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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jul 1946, p. 2

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SYNOPSIS CHAPTER XVIII: Stenhart, weaic framn exertian, got off tus horse and gcoped alang a narrow ledge, then tappled ave-. lHe was a Proýtrudiug limb, dangiing above certain death. Sherwin saw his enemny fai] and crept slowly toward is helpless victim. It was then that he reaclied the turniingpon Iiu hts thtnk1ngý and dtd not kzili is CHAPTER. X He sougit a f»ootod, a crevlice, anid ouu nc wbere tle treliad rootedj, a id fissure in the walaI roc.1e wug owrdit, got bis fotio it, , holding thus ta theia-rpe and tht dliff, reaclicc dow ad laid bis liand u Sten- hart's body. He ýtliýugIst lie was stiulcansciaus, for bis lieavy cye- lids quered, but lie îay there, a dead wciglt. Swifîly, cautiousl, Sberwin wround the cape aruanc his bodyý and mande it secure uni-der the armjpits, balancinig imiself on a foAthold sa nacrow that a touci iglit bni himndawn, Then, grasp- iug ,the slac1, ohifltcerope, lie began to, clinîi. bbc ledge seemedv( a thou- Sand fec above hiru, but, at last, bc lay on its bkin g. Hle liad ,sounids uow other than the cataact, the ccssing of bongî, vaies! e took! no hced aI tbemi, for, as lie rose tahibisfc, lie saw ilie tree that suppocted Steni- h-ar-t go down sud 1t1ce moCtionilcss b5ody swin1g ont on1the end oh thec rape. Shecwiu braced hmse u nd lieganta L)aul im iiup by main tent.Slowly, suicely, bie drew fis nen ont, ohfteflicayss, stcadl- ied him ai the cdge of tht rocjý bcuh im iisale avec and laid Ihim çlown. R is awn imuscles acled sud lis bead s.--an, but Steuiari stil breatlied. Hle opcnied liis eyes sud laoked up in Sherwin's face. ,Sher ite-ror lcaped into lis eyes, but lie was spc:ît, hiellc(ss; bis 'Nite ips moved,, but only anc word came in a wispec. Clos- at band, ud Slerwin cppe the wýatC in bis bhauds and! weî lis face sud lips, sud again Stenhact7 tcied ta spesk-; butr, as bis rescuer beul:tDt listenl, havy biands felI upan im sui ad Ithere cwas a shaut of triumpli. Gýt lion, sher2iiff!" Slierwii, on bis1ku1ces beside tIc înjiredimani, iooked tup to ind tle passec closing in. 11e slioak off, the 1Îsu V,110 iîad gcasped him sud case ta is feet, just as Jim Kelier panîcd np A trail. 'Haid an, Cutîcri" Jim cricd, "t'hatiiman savcd Steuhat-I saW him-aîthie isk< af bis own lhf !" \Ai'tt, akin)g lnachances, IMc, cKeller. HIere yau, Adams, yau hanq1denîf him; le's the Mali we're Siein oii cffcred no resistanice; ieý snbrnitted witli an iran com - posýureý. He liad fhrown awsy bis dear-baouglit liberty ta save Sten, hart. 'l rcckon lie eau wa ater ahý," said tht Sbeîiff, " ayu feeling non, lAu. Stenhart?" Stenihart ttced ta stand uiprîgît, but bis cyts had met Shcrwui's asud bis ioniliw-utdry, 11e wtt bfis lsi, baing alilaver. "e'd better carry hîmll," said jim. ,'Cheup 11, aId chap, ya'reý sounndnuouacs broke'ih' "I eau al,"said Stenhaqrt thimckl Uing 1hCavily on-MJiu, 'The ledgc is mîghty narcow; van1 you m anage wicloit lilp, 1Mr. for tht mann wlo had lpýd fhim iluake bis capture. "Oh1, we'1lido!" Juin î 4tw sup- porting arm acouud Stenrél . t vas on 11the tip af bis tanigue ta f el ýýh1 imcii ta go ahci witb fthc prs- Dnier sud bring hehp) from the ranch à'nd a car for tht injurcedmian, but ei, cememiibertd Jane; he muiý,st go firat himselif. Tht thougît impelled Jim ta look back at Slierwin. and somiethiný ini lis whîite face made him recoil ai tht siglit of lis bouud liands. 11e bcckoned Cutler ta him. 'Is it necessary-f miean, those landeufîs? By jove, 1 saW what le did; le's a brave man!" Thie shieriff nodded gcîmly. "ýCan't tk chances, Mr. Keller, lit's a; sware le was gain' ta k-ill Stenhari. ai't sa al firedcea in my mmnd wliat le meaint tado witb liim anyway lic liad Wirn ahI trusscd up with that cape l" Jim shut lis teetl liard, bbc sus- picion was horrible, but lie remien- bcced, ibat lie had teleplioned for Cuther. H1e had given this mansu io their hands, and there was Jane- bhcy began ',he desce:nt sloWly. jim, su ,ppoar-t iulg ,Stenlart; Weilt abead; Lbhind s 'amne tIc sheriff, tien the men liringing Sbecrwîn. A. heavy chaud la risenl in the wcst; uis puriple, edges vr sweepiug up- ward. Tt esul ight wen1t ontud, as tliey euecd t stcecp trail, tudrorlled deeply across tht, bills. bbcwaynarrow sd iffiuli grewdim ith he ackncess of the appoacingstormi. Stenhart, %wcak and inumud frin is fail, stumibled sund so-tlje stanes coling and înnllu eaiad aI 11cm. "Steay, od dlap," said Jim, and ~ui suporiugarm tightened. Il seeýmcita im that Stenliart suf- fcrcd witbl some trouble of tic m1ini as dccp as thc stiffness af bis body; floi t oce lad lie ifted bis dacký eycs ta look alîead ofhihm, sud lie was gliastly pale, Jim, glaucîug backa the steep. path, saw tht led aIo the men foliowinig tbem be1)for1e !e saw their bodi es. Tht sheriff causle iext; Slierwiu, le knew, wa ast-with bis guards. Oveheaci tht trees hocked their brancheus now, andi a dense tlîicket sucronded hem. liec oulci onr the cataract 1ess itnty but tihe rusli ohfl-icwind iin tlIe tre-e-tops Made a 1int Jim stea-,ding Sten- hart, soesiaw1ylit n bis car. "I sate you-yau and Sliserwin," fe saidi quietl. "I wss ont in thQ road; there's an open ing in îlte trets-one klnspses tise ravine. How did yau came ta hall in that way, Max?" Stcîslart raused himself; lie ifted bis heaci and trieci ta meet Jim's questianing cyts, but lie.wavered aud gaspcd. I-ewas going ta, kilI me!" lie ~aidwealy;'tIat was il, 1 reuncm- bier nawSliewin was gaing ta k'il! Ill."*** It was thti nake d trutb-sia nuor- ta' insu knew liow the chsange haci swïepî ino i miaSliecwin'c saul! But Jimi Keller haci seoNtht rescuie. "Ht savcd youc ile ai tht isk oh bis own," Jim retortcd bluntly; "lie- went dawn on a cape aud broughut you up-sud hast -bis chance ta njike a getpasy" Stenihart îpasscd bis baud avec bis etyts wjith a goiggsue "I can' udrsauiit," le mut- teýred i;itirsgaiuîg ta kifline lie bates Ime!" "Teby have , liedic a, great thýiug-hic risked lis !iefoc bis war-st ecemy h Are yoh sure, aid chîap,.quitesre-thatlise iras gui]hty ? Stnaîsface took ou au ashy wh)itenes,ýs, bis lips slîaok. "I tellil you lie dici ift le wiidly. "L1.. oh], my G od, wbat igbtn lîg!" Tht., heavens haci been torii by a jagged 1flash, the dark woods wece, foc3_« aiat, alhaze mil itffi tIen île roar of ihunric rroiheci crsshing arounà i themi, echoed fram heiglit ta be-ight. The very carili beneail their feet secmcd ta tremble witb tIc reve-rliersiion. Stenart rIecî ed, cavecing hlis cyts ith lis hancis. Blended for QuaBlty TEA, TURNING POINT 1Mary' ImlayÏIyo When a ,jerson has lived in a ncighbourhood 11for- over twenty year., and ruas had the same neigli- bours catwst, north and south, for Most of that time, it creates'a feeling of permaiinency, for aur- selves, and psil for the neigli- bourhood in gnrl The men are accustomed -o change work" witls the same nei;glbours year after year; the wamen visit back and forth-when- they have time -at quiltings, meetings, teas, or, per- haps only, on the telephone. On wasfidays as we Éang thîingsn the Une we notice aur neighbours- have their washing ont too, adit alf hleps ta give one 'ý.criral feeling--a sense of unity wtli the rest cof the cornmunity . Thlat is how, it hai;S beenP here any waiy,Lisofai warre 111121fýcon- cerned 1 must açliiit we har e flot visited back and( forth veýry mnucli but yet we alwvays kncw, that should the occasion arise, as indeed it lias a, f ew timets, that we had only to ask for hielp) and it would be given 1gracioly and21(twilling"IV, 0f e uirse there h1aveý, vnfortuu- atlbeen gaps leftfin ouirnig- borli'-ood by thwor fthleGra eaper buit thre i-C asbenvr The -Supremacy of Spiriý Values, Exodus 20:7; Leviticus 1:2 M'attliew 5:33-37; Mark 7- 5-8; 34-,'6. Golden T cx-Bttseek Vo firstf thie Kiîîgdloin of Gdanld 1hi righteousness; and lu hse th1inigs shahli e added vunto yo.-Mattliew, 6:33. The Third Commi-atnment Duereerecefor God is the gre-at principle unde-r!ying the Third Commanidment. This prin- ciple -is violtL by al profane Tliere's ntin s tlergltfor semble. T i n, Ptt -U420,is a "sw-eay"l ointu u a éfine figure is thlatistidff LPaiýtt-ir11 4721) ncnes in s ize(s '12, 14, 16(418, 20,SIr)1 frock and b ýeo3 ards 39) nch atri fils con sapscinte accept- cd)for1h5paternta oorn 421, 73 Aead St. West, Trno Pint ïpLaily vSIZE, , AD DRSSTYLE 7NiUMBERl-l. ISUE 0I4 TAB ETALKScrnning Questîonas little volunta rily moving away fromi tht district. And 110w, like a boIt frorn the blue, camnes news that twýo af aur neiglibours have sold thleir faris. [t gives ane 'a qucer snkinig feel- ing., It is liard ta get used ta ilie ides that in a few short montlis these sarne tarins will have differ- cnt uwners-and we shall have dif- ferentlieiglibors. What wih ley be lkthese new neiglibors? Will thiey lic of thîe "dirt farw~er schiool" or will they incline towards iltra- nmodern rnethods of ighly imech:Ian- ized farrning? Wj ll they lie con- genial neiglibours, good mixers, or will they cîdeavou r ta live unto tliemselvcs, andi ta le a law uinto tliemseîves? Those, are qluestions to whicli only âne can _give ithe ani- swer. At the sainet iimewe can't lielp -wondeing-andi( witli a little trepi dation-b ecause uanc's 1neigh- bours are so importanit, especially ta folk wlio live in thit c ty AiM Ithe people woare 2moving away? lu a nec casýe thie place was acquirec buit an the other fthe ladyv of the bouse iasliv-erd iere allier hife. Qule C'al! aly imlaginle the licartache it %wiIl lbe ta pu1ll lup stakes and go. t1arn sure that as tic day ofI departuire gets inearer anyonie sokplacd wald fiud evcry tree, eeysiub lotcvery nail on the wall, ldsore peia siniicuc.T]e el-wrnpath from îthe bfouiseta, the baru along xvhch 0 nany el-ovdfeet have trod;tlise pumpii by the itchnct door which lias provîdedI cool clear water suimmer after stmmner; tht view from ln'ie kitchien windaw sud noh, 5sany thîngýs-sulchl ittle thingsq, tat may îneyer hlave been oh aniy great importanlceu pta nlow. But ita levetliem -ah, tliat's a ï different stary. But in't thatithe way ahfIe? Some-times wc enilust lose a lot ini anc diectot gain a littie iii anather, On the ailier land if we take a c:han;ce weoetms oea little but gain a lot. seasonal wor'k ta do onilail farm- bIayýiingtfinish, wlieattac ut. And speaking Goh wliat-I have mcnded that binider canvas I1 refercd ta so lovingly lasIt week, But I 1didn't menid it wàib needle and tihreýad, Tjhis timiic!pasted the patch on the canvas. WIîethier it bille a suc- CeSslias jyet ta lie proved. I arn lioping it will lie becaulse it was a lot less work anyway. This, week-end wve thought we were going ta ie ?alone. Yes-actu- jHRNI01 Gvvendoline PCak At thiis time of ycar liuindreds of letters frorn homema1nýkers seekýing help witli their caninig problemis, pour into the offices af 'the Conw- sumer Section oftie Dmiio D- partrnent of Agiculture. 1Hereý are sonre of the most; frequently aisked questions and their answers. "Al the recognized authorities ,on home cannîng used ta inisist that sealers be stcrilized hbefore using. Now a lot of popesay tl1is isu't neccssary. Can yauuteli me why ?" It is naît neccssary ta steiiîze sealers hefre sinig bcuethe pracessý,ing of food in the sealers sterilizes 1b hlfood and sealecrs. Howeveri, it is ussen iaýl thuatseal- ers le l-roghy asedin - soapy water and w ll insed in clecar bh', watcr. Sa r.witIligfass lids in, place, slild lie pcdon a tray ,in fthe oven and h leatedto 225'F.,or thcy sliould bec af filled wIth lotwater, placed on the rack iii tlic boiing water bath, sur- ~oundd wil ot water anid brouglit to bJoiIln on. elr sol i left ini water or oven utilready to ffuI. "My tr vrresaways seen to float in-,tlie se'alers, Canri1 pre- yen-t this?" Noythat sulgar is ratïined thlere tha w ie hevysyrup vwas tîsed. Soe ruts Pll float ta the tlop of the sealer if taa heavyasru is uised. Sy- rup in thé propor-tion of ne cup sgarta ane asud oanc half cuips watec is reca'mmenïded for srwbr iand peaches. Of- tenl an eveninnrsyu myle fruit ta last cvcn in- ýithînner syrup. "oeralways d*d up1)lier fruit Homie Accidents The numiiber of accident1reart cd mnCaada hmeparticuliarly c-ases a(f smralchldenbein)g scald- cdI by sp"iling or failling into,bal in te, ispires ,îwarnling ta mother.- PaMrents are u trged uta ex- ercise greaiter zcare whln round young cudecsuinig thiat paten- tial dangers a-c îcoved !aindin- fan-ts guardecd at ail timles. al!Buit round six thirty Satulr- day iglit the telephnoe ran)g and a mivelk little voice said "ulAuint Gixel, can 1 tlirow myw liat in for the week-enid?" 0f1 ous there was ouly anc answer ta that ques- tion. But then we dïin't sec much of aur visitor because oni Suuiday alternoon Bal> took lier ta bouota ta sec other relations. Anid tIen the bouse was so ýiuet 1 could not sit still-oc wlas it liecause I was ccading a very disquictîng article an the Soviet Union-an article whicls proved beyond a doulit thaýt Communistic organizations are, ui,ý healtliily active in Canada and 'the U.S. Is it auy wondec wc hav strikes and yct more strikes? MYesysofc rIm ldtse "HFa I Ha !-l foaied you JmThat';s, "And donit forget hat Crap- t our nïew! coo)k. She won't serve any-Fate are made t wogrin-wea thng but mnalty-ricli, swee-as-a-nut end imaWtd barley. Tliy give yau cr- passGrap-NuwbF tts f Prea.b ohdrte fr nery, pratensor bmusw, h phrusý l "ci one5e CI "WelL whdau are waitng for? Lts~d~a'~P a hyt t odr get hiome quiceand dig ittat gýiant They're gooci Ar Yeu, ts-Y're eapy t ea,)inmy package." digest," a by the k Lettle method, we liked it anid it kept well except foi the occasianal jar that went mnoidy Now you do -ût suggest ti thlod, what is the reascon?"~ The a)pen kettie method i recommienided because there -ýa great risk of spoilage t1nless ve1 heavy syrup is used. The mto of parking sealers and sterilizing bath scaIers and ' od together is easier- and mui safer, The product will lic monre a)ttra-ctive as the food ilcss Viel o rak Up. TheSwe eisHoe g Oued Fond.flInIng nus I>nae- With Rurnnng W'ater' NIAGARA FALL-S C.N.R, STATION * -I

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