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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1946, p. 1

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WEE EýS VOL. 10. No. 26) ORO-NO, ONT., TF-lU SDAY, JULY l8th, 1946 Subseription $ 1.25 per Year Bnd Concert, Orono Park, Sunday at 3.00 p.m., by Orono Band Orono Loses First Two Games ln Playoff Serie-s The 'Orono girls' softball team -suf- feDA defeat in their finst two gaines -af ùhe p'layoffs against New'castle girls, the irst 'on Fridaiy eveing1 of' ;asit wxeek-- at Ne'wceastle by a score 'ait 7 to 4, andi in Oreao o'n Monday even' ng last by a score et 17 te 3 'T-ho Orono girls wil'l have te /win the net aie at Newcastle to e Jtee la tharnning, as it de the best three -cuit ùf five gaines, wvith New'castle hIavin"g 1nv;w wotwo. Thbe -aine on F'riday evoing was -ood gaine te watch aid helsi the interest of the se,)etatoi-s threug-hout., th-e sevea inlnTgs. On-ono ha'd fIrSt barttinig, but wdvth -R. Brunt pitching Newcastie, heMu the Orono girls ', eula incheCk. Oronio failedl xrst tn'o t' ýscore, ,wastie acored four rua.s in inaiags 'off the deliveny oet cain ant, on' ho inound for rrio toamn. Nacs falied te n,in the second. Ina the third Onono scoredi tbree runs, ET-nice and Lide Middeton scoeing on a home rua u y Isabel Ilain, the oaly homne ru fthe gapie by itlier team. - -- Newast'eretaiiated ina the lias't of tho tirci withll two i-une. Orono was 'bl'ankod in the fourthý, fiftbh aa'd saixth innings; w1hile Newcas.tloero-i( bnedin the founth and fifth andi con ne rua ia the ýsit. ithe iis tthe sevenith Orono scered e rua losagth'ýe decision byý 7 to 4. Jcyc-e Tonnant, piîtchiuÀg for Orono haitrestnikeoots and wlon ee, -wh'1i'le R. Bruit for Nwa'isrc -u ix batters and walked none. no........---0 0300 0 1- 4 -stio---- ----4 02 001 On Mor V[ndy.ovn.lag JuY ltht :IOrono n'as ail New\castes. ale girls piayod n strong0 Çin fho infleld sud la trie "' 'T!Y could net do aaytblngý the0onio girl's cold laciss Ing righit, Tbiey sim- CYadp Indeveing and are going ? 0; %moitheninives lu the aext 01" tho mouind lchod great hall Thie -Oi'no w1'h 'ifhber of- ey dd ccnnectý zaen-oieor lnn,,1 uve incgs 'eay tihree 0Unoeplayers reacho'id first base, ni-hcoeoftthese >âd!-%vanxiarg fo second. This jusit goos teý sILow - what kind et balf-be Non'- caat1e teai was playing. Eniwniglst oniy bad one stnikout l'a the fisît Iive iaaings, vwiffifhe Orona nbattons eiLfhen g-roinding:orflying out. Joycoý Tornent pîthng for Orone, dkl net have tJe kiud oft suppert tha' D1 Eangh had. They n'ore weak at baet nd fiel4ed pooly. 'l'le N;encas- tie g i scored tour inana lanthe firsit Price Controls To Be Retained In Car edSf-af-os 'w sud-- Mn. Kmra pentcnty çsbj f-haro - S mini a: "f f-e steatoenl paris- A for peint re-alignan-, îinoc Minister. Kinig that cene:try's staIbilizaf-lon pro' noais hon r eeand ns- ontliaed by Fîaaaed Mii r-ois irrespoctive oet fho la the 'lieuse et commer, os action, a broadispr- lcws: re'agthen nfbiscounfr's (1) The 'Cana dian ola i IeIsMaton lanf-beUn it- ajstdte parif-y bhicb auf-ho-niadprice,' Uni-ed St-af-es dollar, Ltinni caf-ros exp-inad, it nine pmFia e séd â-baWf-e Ganadian «)A long lîmtet fgood ftit f-at th-e fRet o p- vices w1hc onint ouid ho takonf-to a u.e te price coaflta u and the - onts-f-at tablised. A numb, onetôtbfa-asVdlag imo an atiie reis la ~aa a. -uspe'aded roin the .ijeet te, pr Church Vacation SchoDl The Churceh Vacation Scheei held at, Parkl St. 'Un'ited Church frein July 8th te, July lZtb, wats a imarked euIcceISS, enlcouiragling te leaders andý eajoyedf by the chîldren judging frein their Comment, and susýtaiaod iterest throughout the wek. Tomaiai the sohool at a high stand;,ard certain requiremients' were, laidi do'wnfer the granting cf thel Vacation Sechool certificate-atto'aîd- ance, ire-mery work anld satisiactory 'work througheut the week. 'Forty- ene certtficates were an'arded; tn'evnty-sýev'ea te the 'Prnimay ite tô the -Junior aad, nine te h Itr mediat Deparnient. The cerificate, were awarded at the Sunday 'nir- iag service of July l4th. The aven- ag:e attenidance for- the n'eek n'as f erty -ssix. The 'sessions ciosed n'itb.1 apciclunch at the non iheur on1 Decrease Shown in Junie Butter Productioni Deross 're again cream'eny butter and rlchedb in OtioJu'uie outpuit of butter w'sdoi .1% matod at 10).110, 400 p 195 ndcedidar chipespe aaat19,5i45,100 poulids. Cumulative pro duction ery bu.Itter for the flrst I current yeaur n'ow ami-ounts 30f) pou'nds, asn compar.ed 6617,100 pounlds in the s-amc -a'st year, -a redioction of 1ý Ia Duirhnm 11Count'y thfiere crease of ,9for th( monthls oM 1546 as ag-ains respon iniig period of 1915; thie month of JuLne, 1946, an snce -of 8,1 gastJune cf 1945. the duciition cf Jue 19,16wa againVst 126.835 for the c ing ninthcof 1945, malaa, banlcdilathe se ila the tb'ie'd, One la tlho fou l'a the fmth, blanked lanthe scored one in t-he seventb, of soveaten ruas Mme n'ere made during the gan Newcastle, goi-ag Vo Rieka, and Wstnîlck. Ia the six Oneno s'cored thcree-runs. bianked inluthe aeventh. the Cinono gîis have cile, systeni of bad ginsit f-biey 'Nill go On frein110-W ceh next three gaines, Or.0oe...........--- 0 ý0 N-wcas-e ....... 4 O O 1 dar cheese )f creamry 138,974 Veterans Draw Moiltly ýgal!lowancl es totaýýil;ing $ 7&9,672 wene panii to 138,974 Can-a- dfiani ex-service mnen andwmn by the Depa-rtsnenit cf Veterns Affa!irs ulider theVeteranls' iehabilitat'ioni Act in Apnil, the Mnse of Veter- as Affairs, stanted inLuiapress, release. "The largosýt gnoup of veteranls receiviag "assilene were those tak- in riing , eier vocational or university," M r. Maekenizie Said. "There were 6,2 aliowvaaces dur- mng the mconth". The Miaister gave this bek1w of expe1inditeures a llow.ances for vocationai training, $1,71»,309 geoingl -to 32,181 veterans; higher education, $,6,37to 33,8!44veterans! cut-of- wokaiiowanmces,' $2,248,810 to 61,- 640 veteransý; awaitingil retura allen'- ances on f puanmis and ")uls inlCýe S.s $677,c87 to 11,073 veterans, an d temlporairy ircaplacitatýion, $6,688 'te 183 veterans. Mnr. Ilý1-, le nz ie inoted thra t t h e niumfier of veterans on out-o)f-w'ork l allowances had declined to 48,521 by the o-nd of April sud te 39,42.5 by the 6h of Junle. NEWTONVILLE MAN INJURED Vired NebitcfNewtonville, qi- urin a Jý 1ýfreak aucciden1t on Sunday nig'lit lasýt while lhe was' wailing lon No. 1Ighnay.A rdgepole swing- ing loosie froim .thetrie of a truýck drliven b y E. Kelle, of Trenton, struck M.Ns iton, thle head; IHe astaken to Port Hoepe Hospital and eighit stitch-es wuere required, to closeý the -wound.1 The Price 0f Carelessuess We have beean ntified by _Mr, Lia-, ton that no moreswmig or tres- passing is pe-rmîitted at the pool hulIt by thie Skýouts' at the south end of the arey A mioment's care- iessioes~s by irresponsihie aad thouiitles,ýs boy sinokers started a tire on Sunday afteoenoon which , re- quired a tine puimp humming contin- uous'y foýr eighIiteen houns and the? paying of Men to fighlt the lire for that leng'th of 'tirne. This- cost the de7ýparhmeyentconisýiiderabiy iore than $50.0&0 in actual wag'es alone, besides 'lhe losa of the serVices cof these men on us-eful worklý during th',at tiime.. The area has non' been fu'lly posted ,What The Federation Has 1 ~Done For The Farmer, boing esti-i (By V. ýS. Mi1burn') ounds as Sec, Ont. Fedenation et s la Jun ettnAgiculture Weotnhear the qeto n'as dowvn ,What batstne Federation et Agri- ounds asculAtnre done for, farinonrs?" Lot us coa-isidler a few 'MOf the more evidenrt ei creain- beneülts that have accrued te farin- h, , , eosthrough baving one voîco te inuit oit the "mke kneowilThoir-needs xca, n- te ~ ~ ~ O 3332-men tc-Modating the fforts "ith S8- Of the varions groups in the la- o penriod et du stry. 3-8. arinons -,viibenefitfei nte non' n'as a de-' taýx aisinslu the recoat bud- le first six-,,get b1 -bes(11 aing 'ettaxes eýFvra d; the Cor- three-year peniod. This yean the Ontarie Foderatiôa, w'hile for fer -the finst t-ioe made a presenta- thiere n'as 01tiontdte prialgovernie, pounds asma qklng certain reconimoadations tOtal pro- n'îfh respect teho eeds of ancl 135,448 as ture. A m'e saatsfactony ihearîing nrriespo1nd- wnsasccerdied - the executivo n'en the formai Prosentation wns ade by the latenMn. R. J. Seett te molin- bons (et the 'cabinet. c-oind, four Through persistent efforts et the urth, seven Foeain ,* sed il1ifary as'onthand trucks have been releasedi ton distri- or toalbution direct te farinons la the fera ttaldonCin Six hundred etfthese are homne ruas te go to 'OntNie farinea, ad plans ne, A for are under way te have apiain trë, Harris plajced and the dansm ade.ThMs dh ininigs is in addition te the 674 tfiat n'ont and' weote Ontario tamers' last year. Non'; thati The Federation supported the var- ened their ou Icmodity groupesinla seunng is coeasesC: in .subsidies e n fluid iik, ans Joed cheese and concentrated mjjIk. An an aeincreas;e -efour coente a pouon hbas been ofandon the eiiiag j-jZpniceo e 0 3 0-31 btter and uit is likeily thIero n'il ho a 7 0 1-17 fe r pice e01 'approximately 38 enrts. The 'celiig pnice bs heen tacnOffto t of ot.! Long- tom olcishave ben av'a-din stubliatoft anssd tspoî- fcy îs hecomin'g off eetive ithe case ef cheese, porand n'heaf-. d The rcnt international meeting cf farm organcizains is Athe culmina- lia(fl la. makf ngr contftswithfamrsi otiher ceuntnies nd ifinally lu the eat et the se+ing up,11oftthe goun linerkfor a )gamn' ,as 'or]ld ernaniza1ion et primary pro- ducons. Cnnu(ai farinonrs cen I ho, sf-or uln Iliy rsiroud that f-he uresident et s as fol-tf-be CnlnadianFoentoftAgi clture n'as am d s oee et f-h r bas been vico-pore-idents et the non' n'orld on- n'-ith ,the gaizat711in. , effective 7Th oionani ogPodaens' As- s sud son- nayt poecwf n tf-hi prîce ne- -les for11th ilaucn f <ormIIino' a aruinel Creai rdcn so et a kw iain roi , ci ss A amire enfe r iv in' f1eld ( nfn atctf i-eyen àh in an- Cîl- eoitos ae gaduo 1 li Pnices won uira-i tir 'ceaison 'a basis imperter's w Hre 1boy iii rceiv cane )'e- nue te holet e e .IMftre'hneas eveut- un- been hi'n< -o-ain on ices et ar- M, litv grnuunuWthoeahave -ou- e te thel uete -l'o ae'ens eue1-houn afypro- Tf- bas' (-, Peèi 1>1Vniug-ea eml-,ploy -.,ec-on mis ts tej1-2pztroae f ac- tuai deata On nhc ebas-e their marketing policies. Cr,-epe ra t ivýe diospi htal planiis ar e heinig institubted la sever-al couný'tics and a nunibeo f counties have ap- lledfor pvogrýains te be set Lip un- d4mr the Municipal Healith Services p1n ' Farm Foruims have led the w Liy la the field eft aduit edu-Lcatica. Whiere Parna Eqruins are active it bas been 'mu1Ch eassir to introduce progres'- ive agricultural progý-; ris. The Co-operative Schooll conducted dur,~ mng the past n'inter was another for- n'and stop. Co-op)e.rative- principles and Federatien activities have beon bugt te the attention cf the gea- eral public t 'hrough th e soies' of eight hroadcasts 'conductod and sp[oni- sored by the Onitario CGo-oprnative Union and theOnao Federation et Agr"icufltureý. Thnough persistent efforts et the Ontanio Pederation, the Municipal Act was aniended te enable mi-unici- palities te collecit uip te one-haîf cf one miii for tees te finanice thie Fedenation, The nee'd te eýxpandî the budget cf the Ontario Fedorartion broughit a g-oed nesPoase freinm einl- ber gnoups. R-cog-nitio f the aeed for a housing program for fama workers and expansion ef rural hydre are questions te whicli the Fedleration bas lit assistance and inl hc thoy have hall some measures of suc- coss. The nieed for miore scnt for fari laben bias been broug-ht te the attention cf the' Ontario govora- mient and, plans aie uand enn'-ay te make use uof the 'Workmien's Cm pealsiation Act. A botter understanding hl-as'(de- velopîed betn'een arclua u labor goueben'enpodlucens and cnsumnies. Both are mnore ready te dliscuss thieir prohbiemns n'th us lnaa constructive, iiinnnor. There is frcdyrelations'hlp n'ith thletai pa7Otk 'which lbas been nm'est jheiptul and( c-OPerativo la Pressing for- btter social and eiconneccondi- tions fe-rtagricuilturie. Theneel and daiiy preaýs hallve Ibe ehlpful tee, as evidlenced i n thie recent "Sain-te te giculture" areek. statl lion ls ihave givon fanin crg-anmiza- tion s nubheip nii-uin encîngiml- and bus.ineý--ss mca aýdveýrtised gebe- fieldndays. f-bing-s on- icon adro- are beiflg Themases f-be agni- firez andofan cuiterai Cou nties' Heath Unit Report For Month 0f June 47341 c-hildren la Northuniberiaad an-d Durhamu coounties hiave been in- iunlize&, aga i nst diphtheria by Health Unit staff sinice Jaauany lst of this ya, rep)onted( Dr. ýC. W. Mac- liaries, flirector, at a meeting of the Norlthunïrberlandl-;Durham -iBucard of [Heaith in Coîbourg, July Ilth. 435 of theseecldrn wee ie wvhoop13ing cough vaccine in comýi-bina- tion with the diphther' a toxold. 4340 persons) chldrna and aduits, have been vaccinated agaiast 'sirnail- pox. A total of 512 immi-uni.zationi ciilswere held in school buildings ai-d IHealith Unit 'offices. Dr.1 ,ac.- Chiaries explaîned the 'urgencey of thid-' prolgraini because of the inc.rease in diphtheria in Ontario -within the pas4t ýwelVe moa'ths. The Hlealth, Unit report fo r june showed' a dlecrease in mieasies, with 64 cases duriag the month and the epidleic lu'inCobourg alating-, no cases having been reported there dluringl the lasit week of June. 21 casess of chieken pox Aere-ep)iteýd ira the two counti'es. plans fer tubercu]luosis, cliaices te be hield this fali in Nofthumjberlland and D4a Countios are now he- ing' formyulated. As the nesuit of furth'er iinvesýtigatbioni of particular case-s fol!rlowing- the miass x-ray sur- veys, ,3 more active cssof tbr cisis 'have been diagniosed. Th e nîIle ca,-ses of active tubelesis déisý- cvorlted dIuring tHe recent chstx-ra surveys ar-e repmrted 'by .11alth unitf nurestehodispOsl* as folos 4 sanaorim 'dmisio; Ipreviouisly dinosed case s m1q ngand 1-- ing- treted at honme; in 2 casýes the dilanoss ba ju ) een nimade an arrian-ýgem,-ents aire pendig ain lives 0outside l110a11h Unit aren. Nurses made 24,3 vst o shools dIurig June, most of theon o hait of the(m, uizt nd vc inaion pregnam. They nmade41 othencr mnalal ios.cipe chlrnand for g-enieral hahsu- pervisýion clf-m'iothers' bbie un- school and sý;choel childi'en.. FoIlle,, - u-p of the 180ý childnen xho altendfe'd the Rotary 'Clb c iiic in 'Cobouirg on May 15 is hbeing arrd e u ,t ,( ltthe Hlealth Unlit auesaCting a- liaisonl workers' d'a arraLng-ements for treat- mentwhc are financed 1)y the, Ro- tary Club. The 1111r sinlg s upere r , Mis Louise Steele. attenýdedi'thie Distriict Annuel meeetings eoft!i-e Wem n - stitutes oit the four districts of Dur- haim sud Northumnbeiand Coua'Itie's te givo f-he dlegates 'a roentonthe pirogna inand enganri zatieon oet the Hoalth Uniit. Sanitany Inspectons have ahmest completfed the tasIk 'et lnspocting every f-ourlet camp, summon hotel. tounisit home, and retresîhaint both lu the Uaited CAtiées. and have continued their pregra.uin cf regu'ar inpection et pasteudÈzng piats, resauanetc. Waten sampo e Large Transport Duras At Dean's Corneri On Thursday mi(rning, July llth, aroun-d 11.30t a.m,-. a large tracter urailer, into flames at Deaýný4 Corner. The large t.Vns<pot of A. S, Pn- geJly & iSon, of Brooklin, passeà ilhrough Oirono, going couth, anIk 1when it neared Dan Cervner, a cou- pile iles south of Orono, eudden- ily .burst into flamnes. The two oc- cupants of -the cab nmade a burried ext te siafety, receiving burns bî)a fore they made thei escape ~fropm the cah*) The transport was ja ma'king the tura on the curve -wheii the, mien jum-ped, Thie caýb wrd into the riglit hand diteli, whlle the lar-ge tvailer,. containing ten hoidst,ýic cows heeame unfastened frorn the cafb, turned arondon the rond then upset, dump)ingý the cattie onto theý road. In the me'lee that fodlowed ta gret 'waýy only ne cow was înjur- edt having susidned a broken leg, Thiis cow wýas later taken te To-j-- onto anid shiaughteredc. Thie01roiio fire dprmn a called to thie scenie, e-xtig7uished tlie dlam'es of the ab, bt inot before it pas a ttmal wreck. Thl iue of the fire is ukoa but it is be1iâved that it was cansed either by U shortcircuit or a back- fi re. An exting-uIsýher which "a)Io the inside of thie cab could~ not he used ewing to the rapi Dspread of the bllze. tailng 203 and 28 mik sampls qwrm collected for iioaoyeaiain 14 slatughter houses were iaýspected, and there weee 40 inspeýctins 2re- -arding se\age dsoa M1is B. Johnson, nursýin-g sunper- vîsor froin the Ontarjo Depiartmi-et cf Heaxyhvitealthe Unit during JUne, spending some time ith each nurse. MIS As'aug Holmgren, superin- tendenit Of ai cen-tr'al sýchool of iaur- sing, Oslo, Norway, whose observa- tion tnp AV Canada is being llnanced1 hy thie Norwegin Ainti TublerculosÎis Society, visited the Unit for thtre2 days. Tn'o md loffilcers' compi thi ield workl for the Diplonr Pubflic Health", nere sttacbed Gt Unit for observation sud instru during Tulle, DrP. 1. G. M. Mac aId(, wbe bhas been appointed me officen toir the Pool Couaty H Unit, :Dr. A. F. -MicKNy, OsTI Dr Paul A. Scott, M fH on-P Edwand Ceunity, aise pai with tle Unit. pn 5 Entrance Resuits For Orono And New( The tollowing are the resuits et f-ho ighiScol Etrnc)x'ain ations for,-19ý46. Certificatos n"il ho tewrldat au eair date. Tho naines et some 'canddaes do net ap- poar. Iuceand!idates sFh,-ud net think etoftheiselves as having laild Tit ilie hen'li coasiderd anad naal iesopinion ot th'e Entrance Bonardj thant f-boy are inet -et nendy fori-tho n'ork oethf-e 111gb lSchooL udte et- tempt it atf-istgwol'nyne suit in disappointuiont, dîscounvage- inent adfaiilure that te teo te pov te unnsfaiag -ese Fisher. y; Hani- sonl Jeun. B. Cndidl-osrihon'nesurc fuI f thce Dapartietaeuh1gb Entrance Exainations la Jane: Derothy; Coucb, Waiisce; El] Russýeli; Gibson, Douaiis; Gra Audrey; oh1sen, Eleainoar1,t (Hc Mlle, Waads ;anteMa ([on.; - McCuov ruLonee T o ORO

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