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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1946, p. 2

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Sundmy School Lesson The Spirit 0f True Worehit' Deuteronoxny 8, 11-14; 18-20; Isaiah 40: 30, 31; Mark 12, 28-34. Golden Text - God is a spirit: and thley that worship imii m-ust -worshiip 1Him in spirit and lu truth).---John i4:24, MVoses' Warninig Moses is led !by God to vwarn tu sraelites Of a weakeningý faihh as they prospered niaterially. It is a grievouis fan'tît in humial Suueto so en,1joy material bless- inlgs ais te, rest our scriyin thenli. The exhortation Of Our Lord is lte(o,dIy vwise and .saf erule for thle inidiv'idulal Chr-istian to fol- lovw. Wa1tiing Upn od In these verses the prophet Isihrev eals the weAkness O-f nations and1(linen-, and the maiijestyi and power Of God. HLe draws at- tentlioni to the limitationis of yotn.i Beinig waydoes inot referltO the fls;it is thie spir-it which is e- luansted. The. e is a s p ir ital wearliness, a. emptine"ss whlich thie 3yo11ng can feel as -wel! -as the 1naý ture. It was to meet this spiritual an moral exhatistior. thiat Jesusl CaLled the w'eary to iruiself. ThL on3"euw"maus new- niess of life. Iuspired with God's enduement Ofithe 1H01Y spirit we 1 nlut p", we "run and we areý r- t weary" in the passionate ser- vice, we 'ak and rot fainit" îlu thie coniiion duties Of lifc. What Is Love? Our duty to Cod is smmed up in one( word: Love. WVhat is loveý? To loûve anothier is to have a desire f, and a deiliht ii his welIfare,. TFO love Cod with ail the heart and soul and mnd and strength is tu have a supreme desire for aud1( deligh. i God's gloiyv, so- that everything is secondary toý th'at. Spiritual Love The Second Commiiaudmen-tt ire- quires that we hlave the sanie de- sireý for- and delighit ini the welfare Lfour uieighbou)r as w have in our (Nu%1 welfare. The Second Coi- na1(umnt is really ivlvdin the First, for if we love God, whIoi -we have nlot seen, ý e must love our rnei -hbour whom ilwe Ihave sceeu. A rmian cannot love God -if hie does not love his nieighibour for lo-ve to God inv.olves love to zneighibour. Thiere are many to-day who caîl themlselves Christians vAIG Iack clear imoral discerme.ýnt.'To eeth)e truth clearly shows that one is flot far froni the Kingdom Of Godl. W'hen onie submits ta the Erti, le is iÈi the Kndm HFow Can 1?7 By Annse Ashley Q. Hw cn Ireniove nmor fro iwidow glass? A. Tmy ubbing with blob, strongE vinegar. A. Wbeu tbougb using the winger, ke a piece of loth1 andi wect t with kemsIee. RubtheL lollers Çvell ani tb-ey will be a denand whlite aS wbiieu new e- peat every wýeek wasbing. Q. WbIjat ain I takce to proiduice sleep? A. Stew sping on io0n S ina zoa(rse bown sugar cnd ïsak",e a teaspooniful et nigbit. This Wil not only produce sîeeCp, buit is very heathfnl. Q. Wlîat L tu , correct way 50 roîl pastmy? A. Ns-ver operate diemolnpi backwamds and fonwamds wbecu reigpestry. Roll it fomwsrds 0111yy and rthen ift it. Q. How ,,can I take proper came Of ivory knlife ianidles? A. Do0flot put theni in bot -ivter, %wbich tumus thimyeIllow. Waý'sh with w ýarmiisoapy wter, and wipe qickly. Once a iontbl vib themu w itbi a flanuel moistenied wihdenatnred alcool1 aud dipped in powdered wbiiiiug thatlbas, been shfed througb cveesecloth. Q.Hu'can I1 loostin scmews vmd neils wbiiclî are nulsted into wvood?' A. Bi-y droppiug ,a littie hbot paraffin on Iýtheni, Atei. a Sbon1t time Sbey eau be remIoveýd vemy Washi-Day Tip SYNOPSIS CHAPTIEIIXVIIm Jae neurns, le'arns vvýhat fias hatppered anjd re- mxi u. Jim t hat Sherwin saved hi2 lufe an fiers. CfiAP1TEýR XVIII H-e !-ad glimipsed the ;te.ep bide of Ilhe prýcip)ice_ at last, an,îd seen wbt is sister ',,,d h nw2tcbing. Shenwin ýýas stai.dling - beside a cliff. hig1o on t1v' trail. Below thn, two hfunrd A feet, daslhed the cataraci; along the nannow, dizzy ledjSsP, as yet n aeof Ihin-icm Stenhantu-1 alîe! Catosy Sedrhîug peeing tis vway anid bnw~etat -,ib ýuarry sv hiwaited for buii. lasne, looklinigupnw saw thal ,,he con!d srot resefi She(-r-viin, could InoS ýeen cy out to lbur. SIte kn,,ew of the caive -hie :îaý, (o1ld hr (of it ja-a'e~ to eca 1;awarriaig in thleand Sbey wonIld ineyer iind bu!l, could fI'Cltrtap hbut he wiss tooluate; Stenhfan-t wotild see bum, Sienhiant %woud betray nili Stenhlas-t, noving cauitiously, foot 1)y foot, pering listeu-inlg, lookiugf back for ep ep that would ne--enrecLbi !Sherwàinwaiting. Tiseýre waýs somietinin hir is awful patiel ce Ike stan of thetig"r Who waits tn spWin -- certain of h% prey. The uarrow ledge sho-wed liL a kif, dra n l Iewooded heighti; itsh-onr in the sunlight al- mlost as keenly as the tom nbon of spray firmn the torrent below tFem. The roar wx the catarct dý, vwned al souind. Scneanî as she iniqgh, Jane could flot reach the eern ste man who watced due other's slw dvanîe. 1t wslike a nigbtmainre, the creeýping, creeping il- that ledge to -meet Death. 3hn caughit his breatbi. A cloud bad obscnned fthe un, anid as it salil eaaylhe s Sherwýin's face as he crouched, leaniug forward, readyl Onle 0t ut adSthat coming on, unàNaae ofhmwol go down-dowui. Jàae covem-red hier face wisàh ber 13.1nds, burt it wvas Ji,'nî who cied ont hoanrsely, tried to shiout a wyanng; tIes', eaizingits hfuiiy, be grcoaned,6aloueï. "Grood God, hie's goi,:g to kill hWCt!" cried. Sbrinod step,)ed ont from bis idig-plce;he seemeýd to toevenîgeance incarnaite. Sten- hs.ý stoocd stili an instant, frozen iv is Sncks. His drawes pistol feUl froi bs bnc?; e seemled tC0 shiktogether in niortal err TI'ema te nn]1e bcd hunced nl ;tbeïmoved rnor spokLc, lbe tot- tered back, stumbled aud f ell head- leý ng ver .e-m rowleýdge. t bcd happeued lu an instant, iin the tikigof anl eye. SfiCt W.,waitinig for bis u-erayer,sa hipi -ntthd ncte esmple up, eed backward and plunge aver the edge of che pre- cipice So rw1ît was it, that her neither m"dnor spoke; ýfor a fuli nutCe bestared bakya the spot whicme Stenhiart bcd dis- appeared, A t-tage> sensation swept h't, begrew drAzsy inise1t; bis head swain, and thle ilit', sCeeedto rise tup - tut bu in atwfnl ,mlajestý IHe ke oh ofthe nmen who wMeecreeig 0- wsmd hbu tbrouigin the woods;bfie belevd hîslfalo .c, aoewith bhat awful power whic bhad seizet' bis enemny adbu.c lik'e - p drom dme lege! qwW4 he 5no, a step, fortýart asid, steadyiug hlm- self, Ilookc-d ove-r the nink.Tbirty, feet helw im thatsoar stuu-ed1 tree t ui ot ls dwarfed tr1nk crom te ,heer ide of the pree; pice. spawl ecns , inp, Mo Sinlss f 'less, fbung Steubï-art. spawlig linbshis hangg had, T'ht wite froth of dtnhoiliug or- r Fit bcw fbu cutined Ibis isghastly lupttrneCl faýce. He sas flot deadl Even as se win 1looked, lbe saw liïm0mve bIis bead in the torture of painan fean; it wvas tnore ierrible tbý.u sitwiping contoflifeý, fordet vva, playiîng a gaineof ide and seek wt iiAmoeenal- utost a bet and hie would pgo sworn to ill hil Revenge ex- qustei is tormenC1tS, wasace- copise. Sber-wiin need but Stand th-ene aud see hlmi diel Even as he looketi, lie saw the oAd tree begin to w;aver under the dead weigbt of thie fallens body; its noots were looseis t in theirag - old c.evice of rock. In a littIe w.hile, long ,yforc belp couild re-ach Sten- hart, itvoldbend-dwnwrd.An- nihiilation waviited ithere, eterniity ycwuied f î hiim, ande knlew il! Shlerwin, graspiiu_ a ledige lof rock btceady hintself, ]booked down1 i thé lless man who bad lie- rayed b41m. Stenh.irt, lookîn:ig up, dizzilyiSaw bt sud tYiCedto ift a ele au1d iletr"eaty. iltwas b A h. s streligti. -Hle bung thre felinig the tree sway be- netab b fint, lpless, at lie eno')f suýddenly3; lie liad h.eard a distant sounid, voices in the woods! Iý- e divinied fthe trutb;Stn h;,rt hld again betrayýcd I i. 11tbey wvere after iti. Buitlbe 1had ample tite - to reacbhbis cavet, and once thene te wonild flot get lm-1, for lie Enew she othier opciening cn it, assafe. No could, tlîey save Stenhi1art; the tree was giving! Fis-e minuites moe-anid lbe wulhe avenigedfl 1He need not stir at finger, anid J' ane, who ad besauight bum not to slay, wouuld kný-,ow that thene -was î,o lood ui ii bus He drew aP deep brcth; lmost aS bis feet lay the ceoil of nope that lie bcd dropped Nwben ble met Jjane.ý Ht saw "t and rmeembucd the purpose bad bad r immid, The ,minutes ýseented to beattensvs ilîto his bIaln, bspulseýs tbrobbed, bis lips v-re parcbhed. He stooped, reachýed for 'the rop, sud, nucoiliag it, wounicii abouit 1the gneattrn of a Sycamnore, the, stoSsng the logend over th-e side of the abssie gasped il and lbe(gaît to des:enid, Ji iud over h nd. 'Diterope swunlg Ont anddin went tanit witb iÀs 1weigbt. Littie by, littIe lhe lowrec hise.if and, as hewesdw ligaceaie at th-e ltcee under Stenhbart lt was yiel ding, orle crack riore iii the2 stnc.iiig bark andit wu'dsuapi Swingiug3 at the op's end ini sjaCe, Shieiu, the avenlger, nisked blis fe (To becouiud Health Safeguards Urginig parents îto protect chil- dren agaiulst possibility of cou1tract- ing certainl diseýases, Ottawva bealth officiaIs Ilist the bnfisof the "keep weuusevice available( to ail Cana-dians. Tbey, point ont tbat a baysix to nine imouths old shiould bec itmmuinized agýai11st dipbthlenia, aud, during its fir-st y a,~ baby shond b vacintedas protection agaîiutst aipo. Better Breakfasts Nýoting is as imiportant to start aayrgtas a good breakfast, say h~a1h lader. "ake tmeto live senlsibly. Cet a decent brafs4e- fo're luulging inito thec dayis work oýr play. Thiis is particularly imlport- anlt for growiug childr-en, who mlust have a substantial,welbace mea! if they are to thiie," TwoD drops of Muine in each eye will pnom îly comfont and soothe bnsy eyes s i a feel thie strain of working unden artificiel lighs. Muinle was originased by an eye physician so binlg safe, gentie, sootfiug case so eyes tia are overired aud iniated. Ask, youn drggist for Muine-uise àt ever), day. ISSUE 29-1946 TURNUNG POINT b&q Mary lm'la'y Taàylor reconuoitring trip. Antd olk dean, wlîâtat, -iapiven--tbr as hardly a bcrry auywhere! Whetbeer tuis is neaiy anotherOUf season or wîethr tde bmuseswee ut 3led onit in th1at patchi, 1 donit Ikuow, But woii't it lie a tragedy if there arc e n wlbennis es toick againj tusYear? Ve, vlit ut ethUuý,'Ldering again ---Tippy lias .iust pusbied the door Open and gone too lus idig place under the khen table, woudr why it is so mnany dogs are scaned of thuder To rHtelIyu he truitbi Lamn scared too butf or the simple reason that a bad Stormj mlighit result in ourniea crop biug leveLled (tIo the roud That isý a tr-agedy at anly tinte but thiis year we are growniug registened whcat and lat Waks us doubly mauxiolns. WhV]içjc rerinds me1, I have a binider canvas to patOIb. And that 11ny'dear frien.'ds, is lnot ceactly n-iy idea offancy ork. FAMILIES APPRECIATE the grand, satisfying fiavol! of Maxwell House Cofl'ee. They love g.hle fragran:t goodnless of the choice Latin-Amnerican ecoffée thial disinîguish isu, premlely filie and delicioiw. Qi We have just said good-bye to the last of ont young cockerls- -that is, th-e Iast of thec first, hatcb. We still hiave plentiy of smalïtl birds ruunîng arond-so we wýon't be lonersome cfor- alittie while yet. Wec are also enjoying our fîrst shower for about thiree w'eeks--and oh de-ar, hiow wýe needled it. (By the play I amr rferin to a showver of ru- ot ofbath water). Thfe grouncl is terribly dr-y. Thlere doesn't seem to be any moistu ayhr-Venlthele aves on the trees arec itig But àt has been Mainavlîus haiug weathe.To date, flot one cutting of hay hias been spýoilt. 1 canl't reinemlber auly Mbing Cie itbMore, T11s year, for us, the suminer seems to be moStly week-ends, I rinean witIlî tue arions memuilbers, andid near mcmbers, of our famiily corniug ,>aloug eeyweek-enld ike honin pigonswe have no oe said"God-by" tan vwe are say- ing, "Hulo , u'e here gi! And wken they conie theýre is a wvild scrambl1,e for- old cl:othecs and sboes--overalls shirts, slacks, any- tbiog at ra Itat cati be worni die hayfield. fLUfiethe fnienobody knos watbelongs to wbontii and dhe resSît is often a gaeral éMixup Saodyafterioon Bert was turui- ing the house lipside down huît1ting for theoýceralîs he had wrthe week before,lie iînsistedI, muiist have washed and put theni away. 1 was cqually Sure I1îd' for the simplle reason that I had forgotteni abot thelli. Wiewe wCre still arguing joy and thicme cr alic eini witb a load of hay. Daugbter çx- claiutd îirutediately - "L o ok> there'S Bert's ove'rals-Joy's wcar- ing tjm"Anid she wais-she was also .veýarirîg a bloseblongin!g to Daughter, onîe of nyats and a pair of sîteakers wliih Bob had routed ont f r oïm some1where. Daugbiter is flot quite 50 tramiipishI-! She generally lias soine kind of au outfit at homle to chiangze into- wb at thlere is of it! Joy's; pet niethiod of escapisni is to -eu)s-a r 0oun n(dbarefoot, and 1Daugbtcr's is do ex-,actly as she plae~Bob's idea -of rest is to stay ilot more thlan five inutes i;n ope place at a Ltyinte. Anid Partnevr's -a iid rrine-wýell we liiuk àt"a goobd ideaý jt t o suiatch ,a few odd wil(ks wheev thre ha;ppens to be . ifttie quietness in the bouse. But flot alwaysý--uo flot always; Soule- tinies 1 keep ur famuil3ton the iniove. Suuday afternoonî, for in- s ttince ti assially sugge2sted a berry foodsl1 ..,,..Busy housewives everywihere ario the aleit for suggestions that wilal help them save time Whol wliat ~and effort. Thoulsands depend tain musle-on Kellogg's ready-to-eat building proteine, oereals not only for breakfast, energy-giving but for qut-ick snacks anytime! rcxrbohyýtdrates, and AI-Wheat, Pep, Corn iFiakfl other vital eleMents AIBaRc rsis rn you need, Kellogg's AlBrn"ieeip~s AiI-Wcatse.anCWS<- Flakes,ç- and Krumbles are dian whole twea. made by Kel-logg's,, the great;t, name icereals. SAVE TIME ...SAVE FUELU..SAVE F001 New Faster Actiug Dry Yeast does owav- with Overniglit Bakiug and Risksl NOW, MÛRE TIIAN EVER, one of CHIECLES ,Gwendoline P. Clarke of ICRFI

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