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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jul 1946, p. 6

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CAN'T KE-EP A GOOD MAN DOWN Dancer Jerry Singýcr left bis job with the 20th Century-Fox studios te go ta war. On Okinawa;,, a Jap sniper wrecked his lef t leg. Back from war, he reported to the studio and gave ain amnazing demnonstrationl dance, as pictured above. Then he i-oued up his pants leg and rcvýealed his artifiÉiailirnmb. ]P.S.-He got his job back. FREEDOM'S FLAG IRISES IN PACIFIC Filipinos stande bareh-'eaded iii a pouring July Fourth ramn as Old Glory miakes way for the niew fa cf the Repubh,~ of the Philip- pinies at cerecmonies in. Manila marking the independence cf the isIands. mbsadrPaul V. McNutt, former U. S. High Com- tiss er fa the Phiipinres-, locrs the Stars and Stripes in the presence of U. S. and Philippine notables, LIFE IN A TARGET RANGE Al the ccomfort of homc-almocst-is pravided UL. S. pronle - t'onied onkn *ï-i duriiing domic 'cjomb tests there, even a soft-drink ENGLAND HAS A WAR SURPLUS PROBLEM, TOO War suürplius vehîcles awaiting civiliani buyers are storecl in the Spanhoe car dump above near Keztter- irg, England, ini a picture similar ta those in miany sections of the United States. The British Air M*iis,try is auctioning 25,000 motor, cars, trucks and motorcycles at this depot. Highlights of the New,,,,I Espionage at Ottawa Russia nad "eerlpaale n- dercover systems" operaLtinig ini Canada at one timei(, and the(-y nîay sftill be at work, a R\'oyal Coiimhi- sion reported to the Commns. TIse spies, it was said, obtained' top secret political inform-ation ffct ing United States anîd ïritaîni as wiell as Canada., Accordinig to The United rel aL R.nssian mivtryattache in OUt- tawa 'had obtineid a s amlple of uranium essnceof thIe afomnic bomb, and rushJ-ed it to Moscow by plane. Steel MWorkers. Strike A strike ws aledlat week by Cana'-dian steel wresduspite the action of theCadin oer ct in aippinting ,a Gvrnetcn troller for thec thrce basi]c seel plants inCad. The clanging Imilîs eresitenîced in at leaist two f Ithe nationi's thiree basic steelplns but ini the thi:rd the situation w-%ascofsd Production came to a hIt at thie Algoma St(eel Coroainplianta Sauilt Ste. Marie, Ont., anid thle Do- niion lStel anld Ca oprto plant atSdnN, Howve, t fthe SteelCompany of Canada plant atHaion largest of the hre-om 2,000 of the 4,500ùni rcmnaincd in thiepln and comp1janyoficai sidpr-. duetion will be cniud New British Crown Colony Union Jacks andChns fas flew ox er Jesselton'sbultide wooden Survey HlaIll he ritish North BornLo ormlybecame jta part of the Britisb Empire, cndling 64 years o dmnstaio y thie British North BorneýoCopnz Representatîves of 'ýthe cln' 350,000 popuLltionpsete Ml FLYING HIGH Pr-ettÏy Kathleen Turner makes ski aquaplaning Iook easy as she goes over jumps at Cypress Gardens, Fia., where she is training fr women's nationial waftei chamnpionships ta be held at Holland, Mvichiigan, Juiy 27 and 27. Colin aDoad oero-gener lal of the Maaa Uin ith anl ad- drcss cpesigconidece in pr- grcss Iunder Brit'ish colonlial mie. M -. Mconlfonier 1Britisgh high commîsIiýsiOner fo Canlada, flcw from Shingapore for the cemny BritLish-U.S. Loian Th U1nied Stes Congrssgave final approval last weeck 'to a $3,7,50,0oo,uoo b(an, to Greýat Britaîn). The Senate ýalready had authiorized the boan), hich is ifne to re- hIabîlitate B ritaini'swadioan- cdI international tae Vsigo heard that Britain inltendecd to uise the maior part of the $3,50,00,O Joan fo buy imachinery and raw macil.Anglo-Amierican trade officiais blive retBitain may be drwing upon hmr an vithin a Price of Ncwsprint Up For the s2conid finie in oa fel weeks period flic price ofnwsit bas been inicreased f0 Canadhin publîshers, an hincseof $680 per ton, effeýctiveimditl, olw ing an incre:ase of $9i per ton th0at hiad become e2 ffec:tive May 1,19. This further ices bringsth puric o $60P up 15M cisofartHli-, ycar or appomatcly 30 per Cent. Sîince the pre-wa.r prie e of$0 a toni the in.creise is aprxiafly4 Per cent. $14,000,00C,000 in Reparat.ionsl- United Sttecs Scrtay)f Sta-te Jamens F. Byrne(s estimated at fihe final day's sessioni of the Foreigýn Miitrsconlferences in Paris that Russia had alreýady received., dîrccfly or indirectly, $14,000,000,- 000 in reparations rm eray Earecr in the weceSoviet Forei Minister Vyce Ma v. Molotov had demanded $10,000,000,00. M ORE AND MORE PEOPLE se r1Ve 'i w Ili- 71 j Jlere's an idea that can help you save time and work: Serve Kellogg's eral '~not oly for bekat but for _Kellogg il- L ndionn ncs, chilldren's Wheat MosnCanadiaia c wvh olce w«tn ilslunches or suppers, before-bed. most dleos ~ AIWet Pep, Corn Flakes, form . 'Flakhe d, AJI-Bran, Rice Krispies, Bran toasted, reaidy-to- Flakes and Krumbles are al eat! Every'ody ýiade by ]Kellogg's, the greatest loves the hearten ing -name in cereals. SAVE lIME ~..SAVE FUEL.~. a VE -FOOD! Dealeirs in Canadian Goverument, Provincial, Municipal and Corporation Securities Jhtou & Erie Bld5., Domunoz Bank Bldg., tendon Toronto

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