ORONO WEEKLY TEIMES, TIURSDAY, JULY 2.5, 1946, BOW M,&NVILLE LIONS CARNI VAL,. PUBLIC SCIIOOL GROUNDS S-aturday, Aug. 10O Ili case of rain Carnival will be held -Monday, August l2th FREE- Attendance Prizes - FREE RADIO - BICYCLE - TRICYCLE - 'NYLON 110SE Mammoth Calithumpian Parade Starts at 7.130 p.ni. NEW BOOTHS - NEW GAMES - FUN FOR ALL BOWMANVILLE LEGION Beauty and Popularity Contest In Conjunction witîh a 2-NIGHT CARNIVAL TIIIRSDAY AND FRIDAY August 22 and 23 Both Con)itests opien to the residents of ýWest Durham Winner of the BEAUTTY CONTEST will receive $100.O0 in Cash-plus numerous other prizes Two Latlies-in-Waitinýg will receive $25 in cash each Winner of the POPUJLARITY CONTEST will receive $100.00 in Cash The Entries for the Popularity Coitest will close on July 3th. Faltwcnty-five wll continue to run until the iend of the Contes t. Benef-uitDanc11Le A Benefit Dance will be held in the ORONO ARMOURIES on, the evening- of Wednesday, July 3lst eomneneing at 8.30 .ni Under the djirection) of orono Platoon of the ReserveAry ADMISSION . 50 ET SALE THE IIOUSEILD EFECTS 0F THE LATE Mrs. Myary Hannah Andrus wil b-e soldi priva,,tely at her late residence 01n MILL STREETI, ORONO on TIIIJRSDAY and FRIDAY Julv 25th and 26th KE NDAL Mitr. J. Martineil visited friends iii Pontypool on Suuduy. -Mr. Bert Ho2land visited friends in, Osbawa for a few days. (Mrs. A. Jaeksýon', Ms. W. J. lloney and Mary bad tea on Monday with Miss Slina Thierteli. Mr. and Mrs. G. ýBell, Miss Betty .Johnson and Mr. Lýeonard Johnson wjitb Mr. and Mrs. V. Johnsou. Mrs. Lorne ïHoskin made a good catch cf fishs the other day, one was a beauty. Mr, aud Mrs. Norman Therteli. Huzel and ,Shirley -are speuding their vacation ut their summer home. Mr. and 1Mrsz. George Clarke are spiending the wveek at liheir summer born1-e. Miss A. Brerýeton., of Toronto, is 'suend4ng.%a feýw weeks with Mr. and Mrs. F. Stoker. Mi. an-d Mi1s. Harry Trew, 'Mr. and Mis {erald Kennedy auid Mis. S. K ndyof Oakhdll, viSiting with i. anîd Mys. J. Gordon. Visitors wiith Mrs. N. Litt,.,e verý t'he week-endl were: Mr. atud Is. leis. iScott, of Darlinigtoua, anid Miss Mary Ruthenf.ord, of _Kirby. Mr. aid Ms.Jirn Stak ard Givenl, of Newtouville, spent Str day eCveniisg with MIr. and Mis. Gor- don Maîtinell and Kny Mýr. and Mrs. Wliasn and family, Of bondoni, Ont., are sed iiig, their- holidays witb her father. Surn Searle. CMiss Ane an-,d Jackie MuIDcTag- gaît. of Trno are speniding their hlidays wih M.andJ Mrs. Blake Mr. JohnThnipontook fis -the grs'softba'll gaïme at the Torontoj Vistor witb us.A. G. Drig tonl ovrte weelk-endwre:M r. sud VMrsz. Chas. Laagldon and -Mr. Pthetp -oliadta'L'ittee gr andc- duitrDiannle PollIard. Mi. and Mrs. E. Muraiy, of Toi- onto, mýotoî-ed Miss Mary Mba down to ber summner homie oni Sat- ur(iay. ýMary plans to spend a mn getting ýbuilt uip aîter havingl beenr quite ili ail spring. Mis. Alva Routgbley, OfOswa is at preseut stayiing wiber motb- er, Mrs. L. Th;ornje, wvbo is oni the sick list. We are glud to hear Mlrs. Thorne is improving anid hope sbe will soon be her old self aan The W. A. meeting will take tisee form of -a quiltiug ut the home of Mrs. (Roy Mercer on Wednesday, July 3lst, when it i s boped to finish two quilts. The ladies are? invited Lo turn out in force. Visîtors during last week w ith Mr- ana Mis. Wes. Erilott were : Mr. aind Nirs. Giddis Jones, of Bow- iýmanvsYe, Mvr. and Ars. Aruoi Cars- coaldden of Fort 'Sask, Albserta, -Mis. D). Mv. Hamilton of SaisLtatoon AlMi. amid Mrs. W. Aberciombie and M Yr. aiiu 1411 s. Aiîfred Eiliott of Teronto. Ail-Stars Wiai On Saturday last the Kendal "Ail- Suars anha trie 'ý0Od-Timers" mer ýLin aj keeniy conteýsted basebail gume in Kendal Memoriai Park. Iu their irst turu at' bat thé "Ol1d-Timers" founid their battiug eyes wth a rush. Lu,ýy oase knocks irom tuhe bats of Savetîy, S, Mercer and T Mim netted un1Ens rwo r0 uns. ilits by Topo and1t Kennly )netted thle "i-tr"a ruts ii, thýe tirdiings., and itwo singles andaid ubl oughjt ilitise tyihgan1 nig r1uns inthe Éfitti innings. For- th- "Od-Tmei" Ry Mercer piaye'd a steady game. Ont- standiing toi the'AlSaswsth caicher, Kenny., wi.ý1.th to sinigiea doutlne, aud a breGasmade several fine catche-s in the oti und EllioU u nas e xce(2pIonL efft, c- ,Ive 'wiin ononbaes.Coneou agîn ou fans, ald wath tese ers are otmoi vnaterTise Tt waýs a peet day lfor teW, I. picnic u!WAedniesday, the 17t;(7h, and guests camile from fuiar nd 1neur to join in!ithe (fui and elp sweil the large uiedac.The- race for the chidin de"r Six yeas)f age was won by FayeJoso udKey Matnl.Six to eigit yeaî,s, Mari- lyn Quan'trili aad Kathlen ackon Boýys six to eight years, Ross Elliott aad NeilElliot.t. Grsiiet 0 fwelve yaî,Shirley Quntii ad RUth JaAckson-; boys, BIly ackýson1 aud1L Carli Langs1ý,tafï, Girls 'over tweive, Myri ly udMrae Yon 1adiesý' racýe, M,1i ss Ann1ie Thopso ad Ms.Clareiice Tbiser- tei. enorlaie' ac, MSýs S tewv- art und Mi's. V. Jhnsou. ;Tise1wi<k- inrm-ace "vus wu yMrs, Wmii-. Put- teso. 1ee ere ogames of a piece of ctrepe paper a11, requlestedl to, try th[eir harid at makLig a hat avýd some reallyariti pieces oDf jjilinery were, the resuit, Mrs. LlIoyd Gastakinig the prize. Last 'but not wost'as the supper and the homne bakidng was really put awaýJ in fine style as old ýfriencis chatted and, ex- changed mews. Everyone acknowl- eclged a grand time. NE WTON VILLE We Wetcorne Danny Shutka home om Overs'eas. Master Freod Brown, Oshawa, -wlth s Cousin, Master Ross Brown. iMr. and Mrs. Alfred Itedknapan ýby Douiglas, Oshawa, 'withhi mrenjts. iMrs. borne Paedeii, Starkýville, and drs. Rloskiu, Kenidal, with- Mr, andl Urs. T'oue Laugstaff. ýMr. and nMis. Lenuox V-asey, Port, lioNieholi, wjth hler parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Wma. Stapleton. iMr. and Mrs. Bolb. Urry, Ottawa,. ire horiiaying wýith hfer mother, *Mrs. ennie Randal. Mr. and 0Mrs. AvLthur llam1mon1d nd spon David, Roc2hesterý, N.Y., speut the' week-endi witb their aunit, Irs. Hlamrnond Browni.' Mr. and Mrs. Ray lHugibes, Porti lope., 'with lier aunt, Mdlss Jennie Thbonips'on. Stanley Thompson spent the weck-,eud in Toronto. ýMiss Olive Jjhuston, Peterboro, and her brother Tupper, are holi- aying witih Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert. Haucock. avir. ,and Mrs. Jim Tamblyn, and 'Nin and -M.rs. Gordon Tamblyn, of T'oronto, MJizs apel, of Oýsbawa, ,vitb-- Mr, and Mrs. Ch-as.Mor. Mrsz. Wm. Lake, Sr., w-ho bams been ~eca.teis wýitb her daughter, vlrs. Aif. Bon ,Mr. and Mrs,. Henry Eiiliott, -Miss darie Ellîott and frieds of L- sing, Ontf., withb is i st;ýe r, lMrvs. ianmod ron.asis also Miss Reta Lindsay ofTorno ;Miss Boulais Rd i:ph is hoUdaying n the e of beýr aunt, Ms Dud- ey Joesbfoe ainiu er lutie-s aýs pincýipal of ra school lui Sarnia. F!orty nine ,wepesent atSun- lay Sclhool on Sundiay mo)ruing2. Tbet evenlin~g service waswel attended. rbef patrsmsaewas "hîe ter in littie tbings."l Congra-tu1la-tions, to Eléanor John1- stor, Laureen MculoubAnnie Wor-rall, oob Brown, Margaret Ovens, 'Rusýsel Elliot 't and Eugecne Norland on' sucesý,sfuIly passiug- their enirance examinations. We ýare' gÉid to report thiat Fred Nesibitt is up anîd arouLnd again. Fred meét witb a painfuliniijuriy we [oosened rod of apain trkht him ou thee 'bead as bie le beside the bighway on Sundny, 4b Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wer, p Mr. Donald We'bher and ugtrBty of' Clifford, Ont., vstdthieir cou-i sinýs, Mr. and, Mrs. AIT. BiCWrinCio Sund'ay; also did i.'land 1Mis.A. Herring, ofOsaa Mr. Cecil Whiite atid Mis ýFIossie Rbin'dîess, PortilTope, and Mr.ad Mrs. Ronald1 Buriey spent ile week- en'd wilb71r. and Foster RussýeIl of the Cloldwaier Npaws. Frieuds of Mrs. Russell's; mother, Ms.Diýckin- sion.'will 'be gadf to bear she. isý well. Tbe, Julymetn of theWoe' insýtitute took t'le fornm of a picuic ît th e born e of M is . 1 n ")on d Brown at thne lrk Anenoblaf of sport. Lunchieonwssevda tales out in thie open. Mauny chui- dIrenl werepreet Two \wcl atuddand lmuch jen- joyed bail gums bve been , runfoff bebweien te urred lies urd tIle single ones. The first vas wýon, by the mrre ais ubt h carnof the yoigtes ,Tuth1e iated Theproceda' îom isefirsý ramegoe lfortrus11, tio ex e nses ý of c îde pcj.F rom team forip> nt Joues,. Edua, Dennu1it, Doloilly Sa poieton, DorothyBPrown, AnliepWor- rai. La-ureen cCulugThielmu Staneto an Doren ilion> Joyce ,Willianss. nowboiuigtYuns point, al~o uce ont fo0-r tbe dal. Faîe Jones ýread îthein ,wieEu Denuult deostuedtat "Cottoni ca'ýster and r.ArodWae n strutors uccmpaned ise girls,ias didl a1lso Mrs. -Frank MeMU "lenwo I I N /LHMN\Lehman, Lending Library t LBRARy 1 We are now featuring a new Lehman SLending Library, with a lEst of10 P books for rent at 4c. each per day seteetion The latest in Âdventure, Detective, Mystery and Romance are included ini the Library If there is any title you desire to read, that is not in our library and is hi the Lehman Catalogue of books, we wiIl gladly obtain it for ywu SUMMERl .SPECIALS Willsonite Sun Glasses, pair...... 35C., 50c, 59I Polaroid Day Glasses, limited stock, pair .. - $1.95 Willsonite "Overspees", fit on over regular glasses, pair ......... ..........50C. Rex-Eme Cream, quiek and safe relief for sun- 6C burn .............7.. ... .e Noxema Crea m, "F eel it 'Ha"...7.ad5e Super-Way Insectieide with DDT, certain death to moths, flues, mosquitoes and ants, 4-oune appicator bottle ............. ....35c. PHOTO SPECIAL Let us enilarze your f avorite negative to 4" x6" and mounit in Studio Folder, complete . .2fe Agent for Jackman Flowers Chartes B. Ty«-rreli DRUGS Phone 68 Rrono Ont Lih wiht PlaIstic Cups and Sa,7ucer's, set 39C. Children's Dec.orated PatcMugs,, each 25C. Marvel Door Holders for holing doors tightly closed, complete with screws ......._.- 20c. Plastic Tumblers............ 1e. , 15c. and 19c" ,Square Base, Glass Tumblers, each,...5c Fireking Covered Refrigerator Jarýs..- 45c.ai English Teapots, non-dril5, 5an 6 eu,,)size. Men and Boys' Straw Hlats ..2 Men's New Patterni Ties, eaîch..... Men's Dr-ess Socks, pair .........25r. to 65e. Boys' Inner and Outer Suits, sizes 2, 4 and 6, colors, brown and blue, grey, suit .....>... $1.35 Maybelline Soft Eyebrow Pendils, colors, Ibrown Or black, each ........ ............25e. Maybelline Mascara, brown or black..... 25c. GROCERY FEATUTRES Nutrim Bfaby Cereal, 16-oz. tin .............. 45c. Blue Ribbon Coffee, 3-lb. glass jar .......... $1.50 Tender Leaf Tea, 1-2 ib. pkg........ 40. Quaker Corn Meal, 1I L 6 oz. pkîg, ...........l11C. Stick Cinnam.on, pkg........ 5. and 10c. Fresh Spices, ail kinds, i oz. pk-g.. .......... 5c. Vigor- 8; a Chocolate Malted Food Drink, sweet- ened, 15 oz. tin ................. 39e. Clanned Pur-e Lemon Juice, 6,o.tis....... 13e. Wýashing.Soda, 5 lbs.... ........ 15C. Gem1Jars, pints, clozen ............. 95e. Quar-ts, dozen, for ............... Parowax, i lb. 1pkIg........... ..... .....15,. Store Hour K8.30a.m.to 53 pm;Wednésdays, 8.30 a.m. to 12 o'clIock ,noon; Saturdas .0m to 10M .00 ..lys .0 . URONO 5c. TO $100 STORE YOUR POPUTLAR SHOPPING C'ENTRE Northcutt and Smith Funieral Dir-ectoýrs and Fqui-iture Dealers KINDNESS SE RVICE Equipped to take care of the nsodest funeral at the Most resnbecharg-e as well as thelagt and mnost exacting Telephonle:. Office 668 - Rsdne 523 and72 1 - m This small library eontains the newest in ail times, 70 new tities being added to the each month. 1 l Piivate Ambulance Motor Equipment Teleph-on- e ýColfect Bowmanville, ont. Orono, Ont. Phone 68, C OU Pt T E SIS Y