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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1946, p. 8

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ORGNO- WEEKLY TIMES, STARK VILLE ,mv., anti Ms.Codon T i visiteti volt- Mm. and IM. Lorre Pueden. Miss Noreen Prouse, Toranto. vied ersîteMrs. Moriey ob M.and i Vis. CharMe HFoît anti daug,înerzs, Toronto, vdited ith 3Mr. aniMvs. FrankL Stone. Mr. Laverne Farrow bas rente!i a fars easl ou WeLeonme and expeets te cave tis Faîl Mr. IHerb. Glmer,Bom vie.s spenlding ahl witb bis sýon, Cli- ence Glimer. %Mr and MmsL-. Ed. Ruthven. Zion, sperit Sunay evenîng ith Mm. andi Iirs. AJR.Debson. M. an'd Mrs. arold Littie and Gay0sliawa, spent a ceunie or? daiys vvilhMr. and Mrs. Thes. Falls. Mvaster Charlie Timi is holidaying wl7jtli Mr. anti Mrs, Etwveli. at their smmur cottage. Mr, an--d Mrs. claucie Henry have retumn'ed ilte their homie in Toronto alter spending a wuek ýwith MAiss NormaIailewell. Mrsý. Chrrlie Yule, George anti D)iane, or? Osbhawa, spenit a rew dayà ,with as E. Robinson andi Mr. Win. servery. Mr. antid Mrs. le Haii'owell anld ïamiiy, Miss Beulah, Hahlowelivisit edti ibh Mr. anti Mrs. Ewart Robin- son. àlr. antiMs Orm-e Fafls and fam- fly bati 5untay inneer wr;ith M. anti VMss. Gordon Powums, or? Clarke Union. The Congrepation in Kirby cuc had t! 'he privilegýe or? heariign eu tulyrentiered solo, "He wxipes thie feaýr fr(om v eye," sang by Ms Mro ,of Toronto, on Suiaiý,y last TopnAnnie oanti Arzur, or? Kendaýl, Mr. and Mrsý. Ernest my soRay adJalck, Mm.andMr1 Msi-ton wore recent visitrs wit Mv atiMr.F.iBimacoÏmbe. NE WTON VILLE are issingat R. S. hnons MvI. and flios. Herb. CGilsuer and Gwen Bonuia~vî1ewith Mr. anýi Mýrs. Bert 'StaLpletoI& Miss aurnaPearc and 1alte Wh±1ttaker. Toronto, -with h er par ents. SudySchool Sna onn had( -P6 in aittendanLtice wi'th onie tea- cher bsnt Mvir. Water asn Montreal, 'ia jonedbiswi'fe andCilcildren who 1av ten holidayinig with 'her par- qrts« Mr. and l>,rs. J. T. Pearce. A ilm was shbowni in the Commiun- ityv Hall on Thursday evening. There wevýre few -attended as a stor-li broke at the start of showinig, but it was enjoyed hy al who attended. M.and Mî-rs. Roger Leushnr and bis motheur, Mrs. 'Mabl Luhn NigaaFaln re visting- the lat- ters istr~ Mre.Pearcýe and M rs. Y. Gilmier. Billy Lani-e and Phi' Gil- merf.i rettur1ned hiomie ith them-. Mr. aid M r s, Don- Stapleton and Mr. and ]Mrs. Bert Stapleton spent the holiday %vith Mr. and MUrs, Len- noxr, Vasey, Port - MýeNichol. They 'IVere ccompilanied by Gwen Gime Who, §Ieunt a weuk in Midtanld. Sudyeveninig Rev. Eult based his miessag-e on the Ihealling of the0 vild m-an in the hiiilîs of? Decajolis. ",Wbei personal desire and duty co)nflie-t a true Ghi-istian cean do ro other than lowin, the uine of The meetinig of the W.M.S. was heldTeda afternoon, 9th. After the wors;hip service and ibusiness puýr-. led. Mrs. J. T. Pearce took a chap- ter ofth study :boo)k. The members suent an ïinformai social time get- tmig' acuitdwith tthe new minis- ter's wfwhom we ,welcome into the soýciety. A spec-ial meeting- of the Official Board of Newtonvciiile circuit was held in Siloh- Cliurch on Monday eveniingý, lth vRv. Mr. 'Bunt was in c lharge of? the 1businessand Roiy Mercer, or? Kendalm, vas secr-etary. Messrs. Bell, Super, Thiompiison anmd Mercer vwere present fomKendial; ess.Lancaster, Elmer, Redikna.p, I ______________________________________________________________________________________________ SINrzC'E 1939 * montad a laterployees.... DOUBLED IncrneTaxaynens....INCREÂSED SIX FOLD Pr ofits Pa id ta sharehoilers ç NO IN CR EAS E AT ALL Year's paymnent by Domiinn Textile To plant employces To Inicomie Tax To sharehýolders"* Year ended NMardli Si 193II9 1946i $,4,5C3,78.5 $9,297,5-'S 244,513 1,509,647 1,485,842 1,485,842 NONE '68'/,eut Of thlis is wage rate increases, Cie remininig 38' is due, te increased product-ion since 1939jý. "*As of June 12, 194!6'i>there wore 3,765> shareliolders, U1-NIOINTEXTILE IPANY LIMJTED "eCoton.. the Maister Fabric" of tî Clean, IFamnity New,,spaper TUE HRISIANSCIENCEMNTR .0M crimieand snajn2nws ..Frefrom political rce from "sppecialtees cotrOl ... Free to tell you about wQrld evetnIts ow, n wiiwr1d-ide staff of ecorre- 5bring you n.hso news and itS meaning to you, fam;Iy. Each -Issue fiied with unique self-help features d teep. Mr.John Lancaïster and Mrs. C.I Burly fom ewtoivile nd -Mr. flob)son of Shiloh. This itiid1aneei was only firi and the curLch, as a1 whiole, snffers xvhen the fwar-e for- Ccd to make decisionis for thiý many. A fine Spirit of com ortion per- mieated the meeting. Thedics sions. fran'k'but 1ksndly, sbiowed real desdire to face problem2ns nd soive tm.The iniisteri's arywhc used to be $1,100 und lowered to - $120 urin'g ildepre1ýssýi on1, is 3v $1'0,a $10, iseover lstyear: One could net h elp1) but not,-)e the stin uii Lnder whtbehe teasuirer's w()r k. Thiey persônally understand thie adv n lte cost of living and SYmIpaýthitie te a higher saarbut1 their questio, is i"caf t1hey put acrosýs to V'he ra11j and file or? -the clurch me[inheCrs the faclt that-il their dollar doesý not go as far"'? A deep cericern was vodeed by eachi of the charges ,bout the nwcomiers coin- ing inte our mî4szt without a per- sonul welcojne from the churehi. This is thdie burch's opportunity and re- spons4bility and will need theught- fui 'budg-eting of? timie, not oniy on the part of? the mainigter, but oal the peuple te meet this extra de- rnand. Our interpretation of? the ~whole meeting was a ruai desire on the part or? these present to put the church b'ack into thu centre or? com- munity lif e. With ail its shortc*om- ings and istakes, it is stili the wosld's- gruatesat work shop for niak- ing and maintaining pueacu . This idual will net be attaîned unless we give our ministurs loyal and un- stinted suupport. A truu Tinister, alth.ough very humian, is; a trained, expert in the sýcience of? right living. Hle is to the spirltual wll-fieing or? a comfinunity wliat a health officuýr is to the phbysical weýll-being. thr and Iis EF îllsams and eilîdren 01with M. 5m Searle. Mlr. and Mrs. Waltel Thertýeil are vi~iing ithMiss Sel-ina Therteil. M isý-S DreeCoqer is hldyn wihMiss Betty Martineil. îMr. Joe Matel)spent the week- end at Loon Lake. Airs. A. Jaclksoni, Ms .J Hentey an(! daughiter Mary s penit tie week at the former's hme here. MrJ. George Pope visited with Mri. andi Mlrs.IW.Geary over thu w-eek- anti. Miss Jean Fietcher spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hli- ditchi. Mms. T. Hihlitch bas retur-ned homeu aftem spenid'ing- a few days ;in Toronto visiting frieurds. Mme. Gordon iMartiineil and Keni- nie spent the week-end in Peter- bo'ro. Miss Jean Elliott sp)ent aL few days Viitjng lber cou1sin, Kenniie MWartineli. Miss Betty WMaters returned to Peterbor),o on Suniday after sedn lier holidays with Mrs. Eber-Lxn MrK .Couroux and babyv Ray, and MNiss Grace Mlercer are vis'ting witb Mr. ind Mr-s. Vanice Allen, of Orono Air. Harry MMleofSskt uhewani, who wýas East attending the funeuai of his !-ate brother George, haid dinnier with the Glass family on Wedmiesday last. Congratulations te _M is s Ruth Jackson ýwho passed her grade IV. muiisie exam»înaïtioni, and te Miss Kathleen Jackson who passed Grade Everyone is looking forward to another Kendal Fiel(! Day. The commnttee in charge hope to have same about the middle or? August. Watchi foi advertîsemient, Our ast -'Big Day" wais July 31st, 1940O. Visitors with AMr. and MrMarcus Soper and IMn"r. S. Paittoni, were Mr. and Mrs. Arm-on Gilmnour and dauýLglter., of Detroit. for the wee- en;Mr. and Mlrs. WV. Boyd, of Toýronto, Mrs. A. Jacksenr Ws.W. J. Honey and daughter Mary. Visitors wth ss.J. Gordon were, Mr. and AiMrs. Muldrw, orl Elizabethrville; r and Mrs. Russelil1 bail game bettsveeln Oshalwa RexallYs and Kendall The visitors, ai finletem Of Young men, frerb froml their. vie- tories' over Bowmianville an1d Por.t ilope, played c1ean, clever baýil ati showed a fine spirit of? sportsmianM- ship. The storeKa8, Rexall's 3, does net refleet the platy, wh'ki was keen, hard fogh oad sap througbout. A hoe by Elliott with hases loadled gaýveEKendla edge in the first antiid anoýther lo ýng drive by the s-ame swat at ist ini theý fourth drove ini two, accounited foýr the score. D. loy, (onithe imound fer RexallFs, had a slow fipater inter- mingled wlth flashes of sp)eed ati curves: that -wqas a igt te see. A battie ail the wayý, no hecklinig, ne questioniing'duison, veryonie on their tees andi asbal t its bes t Another humldïinger wil'l be p-layed,, niext Saturday, 'the 20, wh vlen the best ofr? te pre-wa-r players f.roimr the local teamsi, will t-ry te show the boys w'ho learnied their basýebal inithe army, what is at For thrills andi fun lon,'t m15i5 this one. The gamie will be played in tbe Memeorial F1ark in the evening. CO WVANVILLE Miss Mnrion Shnipson visitedl witb ber father, Mrs. T. J. Sinipson. Mr. and Mrs. Franik Ogden andi O-ria, of Toronto, ývisiteti at Mrs. B. (Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Baady vist- ed wlth Mr. anid Mrs. Brooks Ccwan on Sunday. Mr. andi Mrs. Wes. Stigrvisited with Mr. and _iMrs. Wiliis Farrow on Sund-(a Y. M.Elwoedi Gray aint baby visit- edti ith Mr. anid irs Allered Per- rin' lihe pas,' wee'k. Mm. and _Mmsý. Jim i Sim-pson and chiltirenî spent a few daiys on their farm,. Mr. aind Mris. SaM Ca rr andi daughterShre visited at Mrs. B. Mllsen's on unay The large gratvel cusher makesý quick work of getPting the grvein-1 te the (c(.unty roat iiIi nort r et ville.WMrs. AdrwBanidy andlMrs. Wes .Striniger b1oarldeti the mnta came w:ith the craciher. LESKARD P'ROMOT0'1iN RESULTS Leskard Public School Figures denote percentage. Entrance to Grade IX.-David Feu, Ronni e Pag'e (hnonours). 70. T To Joan1 ýTo - Grade M.-LiniTennant Grade V.AtryMartin 8.2, Teanant 67. Grade 1HA.-June Tenniant 71.1 -Gradie IIB.-LoUrraine Martin- Mrýs. Violet iMoffatTealcer. THE SHIRT TALE Oh happy day for F. L.JL, J The weather's turnýed warmer, Much warmer t-han May. Se now without shirt She can dig in the dirt, And may eveni attest She wen't neeti undervest 'Til November the Seventh H-em eighýlty-s(,econd birthday. WV.C.T.U. MEETING Thie egular montbly mneeting or? the W ensCrsanTemperance, Union was lheit On Tuiesda-,y after- non, Jufly l6;th, lui the Park St. Ohumch auditorium wxith a good at- tenldance. TIhie me (, ý,' ig opentiwtb ign bymn 41,', "Woaclerful Love", tiben Mfrs. Kelly took chiarge or? the devo- tionial perioi, gvigu veryinirn m1essa1ge,"ot' purpose for usý ail", bas;ing ber re-mamksýý on the Lst and 21d catrOr? Hebrew. The minutes -ýOrthe. former imeet-1 îing verenaur apprveiantith.e mouail was responded byv ail mem- bers pre-senit. Mrs. Walsh exte-nduti geinste our lnew t-nueMs Stutt, aise -al bearty weIcome te the visitors. In, toieabsýenýe or? the Cor- re~pndig seretrythe regular Suiretar ly \was -uPmedetedl te assist.1 Th pesdetintreduILceýd the ne pinfor thLle building an ,ýtd opti ventlion wuldbe eld in si br ParkinstatiorTor-onto as former- ly phue~ Two very ne sig raJigS w-eeiven by Me.Roe ai -Mmsh.nttet T he f amn- FOO11T REMEDIES Bluie Jay CoraIlPlasters ...........2-5c. Bluie Jay Caýilous Plasters ... ...... 2âc Sani-Ped Coï-n Solvent, a guiara-nteed remedy for, corns.ý.................... 21, j and j MlsknA dhesive, box of 3 NuFetIedi-c-ated 'Insoles, pair ........25c. Sani-Ped Foot Powder... 401)c .Quinsina. ,. 59c. Marathon Liniment, prompt relief to tired ach- ing feet, 4 oz. ....49c. 12 oz- 98c. Marathon Ointment .............49c. .Marathon Foot Powder .,...,.....25c. Zam-Buk Ointmrent ..... ..........47c. Cress Corn Salve............. 0c. SUMMER SPECIALS Willsonite Sun Glasses, pair . . ý. ...35c., 50c, 59c. Polaroid Day GIasses, limited stock, pair .. $1.95 Willsoniite "Overspees", fit on over rezular glasses, pair .... ................ 0c, Rex-Eme Creamn, quiek- and safe relief for sun- burn.......................60c. Noxema Cream, "Feel it Ileal" ....17c. and 59e. Super-Way Insecticide with DDT, certain death to moths, flues, mosuiuitoes and ants, 4-oune applicator bottle ...............3 5 Ag-ent for Jaekman Flowers CharlesRB. Tyrrel Phone 68 Ont. Ne SamedGoods, Buffet Sets,BodiSes Runniers, Centres, LunchIeon Cloths, Cushion Tops, Card Table Covers, Aprncec, at Attract~ivp Prices. Ladies' Whiite Purses ý $1.21 and $1.93 Colorful Stamnped -Rugs for- wvoo wor-king priced at...........33c. an.1C Fishing Rods, 3-piee Fishing Rods, 1-piece ..... ....... Men's Bluie CottonadieWr Pants, sizes 4-'4 36 and 38>, at..... . . . . Baby's Silk Bonnets ............29C. Chiildren's Summrier Pre ..,...,,.53e. Safety Pins, guLarded ends, card .......7c, FeIt Bedroomi Slippers, sizes 5 to.j8, a ir ..4 5c. Combs, Dressing Combs, a go sotétto choose frýomi priced .......,.5e. to 15e. GROCERY FEATURES Coupons Valid July 18-S,-'ugar S22 and' S23, Butter R 15; Meat M46 Maple Leaf Relish Cheese, 1-2 lb. pkg ,.. ý..21c. Kara Corn Syrup, 2 lbU, i coupon .....-...... 24C. Crosse & Blackwell Oran~ge Mar-malade, 12-oz, bottie, 2 for I coupon, bottie.......25e, Aunt Diniah Molasses, 4 bottles, 1 couqpon, bottie 14e. Salada Tea, Yellow; Label, 1-2 lb.......38c. Blue Ribbon Coffee, 1-2 lb).,...........25C. Gillette Cream iof Tartar, ,2, oz.pkg ... ...... 19e. 4 ounce p,)kg. for ............3e Londonderry Ice Creamn Mix, pkg, ........1c Grapefrîuit, No. 96, medium ie,3fo....23c. Store Hours : 8.30 a.m-. to 5.30 p. Wednesdlays, 8.30 a.m. t ïo 12 o'clock noon; Saiturdjays, 8.30f)m to 10.00 p.m. UROUNO 5c. TO $1.OO% STORE YOUR POPUTLAR SHOPPING CENTRE Motor qipnn Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smîtith Funeral Directcm>j"' antiligre 1ealers KINDNESS .COURTESY_ SERVICE Equipipedte)to akýe crno hénods fnra t h ma reasonable charge ýs weUlas the larg-est and suost exacting- Telephonie :Office 668 -Recside-nce :523 and -'726 ieleplhonu Collet Bowmîanville, Ont. fowd (l

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