ORONO TI George Houston (TELONE RDR JU'STICE" AL ,U(FRIZZY> ST. JOHN a N-,ld DENNIS MOORE'ý PVAELIFE 0F TlHE GANNETS" nTOM TOM, THEPPES "A NOSE OR ,NEWSL"1 Satur-day, JuIay 13 O...boatecrso,!pnoe h y antoi o.1, saawic u eter-,, onSeturdaýy, July 20th. Spe- tion at630d m (D.S.T.), stoppiug atî, B o 'wmetvi lle end Newcastle. Trntfelra rm ecate60c; boat farefron Coburg nd rturu, 2.30, texicudd hide udr12;'half fane. W. J. RtiddolPI hsanubr iekee sleid uin.uemme thedae, atila, uny 2t i o- neyer seil Gas ta UL. motorists el_ CANDS OUI S U'J,1leSNsS wo e is 9 roneyZspmemds 12,oM5dp m'el l garag mec thegrocr, te l'rmer e7iv roy bneft iet. rmi viiors tale back iththm i kflu. aIlth yeers to corne. CANADIAN TRAV-L BRA .partment 01 Troa & Comrece, Ottuawo.- I RED & WIIITE STORES * A -CROICE RO0UND STEAK l.40c. SHfoULpLErzROUND POT ROAST lb. 25c. PRIME RIB ROAST lb.J31 Co BLADERAT lbs, 25 c LEAÀN ROUND STE-AK RZCOAST i&. 42c YORK CANNED BLONTintt 2c YORK SPICEII AM Tea-Time Fanc ASTRY F CREAMETTES, -Macaroni GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Daly's TEA....... I{Plt-floCARBOLIC SOA tin 3~c. ~'LOUR.. 7-lb. bag 32e .box ti n 5 bars >lat drilç ...tint 25e, 49e 39C Local News 1icssjean lDuncan spent Pa fewý leys thisweekCsisvngin Ottawe. MIr. mnd 3Mns. Jew, c f T ooto arevidtng her unt MsPeate. Msi .Glenn TmlyTor oto, andMiMtoTnby. Miss Rasemry etoki -pn ing her libdays aiehMC, j. Pae- Mis. nudJoues, fAMidlnd, viîeGven thlewe-edwithl bei euntMis.E. Teh My Mi.JhmreeuMwC.d, H rea Mi. ed is. Milten Etet Ide i i(ff 'ndul ttr n. Macle SI i - pedig. M J H Sei.hs e rudte Te nte hvng>een the etin cf1 ci V Vut rsahma eeeele Me ~r, T.A. Rid eandO.W oîJly itndtcpatasare Mn.a Ms.1.H.Petespentl Mn. ed Mn"i . i A Mc,îî ibin holey ng eýt Bichm odge, Mater Johei-SlbrereJ, f shw1'ai v"ci5îc the ihome cf1M. ced Mrs J.l D.B rc . L iiýD so i7 a 'edlilel Orner : Lehlb Jon panig ejien lenthD-thet ar ade te be Ildet Pteîroug thisA Mr. ed r. R. Mades, PMnE. eu Mns. H.r Walsh ad Mns Ele son ce ded trheL.O.L. pr;aeeA1ý Blackstcck, edSunnrkeveni. Mn. L . Unieh ueyis. ili RUrtzancf New llamlaurg, Mn. andcMls. H. N uSnrced red. iof Pren Cutteilý;1, homea .R hlia rmLb bokPee, lc Se dauhtedr5.MrssuA L n on cf St. L isn, Veleo - ",are of Gendier these rwtheMrs. J. Dison led othenreo l te ot Mn. d Mrh. Ale.Elliott, St. Joh, NB., nc are pnigteir oli- bred -an-Mw, RMn. ced Mr1s. R. E.all We extend ScrOrtuleisnst Stlle Bst, who ec fivfist cas Ste bted 85 cmksced is, penied y han motha left on Mon- dayuefor Vouver bythmoton, whr thayinttendmakîng thein futr ed jr rii~ Local P TheYogMthr'sscai icf O n w idlke ton meet t thp Park Bard at their nlext rgI meetng îththe iea of findin, soe !emdyforuher0w va tar frm teb die f ielidre receved hileswim il' int1ta1 -lu* Mr.andMrs1Ne1 WhdToîod ae leaývingi nter this moluth wii Mi.eid Ms.Galrathon a mat< Bowmanvîle -Phone 589 Co0ol A ir odton -Co 'i "C ATAINEDDIE" The LOUIESCONN JULIY 13 "110W O YOUDO" "The ,Mad fRussia" and onTues., Wd JLY 15, 16, 1 Dou'tmss ,-,eiilg this Judy Garlanid J1ohn HdikRy PBOlger ' Il a.m.-Worship, "Honesty" 7.00 p.m.-iEvenîng Service n h if k. e Le il withdnawn -~ "A men's wey seams ail night te bimself, but the Eternel has k the verdict on bis hf e". Pnivenbs 16.2. I Orono Tinshopi Plumbing, Heating and Sheet iMetal H M. MERCER Phorn ~ 2 Complete reservice A RMT Misses aed Ladies' Crepe and Jersey Dresses, Blussl Wi and Crs7, Ladis' WiteShoesý, la 'San- Girs' resesin Cheked Giga znd Fflowýe red - Seesucersizs Ste 12, pricd......$.50 o $4.75 Cho-olate Spagetti tin. 15e Sat, Oly RICE 18e. Sat. Only- C a ifona RAISI1N S Ginie' Slips, iii white and p k Rayon, size 14 pri~d ~85c Chihlren's Sun Suits, Shorts, Slecks, Pinaf~ires, aise Print and Silk. Boys' Sun Suits, iii Wrhite and Ladies' Hats, clearing et HALF PRICE. TOI'LET 25e. CRE IIEINZ botle 25 SPICED IIAM tin Own in PURE 97. LARGE LEMONS Get Your Nlev~e ORONO GARAG TIIUI Pro ýoverbs 16.2. 1