-- m __________ ASSEMBELY LIME ,'luh peiso of an aut ýomobile assýembi-Ky lne, thesse Pka .are boats ar1e readlied for launching at a Los Angeles boat building plant. The 410-foot cruisers deve1op a top speed of 40 miles per hour and have twin marine en-gifles. They'll soon be cruising peace- fully on theý Pacific. THEY M'NADE T, EUT- TChose upraised bands emphasize a dual vow: "Neyer again 1" Mrs. Georgie White and, Harry Aleson, veteran riverman, are pic- tured as, bruised., battered and weighing 10 pounds less thanwhen tbey started, they arrive in the calin waters of Lake Mead,, Nevý., after shooting the Colorado River's 81 treacherous miles in a mub- ber ie raft, The trip took themn a week, during which they were feared lest. L.. Iohrjsoi, New Yonk truck driver, uniloaded a ship- treosjuat arrived froml Georgia, he was surprised uded a "«b-ns" in the form of the aligator he'tt hold- Uha 'gatlor irppareiitly stowved away among the melons. SHEÉ'S HUNGRY This ragged, afarving Chinese or- phan girl stands in a deserted rice paddy in n-orthern Hu 'peh province. chewving dnried ont atalks rom the hast crop. Sucb diet has given ber the dlistended stomiach so commrron in famine areas. New Volcano A ne vôlanois eruq'ing in the mounitains of Soviet AzeýrbaiJan i Iran. Punctuiated Il-" undiergroundl( thundeltr, masses of iqulid mu have been shot from the crater 0 yards into thie air. > H ighlights of the NewsI A Nationi is Born War tonl but free, the Philip-pin.e [slandcs becamne a repuiblic oni the PFourth ofJuy A dependenicy of the Unitted Statea since theSpaish Amellrican Wa'r, the islanlds g4aýInthleir indfe- pendence after a I-pear interiml- period as aco oneth Genr. Douglas MacArthur, whoc ýc licthe beratîon of ibe is2lInds from the Japaliese, -%as the honýor guest.Rprsntie of more than 50 countries were on hiand. The United Stafes flag cm d'own for ai, timie as tis country of 7,083 tropicali slands aýnd 18,000,000 Filipino citizenls, swept by fine and srdthrough 400I years of opprieýs- sioni, camell e futeVofuil Sbver eignity. Second A-flomb Test \ice Admir-ai W. P. BLanI'y has set Juliy 2-) as tentative date for tive detonla!ion cf Bknissecond aitomic bomb, thiis onie-an attaick againist hulîs." 4t will be exploded slgtyunder the surface of thie Afuill-dress rehel ca r sal was sededfor .1ul1y 19, -Germians Excbanged The vBritish and iissian.i zoncs in- Gemn ave cmplted te e- ,change, of nearly 2,250,000 Ger- mans, Britishl occupation auIthori- tishave anune.Thie PRss;ins sen1t appnoximiately 1,700,000 into the British zone and the Bni3rtish approximatcely 500,000 into the Ruissian zone ini moves Vo neturn Genfians Vo their former homes. Dollar Parity Adopted The Canadian dllrhas been restored to par with tîhe Amerîcan dlollar. Tis step) is dhe keystone of a ilew fouir-point anw1i-iiîfIatiounary program anuneto ithe Houise of Comimons last wekby Rt. Hon. J. . llslyminis!tro0fiane Ofcasdescrilyedthe evenotual resuIt of the imove as "a teni per cent slash in costs and( prices thirouighout the Canadian econoc- iiy.'" Our close conomic ies with *the United taesmake iàievt able thlat pnice changes in that çountny work theiir way into, every aspect of Cýanadian costs. Wt Amierican prices continuing to, rise, prices in this counlltry may st'ill go up, but the gvrmn believes that six moiths 1fromn iow, the genenal Pattern Cof cosï t ad prices, wilbc ten per cent belowx thelve which wvould have prýev-ailed had action notbenten Peace Conferenice 'J'le roreign Ministers of the Big Four drafted inivitations lagst veek for a gnrlEuriopean peace confe'rence Io bce held in Paris ily 2for debate nteaisintended to end the Scon1d Great Wlar for lialyv and thle Axis Satellites. The '21 nations schedfled Vo ne ceive invitations to the peace coný- ference are: Australia, 1Belgiumll, Brazi), Bye-. orsaCanada, Chinia,Czho slovakia, Ethýiopia, Franct, Great Biritaini, Greece,Iniehrans ew Zealand, Norw,,ay PolanY Ukrainie Repulblie, Union o)fSoh Africa, Soviîet Uio, United States, and Yýugoslavia. Last Week ini U.S. atte brought an asomtme lxigh price of $2:150 a hundra eu ondS at Onaba, a up of $W.èover thýý O.P.A. ceal&ng hatsold for $0 cents a bushel at omahaup 17 ucsfoml tde %ate O.PA. ceilin and the highiest pics i2d yeairs. Anotjher 2-year record uas set foù hogs at Indianapolis, $20 a hundred pounds, up $5, Cotton neared 32 Cents 'a poillid, a 23ea ecordhg. MILLIONS 0OF PEOPLE prefer 'Maxwell bseCof- fee. It's enijoyed îlu more ho0mes thaB aly oCher brand of coffee in the ,Wwld. les Aays "Good .40 the Last Drop !" (Tri-basic Corpper SuIphrite) First time IrCaad.A neutral ini- Soluble coppe r com pound nakinig an ideal spray material for funmus conîrol on potattoes, sour cherries, fOýmatoes, celery, etc. ConltaînS twlce as much copjper as ordinary copper suiphate.or bluestove, consequently geestwe as fan. -Also avaiLable as a dust. *Tade-ýark Re87a, AT YOUR LOCAL DEALER (1A4NAA 118sA Moderation is a Canadian char'actéristie. ltit a heritage oif Our peop-,]e. As childiren, -we learu modeaCration. A.s aduits, we practice it. AS Caadan, e are proi&d of it. lin spite of post-war teimptations to spluarge and spen-d, wve have kept our heads. Wýe've acted1 moderately-..'w.e have not given lin to the natural desire for immiediate ensjoyment of everythIinig and anything ini short suipply .. . and' that is wy as indJiials and as a niation, wve arecnamee by the excesses of ifain "We can point to a fin-e rcCordý. nWe can point to. Canadla's future wi Certainty. But, we can do thlis onily if -we contuinue to Iîve upl to our Canadian principles of moderation- amodlerationi in al tIhingsý. ~n imJe m&,~a",.. gA~û~e ~x/e~a<e~ra4Ž~n É?~/ MSS I