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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jul 1946, p. 7

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hUSTIFUN f Break the Othier On--e A A Suniday-sehLooltechrwas ýyIgto ilpress on lier puipils the ~fo i sinai n b theEast, n( I th rsoi yof a Ipourt ve roke biis ami and was takeî tà ptawhr h farefr fthec irst time pabout C11ristiaInity. ",VQry soonl," she "liudd,'e wa2_s Well and returnecd to blishoe Now, how could blearu more Thiere %%aisilenjce for- a momenrt, then onae brighit cildvouneeed "Pesmiss, hie colildbra the "H wloed ;a gold collarý -£d tud and had b 5eq peraed onl "Gosh! It ould haebe ihapr o buy <a new collar jstid.' ýNot The Sam--e Onie 'lter: t bold you just not., to 1n3 f 1know, ibultl]thisin'bthei nise. I was playing thelý tiben, but J'ai blowinlg an uindertone),"Ta' r:~~ uDd .~o speak, "No, si r.", No Use 'My, whVat 4beautifl bndlCs yuv ATel i-me, after you've cul your Is, do goni file thiem ?" asked a o," replied ber, typist throw thleni away" No Hurry A wealthy mlerchiant defcided thiat lie woldt comimission an artisitet paint his new cotnnbry mansion with kimself, as thie owner, standIing in the d0ooray. Accordingly b apracedan artiet wbo agreed ta th,'e proposaI. Iti dle course thie picture was eomn- but the altist, for cone rea- of is Own, lbad neglected ta 'the figure of b'is client. ;'Igh, said t're merchanit, d~o I corneii tried t,0 pass off the i1 aaid, "yot've just gone '.write 01111cheque.ý" "h, have 1," retorbed the oùther. "Then-ï perbaps lI be coming onat ooon anid if 1 do l'Il paýy youl; in tlie mneanltime we'll waî." No Sibbler Prouidly Mrs. Hobýson eh-owýýed some-r of bier acquaintances oiver hber mew borne, i s youir husband a- biblia. sniac?" akdone isitor wb;en sbown biblibraywbere tevery ficok was a Iabrondeîinde Thie Ibç,stess sardcoldly at ber- qi. stionier. "Hle dentbibLe.ýNcït that lie won't take a drap 1n0W alid tben wRith iris melals if thie rest do. 'Bill that's as far as fie goes." Hard To Stop Dujring thle spellinig lessýon the Peachier asked onle yonngster ta spell 7"banianiia. " "B-a-" 'began tbeie lad slowliy. Then biu ement . on, ore briskly 'Doni'î ,otn knlo-w !hw to spell il, Jimny" asked tbe techeýir, "IYes, miss"," was th-e reply, "but I (Ion't know wben ta stop.", HOW COul. He? "s-""I tidcanigsfreP, but il was no gc(oo-i simplI)y coldn't get to sleep," said bbc lotihing'manu- facturer ta is parbner, 1,I told youi," the laftter replied, "it was ulsunleseyen conntled bIp toa atosn 'f cou-nbtentbusnd"said the manufa:-cturer. "I ebeared tiemn, coambed dbbc wool, bad it spun ita cltand miadle im suits, took tbem tc, mikrket, and losIý £21. 1 "didni't ýgel a wn of sceep." Cornered "Darling, if 1I 'were ta, die wouild you marry again?" she ask-ed, "Tha2t's barclly a fair question, mty (ear." "WbIy not?" "if 1I were to say gyes yon ou not like il, and ta say v ragi r Educator I HORIZONTAL India fa3 ined eu 10 Painful 15 Golf d«ec 16 Hgh card 17 BMAi (symbol) 18 Accmplish 20 Morning moisure 22 Musical note 23, Toward 24 Weight (abi.) 26 Behèod! 27 Lterary copoition 29 Eradicate 31 ithin 32Olemi(abs) 3ý3 RecreatiQn areas 36Grasp 319Erbium ,(symobol) 40 Be quiet! 41 Alurninum (symbol) 42 Us 413 Part ùof ïcice 450Out of (prefix) 47 Street (ab.) 48.Pro 49 Suffix 51 Operaticsolo 54 Weight 0f 55 Tiny 56 Wrijtingý implements 57 Bright color ,58He je father of the c- -- SyStem VFqTICÂL î DespiseC 2 Nativýe lmletal 3 On the ocean 4 Kind oc, 1fish .5 Before 6Fix 7 Negatfive-C word 4 Reqire' 9 Sets pa ce 12 Sta'ggers 16 Exist 17 LAd r ,1'e,> l'te, leos 1'nziîï T EP E E-F 'EE AIDEtZpTOLI5P S~ ~~ PAETE 19 Be indebted 21 Miser-y 23 Military vehlicles 25 Fishinig lure 28 Title of respect 3 0 W ing-icpart 33 Vegetable 34 Poinited shaf t 35 Her 36 Feline 37 Sa-ber 38 By 46 Gaý-rmnit [VOICE 0F THIEPES MOP-SY byýOLADYS PARKER YOýU,'Rf. DOING A GOOD YOU AIE PQTATrOESo MAKE ME 50 MAD 1 JUST A1 'F, )SUT! "George is reconverting !" Only A Conjecture Stattlieýs show that muinisters live thie longest lives, doctors theo_ shortest. One cnjctuire foùr tbis is thiat ministers thirive on volun-i tary contributionis, wile mist dloc- tors haive toG chaàse after sheir -accotints. -Toýronto, Satuirday Night Not Faith Geloistre aI L oss te, deter- mline wbaut is causing a Colo(rado mlountain to move(. In these dy and times, it couldnh't be, faith. -KitcenerRecord World Does Mocve Jet lanes -are niow cari-ying Uncle am's m i t0 ifles an, boradif is OWsdtoba race btena telera aun planle, w the winrimeeing a radio mesae t thinish. 11he world doesmve -St CaharnesStandard. Smaller "Bi&" Ships A new Murtaia, binlbik on thie ('lyde. It wll b-e 75f fu('I long and 35,O n, or ciless ithan haif the Quceý n F lizbt anId ishe will e "a li as any bi bbc supelir gIa ine ogv a r ival? -Port A it11u r Nes-Croii;ci Ignorant Impudence "George of Britaýin,'ant Associ- ated Press corresp)ondent a ssulres thlis continenIt fromi Copenhalgen, is "not Iikeî4y to sffe(r froml occu- paýtionIal employment.II" lbilCa11se you aywndrwb s tIhus curtly "eered), il is Kinlg George imi- self. The saying, "Ignorance is truilyvtie mother ofimuec, atpplies here. ucI Bellyv Funny Pipple A Chinese visitor to the Uinited States bas fou1nd AmeriCaus very Pe culiar People. Hie remarked:ý "An Ameirican takes a glass, puts sugaIr in itto makle it sweet, then pubts in kleon juice to make it sour, theun alcobiol to gi ve it wartb ten ice to milake il coILd. Ci says. 'Herei t'sq io you.' and drns i bimself." -S. homlasTms ora Fortunate Prisoners Prison inmatessold begve the ILatest news of tbe dayý, says a arn.So thieyý'il lbesatisfie(d to stay br3 hyae The -Future Wby worry about thle future; are yo ueyoul'll be there? --Fo rt Erie Times ý.,Review Slim iChance!I Evryod ppeared ta be hv inig a good tîrnie last weekecnd we the coujntry, fo-r chnge, was witbouit a major s;trikec. There ïs reason- to sýusp'ct tatOur peoplec wvold Icorne te like indulLstriaýl peace if thecy were ever given a chanilce tu get, used 10 lb. Helping Hand A farmer ne iar Woostock was held -up1 with his spring seedinlg wben i s ïsonl wntto bospital. Hoe ir ifteeni of bis neigbibours took a littie imei off from their \vnewr',-ta go to his aid and fin- isb flhe seeinig job. Ill four hours theýy planited 20 acres, -Guelph Melrcury THE SPORTING THING "Sorry, Precious - but i Îust couldn't let them have the ho.e y-golden, delicious Grape-Nuts Flak!,esp" "Vice is me--to tbink l'Il neyer get home 10 a temptbng bowIfui of those inalty-rich, nut-sweet Post's Graipe- Nuts Flatkes!" 'Torgive me, Dear! But I'd neyer te able to carry on rnyseef, wîthout Grape-Nuts Flakes' carbohydrates for energy; proteins for muscle; phies- phorus for teeth and bones; iron for the blood and allier food essentiaIl" "Farewell, then, Hubert - and be sure to make the chlidren sorne Grape-Nuts Flakes cookics from the recipe on the package!" "I wvill, My Sweet! And l'Il malce theni as skilfully as Grape-Nuts F'lakes are blendled, baked and toasted fromn wheat and maolted barley.Wla' mrore-they'll be*as easy ta digest." Han-idbag ExploringI "W mndoni't go lin for xlr inig," asserts a feaurwrter, wbo has neyver tvatcfied a w-omlan fisb CANADA'S tbroug 63 artices in a bandag STNADPETOCO kookng fOr a âime.STNADPE RCO -Kite"enr Record,, N N N s N 'N N N N N 'N N N N "s N N N N N N N N N 'y 'N 'N s y 'y "s "s 's y' y' 'v 4' 'v * 4' s' y" ~ N N 'y 'v N N 'N 'N N N -s 'N N 'N N N 'N 'N 'N * 'N

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