Take Yeunr Choice Pasrus a UN I were married but a short de when he came e Ow %ith a Lig waslI tub a-ash aý,ar nd a hýandsume thiree-foot ùz Whuf1ts Il de truckyou Rastus:: 'You-all kpuake yeu pi%. Yo' km ake de tub ans sh- boar an' go te work, or you km take de mbrrer an' set down and watch you'se'f Marve" Two Ways A ')iuiqtiou felow wsgvn evidence in a policcourt. "Ynsay yustoçd up?ý" asked-- Obe nigisrate. "I sad, rtorted fthe conceîted euxn, thiat I steod. If onrsands one niUst btand up. There's no- ather %ay of standing." "Oisn' hee" elidth- suaisrae."Pay two poundllçs fer) EOIttemp.t of ,cOUrt, and .stn down!" proper Exit What hppeed (latter yen were, 1t rOwn e'ut oftht sidjýeyeit on your face?" "]1idd dethtfellow1Ielongedt -t vry inIportant ifamily.", "And dieu ?" PIC begged mny pardon, asked pe A again and threw me ont of Good Reason eprk-orer loed areunid. iYe lly fin, he said, gaz- ig intently at a memjber of is au-, diec,"are ye= treadg te Sraight anId nro a? The nian nodded. "I ar." "And do yeou find it es? 'Wvhen I started IdAdn'm. but neow it cones niaturall-y temeI don't know hOw [I'd get on1 if 1 Iddnt stick rigidly te àt and keep Myn md on nothing else. . And CHllyeu taplin te these ladies and genlemen why yeti f«Ie pau 010111d continue on thte straight and narreW path ?" "Curtaily. Uf Ididnt I Shold faiz of.I'!atighit-r-ope ,valker." gregation noticed that an and after the sýermlon wel- itle snp)posedily repetett the fisttnie yeu've policeýýl1 trch for îa long tle," ý"Tmn glad to set yen."» dnc liad tece rne. Ah, iseed s trengthnîni'. !se gat a job white-vvasbin' a chicken ceopan b"ildirt' a fe-nce'round a waLtr- n'elon pJatch.ý" Profitable JFather had been teaching lttî Bebb-y hwte do ut sSix tun)es lie Lad held ont a .iieepnnypiete and a penny and asked bfis Son1 vihichi lie wetudd have. Each time Bohbby hat' taken1thle penny. "Snrely, Bebby," said father at last, "yen kn-ow a thepny piece is werthme ïteyen thian penny ?" "NJet tht ay yeu're teaching- nie,' sid tCt youngster. "I've mad)(e tree c)on Itht dei nlready.", An Icea Hle ihad taken a ,)lg tue vceni ing hmefî rom radbiswl nagdai him fer bing late for ýijnne2r. At 1%ast she dccided to change thecovrain and sa1id I hear poor 'mr.Joules lias lîad! hisWitekilled. 'And net a a d ideai nithr rephed hr huhandsourly. Avsistancc AS tht seuSî sonlgethclt l ad ly bserdfetý'treS of the wonldý- Le vorld capolie rmurmered in Itouesof digut: 'it'taul rigOt ,Bill. 'ýve senJtfo aprvt Whîth1e dCices do I'Wanla prîat dtcctÏvt for?-" sorrow fi LnflCsk heighter. pîped tht st.on. hel hlp ý s te finid tht eh POyu'tcbeen syirg te hit -ý1tÀurng thte last int îîus. ycl fur snetm. "I'vebeenlu bed foi ee c)eukso" Ç7~OVF Tii1r, ss i A Tougher job t' ayturnling e ut ships and plne ike_ douglniuts in' tinte of war. Tetul ecul(_ieaa fat is te build a couiple of imillion heouses amlid the dstacios fpeace. -Detroit News THE SPORTING THING Ill fis eein terl -d iM btoswhile cec ingte col- lection plates!"7 Given a Chance Onie thing atmout those Nazi war ýcrimiinals; they areý at lcast being given a chance to die of old age. -Hamilton _Spectator. j POP--A Farmer's Threat fige, reartoy o putting hmN reNo Less Most Dragging Trial une e hm. ut lthat's 01ny Five day week a-dvýocates P(),; That draggin-g trialî at N-Irer7î_ part of the story\. Shýe takes thie Sibly hav;e for'gotten the FI.ourth berg may be a formi of pnsmn poor guy to a pece and lias Commnandmnent ix daýS shalt to discourage makers Df ifuture hlm tied in a knot. tFon labor." wars, Jet -us hope. -Ottawal Citizeni. -Stratford Beacon j1Herald.- Quehec Chronicle-Tegra_,,p-., D 'J ' E V ER? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ plimi tueque ipl1 t'q ý y 'VITH THE PE6ILT rTHAT BEFORE Vou F-t- LikgPTICVUSL kaAUZYE -r YOU('VE SAVEDYCURSELF O T FJACR WVHE--m 7cu REAUIZa ý>uIîF A FÉ-W PENN îl-S 1'AT YOLuJiREA&St -£ 1ýp-i- pG cTo DAWES ilBREWERY MUTT AND JEFF- PILEASE PAGE ME A IUNK 0F, LIGHJ-TNING!, By BUD FISHJER By Jl MILLAR VWATT N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -t -t N N