E Duvl, Phonne 5411, OSrno. and~p FORSAL Two AttltDuck, i re 12 Peuins frmei Mn. M !ua, ta 4,, icikoxnhp i2ale eto caUe, imemntgrai , etc. Ir v Isgat M.. A . Cooers visýit etd ber iser MS.Gs Y- sn. Mn. and res. hwraob and~~cr Lila efortIornwhm inný Miisco . A.Cooperad hldrofr spfendiug a "Ife days't Mnrctr sta>r Marvinueand MsnShanon bauvecob,,of Torongtotarvsang thir Jaunt, Ms .Xney MurpeF. CoprofOno à,ent. aým faw aysat t , h M-,of berilon Mr.Dod Okenud on ayne hae beauholiang with Mr .d Afe Osawad ar holayîugat th hvaseqf tinnnt, MnLaau We'm welcoma Mn. nd Mr- rýs BCatSt tIrefina yea of igir ScIrool. r0 re lsa tareport tInt AMn. mmd Manuinhs retumnedfoi C;ii Hs i"i luPetaoog. honp+timi 11--e 1nay bhamuc1h lin-J enujoya -d i nat the M E P 1CAL A. F. MeKENZIE, M PRYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. ; .6.30 to 8,00Off t Surndays and Wednesdays by ýapp..inmnent only PHON-"E 47r1 RN Lawrence C aoB.A, Barrister and Solicitor BWMANVILLE, ONT. Phone W.F.WR NOTARY BzoWMAýNV ILLE, ONT. VETEWINARIN INSURANE-ý FreCaGuarty, Atmbl and Liability 0 R 0 N INTÀ MA-N U FAC TURELIS LIFE finnclal SeCUriy for yoursel and' your faily. DANE FUN plane 501 -. PO. Box 622 Port HopeOntarjo Monuments,Grem krs AUICTIONEERS TED JACKSON -WActioneer and Valuator COnducts Auocion Salesof aUaiuzz Coinnuniate Ithhm at POtt Perr, Ourlo orsee bis Clerk, .A., E.Mroat Orono, fer date.ý J ACLK R EID Specialize iFarm mand Furniture Sles - Consuit mne for terms, and dates Phione 1620 Ca r k? Thiat, for a man aget,- t-fu, The,- imperial LiI e Assurance Cm 1)an y wilgu1naraie his .famil1y $5,000' ý00 Iiievent of lis dealthpro 3%j( of that amouint yearly. Anid 5f he lives to age siýxty, theCmpn wvill pay imi the $5,000.0. Why not consuit your local. represenitative FRED LYCE¶T ta seea what aplansu4ch as thlqs will RK'S TAXIn 24-h.our Service lPECIAL RATES FOR [T-OF-TOWN SOPR jVlvertising Rates on request r A Complete Ser-vice We aereard to giv-e a cmlt uea sericeinevery detaiLOreqpmn inelude-s every device andf elt that can hel-p i ýto mae the lstrites reverent aond comortng.Our staff is made up of train- ed andxpeed people who a-re taught to ov rio no pportuniy to serve. FZ F. MORRIS 00. DURHM'SLARGEST FUNERAL DIRECTOR JAMES E. O'BOYLE Orono' Ontario BuiesLicense No. 1301970; -Wartimeý Prices anýýid TradeBor BlUILDING CARIPENTERING ALTER-JTIONS REPAIRING PAINTING Goodi work at f air prices, by the hour or th-e jobi ESTIMATES FR,,EE PiaforsSun S Home 553. Office 688 'i OUI R 1

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