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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jul 1946, p. 7

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ULTSEIGIIT WEEKS ta ltty- ing.FreeCatalogue. and pricelist. 1A, LliRAVE JULY %AND1)A I 4,UST sfor odr rciedi ood ~~~lres.As k for. price i;st and l A valbl.BryHtchery, 11ilit,, Ont. LAKEVIEW CHICKS 5000 Breeders Sumer nd auhatched chlcks, hathe July 26, August 2nd, and M",kly ier, also limited no sat ed ;,ik nd pullets FREE RANGE PULLETS 2 rl!nts'o laying age, rie n der idal coditiosend forice ,,il1 burnes, S, immeldiate deiey LAKýUEVIEW POULTRY S FARM, Wein Bras., 9'eter , OnT wrllEa. Ais, woand tree 01ek,1dstar- eS chcir vure cataloguie. T\we(ddle RELIABLE CHICKS $12.STA PT MD CIlICES u p to Sweek-. Ssisex. Bar]!red ock's, ehonpullIets. RYBRIDS Le- boro1 X BR. Hamyp X R.Prmp 3fiipmlent ilrsCic scey or celangl? Wriete li s for tion We re glad1answer- ~5reeat Toronto, Otro Foit SALE ATTENTION FARMERS For Sal: Regulr Tracor Tirels. ýugtras suitable for bali tngo)I s tte fheighitnS twidth o f wei Nationl Rubbr Ca. Ltd, Wi- Sire Ave, Toronito, ont, BRAS ALVSSAFETYVA E, «auges, aïl Stsm geas1 cpe Eroo k, IudaOnt. iGA Zî J'-NTRîY - NE w 7, -00. Comlpl-oedata an framlng wls tarroofs, truisses, Intarlor and exeirfinish. A ine of lnfo-rm3- stion for ithose Interelitad la"con- ~tato.Sent pspiThýree Soi-ü lar. MstrprntCa11many, Toronl- ELECrnîoMOTORS NW sI boughIt, SolS, rebluit; beits, ples brushes. Aljjen Eiactric Cnpn t. 26Duifferljn Stc, Toronto, Ont. ES DO[NG OCRTE inets _omlbinied, hanld op- ypsi7re 8 x,8-16;, twvo IjT ST. J)OAS.Q stel -wthetension IL URNERS FOR UKICHEN Sl)tOVE ORFtvURt- nac. Cmplteintructionjs forin)- caint.Woldaertal.Agn ing.706ChatubrendMonitreal. SMYAL STEEL WIELDTRAC- to;xelen oiidition)ï, sou or tradefor cal, itrue1k. en -fr nap- SO B END ÏBE-N dAî LATHE, 9i~,swing, 5-2 be(,d,mtran ACush-manl cIlucI, e ceMllnt cond, THE NEW IMPROVED HAY, DIVIDER Can bcîtedta swath b 9rd .f1aY neddta fork hay bebili n mower Oý1navv cr055s. Aieasa ve tOfme,' as there lis no ologn f k fi te or Icife g-uard. Guanra,-nteed satisfac- tion. $7.511 f.o.b. Bristol;, Que. Si MNfgr a nS disÉtibutor for Canada and Ul.S. LocalSpareImeAet Wanted. A. Arbie rito.Qu'e. TURS AD RDIOPARTS lcto i spplies of aIlI ins lilt fo-r sam.Ec0onmyDistribut- VAR'Ms FOR 8SALE $,AIIE DAIRY FARM liVIL'LAGE; 8àmiles tram .Montreal. 4C0 head of cattie. Large qantlity imnber ptxIp anid wcood Price $U,000.00, Box 99, 71 Adelide WToronto. rf0lACRES 1FOR SALE MWITH21 GOODp building. EdidFolr,,t 20ACRES 11LACI LOAM. BElSTc 1qind foricin, soy1bean11s, grin.f BESTG ARE ARtM AIND VAL1- iey uliderdrainied iluigr Dis- St Ctaie REL11SORT PR1OPERTY FOR SALE TIKYRANCH AIAND NATUHAL1.1 trouthaven ol0 cres, -o f mosi uniqu farî inOntalo. quipped - 'sufor opiltig- - lad bus11) ess ml spigso Ievated sloýjpe, vwýith sOdeietiaodbrawai ronit.Pefc ~anainfor, autmie rac um sys- Li'"IlIN lHAU II'IIS I NG 'THÉ Robertson n!meiithdInorim ration co, request regarding classes. R-obert- sons aldrssngAcadlemy, 12; Avenue [-load. Toronto. BE'Ll' WANTJED amnali home; country woman Dre- ferred, high wages if qualified. Box 103.17.1 Adelaide W., Toronto. BELl' WANTIEX> DIETITIAN Wanted ait ltuskoka HOSpIt a], S l- ary $16650 per month or $140'10(1 Per month Wi!th full maintenance. One month's vacation with pay at the~ end of one yearys service. Bljue Cross Plan avaîlable. Permanency for the right person. Apply to Sup- eI-ntendent, Muskokca Hospital, Giravenihurst, ont. GENERAL STAFF, NURSES Operating Room Nurses $100,00 V ER MONTII, PLUS FULL wihpsy and a $00 bonus at the compietion or each year of service. P'ension plan. 1 day sick leave wlth paJy per month, acuu 13ie.Bm srieta city stree-t cair 1unes. Ap- plyv: Supeýrintendent of Nurses, Tor- on'to Hospital for Tubarculosis. Phone JU. 1163. IT'S 0',CAELLE N T. REAL R]E- sulis atr takngDi nsfemedy. fori hemai Pin nd Null ta.Postpa;id$10. STOMACURAND HED OM often aire thecuse 0f'Dril!i eaihinl huas ili Lges. No O.e Imma1[nai WVhy nlot find out i, this Is yaur trouble, ltrsigparticulairs- FreelWieMlanysRmde Try i.It. hworks. Arthur's Ec7rama O)limlent, onua 0f the m nost effective onmnsknown for -the rlelie4. of eczemai: 50c, SOc. and 51.5. or In- formatiion ,Wrît, Charlas Aýrthfur, 82 Spmuce lhî R , Toronto, Ot. PEOL1,RE ALKING ABOUT the oodresitsfromi taking Dix- on~siteedyfor -ieumatie Pains andNeuiti. MNlïr's Drug Store, 212 Egin, ttai. Postpaid $1.110. IF YOU'RE BALD READ THIS! Do sonmetinig about your baldness, aow IlxoncanScalp Prepa(raion tb eremarkable treatmienît for aldess. . . bas grown banir la case aftter case professionally con- trolled a nd supervlsed. New hair bas dfi n i tely appea red in most cases aifter treatment with Hexonicin Scalp reparton. ffective talso in femnine ba1(duessStr this newf treamtl Lfor baldnes now'1\. Re- ration does not produce resýuits tt or fol5owing directions YOU (GET 1OUE MONE;T B JACK . . .every Jar sold le lnsured with a Ieading Ca-. ngdian Iasurance Company. Don't postpone. Send $3.10 (cheque or monay order) today for trial jar ta Hexonicin (Canada) Limited, Dept. MUSICAL INSTRUMVNTS FRED A ItIDDIX'GT0)N IiUYS salis, exchanges, musical Instru- ments. 111 Chuirch., Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ,WOMýEN BÉ a HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunîty Learu Halrdresslng Pleasant dig.ified professio, gond wage, tbogusands successful Marvel gradua -tes,'. America 's greatest 5ys- tem. Illustrated Catalogue free., Write or eall MA1'VEL RAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 loor St. W., Toronto Brýanches: 44 King St. Ramilton &7Rideau. Street. Ottawa. PATEN TS FETHESTONAUGH& 31OPAN y i4 King West, Tcrou Bo oefa Informatinan reqest. PERtSONAL WHY AWAYsWORKFOR OTU- iyurown privt oe lh $5.0. Wite s.P. Mercier, 36 t Andre1,St.,Motral24, Que. FILMiS DVLI'D2 TS. CGUA- ranteed ana day service No %WAITr- TIMIE TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Tour ilmspperly dvlpdand rnted You may not get-ailthe films ya vu IMIc'FRIAI. lPHOTO SIVICB Stationi 1, Toronlo., DON'T RZSK" LOSING "eSNAPS" THEiY CAN A\EN AGAi0N An1y Size Rail-O or 8Epous mouints; in Cý0ja Gold, Shver, C'ir. cassinWlntor B FchBony finlili Pra es ,9eeah. Ifr nag Reirlns ilae rom your STARSNAPHOISERVICE Prip NmesndAress, 1 alnI SIAPV'Y F0 BRSOME! WITH RUi 25e order or more you receiveý; (1> coupon, for two 5 x 7 heavy paper enlargements; (2) One Gf the pýrints 'edge tinted"; (Y) "double seal" film wrapper, (4) quality uniliilitred. Films developed and prinited, 25é; reprints, eight' for 25c. Fresh films available. Victory Studio, Sasî1catoon 7, W., Sask. PROT'ESTANT 'rE-ACHER F018 5n .S. No. 1. Dayton. Apply ststing salary and qualifications and phone num- ber, to Leonard Cameron, Sec'y, DaYton, Ontario' HASTINGS N .T,3 QUALIFIED Protestant te achers f jor Area No. 2. Monteagle and Herschel. Salary $1300)00 if fnlly oualified. Apply taý G. H; ýVoodcox, ýSec.-Tre !s., R.1, Hybla Ont. ISLAND FALLS, NORTHERN, ONTARIO achol, rnuies Potesantexperi- encld feae eaiche(r for grad]es 1 and oca srieicudn li- dren',1s S1da eoo lasielpfuî. Slay $10000 statîng t,teber 3rd, 1946. Apiply li rtn ta lier- bert L. Sanborn, Secretary, 40§ UTnlverlsity Avenue. Toronto 2, Ot TEACESWNE Schooi s5.5.J\No. 6, Rxoog Stormiont cut.PoetnD. ties Sept. 1., yrmde lm. ln.pao euiu ling anid grouns. Comunîy Socal Cub. State ulfcto adslr x WANTET> IVILR RISAL ESTATE, Visi resort Property-, uinmvd d ed, good beach. niear hiighwayý' WVANTED Tu tRHS Pt.L Barred Rocks, NewHa shrs White Lgbornsany aPge fo Wveek7s pta laIylng. aSpie pai. Apl ta Bo No. 95, 7? AdelidoW.,Toronýta. Fly Imported Fromi B. C. To Baftle Budworm The cAgriculture De-partmeucita- nounitced it is intensifyini t l ann- al attaek on the spruI.ce ibudwormn, mwhichi infesta - iestimaîe[d 20;000 square miles of Canjadj-in foroîet and deýstroys 1,0,O4 orso Th'le wapn sed éagainisî the buidworm ýi, a fivLy known scieutifie- al 1ly as phyýtodiieuis fmfrne whiehdatoei h udomlar- va, .n a aing istibuteti by the ton-s of tisousands from the departuîient's parasite iabaratory at Bellel ile, -Ont. Officiais saidth ie budvtorm le threatcning valuable white spruce iný an are running tran eastera Maiitoba to narîhwestemn Neill Brunswick and slicinig inta New,ý York and Vermont, and al aready- has destroyeti ail thie bl anad 50 ta 60 per cent ofthe ,white sprnce la an area of 25,000 square miles, The budworm defaliates the trees by eonsnmiing 5prurceneedies, thus litîng tisi growth and kiliing the bys .cesiveannal attacks. lu whole areas, richý stands of tim- ber h1ave beeýn ireduced ta bare polos of rottin0 oo d. The fly usd ga)inst the worm lias been ýimpoýrted tram British Cubiwhecre it ba ýept the worm uner con rai atipropagat- ed i tsBellevî,lle laboratories. TCH KE Fýor luick relief from î tcinig causeS li)vecms athiees ba, scai,impies aSd otheritchis, canitinsusepur, cooing, mdiatdiln ~'inIss. oothe, caions nd isieil i 'tese tcliog Do't îîfem.Ak your druggiicý ylvfor Dl0, ,PESRTON Th ri aa asedii,ne 13very effective ta reiliavapain. , narv ous distres and waakc, ec-iýi, (aYs-wIeý ueta fuactionai inonithIy disturbanices. R15b yooRie MayPeaPleneesemtgeagou mslht' ret. heytuaned tose-blame h On 'nre-he lnay 4Lteiir tidoys. EIeskby kdise'ys Iiter passons ad ec Rcýals trenm "te slad.If tlsy ai assd iWmpure;s shs l he Yzsen-dýIsurbed te; t afbian faowS.. If yen den't rail weIl ge idueDd<Ids KidreyPil.Dd' sai. ta kdnes s tiai yed caï,s resi PICTURE PALS Duirng the making of the movîe SwllGuiy,7" actor Sonny Tufts, left abave, became chummy with 9-year-olid Donald Devlja, secondc from right. Tufts offered t,0 set up a $10.000 trust " undi for t11e boy, w1ho is appearing in th-e movie with himi, if Mr. ai-d -Mrs. Johnl De-vln, above,' the boy's parents, would let Tufts ado-pt imii Theý Deýv]las re-fused, b-ut the group bcm close frientis. SPO()T S 0OGS OTS. By FRANKM ANN HRI ("A Six Bit Critic'") Canladianchrerdbanlksîhave recenltiyv been strikinig a neW 1note la theoir adv rtiiug- [elig ftise public of thecir faciÂlities for iendng frîeuid of ourLs, wl1io la a promlinlent Turf Avsrtise o yu h1avinig iveiatt th maer doesn't think, so highliy of it at ail. "J triedi three diffe:rent bank," h reporteti indiguanîly; "and tise vry first thing every ane of te at ed la knOw vwas how s5001 x peL'cei ta pay them 'ý?tjise moeley back. 1 eau hta eko awyt lenti a guy dogh!H Horse-racing utidoubtedly at- tracts-anti more or leas supports -mare queeýr charIacters tisan any otiser -sport; anti not the leastinl- leresting of these are lise onos kaow-n as"sopr. Visit any racesýtraek and yon arje apt 10 se certain mon nmoving sawy irough tise crowvd, oyos eagerly Scannring thse gronnd, and ýpayiag nol the sliglitest attention to anything tisat goes a n araund lisci, or on the rac-ing-strip itself. Wlatliiag thon>i, you quito possibly got tise idea Ihat some jewel, of great prîco lias been bast, andti ta they're searching for il. But tbey're ual. Tisey're 'merely stoopors , ongaged lui their qua-in-t profession of seeking for mtc tickets tisat have a_,.valu, au tis. ai have been eithecr lî-)t or-morcze iikely-careIessýIy tosse"d aside by Ibi)r-Original oawaejrs. Anti we hjave ben ad lttsai flhem 1don'tl do so badly for temeveat thlt aliouglis t is bc, 10o moa)nS sncb a tising ias we-'ti advýise any ambitions younIg i mn a aopta a fetimje caiiing To be a sceau tae o aeed oyea like ahakadam - ory like an elephiant. Tisislasiis higisly important. , bcause quite freqnently someraetckpro willi discover ilu bis clotlissa mut- tuel ticket day1S, weokssmeie even monîlis aid. PoSsibly no)t o sels a bei an1--orpeiaatn- ing tisat, bcanse of ils aeil a bast ils viue-said patron caýjýs said pasteboaîrd ta illewns, andit f a l s 1 I sl e g r a u n" d t t a h o t r a m l II j a m o n g tIisu sauà d s o f o i e i c r s wý i t i s a p r p e l y p h o t o g î stp Iis ic e n 0 o r y , l i a p p e n i o n . i e a f a s l i e recogizes thiat aýnc tikt ramn a m ao n g a a s e w o î i l s t i o - sand, as au airtice of vaIle. Inl o lime aI ail it is ilu lis 1pocket; aud before v ry lo ui e w1.1PI e atie p a y o f f w n o w a h i g l u a i s urperior k o l d e Harvcst-tijmc for stoopers is rigisî afier a disqualificationi lias taken place. As you probably kaoxv, a sizeable Percoîsiage of race-track bettors-have tise habit of relieving tiseir feelings, when they scectise steedti hey. backed ta win finish second, by dashing tiseir tickets 10 tise grannd. Tisep they maove.on la searcis of liquiti salace and s'one- thing in the next race that will gel tiser es>,. A lîtîle later, whcn tisey discover 'Ijat-by reason of a dis- qualificatio-tiseir isorse bas been pilaceti first, they dasis madly back ta ise spot they lihat qaitted and make a frenxid sarcis for ,brse now valuable psoors a hey seidom succceedila fin-dinig tisera saine quîck-ikiiîig stooper bas beon abeati of thor Those 1hoteads wlio tar np tickets beforo discartiing tsera are flot looked upan with favor by tise frateraiîy of stoopers. Too ranch tipuble Piociag andi pasting thora togetiser again. llOWever, 'Stoopers are bessed with tish re , of Patince-nti ave -Aillise ýCtme tisrelasatbey freuenîlsuc- cc'ee, anid cash i ouwbatmgiîb calleIcd 're-built " tic kets. Whicb i, abouit ail for aow re- gardiug stÈ per s -- anti quite enougis, too), sas ou Fresh foods Ovr-ooedfooda elass ml. t resaeim ets, and o(tiser fooda_, toacomo CIIIý(in modem -illue, are condndu by haltisaisfforlîles, Fri-sIue s, la ailihportanlt il-, tise mnaltevrof diet. Snclsymptamaas isedacselasituepoor complle'x- ion1 andl10 lowreistance t1ifetin may nict Iecnetiof feh footis. P CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING "Pull aver tthe ýctrb 1" 'Made in Germany' manliy" laïb-As wilI appear in, Ani- ecnstores an byeporclins, etsrgaotid, and jeweiry i ntln- cd ta rcit ie m rk t or Ètie nic officers of the Amerýican Military Deelpen of tsI5ima' de le aieiat obtainling UnitedStte dollars lb av foýr o mot wilicis tie Uniied Sas bas hej Girateful Ethiopia Ei pi u pt back lu a ;tgoiig conition by tise Allies,, is repiayiag tbat, effort. TIe ise lh African na- tion, so sa-,dly misirtalet I by ftay vai'r direction of usini pmnviding 100,0U00tons o i est, .0,000 tions ai caffee for tise relief ai famnine la Euro,ý The Cattalo: New Breed 01f Cattile Distinctive Breed of Beef Cattie Withstands Rigars3 of Canadian Winters Canadian cattlemenis aite-da aew breeti of cattle, Tbecy wanitedt a breedti iat conii wthsandtise snh-xero winters ant viiriig lbiiz- zards af tise western provinces, l, a storm .cattle isutitleti wtibir iintiquarters facing lise winti, aosd aften uniotisereti in tise tisick snoýw, Wben recumbent coxvs and aber tried ta got up, tisoyistcîvy trieti rasetieir iinIdquartcrs; tiraI. Ojftea iweakoed by storm-js ansd scanity -wintcr otn, t feil on tiseir fae, star vo ita deatis, saysTme Cattlemn qhrvedtlise habits cf tise bfai lttItie sar;i got lup heli firat. isynot Cross- Crosseti Wiff tb BfFaio tise caif's dsrprîoaey bïg isead ani ssneskildtýircee ont of fouir cw t ia.Tison t fis cows, aî>d inormas irh esed Bult therie vwas anc drawhack; tisa fistisbit weepidtie over-i i.ebeas tireders pristtio.u caoed ata.tint genealian al witî amaket sioter is25 B ale thIdgcerl ontie îîn ia been reti oui1,, rerouciV\re lu.k So_ý cssdiug waCCý, I .s 1ilppet fo-t1výbrai hi cttsoraîsî. 1i, Succatal, oat Lais bî expeie lieD omiTh iou Experî esj;tlbssugre tat t aI Caýaa Parkwere 75 pet ins, llurdyi- trc Lta, 1>1i br lii d(but a ds- fIn ayane tisaoi!dbey bit ctak tist dhte cattalo n fts ies.b .logica tiad eforti , ef o mik th-otia' ata lo legh.u ok1 more ie bullaeratist a bufabo bt yil bat l- iseritmetiwseufaos opblie qail- bulea sandnbd nd otdhmî'is oter. ence Lvate wsib Ai rS. cI Goiernn tandeatis, ls ctaho urives. Breti îrictlysfore: eef, î otmilk, fisr 4 car weibsnp t1i 2 ime lise veag e 510r. as ye cal tala mat Vas oli u ubicN- 1

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