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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Aug 1946, p. 7

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~JUST UN FUN Then hBe Speaks Visitor- (to Jnsr."ywa Sgfood b(oy vonl are, siltir1g theýre Junior:S ~' la Sit qui]Ctî -'il someoný'Ie puisý llnue in rnyv T-he Saine 'One is îis ýoijndl Ille oe-îlr lssi't mlticih g"Ood eitheçr Why Wctry Teachler: "lohilny, v,1at1 is one- Johinny: "I *don"tý knew, eaty 'miss, 'but it's loo insaIl1 to) worry MoSt1ý Selling Anq artis1 ccufeSSe-s lie put1 ten xersworlk juto a piciipre he has>z jutsold, Nille et he arecai [)Cav ee cvore inslln it.. istry baus made to the wo-rld?" tundfrm Plussia to aitend 'iaa Germatý'ù officer found (toors, onie mrîarkcd "ros teother marked "O0fficers.' l'le Cen-tered th t door mre "Office "," anld founLd t wo m ore doors, one- mjarked "1Seriolis cases- asËd the othley inkdSigtyl- jurecd." ud"door, arld fuuudý' two mlore door-onema!rked Pry e- *bers» and the othler marked "INon- Party Meser. Be puished openl the door maý,rked( " Non,- Par ty Membe11 Crs", anld foudit1 imseFýif in týhe A Couple of da.ýb Iter a frienrd aýsked Lm if the hoespili had Modern Languagc ».Tht exlr, bo,.viug loýw,ap li- ed dit savalge chieîf. " ZOyou," hie beg;ai cýreimni- tfombeyoï.ý the sdtiset ;Greî WiteKing e"interrupted Lie ciet, Y nol't youL guys do so"me-tb1ig the rotten, radçir 1r-raI Yeu seuld overhee. Service With a Smile Aboy entcring a, drug sýtore in Ansierca placed a fivTe-cenit piece on, the couniter as he saw theasisan "Please, could you1 give nmea dose of castor oul sota, i o "Cerainy,"smiled the assat Wold4 you- likeC anl ice-creýam soda whltyoui're wýaiting?" "Yes,, pleaseý," answered the lad, -1nd drank the soda with relish. Did you watanythng eIse?" oU"replied thec boy. "Bu1t yoil have muit drnnit," aniled tht Chetulut. "Gos !~Tha wan'tfor mie, h~ was for- my ad"ecamd the bo.y. A Winner BLy 13 h1,d fallel injto j th t a habit of be:tting. !xi thle hope otq Clur1ig the bo'y, bis fathier and sincle decided to) m1ake lmi l ose by takiî,.g on any bets 1)e propose(], wbOich thley kn1ew they wouild win. The followinlg moruing 8 illy3 mect biïs unce, 1 bet you sixenc y've gos OUT OUR WAY By J. R. ilim HORIZONTAL 4 1 M,hs A, ' S><BRLC George L 4 Cases (ab.) - 46Payniasters l1OHe -comr- on boats 1îSAýI TS3ST Aýg muf-inder of tbe a iroces ini China, Indiaý an-'d Burnma 12 Sugclsaw 14 Peer Gynt's mother 15 M-Vagic 16 God of lo've 18 Seheýrnec 19 Amouint (ab.) 20 Mythical king of 21 Coverlet 22 Parcel post (ab,) 23 Clothes t" 24 indian province 25 Depend 2ý6 Mine 27 Poker statke 28 Cl"eave- 2ý9 Laug-hter- sotind 30 'Pochard hair, 32 Tasto solo 33 C-lan-orons 77 34 Frutit :6 H-earf 3 17Abyss 38 Great La-ke 4 9Sotdrinks 4 40 low a hornL VERTICAL 1 Leather thong 2 Highest suit in cards 3 Lease 4 Mimic 5 Synibol for tanealum 6 Vigor 7 Short j acket 8 Airmrative 9 Half-emi 10 Sequ 'ester l Colonize 14 Put into line 17 Short-napped fabrie 18 Nephrite '20 Daring_ 21Qnod est (ab.) 23 Renters 24 Per 25 Tapes agaiin 26 Mother 28,Altar sereen 29 lIigh sehool (ab.) 30 Painful 31 Contaîinng soda 32 Symbol for tellurium 33 Lag 35 Grazing homestead (ab.) 36 Blood rnoney 38 Divisions of geological, time, 40 Pinnacle 42 Cubie(a. 44 Boue Nature Is Healer After niait lias shattered hm self- and tbe countryvside aronn)d hlm with aIl his terrible weapons of desctution, nature quietly mioves into heal over the scairs. Iii Nor- nsandy, gnowing crops cover the. sheîl holes and bomb ct ers. Sand is gradually dIrifting over the wrecks of Iandcing bargeps. Nothing To It Ali cconomics cexpert cdaims thbat onîy haif a dozen men lu tht world ndrtn oney . Not 50 bad -at that ; it's six more thanl -taaCitizenj. It May Corne To That a sttsi, Co111dl ho packed in] a box Imeasurinig ;a baîf mile eaýcb way. Let ius first,lowvrty the leu rati oltinso t1is housiîgshtae DyCanBathing Suit Lady cîe a localdpaten store and or-dered a couple of bajth ing ntsfor ber daug ter to war at camp ibis ~me.W'nte arrived, she was udntnal dîstiurbed tn find that tbey had tags attached 10 ilhem rcadiiing: "Dry dlean. Do not ws. --The New Y'orkecr Magazine. LIFE'S LIKE, THAT A Dare A health expert says thiat short skiris add five yc(ars to a girl's ife. Come nc , gir-ls, why no't make a bld for inînslortality? Progress lu1891 there waIs ont cO ofo a u3ewspaper for ÇevcrIy 12 persons in Canada and by 194,5 dil ews- papers hd u ndd theuir crua tionis makiing Que copyaviae for every four persou. --Niagara Faîls Review.v That Won't Stop Humi lt's ino cioto 0a 1e renc eernto kuow0vtlie wolf wonýt't be at tht doorcis l]ýýwinter -simply Ube- cause has no10door. -ChnistiailsSciece Moitor No Arg-ument Scales, arcthe onily th:ings 0ta tend i-cal wih omost fishi Bigh- Cos, of Loil1ipops Chiildrenii ithe New Yýork Civý ai-caareprsotlly expcrïciccitjg inflîioarybites inito their spend. ing aH(lowanïlccq-Iol lipopps tha vec gonie iup 2,33 percenit. lu price.Fo mcerlysein at ontI cent each, tise price last we wsthree for luj cents. -T'oronïto Star, By Freç Necher " eaing spinach wvould niake Me big and strong and the first thing l'ci know Pop woulýd bave me pusUi the Iawn mower ý! !, Slightîy Mixed Speàking of mixed imetatphors, there's the ont whîch dlesc:ribes -a road hog as a dog in tht manger. -Torouto Star. Sure Riddance You can get rid of twitchi grass by digVing it nip by tlie roots,br- inig it, locking thec ashles ill a steeli safle, and ink;11ing the safe lu40 fee(t of wýatcr. - Kitchlener Record. He Just Ran Away W/e Uuoder if ail tiis taîk abou douie. A censnry agowhen ii - vor-ce was seîdo invoked a mai silmpîy ralil away> frlom ibis \%ife mvhcil heecouildl't stand beranly longer'(, anld as cmnlaiu weepoor, lie Cdidn'lt bave to lun very far. WNomen, too, freqnnliy vaniisbied bythe light of thec mooni. Wýe really don't believe thatt2pople are any worse at imariage niow than they were then. Bt th(e are more business ike about thei mîosof separationi. IT MENS ÀLOT whenl the meal incude Mxweil c(offee is extra delicious hecauEse it l cmnains «;choice the Jfinest thle world pro- duces. tMA CHINER Y NEW AND IJSED 0f Every Descrîption Phonie EL. 1271 H. W. PETRIE CO. LTD 947 Fro mil S-t W.- Torontü "1WE 1111lV & LL 't 'N I VO0ICE 0OF THIE PRESS '-s N 'N '-t -t' -s' N N N -s' 'N b- N 'N N T' N s- 'b 'b N 1-' t-' N t-- N & s s--s s- N -s- 'N N N -s" 'N 'N N. 'N N 'N. 'N N 'N N -t- N N N. '-t- 's N 'N N 'N 1- N N N s- 'N t- 'b r'-. N. N '1- v '-t- t-- N 'N '-t- -v '-s 1' 's N 'N N N '-s s- t- "b N N 4$ By J. MILLAR WATT REG'LAR FELLERS-Just Imagine! By GENE BYRNES w REG'LAR FELLERS-Just Imagine! By GENE BYRNES

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