I Higehlights of the NPewisI Britiç,h Arniy H.Q. Wrecked pro)eeeding betweçn Jcwish and vcted for murder of f ello BAPlsieplc 'ritish officiais. prisoners, robbery, destruction of Ai alestinO erpoic ercommuie P rimec Minister Attlee said: "His America2n property and othier uai atiest 0 prsns erebeievd aesty's Go)verument has stated crimes. Tlhey wili be, sent to Eu1- killed and 60 one in the palatÀial King Davîd Hotel, jerujsalem, a£nd stated againi that they' will flot rope ais they recover or compiete, beaquater oftfi DrCsb-ýý.-.iy be diîverted by acts of violence in their prison. sentences. lxiheurete.rs otf the BrItis Arny thieir searchi for a just and final ___ anderetar)it ofthe Paests"e solution of this problem." Black Marketeers Lose ploded a boib tee A nation-wide survey in the Five assassins wýere said by, eye- Last of U.S. POW'S United' States indlicated Ithat con- ,witnesfies to have planted the exy- 1,420 German prisoners of war sumners were showinig icras ce- pî(_ýsive after shooting at a BritÏsh were to sail for Europe last week. istance to price rises ini many ofce, trmngte otlgruns After their departure only 200 cities. Operators of black imarkets and herdIing its emrioyees againsi emnprsnr f h 7,3 in metat produets were estimated, tise walls, whon were once witinr the borders to h ave iost $10,00,000 since Juiy, The blast markedI the latest of the United States, wili remai i bcause they tried to conipete phase in the effort to brîng peace thAt country. The 20o, scattered in with the legitýimate packing plants between Aratb and jew in the Holy hocspitals and disciplinary barracks for the control of thie meat indus- Land. Evenv as the bomb) explod- thircughout the counitry, are too ' try in free trading, in London, ,výrc sicLk to travel. or, have been con- Some black mnarketeers sold beef ;ýt mnore thian $20 a huldred pounds lerthan the prices thley chlarged last lont. Italy to Join U.N.? Italy, 1withj a pledge ýf British suppoýrt as so aISs shelhas signed a final !peatce treaýty%",wpparc(I to be certain to bOcome (ýthle first former enemny CQI[ItrY to be ad- mnitted into the United Nations. $987 Biltion for War . Nearly a trillion dollars 'vas Spent in the Uniteýd States during the six de1,fence and war eas The exýactaont scomrputed by treatsur,,y anialysis, ws$8,0, ooo000expnde duinlg the CaI- endar yearls t11401ru1945. Nazi Pays Arthulr Geseoe-iepresi- dent of the ntein th-'e Frece City of Danlzlig and then a Nazi gaullei- ter in Poland, was haniged before a crowd of 15,000 in Posen. I UVyIdnvKt.Ii..LAAy-IVLA The sidewalks in Chicago arc as hard as they are elsewhere, but they're more corpfortable than bedrooms turned into furnaces by the heat wvave. Tha,,t's why Mrs. Amn i antini aîd lher 6-mor'th-old daughter, Patricia Ami, are trying to catch 40 winks on the "cool" concrete, Pat seenis more interested in the photographer than in the sandman. Selwas stiII being manufactured, according to the above ,iicture, soame time after the strike in the basic steel indLusty was called with bath sides ap parently settling down to w ait one another out at the Steel Compai,ýny of Caniada at Hamilton. The pict ure shows workmeni remaining at the Steel Company patot carry on production being supp lied -wit-h work clothes by the comnpany. EXPLOSION KILLS NINE, INJURES SCORES, Four buildings -were demolished, nine persons Fil ed and more than 60 others injured when, a gas ex- plosion rocke Onset, MJass. Ma,,ny of the dead and injured were vacatianers at the seaside rsr.EX- Pl osion wasbeie(ved to have beeni touched off by a 'lighted mnatch or a spark from a Prefrigerator, Civil poýlice oi the Allied Mliitary G-overnmenit arrest a dernon- strator for p)articipatîitig -in street fighting during recent Italian- Yu-goslav flot. Several weere killed in blasts from land mines wvhich cut Trieste-Udinie railway. A,) officiai dressing-down, and maybe a ticket, is the fate cf 'Nelson Carnian, right aoe 22-year-old former Seabee whlo hit a Power V--e role nea-r B Lwf>1. i. with his converted 'recan" car, broke e Off anid -- -Cd it 'ýO0 feet before he could stop. No ane was sisred ini the accident. PALACE. READIED FO-,R WORý?LD PARLEY B y Rosette, Hargrove The bedrcoomin nthe Luxemnbourg Palace at Paris, where Marie de Medicis o.nce swapped palace chit- chat with her hiusband, Henry IV of France, has beco-me the inýformiia- tion center for -the World Peace Conference + ta rt uy29- Marie certainly neyer expýctedJ her l7th cenitury love nut to. be a haligltfor th rorerF(Cs of the world; butF -renich authorities arc miakiing every effort to suce tht both reporteýrs anid tlie deleIgates hv ev erything for their co-ifort. The Luxeýmbourng Paac icks the imposiug mjsyof iucarby Versailles, whlere tite lasit peaIce treaties were jmade, 1but it raulks second amoug Frnes roa abodes. 1m the elaborate chapel cf Luxembou.rý, Palace. clerks uinpacl, rec- Ordsý arriving for the Worid Peace Conference Buiit for Marie on her niarriage toHenry IV soe II-330 year-s ago, onito Itle beautliful palaýýce garldens. CeiinI1gs ai'e'(ih snd paulingS are ail hand carved, The PtýccuCnernc ill be heid nin thatsctiion of the building which l ias beuilised by the French Senate forit s sessions. Thli Hall lui, :I îng apacity of 1'lplus a douiblc-tiered balicouly whcau acc.niîiodat anoher 00. Accoml- modationls for 150 wýorkinig press MxI] be rmeeedhere. lufa roomiimmeiditeuly below the Conlferenlice Hll, te-]lphone inistalled for newsni. 'The news- ronmi has lýceenwired for sound so tha;t reporters eçau sit at their Idesks aud foillow alil eae A luîodeirn recor-dig udi as been Ibuii ilo tMe sirtunoor Righî offithe ilewsroom the thuhfiFrenich Foeig Ofice has istaledpabar. Aniotheur barf and teartIoo1l1 vas botiultlire first floor foridleatelad Itheirgut. lu one wugfivelagrom ov- formein, ito a rest<auirant anid kit- chen. Lnchanddine eew1ll cost a;litie iore thian adolr ing t etý lclo chlmbtie grndor- namenai sta:casto fthe confer- they shoulId be c,1oItable. Cu 1, lins for he harshave beeill up- holteed u eateron on ide to maketheil cooler in 1the sumuJller Shouid tliecoericetedor to wnîrl the dlgae vill hav-e to do is turu ithe ushon over; t leIother sideisuposed in red(! ilforcold wahr Ac iiin the conference il are xcllnt nd thýe F'rech h)ave iutale asysteilof iliirecti ighî- Ilig taianoiaic Iyicrassin to fd Wetrn ppoaisofFrnee- mn'an st'. d tereunt1, rai) hni)lt' WI1N APPROVAL by e ing deiclousMa 11use ...e ofe is "ain-latd This seilpoescp tureË,s everyatmogo- rit oSuoNg1it te ! i >Nm W om a C e > i n , ,1 Ii 1 n t *$en~I,*2.it 56 op- il eautKillyFurnishedi OPPOSITE IE C.N.R, STATION t QI 1, 1 1 CONCRETE, EXfflPlýL