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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Aug 1946, p. 5

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vTIMES 'T nd 'çet the2 forepr o hi eek wjth h ler sister, Mrs.'CrecAln Ail stnreý wil belosed in rn oln Mon, August 5th (Civic Hloi- eXÈor their !ottage at BaYsvill, rethey vil1 ipend the month o fi r. nd us.Allison Cowani andý parnt, r, nd'Ms.Th-os. Co w ari, j -nMU - I.. THTEY FOIJGIT FOR GOLD and WOMfý,EN in the Fabulous Boofm Towns Wheýre Lusty Lif e RacEdl a Step Ahead of Suldden Death MONORAMPICTURES P're-sents, Jack London's "ALASKA" ï,ENT TA YLOR MARGRET LINDSAY JOHN CARRADINE and DEAN JA-ýGGER Thte Wives llowled iný Alaska, Too! ADIrDED ATTRACTION BULLS and BEARS SLASTCKCOMEDY StrigANDY CYLDE ORONO TOWN HALL Saturday, Aug. 3 MI'. and MIuïs. TE. J. Hiamm rhave returned hm after sýpencing a week at Bass L4ake. Mr. and Mrs M Hrlow, of Kit- chenler, and Mý'is Isabel Harlow, of ilamîilton, visited i -th Dr. and iMrs., W. W. shIerwinI. ~MrandMrs.Ed.S. JIicks, Mrs. E. L. Hlicks, of St. Catîharines, were reent guests's of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. There seems to ibe a misunder- staniniig in the 'building bylaw pas s- ed just re'e'tly as to who gets the $1.00 f'or the permit' thiat is issued. T'his $LOO0;wIhichI is charged te, se- [cure a permtit is collected by Mr. J. J. Mellor, the builininseco, h -'n turn turns it over the trea,ýsury of the Oron.o Polie Trustees'. M1r. and ,Mrs. Alan 'Paterson and caughIter, oX Tor-onto, HryP'ater- son1, of OshaIwa, M'.and Mrs. F. Drummnond, of Virg-inizaomu, spent the wedik-end 'with thieir parents, ýM(I'adM J. A. Paterson. _Mrsý. Druimond is stayiieg for the month of August. Mr. and 'Mlrs. W. E. Davey andI Bill Found spent part of jast -\eek Keat n lao t hilotg ait Wuase on Georgiani Bay. From theei they motored to Honey Hatrbour, PortMNihl and Mid- land and whi1le there ,vi.sited the M4artyr s hrine. S O ni S undaI-,y last, Jul, 28t, Mr. Roibeit SIerwinl andl sister, Mis's Edith S wiMi'. Milfred sherwin, 1Dr. W. W. Sherxin aad familY, -were present at the decoration service at Gentenary, and atteînded the church 1service wh-i'le there. The Rev. Mr. 1White, the pastor, delivered a fine sermon wv.ich was in keeping with thep beauty of the flowers and, fond me risof the decaased. Centen- 1ary is one of the appoinfiments' on lthe Roseneath circuit. Cut Glass. Crystal, China, Mlexicanl Pottery, Lland Paintings, Novetties, Hland-made Rags, Aprons, Pinafores, Sun Suits, Boys' 'Suits; a number of items for "Baby'ý WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION MRS. L. REID flRfNO - ONTARIO RED&WIITE TORES Week-end Specials Whit-e Wine or CiJ'der VINEGAR gai. H-einz PICKLES BUTTER 29c. FIGS 33e 9 ozs. Friday and Saturday 45c. 25c. JU'ICE 17c. Quiality BROOMIS , . . . 12,$.5 7 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Large Green CABBAGE ........ Only Juicy ORANGES ... '.............. 220s Peaches, Blueberries, Plumis -Ai Fresh 14c. 52e Prime Commercal Beef RUMP ROAST ..,,,, WING STEAýKS RIB ROAST (6 and 7 rbi ... b TENDER ROUND. STEAK PLATE BRISKET ........b BOINELESS STEWING BEEF . lb .41c. 47e, 29gc. 44C. 15C. 23e. IThe of(pning1game of 'the M\idget Lo a e sof ba1 ieguie cmecdon on day venng lst, hunNewvtonvilie1 Ms.Ja. ag1eonwe'emidîgets pla1yed oui' lo c 1111m t in Cohboulor, nSud the Comimunity Park before afar ~edrowd. Tlhe locals iost the Mm.M. . Sapls i viitig amne hy the score of 12 to 'Li. Theý with relatives' in Liadsay. O1ro team wýill play ini Newtonville MNr. a'nd Mrs. Jý,ames lbuis, ef on Friday evening.ý Give the lads Pee'hrwere re!et iitor withý your support in these gamies. Mr. aind Mrs. jas. Eaglýýesonî. IMs.iazlFlintoif an dauý,ghter Shlir'lly ÇpCnrt the we-edin Tor- onto visi,-ting, with relat1ives. No damiage was doue in the edec RY A Oronio distýrict on Tuesday 1last MXr. and M, Wyven R, eid, of THEATRE Bo~,~vHewere v~tr in town Bewmanlvîilo - Phono 589 on Sndylast, Mr. ad 3vIs. A.a r e C'ol - -Air Conditioned - Cool peniga vweek with latc-:ýives at, Sydeham ear ingson.Thurs. and Fi. Mfr. and Mr-S. Hrdatl vste IGUST lst, 2nd frien'd's in Toronto an shw ast "Al BELL FOR week-end. ADAiNO" Mr.W.Moffat hbasbe-en tas ferred from the Oshaa Hspital to A Puilitzer Prize Wininer the BowmanvilleHopt. With Jene Tierney, and John lLodiak Clarke "ow'1p1C1nlnil old Short Timne Outl For Play their regular mnthomet n nClu to Tuesday, Augu-,st th (j'Li!,_________ Mrs. _Eva Hallan and sn Gordon Saturday Only and Barry, of To-r-otr visitiag AUGUST 3rd wit Mr ad Ms. dDea, aso JACK HALEY and with Mr. and Mrs. A. E._ Wýest. MARCY cQUIRE in Mr'. and MLrs. Gordon atonandi son are oni vacation, taking a cisle, "SING YOUR on their yacht !rom Bew-,dley toi WAY HOMLE" GeorgiarBey. irthfui Musical, and Mir. and Mrs. J., C. Gamey are "UNDER WESTERN holidaying in Sault Ste. Mlarie, the SKIES"> gues'ts of Mi'. and Mrs. Wallac!e Sis- 1son. With Martha O'Driscoll, Leon, Errol, Noah Berry Jr. Another English 'ýwar br'ie rrived in'Orono on Wedi7eslday last, M-Nrs. Sunday, August 4 Jack Stobart, who has no joined M1IDNTGHT SHO.W her hushband. .Mrs. Harry Mercer -was taken to "U FT I the Osýhawa lisiptaionThurnsday WORLD" eveninig of iast week, w -ýhere she was A liugh a minute, musical otpeicated on for apjpend(citis, mirthquake Featuring Eddie Bracken, Ver- Miss Madeline French, D re sdCien, onica Lake, Dianna LI-nit s1pent a -week-end recently wt Mrs. and Cass Daley Jas. Dickson, enroutie to her homne Cartoon in Celer in Hamlton.Screen Snapshot Short Mr. and 'Mrs. Aldcn Haw.ý, and Mr'. anmd Mrs. fRoy eatty, of Toronlto, Mon., Tues., Wed. -are -visdtLing Mïr. and 1%1-.Hoar AU!GUST 5th, 6th, 7th Walfsh tisweeký.MNDYMATINEE A. fuir nuniber attended t, he Orono "NIGUT IN Fish and Hunt Cl'ub min'ng held i PARADISE" theMne Hall onTusy even- ingý last. In Teclinioler 1 The aight you v011 neyer Mr ad Mr. .S.Cýobledick florget v'_iied at te homie of Mrs. starringý Mer'le O'Beroni and - Lorne Thomps'on at Blaýckstoc1k on),Tuirhan Bey Sundlay last, Fox Late News Kindly send ini the name ý ourj Colored Cartoon I visitors over TCivic H1oliday week-1 "AYSBOTEEK ways anxiaus to rec ive the ews of Oronio andI district. Mur. W. H. Morris, acmaîdby miss Berry, of OttawVa, spent a cou- pie of days thiis week wt the for- rnrsbrother, Mr. J . H. Mrris Éend Mrs. Morris. Miss F. M. Gohlihedcik hasreturn- ed from a tw.o wýeeks'vsi with her niece and husbanid, aMi'.ad Vrs. Sid Tte and famjily,'ý at Blue Wrater Beach. Georg-lan Bay. PARK ST. UJNITED CHIJRCH S. Llttlewýood Minfister Mis VoaGila n (eacihr).wasAUG.4th, 1946. taken to Oshawva hospial onFriday 4h evC morning last, suffering ,ýfromnhr'- ug.4hSevewthrw en arm, whichwscasdfon, g 1 ervice ritdrawnl f a i t d o w n s t a i r s . A p 1 , 1 1 . l - V r h P On Civie HolidyMnday, August 11eýv. W. P. Rogers, of Bow- 5thL, the Orono B-and wl play in- Port Ferry from 7.00 toe8.00p.m, Manville. nnd then %!l go to Claremont to plyat tofcijaI peîg f h Aug., 25, 11.00amWohp 'new band sheli at t'haýtpac.Mi. J. J. ellor. AMrS and s. G, eorge Zifien, f01O Parry Sound, called o Mr. anid Mrs. ___________ Forreter Saturay mring enroute to) Bo'wman-ilville, wer '. Zeiger dQ was guest speaker at the Rotary rono,10010lrlshi1. luncheon.1 I . Roet. casey,freryofi CdrDale Farrms Jhere, haiý's gonle to the Old Land in charge of a con- sîgnment of pure-hrd Hoîstein cat r ihM iri ,Wm. uphy, ci Lindsa, This kShop C) Wl11I piyeiste consgnee. Mlessrs. Stanl. Payne, Dane Fond Jc oé~a~ and Fi'ed Lycet t tk theirCars Wto ie dIItd fro Toonto, acm 'aiDhY sorne Of the 'girls' softblaill eu n othersi to see thiesotalgmsewenA u the Jax, 1915 chamnpionsùof the 1.5,, t3 t play tro 1Toronto teams. Sd. Den over the we-n were, Mi', and ir1s. Ken. Le's ad daughl-- ter Evyonle, Mus. eis I of TOi'P. LI'W onto, also Mr.h enings', of 1Tave- ,R E L CJ GJtA N lock, Who is inhr10 cr hm lumpO!=RIETO reurnonFtheSun- day nfternvo, - Mai t. Orono Phone o IOS SVETJLLTED TrtD SAFETY BONDED CORD Extra protection from bloiwouts. SAFETY TREAD BLOCKS For long miteage aind saife stops. DOMIWO1(N zu ?.OYAL T herC e s Nir'.er Tire Bc1. ORONO GARAGE General Repairs H. MI. MERCER Phone -20-2 Comiplete Tire Servce jARMSTRONG'Sj Ail Our Cottoen Summer Dresses, are stili on sale; clearing at this we .ny ....- ..- - --- $5.001 SWEATERS Ail Wool, Mouairch Kiait, colors of Copen, Red, Pink, Rose and White. ail sîzes, prired $2.95 te $3.50 FANCY COOKIES sat. Only PAROWAX l5. p Grapefruit large 4 for 25c.e Wrapped BREAD loaf 10e FRUIT KEPE pkg-n. Mai Chlildren's Print and Cor- duroy Overails, priced' at------....--- ---- $LO to $2,50 SIIOES Canivas Shoes, 1Straps, two ýolors, ail s i zes, clearing per pair --- $1.501 COTTON SLIPS priced at....... $.1 ECLIPSE IPSR FLOURY 24 lb. bag 75e PEAS 2 tins 29e.* ZINC RINGS 25c. RUBRER RINGS 4l dozen BEON' HAND SATURDAY MIORNING FOR OUR SPECIALS SLIGAR » ... 10 Ibs...79c.

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